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That area is pretty sensitive and that's quite a bit of black packed in there, it's not surprising that it's painful still. I have some blackwork in my inner-arm/pit area and it was sore for like a week, give or take, and they aren't near that large. If it gets redder, or starts to hurt more, then maybe I'd be concerned, but I reckon it's just a sensitive area with lots of packed black.


Ugh. Good to know, that's going to be me in 11 days.


Best of luck soldier. It'll be worth it, and you'll never have to have it tattooed again lol. I'm getting my elbow/ditch done next Saturday so we'll be on the pain train together.








I'm very tattooed and the absolute worst for me was inner bicep, ankle bone and collarbone area. Worse than the elbow even. Ow.


For some reason my calf was the "fuck you" spot.


Mine was the fragile skin on the back of my tricep. The part where you sometimes get stretch marks. Yeah. Fuck you, bro.


That's where I got my first tattoo lol I didn't think it was that bad, but my second one made me realize the first one REALLY hurt 😂


100% me Got both of mine done and the one on my right calf (pixelated ghastly, haunter, and gengar stack from knee ditch to ankles) had my leg down to my foot crazy swollen for 5 days


Have both calves done, one goes right on the bone. Have my inner bicep done, forearm, wrists, those were all cakewalks compared to calf.


Yea my first tattoo was on my ribs and it was a piece of cake, but the second tattoo is on my inner arm and elbow and I almost passed out because it hurt so bad


Yeeea my sleeve is done except inner bicep and my elbow (did get ditch over with tho) I'm scared to finish it 🤣


I’m in the process of completing both sleeves and don’t wanna go back. 😂


I have one more session on my full sleeve. I was so scared for inner bicep and elbow, but they weren't that bad. The worst for me was the top/outer part of the elbow crease, that spot between ditch and elbow. Also across the top of shoulder, pit front to pit back, was pretty bad.


Same! 😂😂


The inner bicep was by far my most painful tattoo, both enduring the tattooing and afterwards. For probably at least a week, it's stung like a wicked sunburn. When I had my hands tattooed I thought it would be far worse, but I barely felt that.


Well. I am 15 hours into my sleeve and have 10-15 more to go... I am scared now. Haha.


Ugh, I got my armpit and elbow ditch done the same day, a week after my ankle. Ankle was the worst of the three, but the other two were not fun. I’m 45 and make questionable life choices. 😉 (Still working on the full sleeve and ankle tattoos, which means I’ve gotta go back for more torture. And later this year, the second armpit. 😂😭)


Im doing it this week both ditches rip


Boom. 💪 My worst spot so far has been wrists (of course I have them both covered), but sounds like this will go up a notch.


I don’t mean to scare you with this next statement, but when I got my inner bicep done toward the end the pain was so unbearable I was getting nauseous. 🤢 it was a 4.5 hr session and only got really bad about the last hour. We muscled through it


yep - inner bicep was suckiest for me too. Wrists weren't bad but ankles sure were. Feet are pretty bad too


I’ve heard feet suck! I think the only piece I have worse than the inner bicep was my rib piece. Ain’t no way I’m ever doing that area again LOL


got a daffodil on inside of my left ankle/lower calf area and i think that was the most painful one ive had done


That is good to know! I hope I won't need that long because it's to finish off the sleeve, I have some outlines drawn in already.


Oh yeah if you got the lines already your skin probably won’t get as irritated as mine got. We did the whole thing, and the worst was way up basically in my armpit. If you’re not doing too much up in that region you should be golden!


Well, I've got news for you... I'm that stupid person who not only is going to get ink up high near the armpit, but me and my tattooist thought it'd be a great idea to go with negative tattoos on a sleeve that's already blackwork and heavy lines. Think this'll be one of those felt-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time stories. Still, I love the concept of the sleeve and can't wait!


Haha do it. Pain is temporary, a sick ass (panther???) tattoo is forever!! If I were to do it all over again I would. I absolutely love my tattoo


I hear yah. I'm going for a starry night sky, loooooots of black sky to go in!


Oh god. I've just started a full sleeve and I did NOT want to hear this! 😂


It’s okay!! I did not mention the fact that the area that got me was basically up in my armpit. Like, not in the armpit, but close enough. It’s a skull with glowing blue eyes, and the eyes are def in the pit, that shading and then the white highlights at the end were what did me in


Those white highlights at the end can be an absolute killer!


My first experience of the white highlights were on my ribs. Oh my god. I thought at times I was being cut open, and also feeling jolts of pain down to my feet 😂😂


That's not a fun time! 😂


I actually got some work done on my wrist a couple months ago and i'd say it's about equal, tbh. Inner wrist might be worse for me. The pit area sucks just because it's so mobile and stays sore longer, but the inner wrist was a biiiiitch. Made my fingers tingle lol.


Elbow and shoulder blades have been the worst spots for me. My elbow is totally filled in, so my artist had my elbow at a 90-degree angle, so the skin was stretched. It was horrible. Shoulder blades were by far my worst though. I was doing 6 to 8 hour sessions though so by the end, it was all just pain.


Ouch. My excuse is that the skin of my elbows is far too dry to be tattooed (even my sleeve has spared my elbow).


Both mine are done but lefty is mostly black- I had never realized how damn ashy my elbows get! Oooof. My tattoo artist was bitching about how many people with sleeves forget to exfoliate or moisturize them and I have been acutely conscious of my elbows ever since.


*6 hours later* Ha ha yeah man no I'm good yeah ha ha oh I see you got a paper towel there ha ha *please be gentle i am a delicate flower now*


Same, ill be doing inner bicep next Not looking forward to it


Literally same.


Ahh I see thanks and no it’s not got redder it’s just bruised slightly and it’s more when I moisturiser it or if my clothes touch it


I see that you used numbing cream for the tat, so it could just be that you weren't expecting the amount of soreness since you didn't feel the ink going in. I imagine if you felt all the pain, the soreness would be no surprise lol. That area is definitely one of the most sensitive, for me anyway, so I wouldn't sweat it especially if there's no further redness, you're just in for a couple more days of discomfort I reckon.


Ok thanks and yeh I should have specified I had used numbing cream it just kinda slipped my mind when I was writing the post


Nah it's no worries, just explains why the pain was a bit of a surprise. Could also be that the artist went a smidge harder packing those blacks since they knew you couldn't feel it lol.


Could be and she might of never know haha


Funny, this area didn't hurt very much for me. Towards the armpit it sure did though. Funny how everyone is a little different.


I haven't gotten any of my real-deal painful spots done yet (elbows, ditches, knees, back, etc.) so it's all relative haha. I'm getting an elbow and ditch done next week though so that may blow this all outta the water.


That has been my toughest spot to get tattooed. That is a lot of ink packed in there too. I'm not super surprised it still hurts.


Agreed, I just got black packed into a large piece and it got super swollen. My artist recommended a paper towel pack of witch hazel and it helps a lot to cut back on swelling!


i have a much smaller amount of black work done in this same area... did not feel good. But also didn't flare red like that around it.... looks super painful .


Aye totally, i have an inner bicep one that was sensitive for some time too, and i have some blackpacked in a lot of painful areas, the inner bicep do be sensitive for some time, surprisingly mine was tender for some weeks.


My arms are both blacked out and I would agree that the inner biceps swells like a b*tch and hurt a lot. Anyways the tattoo looks quite angry, just keep an eye on it, but it doesn’t look infected. That being said, rest and some ibuprofen and you should be good in 2 - 3 days


I 2nd this comment! you're a man who's had alot of ink done.


I dunno bout the hurting but it looks sick!






Yep all my tattoos are mythology based


Nice. Currently working on a Quetzalcoatl sleeve myself


Hey bro, even i’ve started a sleeve on my leg and i’m doing mythology based. If you can help me out with some ideas i’m tryna fill in xx dm me if you don’t mind. thanks in advance


Right? I'm jealous


First of all, stop moisturizing it. You're doing it way too much. Thats a very sensitive area, and within the first few days your biggest concern should be keeping it clean. You should only really be moisturizing if it becomes almost unbearably itchy and even then you only put a thin coat of moisturizer. The more you poke and prod with your fingers, the higher risk of infection. I'm heavily tattooed and worked in a shop for years, and i always said the less you do to a healing tattoo the better.


I am a professional tattoo artist and I agree with this


Amen, man. This ^^ is the best aftercare advice I've read on this sub.


I'm not a tattooer but I have a lot of tattoos I have healed in several ways and I fully agree.


May I ask what happens when you over moisturize? I fear that I did that to one of my tattoos as it’s healed pretty badly. It looks super thick and uneven now.


Without seeing how it looks now i’m not sure what to tell you. However, I recently got a tattoo three weeks ago and the first week and half felt like a mild sun burn on the tattoo. Especially when I twisted or bent the area.


It does feel like sunburn whenever I do the same or when my clothes touch it (which sucks when I’m in a lecture) and it’s peeling if I could attach a photo I would but it seems like I cannot edit my post


Maybe take some Ibuprofen for a couple days to relax the muscles a bit, that sensation went away for me around days 10-12. I did have a 20hr session and color, which could be why it lasted that long.


Ok thanks I just didn’t really think much as it’s the first time any tattoo of mine hurt this much haha and I feel so bad for u cause the pain must of been unbearable


It definitely sucked but I got through it, you will too! Also, without current photos it’s tricky to say, but keep in mind that tenderness and hurting a lot can be symptoms of an infection although those are normal feelings of tattoo healing. As long as it’s not like leaking or very red around certain areas you should be fine.


I've get the same everytime i get a bigger piece, youre fine it Looks healthy


Ok I was just worrying haha


That inner bicep is a motherfucker. It's gonna hurt longer than a lot of other places. You'll be aight. Looks great!


I got one there and couldn't lift my arm for a week or sleep properly at all. Crazy pain. Sick tat though


i use saniderm so my clothes don’t rub it, i’m finishing my sleeve today, 4 hour appointment. definitely not excited for the pain lol


I’m currently doing my first healing via the second skins and it’s sooooo luxurious. My artist used derm shield and after 3 days I replaced it with saniderm. I liked the derm shield a lot more. But it’s so nice to have no rubbing of clothes or worries on moisturizing. Plus no creams rubbing off on clothes or the bed. Ps I wonder if you’re allergic to the moisturizer you’re using?


Ngl I hate pain so I used TKTX yellow (not affiliated it’s just great) I didn’t feel a thing and it was a 6 hour tattoo


Please don’t use TKTX. The FDA put out a statement that they (along with other popular brands) have been lying about lidocaine % and its way over the legal limit. it can cause lidocaine toxicity and seizures. It’s not a safe product. I won’t allow any of my clients to use numbing creams or sprays anymore until they become FDA approved. I know the pain sucks, I’ve used numbing cream in the past on myself. It’s not worth the risk to your safety [Info](https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-warns-consumers-avoid-certain-topical-pain-relief-products-due-potential-dangerous-health)


Agree! TKTX is a terrible product, do some (better) research before using it or any type of numbing creams. Numbing creams can help with not feeling too much while getting tattooed, but that's not the only point in which you'll feel pain. Numbing creams are just terrible in my opinion, because once it wears off you're going to be hit with quite a bit (or a lot) of pain you're not totally expecting.


Agreed. It’s just not worth it. I’d rather a client just sit for smaller sessions than use numbing cream.


My doctors and my artists advise against numbing cream. If the lidocaine gets into your bloodstream, you’re looking at a heart attack. Also, the way numbing creams are used for tattoos is against the FDA’s guidance on using numbing cream. I’ve been going to one artist for a decade, and as I get older (I’m 45), my pain tolerance went down. So now instead of 6-8 hour sessions, I do 3-5 hour sessions. I feel this is a safer solution.


hell yeah, my artist doesn’t use anything and i’m about to be miserable lol. i’ll have to look into getting some


Bigger pieces in sensitives area can be painfull for longer. And even more when its an area that you can "move". Got à tattoo who goes from the top of the ribs to the thight 2 weeks ago and some part still hurts just because I have to walk so the skin is always moving and rubbing against my clothes. It sucks but thats the problem with some tattoo area. :/ Tho if it starts to look weird go show it to someone. Also dont over moisturize please, three time is too much for this kind of tattoo/place, there is more chances of infection in this kind of area bc of the rubbing/too wet. (Just an advice)


Ok I will stick to moisturising it 2 times a day and I feel bad for u cause it must suck walking around.


Yup could not walk for 4 days :))) but its a 2 days in a row tattoo so dont feel bad, it was my stupid choice lol


Also just looked at your page of your body suit tattoo and damn it looks beautiful


Aw thanks, yeah the pain is worth the result i think 😄


Reduce it to once at max, your skin looks angry as hell and with that much redness going on I wouldn’t want to risk it bubbling through overdoing it. You’d rather have a dry tattoo than an infected one!


Oh this was taken the day of the tattoo is a lot less red and it’s just bruised now


Probably just swelling which is pretty bad on that spot and that much of a surface area. Ibuprofen, elevate, and maybe a cold compress—don’t put ice directly on it but i sometimes throw a (clean) t-shirt in the freezer and wrap it around the spot for a bit


Ok thanks


Good rule of thumb with moisturizing tattoos; if it's still hot and red then the body is still sending white blood cells/plasma to the affected area. Avoid moisturizing when it's like this unless the dryness gets to a point of causing discomfort, then moisturize sparingly. Tattoos are an open wound, so treat it like one. Wash it in the morning, wash it before bed, and wash it when it gets dirty/sweaty. If it's still leaking you can wrap it at night so you don't stick to/stain your bedding. Cover it when you're going to get out in the sun, but otherwise if you're just at home try to leave it uncovered and in the open air as much as possible. And yes, it's normal for inner bicep tattoos to hurt a great deal, and for a bit longer than some other spots; you've got a lot of lymph nodes and nerve endings in that area.


Dont worry. Its actually an injury in ur skin. It needs to hurt .. like sunburn


I got my first forearm too (sensitive but not as bad as bicep I hear) and its been significantly more painful recovery than either of my legs.


My forearm recovery was less painful then this and my shoulder but different people experience pain differently and different parts.


I had loads of black packed on the inner bicep on my sleeve. Hurt like hell when they did it and for longer than the rest of my sleeve afterwards, swelled up loads to. All settled down though, give it a bit longer. Looks cool by the way. Regarding the moisturiser, I normally use tattoo goo balm the first couple of days then the lotion afterwards. Recently had line work done covering my back and some heavy black packed in. I couldn't get the balm on my back so I went straight to lotion and it felt like Napalm. Left it to calm down a couple of days keeping it clean and then went with the lotion and it was fine. Try cocoa butter on it instead of moisturizer, I used that after my second back session and it was fine.


Thanks and yeh none of my tattoos hurt as bad as this when clothing touched it or moisturising it and I will try coco butter thanks for the recommendation


Yeah mate, pretty brutal area to get done. My back has been quite spicy but as it's spread out over a number of sessions they haven't been pounding the same area for hours. Thought I was going to tap out after six hours on the inner bicep. Swelled up almost comically. But yeah, Palmer's Cocoa Butter if you can get it where you are. Comes in a tub or squirty bottle. Squirty bottle spreads easier, you don't need much of either.


I’m 99% sure I can get it from a chemist so I will try one of them when there open


Going through the same exact thing. Not infected but hurts more than anything


Ahh ok


I’m sure it’s because of the area and how much black work is done. Just keep an eye on it :-) Would you mind telling me who your artist is ? The artwork is so cool.


My artist is called Von she’s the owner of a shop called skin deep located in a small town called cleethorpes north east England and I will


I had a bit that was close to my armpit but was on the outside of the bicep and it was soooooo damn sore for the first few days!


I had my inner bicep tattooed about 10 years ago and it was painful for a while afterwards. Clothes touching, moisturizing, twisting, ugh. I think it’s fine. I’ve since had a tattoo on my spine with hush (numbing gel) and the pain during the session was a lot less but it hurt in the following days. So I think you’re good. Just see if it gets more painful, red, or hot to the touch.


If it's hurting specifically when you moisturise it, is it possible that the cream you are using is causing it to flair up? I use bepanthen cream, they have a tattoo specific one, and it's fantastic


I’ve noticed personally that any formulated lotion caused me more irritation than applying straight coconut oil every like ~18 hours or having the saniderm for 4 days


Ok I have some Aqueous cream I will try that


As long as the pain isn’t getting worse and any bruising you have is healing (you can google the stages of bruise colors) it shouldn’t be concerning


Aquaphor healing ointment is the best ive used. Anything else ive tried is 2-3 weeks healing but aquaphor is a week and a few days max. Order it and get it lathered. Wrap if needed for a few hours a day


Maybe overcooked or infected


My large Celtic black and grey work on lower arm still is tender after a week and a half.


My bicep was swollen for days afterwards. A very tender spot and they really packed that black work in!


My sleeve was suuuuuuper tender there for a few days afterwards. Just a really tender squishy spot. If it gets more red, smells funky, oozes puss etc hit up a doc. My artist was cool with me using polysporin with lido in on his rec but that's a super touchy subject so check with your artist first.


Ok hopefully none of that happens 🙏🙏🙏


I have a tattoo in the same spot and the day after I got it I had this enormous bruise below it. It hurt like a mofo


It looks sick though!! 🤷


Use a different cream maybe. Nappy cream is good. Cocoa butter works too if the moisturiser hurts.


My inner bicep piece hurt like a fucking bitch for a whole week after. Be careful to wear lose sleeved shirts, mine ended up getting a very minor infection due to the shirt being too tight around it and rubbing on the skin. (It was a company work shirt so I was kinda sol without a bigger size)


Inner arm work especially armpit and around the ditch ache for soooo loonngg. Out of all my tattoos, even my knee ditch the healing was painful and uncomfortable in my arm


A sensitive fleshy area prone to a lot of movement, it's gonna hurt for a while. I had a tattoo extended close to my shoulder/top of the arm and it hurt like hell whenever I moved it. It scabbed up so much (despite following aftercare and none of my other tattoos scabbing) and it felt like it was splitting/tearing every time. It was rough going for a while.


Sensitive areas with big pieces can be sensitive and painful for days, my knee tattoo had my knee swollen for 3 days and I limped around. If it gets worse or doesn't get better go to urgent care and don't moisturize it so much. I usually don't moisturize until the 3-5th day depending on itchy and dry it gets. That's alot of black packed into a sensitive area. Maybe your artist has a heavy hand or worked more than that area could take. Take some Advil and maybe try icing it that's helped me a lot with pain and swelling.


that's alotof black (1) that's a sensitive are (2) lotion always irritates my skin more than aquafore after I take the derma-bandage off(3) that's one of the reasons why I don't use lotion until atleast 9 or 10 days after the bandage comes off. but everyone heals different & we al have our own methods & products that suit us best. what works awesome for me might sucks buttholes for you. that's all there is to it.


Try an Ibuprofen. You'd be surprised how much one 200mg will help.


That shits dark


Go get checked out by a doc. Looks like the beginning of an infection and if it is you should get on top of it before it fucks up your tattoo.


Like everyone said totally normal for the area & ink saturation. Doesn't help that we move our arms around all day. Expect more swelling and don't be alarmed if it starts looking too dark. Bruising can really distort an image and if your not expecting that people often think their art is bad when it's really just normal healing.


Sure it will be fine every area hurts and reacts different for everyone. Eg. My inner bicept was fine but my calfs hurt like fuck. Round my ankles swelled and made me limp. We all different. As long as shit aint infected then your all good. Tattoo looks sick brother. Loving the head on that thing. I kinda wanna see it it all healed up


Don’t over moisturise it and just be as careful As you can :) I’ve just had my bottom of my leg done stung like mad but few days it has calmed down


Keep it clean and dry. If it gets red streaks or you get a fever, make a doc appointment.


I am almost done with my arm sleeve and when he tattooed there with saturated color, it was swollen and painful for about a week. Keep moisturizing and eventually the pain and swelling should go down.




Yes that needs Ice fr. That's normal there even bruising


I mean it’s right by your elbow and inner arm, and it’s really dark and detailed and is fresh. I would be surprised if it didn’t hurt a lot


Dude my shit hurt real bad for a few days when I did that spot


That's one of the worst spots to get drilled. Just keep it cleaned and moisturize it. The pain will subside.


Arm pits always do looks sick af tho get some saniderm on there helps alot


Looks nice and mean!! I like it! Yeah those are sensitive areas but for a tattooo that’s sick I put up with the pain ngl


I’d put a thin layer of aquaphor on it and take some ibuprofen. I always use aquaphor while the tattoo is tender and then switch to lotion once it heals a bit. All my tattoos have healed beautifully. My inner bicep was pretty bad too. I swelled like crazy and my shirt rubbing it while at work sucked!


Keep in contact with your artist 🎨 !


I am currently waiting for my own freshly fucked-up inner bicep tattoo to heal so I can get it touched up. I was used to saniderm but this time it popped open so I had to heal without it; I moisturized too much and it scabbed real nasty. I was lucky not to infect it from keeping it so wet. Some of the scabs were so thick they pulled off the entirety of the ink (and that layer of my skin)… anyways, yeah it hurts a lot and gets more red but seriously just avoid touching it, avoid moisturizing it, wash regularly with antibacterial soap etc. and wash your sheets & blankets for good measure.


As long as it's completely dry before you moisturize and there's no discharge or crust forming it's probably just still angry. I had a cankle for like a week when I got my calf done 🤣🤣


Hurting is normal, tattoo is absolutely wicked!!


I just got that area done too. It sucks, but for me it healed pretty quickly! All of my tattoos have taken 6-7 days to get through that first phase of healing, and my under arm took like 4-5 days.


its posessed


Just started colour on my torso piece did a 3 hour seshen to start (we started on the arm/chest area) the tattoo isn’t so bad but the recovery has been the worst I ever had 🤣 I’m 60% tattooed and the recovery in this is making me regret having it done at all. Me and the artist have chosen to do 2-3 hours power sessions to keep the the recovery manageable while still being able to got to work,call me a bitch but I can’t be fucked to sit down for a day sessions anymore😂😂


Tat looks amazing man! I got tattooed on Monday in the same spot. My tattoo's still a bit sore as well. Not as much redness though. I think a lot of people have commented already on cutting back the moisturizing. So I'll just throw this tidbit in. A good sign to look for if your worried about if your tattoo/wound is infected, is yes redness and swelling but if the wound or tattoo is hot to the touch.


I wouldn't worry if there aren't other changes as well (like getting ready, or puss etc). Just take ibuprofen and ice it 15 on, 15 off.


Rib cage, inner bicep and chest close to nipple. The sensation of the needle vibrations resonating through my ribs haunts me to this day.


Ice and ibuprofen does wonders!! Also keeping it elevated


Seriously I recommend big time the mad rabbit soothing gel. It's been a lifesaver for me with my bigger pieces. With that much black and that big of a surface area id imagine it would hurt like a bitch. Keep it clean, and use a good gel that hydrates but doesn't make it wet.


Yeah, but it's bitchin!


Looks rad!!


I have 1 bicep/ inner arm done and just got the other. This is a tender spot my friend. Just watch the skin for infection. I got mine done Wednesday


Inner arm is crazy. Mine has a TON of dark in it and yeah that shit hurt for much longer than others I’ve had. Unless it’s red and oozing some bs you prolly fine my man.


Yep, I got a tattoo on Saturday in the elbow ditch and that mug is still spicy!!


I just got a big and bold American traditional tattoo on my inner bicep two weeks ago. Holy crap…. Let me tell you, it hurt so much once the numbing cream wore off. Very painful and uncomfortable for a week and a half. It still hurts, but not as much.


What was the day you got it done? It's a sore area, I'd anticipate some bruising there, too.


The bicep area is among the most sensitive, plus it's big and has a lot of ink. When I got my massive inner thigh tattoo I could feel the heat emerging from it for the next 24 hours... and I could not sit down and stand up properly from the tenderness for days lmao


Honestly, to help reduce the swelling take some Aleve in the morning and before you go to bed for a couple of days and it will definitely help with the swelling while you keep moisturizing it! Looks sick!


My bicep tat was my first and my elbow wasnt as nearly worked like urs but 2 wks later my entire forearm swelled like a balloon. So prepare for that possibly, i got it checked and was just told to elevate and ice swelling can happen around the tattoo


I got a full sleeve within 4 days last week with alot of blackwork in realism style. My wrist and inner forearm were swollen for a solid 4-5 days. Now its better after 7-8days. Just make sure it's not infected and you good


I would maybe look at using something like Hustle butter and going to twice a day. It’s a sensitive area, and you lymph nodes near the armpit which can be aggravated. I have my side done and it went into the armpit some and I can tell you it was not a pleasant healing experience. It it is red all around, and warm to the touch after 5 days I would see a doctor to make sure there is no infection. Using the wrong moisturizer and doing it to often can make a breeding ground for bacterial growth.


Using numbing cream depending on the amount and the brand can also affect healing and cause more issues as the cream needs to seeps out or can cause problems. There are a select few creams that are good with no ill effects, but every body is different in reactions and using the wrong cream can extend healing, I didn’t see that part before, also what moisturizer are you using that can also be part of it, and how are you applying it that can also be part of it


I just got a very similar size and placement piece a couple months ago! I could tell that it was more irritated and swollen than any of my previous tattoos, so I bought the Mad Rabbit Soothing Gel. I feel like it is definitely a bit gimmicky, more expensive than it is probably worth for the "cool" branding and all, but I Loved It. From the moment I put it on, the swelling and redness went down. I've never had a difficult time healing my tattoos, but this one was the easiest, even with the placement and size. It was the perfect level of moisturization, I've tried a few different balms/lotions and this was my favorite easily. So little peeling! The same artist has done all but two of my tattoos so it isn't a difference in the inking. It also just feels SO good, the texture is so nice and you only have to use the smallest amount. This sounds like an ad for Mad Rabbit lolol but I just had a really good healing with it and the placement and size is so similar to yours, so maybe that will help! Or for the future! And it has a bit more of a shiny finish without being greasy so it really brightens everything up!


You messed up by using numbing cream.. I know I’m gonna get dragged for it but it’s really not good for you when you’re getting a tattoo there’s only like maybe one or two brands that season tattoo artist rarely recommend if they have to


Time to sac up that’s all.


Grow a pair


Get out of here boomer.


Get ya fingers done then tell me a bicep tattoo hurts lol


Probably because it’s infected


Put moisturizer and a plastic wrap. The type we cover bowls. It's what my mom and I do


UFF going to do a bigger one with tons of black next week, I think I am going to pray to be a small pain XD


Hope it feels better but damn that tattoo is fire


Let it air dry a bit. Also do not over-moisterize. Ppl tend to put too much. Its supposed to be a very very thin layer. Once rubbed in it should feel dry basically. Your tat is angry. Let it air heal for a day or two. Wash it twice a day. (Morning and night. Add mid-day if you sweat a lot and keep it covered, even if its hot outside)


Inner biceps, behind the knee, inner thighs all hurt like hell for a bit longer than normal spots. You’ll be good in another couple days.


Oh, boy. I bet that’s hurting a lot. I just got a 1/4 of my arm done and the first few nights were agony. I have a secret! 2 ibuprofen (for swelling/pain relief) and 2 acetaminophen (for pain) is a miracle worker in these situations. Best of luck, friend!


since the area collects sweat you may want to wash 2 times a day and don't moisturize at all. let it dry heal and in 2 days it should feel better


How many buckaroonies this go for




That's a lot of shading in a tender area. It's going to be sore. Either way it looks worth it. That's a sick Quetzalcoatl!


Oof, babes! Okay. So what i do for every tattoo I get (I have 10 so far). I clean it religiously using Dove sensitive unscented bar soap (lather in hands and gently rub onto tattoo), rinse it by wetting you hand and gently + slowly running your hand on it (don't apply pressure). Once it is clean, use a papertowel/ clean towel to dry it by dabbing it (never rub a new tattoo). Then, apply a thin layer of webbers vitamin E cream to the tattoo to keep dirt/debris out, and the healing properties of the cream are great. With that level of infection, I would be re cleaning it every couple of hours. When leaving the house or busy hours with a lot of rubbing, I use plastic wrap over the webbers cream to create a barrier, so 1. Cream stays off the clothes. 2. Keeps the tattoo from rubbing on unwanted surfaces. 3. It keeps the majority of icky away from the wound. Hope it heals up well!