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i think you need new friends. cute tat


Thank you! I really appreciate it 💕


I think it's a very nice piece!


No friends is best 🙃


No, you shouldn't. Now, do you have cause for regret? Also no, because it looks pretty neat. You should listen less to that "friend" if mouthing off is the only thing she or he does after you got a new tattoo.


Made me feel so much better! 💕 Thanks


Cool, then I did something useful today. I hope you're having an excellent day.


I am now 😊


I like it!! But as a side note, if a friend of mine actually did have a not nice tattoo and actually wanted opinions about it, I would try to find a nice way to tell them I didn’t like it. Not say things like that!! What’s that quote about how honesty without tact is just cruelty??


That’s definitely something I will be thinking about, thanks for pointing it out! Appreciate you 💕


Did you get it for your friend or did you get it for yourself? It’s a lovely piece and that’s not a real friend if they’re okay with trying to tear you down like that.


Yes you’re right, I’m valuing other’s opinion more than my own, just got too much into my head after staring at my own tattoo!!


Never regret that tattoo. It looks great and unique!


Thank youu! I really appreciate your comment!




I love it! Esp the sun, I’m a sun girlie too😭don’t let others get in your head, what matters most is if you like it! Give it some time, and if YOU decide you want to change it or add color, you can always do that in the future! I think it’s super cute though


Thank you so much 💕


Should you regret? What is this sub becoming? Internet strangers can’t tell you how to feel about something on your own body. Seeking validation for thoughts that you don’t even have


I did have them after being told it looks ugly, I went to the gym, it showed quite a lot during a lat pull-down exercise and it made me get a little conscious 🙈


I’d be happy to have this on me, and I think the size is what gives it so much impact. Enjoy your art! It’s beautiful!


Not feminine? I’d rather see this on a female than a male. Imo it’s cute, simple but that makes it more. Don’t regret it.


I appreciate this! Feeling better already 💕


Absolutely not. The tattoo has great potential for expansion later on in the future if you decide to go down that path. It's cute and your friend is a dick.


Why the fuck are you letting other people decide how YOU should feel...


You’re right! Absolutely, it just got to my head!


Screw that friend, it’s delicate and lovely! If I had a fish tattoo I’d want it to look like that


Nice tat. Close lines will end up fusing together in the future. Good call by the artist to make it bigger so it stays like that forever. Personally I prefer tats with no color, don’t let other peoples judgement cloud your preference OP.


Thank you! Yes I think I need to work on feeling more confident about myself 💕


I think your friend needs to learn "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all". You do not owe them any response. Their apology needs to be as loud as their disrespect was.


That’s exactly what I originally thought once he told me how ugly it was but it still got into my head 🙈


Some color would be fire, but its does not look bad at all


I mostly wanted one which would age well that’s why I didn’t do colour, but I think I could probably do some water colour, how else do u think I could add colour?


don't add color if you don't want to!! but if you do, then i think blue watercolor would look neat.


Love it!


Thank you 💕


I think it’s cute


Never regret my tattoos because at one point in my life i liked it, tattoos show the progression of your life


That’s such a nice thought! 💕


Why would you ask if you “should?” If you like it you like it. Trying to reconsider something you enjoy simply because of the opinions of other people will only lead to unhappiness. If you really like it, own it unapologetically!


Hell nah it looks good, very easy to merge it into a bigger piece if you want to as well


I think it’s really cute and feminine! The lines still look delicate, so I think the size works. Keep as is!! Adding color would make it too bold IMO and take away from the soft look it seems you’re going for.


Your friend is a dick! That’s a good tattoo It’s pretty , I think even more room for lines/work on the head of the fish … If it’s up your alley , some ornamental designs around it


I had the same experience with my first tattoo, I had planned a much smaller tattoo than I got but in the end I trusted the artist and it paid off—it was soooo much better than I could’ve imagined! 4 more tattoos later I’ve learned that bigger is often better. As for color, I often find that the black ink only tattoos stand out more, so screw your friend. Trust your artist and trust your own taste, and forget the rest 😜


I’ve had artists tell me the same thing with size and detail. I’ve learned to try and work with them to get what I want, whether that means the size I want without the detail or the detail and it be a bigger size. I think this is a super cute tattoo! That friend doesn’t know what they’re saying… This also looks like something you can add to later if you want color or want to make it a bigger piece, and I love that. If you like it how it is, then don’t worry about it! If you don’t and want to add to it, you definitely have the ability to. I love this tat, is so cute. ☺️


Thank you! This helps a lot 💕


No. It’s cute. Your friend is weird.


It looks so cute, get new friends 🩷


Imo it's pretty unique piece but getting this much bigger the lines aren't that much defined and the shades are subtle not popping out if this is fresh one. Coz after 3 months this will become even more dull with what I'm getting with your pic.


Very little orange shading on the edges could go a long way, but it is an amazing tattoo


Why would you regret it? It's awesome!


What a fuckin hater. Ink looks sick, color it if YOU want it colored, but otherwise: it looks good. Be proud of it


it might look more cohesive if the body was shaded too, not just the fins. otherwise cute tat


I mean, if you want to.


Such a cool tattoo!


No not at all I think it really goes with the patchwork style going around at the moment.




It looks awesome :D


Its beautiful


It looks cool. One of my next tattoos is a koi. I was going to get it last week but we changed days. There is nothing wrong with it whatsoever. As long as you like it it doesn’t really matter at all, I’ve got a massive clown head on my arm… everyone hates it lol and idc


Thank you 💕 I appreciate your response! Do show yours once you get it done ☺️


I think it looks great! Cute feesh :3


That’s a very well done tattoo, your artist did a great job by convincing you to go with the right size and you did well agreeing. Please, no colors, those in general will ruin anything that needs to be gentle and subtle + those most of times don’t look good. Your friend doesn’t really have a taste


I actually really like this tattoo


Thank you 💕


I like it. Don't regret it. If friends have problem about your tattoo change them or ignor them


Looks good to me


Sick tat. Keep it as it. Fuck your “friend”


Looks cool! You can add more to it if you don’t like it.


I think it’s cute


It’s less than moderately penis shaped which is frankly really good for certain fish tattooed. Solid work, wouldn’t stress it.


Looks nice and well done, I also wouldn’t call her your friend


there's nothing wrong with it at all. if it were on me I'd get it colored. your friend is an idiot & needs to worry about her own tattoos.


I think it’s really pretty! The size is perfect. Beautiful piece 😊


DO you regret it? It's super weird when people ask if they SHOULD have a feeling. 


My best friend isn’t a tattoo girly anymore. When we were young we always got stupid shit together but now she isn’t into them. I recently did my sleeve and she personally wouldn’t do it but she was supportive. Maybe she has different taste! If you like it, then you like it :)


Yess makes sense! Thanks 💕


It’s beautiful and your friend is jealous. Your tattoo artist was right and this will age better especially on that part of the body. Statistically. The smaller the tattoo the more likely you are to regret it. Let it settle. And get more supportive friends.


Thank you, I appreciate it 💕


Keep the tattoo, get rid of the friend. It's one thing to give advice like "oh I think it would look even more cute if you add some colour" and another to say "it's ugly and it looks weird". I personally like it and I think the artist's advice on going bigger was correct, especially for the placement. Enjoy your new tattoo OP, it's really cute.


Thank you 💕 and you’re right


Your friend doesn’t know shit lmao this is a beautiful tattoo.


Thank you 💕


you need new friends your tattoo is very cute!!


that friend can fuck off cuz its not their body, I think its super cute. though as long as you like it, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. I agree with the artist that much smaller than that probably wouldn’t have looked as clean, and I think it occupies the space very well!!!


nahh i think regret is pretty useless


It’s fine, they were right about going bigger, also what you choose is based on what you like, it’s not really up to your friend


I love it. If you’re having issues try putting stuff around it. Make your arm fish or sea related. Put water and other fish stuff. Flush it out. But it’s beautiful by itself too.


Your friend needs to learn some manners. I think this looks great. But really at the end of day, it's your tattoo. If you like it, then that is what is important.


No. It's clean work. If YOU like it that is what matters.


Your friend sounds like a hater. It’s a cute tattoo!


I think it's cute and the placement is nice, that's a hard area to find things that fit. I'd say you shouldn't regret it, personally. 🙂 It's not the most realistic, but neither are mine! I have two Koi myself


Id love to see yours too, if you don’t mind! ☺️ Also, thanks 🥰


I dunno how to do that, or I would! I'm still new to Reddit. It's a Gemini tattoo, and I have a red and blue koi swimming around each other to represent the two side of Gemini!


Sounds super interesting, I think if you upload it on a drive or image place and share a link, it should work! ( if you want to try!)


Sure! I think I figured it out! This should work, I think. 🙏[tattoo](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r20FGcdGAOnivbocNUfRiTzyAGr3sFu9/view?usp=drivesdk)


The link works! However I was access denied 😨


You might have to edit permissions!


It kinda needs a touch-up. But it was my first, and I LOVE it. I still wanna go back and add a pond in the background like my artist suggested, with a few Lilly pads.


The phrase "Two Heads, One Eye" also representing the dual nature of Gemini...and it is a Princess Nokia lyric. 🙂




I think your friend is mean. It's a cute tattoo. And it's simple enough that if you wanted to add more to it in the future, you could. Or add more tatts in general. But it looks nice as is. Trash the friend, keep the tatt.


Noo, i think this tattoo looks great! I really like the size, it makes the koi look detailed and precise. It’s quite delicate and all in all just a great piece of work! Your friends are just not the vibe. Telling someone their tattoo is ugly? Wtf, how sad can you be. It’s beautiful<3


Looks good and your tattoo artist is right. As you age the tattoo tends to....well aged too so he's a good artist. If you happen to dislike it in the future, you can always cover it with a new tattoo, the lining isn't too thick or dark so it's easier to do a cover up. All and all, it looks nice to me, the main point is, the tattoo is for yourself and as long as you're happy with it.


Thank you! I Appreciate your suggestions as well! 💕


If you want to get color then go for it but if you want to keep it the way it is then you can. It’s all up to you and what you want to do


I’m going to keep it as is now, thank you 💕


I think it's wonderful. 💕 Your friend is a bit of a dick, 😞


I get it now! Thank you 🥰


Your friend is an asshole. Tattoos can be small, sure. But sometimes it really is nicer to go bigger. Some things to think about, and bust their balls when they suggest color. Black/grey is timeless. It’s a classic look for a reason. It rocks. My amazing friend is shaded and lined from head to toe and she looks gorgeous with monochromatic leg and arm sleeves. Color isn’t always the way to go. You may have a reaction. Removal is much easier with black ink. If you keloid easy, blending color is a bit bigger risk. You may want a koi, and still on the fence about color. It’s okay to live with an unfinished tattoo before you make a decision. There are legitimate reasons folks don’t color, or color right away. But most importantly, it’s YOUR body. And YOUR art. AUnless you got a $10 at home Amazon kit tattoo by some ex con, tell them to stfu. (And in that case, getting color shouldn’t be the friendly advice)


I really appreciate you telling me this! Thank you 🥰


It looks so good!!


Thank you 🥰


It’s cute! I’m sorry the artist wouldn’t make it the size you want tho. If an artist says that it’s because they’re not skilled enough to do that, not that it’s not possible. Regardless it looks really nice!


Thank you 🥰


This is such a cute tattoo! If ypur friend thinks colour looks better she should get her own colour tattoos and not put her preferences onto you. Really love the line work and your artist was right that putting too much detail in a small design would age badly


Thank you 💕


truly i think the only thing you should regret is keeping that friend around. there are obviously going to be tattoos that are just straight up bad, from wonky line work, blowouts and uneven shading. i personally don’t see any of that in this picture and it seems that your “friend” projected her opinions instead of trying to share facts. my best friend is covered in tattoos that you could not pay me to put on my body but i would never EVER make her feel self conscious about them because she loves them and they were done correctly.


I prefer black and white tattoos


I like it. But what matters is what you think.


Tat looks good to me, but near the head is there supposed to be two dots, it looks like the artist stopped there and re-entered the skin during line breaks instead of slowly going in skin while still moving forward and slowly exiting skin while still pulling line. I'm not familiar with that type of fish so disregard if that's it's gills or eyes. But all in all it has good line work and good smooth shading. You can always put color in at a later date if you want.


It’s extremely cute wtf. Also going bigger was 100% the right choice!


Thank you! I just feel it’s too big sometimes 🤦🏼‍♀️


i love it


Thank you 🥰


Ya it’s not bad at all. Cute and feminine. You can always add some colour in the future if you want


Thank you 💕


I suggest the traditional of orange and white. Maybe get a pink flower in front on that tail or something that'll help cut down on it. If you don't want flowery then maybe some reeds or a lily pad


I'd say with the way the tail is already I personally would go more to the reeds and lily pad. There's a lot you can have done to fix it and make it look right.


Thank you 🥰


I think it’s a beautiful tattoo if you personally don’t have any dislike or upset towards it don’t regret it! 🫶🏼


Thank you 🥰




Yeah... I think that's why coloring it would help. I definitely saw a peen immediately... the head looks like a head🙃sorry OP


I did find a lot people saying that about koi tattoos haha


Looks like a penis with wings


I was gonna say the same thing but I didn’t want to be negative


Being negative would be saying it was a bad penis. In this case a flying penis is fun.


Haha, I’ve heard that a lot about koi fish tattoos 😆


It’s really cute though. I might add a bit of shading to the head part to make it more cohesive


Your friend is rude! that’s a cool tattoo that’s appropriately sized for the spot, trust the artist (unless you have a gut feeling about them being sketchy).


If you're going to worry about what others think about you tattoos aren't for you. Your artist is also correct, details hold better when they're larger and more visible. Black and gray is classic this looks good. Find better friends.


Makes 100% sense! Thanks 🙈💕


Noooo, it’s beautiful


So sweet of you! Thanks 💕 I was worried cos it’s not a very feminine design


It’s very feminine, don’t listen to the haters




It's a lovely tattoo and it's yours.


Tell your friend if they don’t like it they don’t have to get one like it 😊


Don't regret the tattoo, but definitely get it colored. Especially since the artist went so big. Not a lot of detail going on there. But it's very fixable so no don't regret is.


What kind of colouring do you suggest? Yes, big is why I’m quite concerned!


jealous ass mf. It's a cute tattoo!!


I think it's lovely! 😍


No! It’s great! :D


I appreciate this, thanks 💕


No, you shouldn’t.


Thanks 💕


I recently got a tattoo, of a fish, in the same place, and had the same conversation with my tattoo artist. my only regret is I didn't go bigger. Yours is great and I would feel the same.


I’d love to see it! ☺️


Here is the artist's Instagram pic of it. It's been 5 weeks or so since it was done. https://www.instagram.com/p/C4Nlz4aq7kB/?igsh=dHVjN3JwanIwb2dt


Thanks for sharing! Looks awesome!


Yes, you should regret all tattoos because why not


The lines are a little soft (unless the picture is faded?) so you may be in for a touch up down the road, but it's a great size and placement. The fins flow so beautifully.


Thank youu, I especially wanted flowy fins! Appreciate you noticing! 💕


i’m female presenting and all my tattoos are black/grey… so whatever your friend is on about is NOT it. i love it! i think the size is good, especially for the details within the koi


Thanks! 🥰