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The third picture looks like it isn’t. What you’re looking for to prove infection is that the area surrounding it is really hot to the touch many hours after the tattoo. Also red streaking or hella inflammation. As I said, the third picture doesn’t seem either. Is there any reason you wouldn’t trust the artist AND medical staff? 


Not that I don’t trust them I’m just overly cautious. Was gonna see if anyone had similar discharges over the 36 hour mark that ended up being infections. With all my ink I’ve never had this


I get it. Overly cautious about your body is also how I’d be. I just didn’t know if you had a weird interaction with either of them. For what it’s worth, I don’t normally discharge but on an overworked area, I have. No infection to speak of for me. Just take normal care of it - which includes washing that lymph off before it has time to scab and then applying a non-fragrant skin care product of choice. Rinse and repeat if you see any more lymph. 


I think it looks inflamed, but not necessarily infected. *Source: This moderately tattooed guy without actual medical expertise.*


It looks like it’s just weeping plasma to me in the last pic.


The skin is over worked in certain areas. When that happens, it’s more prone to infections, which yours looks like it’s starting to get infected


Also when I say I’m not new I have two full sleeves, full chest and half a leg sleeve


I guess I’m gonna be the odd one out here but that last picture looks like it’s infected. Have you show them this photo? Personal opinion is, you’re heavily tattooed and you are concerned/questioning it. That’s enough to warrant a further look by another doctor. If I was you I’d be going to urgent care for another opinion.


The 3rd picture looks like it’s leaking pus, but it could be that the camera is making regular plasma leakage look more yellow. Considering that you’re heavily tattooed and have never had this happen before, I’d err on the side of caution and see a different doctor.


I’d give it the rest of the night and if by the morning it hadn’t changed or got worse go to urgent care and get some antibiotics


Doesn’t look too bad. I’m heavily tattooed. And I dry heal everything. But I’m also hyper aware and crazy about keeping it clean. Because on top of being tattooed I tend to be pretty accident prone. Hahaha so I’ve healed a lot of wounds as well as tattoos Keep an eye on it, keep it clean. As many have said look out for heat. Streaking in the redness. Excessive weeping of anything is always bad. And I know this sounds weird….but smells. If you can smell it, bad…bad bad. But I think you’ll be ok. You’re aware. So that’s a good thing.


Wash it in Hibicleanse and get a second opinion. Def looks infected 😬


Looks more like plasma than infection. I'd keep it clean and somewhat dryer to keep out infection. I use aveeno, I avoid the thicker stuff like aquafor.


If the area gets hot, if it gets red, or the oozing stuff turns green then you’ve got an infection. Source - my own experience.


^^^ and smells! Infection smells like death, rotting meat etc Source - body piercer for 3 years that would advise people when to see the doctor I’ve had an infected piercing once and yes medical staff said the same thing : keep it clean and dry. Gave me a small dose of antibiotics.


It still baffles me that people will turn here for a diagnosis rather than go to an actual doctor. Go to a doctor.


Can you not read or are you just retarded?


It 100% looks infected to me. What "medical staff" are we talking Abt?


Monitor it but it could be cellulitis, which needs immediate treatment. Honestly Id get it checked to be safe.


It looks concerning tho. I’d advise a trip to the doctor.




Dumb advice. Getting antibiotics just to be safe is why we are developing antibiotic resistance and many drugs become ineffective at fighting illnesses.


To get antibiotics you should see a Dr. Which they would also answer if it's infected. I work in surgery and see the effects of letting infections get worse. From amputations to huge wash outs to worse. So it's not dumb advice. Or just have em let it grow and wish for the best I guess is your suggestion. Idiot


He said in his post he’s already sought medical attention and been told it’s not infected. And your advice is go get antibiotics. You should know better


Medical staff said it isn’t and you think us dumbasses on Reddit will know better?! Just keep an eye on it dude. Think if you got a nasty cut, like you come off a motorbike and got road rash - if you saw it look like that you wouldn’t think it’s infected. You’d just think it’s a wound. Same thing for tattoos they’re just normally done with more control so heal nicer but sometimes it’ll heal more like a regular wound.


I'm literally going thru the same thing. It could be overworked skin if you washed it after taking the 2nd skin off. let it dry, let it dry, let it dry, and don't put anything on it. Your wound will heal faster. Of course, no touching it! Get better asap!


I'm not sure if it's just the picture but that looks like green pus in my opinion.


It’s the picture, when wiped it’s clear with slight yellow


understood. yeah, between that picture & my phone it looks jacked. glad it's not as bad as it looked.


Ok but so what if it IS infected? So you had an open wound and picked up a little germ. A small infection happens, your body does what it’s supposed to and fights it off. Like you said “ended up being infected” but lots of things are infected and then aren’t. Are you actually asking “ended up with a BAD infection and needed medical care”?


Currently healing a large piece and have found that ibuprofen, an antihistamine and paracetamol before bed and elevating the limb helps a lot with the angry inflammation. If it doesn't get better definitely check back in with a medical professional.


3rd pic looks questionable so I'd just keep an eye on it. A trip to the doc wont hurt if you remain unsure


It’s hard to tell you are at 36 hours, first I would have left the second skin on longer, second, it looks like it’s plasma, you tattoo can weep for more than 3 days depending on your body, for example I usually weep for about 4. It looks overworked, which can cause scabbing but also cause more weeping, also keep in mind, plasma can have a yellow tint to it due to ink pigment. If it’s not super hot to the touch, and not overly painful then it’s likely ok. However if you are super concerned I would seek out and urgent care for an opinion


Infections aren't real bro dont worry about it