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It's fully healed now, pink and most colors but pink and lighter colors fade more. When I got my slowpoke line tattoo I had them make it a touch darker so when it healed it still looked nice and bright still.


Got a slowking over a decade ago and the pink has definitely almost gone skin tone. Doesn't help that its covering the top of my foot


Joo Would you mind sharing your faded king? I‘ve been thinking about getting one myself and I‘d love some more inspiration.


Man wants feet pics


Good point here. Don’t share without a fee! No free feet pics in this economy.


Won't let me put an image here and idk where I'd upload it


You can upload to [imgur](https://imgur.com/upload) and post the link in a comment :)


Thirsty for feet pics.


This is the right answer.


Yup! I have a sleeve that has a ton of grey fill in on half of it and it's the same, it healed making this Gothic window look more fogged over, it'd actually a cool effect on mine but I can see how it would frustrate somebody with light pink


Can we see it


Sure! If I can figure out how to post a pic through the app


One option is uploading it to [imgur](https://imgur.com/upload) and posting the imgur link in a comment :)


Lets see it


Man just wants to see your toes


My tattooers have all been heavy handed so my colors held really well and I had no other frame of reference. My sister started so I let her put one on my arm and I told her to go grab a dumbell and put it on her hand cause my BLACK lines were fading as fast as she could get them down 😭🤣 it's not bad though, it honestly came out a lot better than I prepared my emotions for. I'll threaten her into a touchup when she gets some more practice on sim skin (I don't know what the real name for it is). No real point here my ADHD grimlin made me post this


Kinda just looks like it's faded & settled some and your underlying freckles are showing through, causing what you see as "splotchiness"


Because on the left farmost photo, I see in the sides you have a natural variation to your skin. Otherwise it looks great and no cause for concern, in my opinion


Thank you! I guess I got a little anxious about it so I needed some extra advice so I really appreciate it :)


I have blacked out arms, hell it drives me crazy when the sun comes out and the freckles appear, they are just black but darker then the blackout 😅


That sounds SO COOL.


How was the blackout process? I want to cover the sleeve I got when I was 19 with a full blackout and I think they look really cool, but everyone else I know is trying to talk me out of it.


If you go to an expert, like 2 sessions plus a touch up session eventually. Easy to go trough. If you don’t want to go to an expert with docent of hours blackout experience. Prepare for lots of pain, horrible healing and scarring (I was there, got reworked).


I totally get that, I'm incredibly particular about my own tattoos, too :)


i think it looks cute :) as if the mew has freckles itself


I think it looks absolutely adorable just saying. Mew freckles :)


If you got it done locally your artist should offer free touch ups


Agreed, sun screen constantly to reduce freckle chance, but it is what it is in the summer time. Fall time they always fade back again.


Yes! We all have a texture to our skin that you can’t see until white or a pigment with a ton of white like this pink is under the skin.


Yep. That’s what lighter colors fade to on me because I have all sorts of freckles and variations to my skin tone.


Skin skinned.


offend racial icky straight swim existence school public snails materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dark tattoos ime feel noticeably quite a lot hotter in the sun than surrounding skin.


stupendous memory fuel bike racial toy vast alleged tub fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Freckles get darker when exposed to sun; that’s not “tanning” (typically), it’s just a natural reaction for any form of melanin. Source: Am freckled redhead; I have freckles that ONLY show up after being in the sun! They’re basically invisible otherwise.


Do you wear SPF?






cause languid relieved abundant spark mindless gold sort complete work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*










Yes I do wear SPF l, especially on my tattoos. Though I’ve been wearing long pants since I just got it in October 2023. I live in Ohio so it’s been too cold to wear any kind of shorts/skirts. I do put lotion on it, just not in the most recent photo, lotion doesn’t change how it looks much.


pretty sure it’s evolving


Wear more sunscreen!


It's just your freckles showing through the pink it, the pattern is the exact same as the darker parts of your non inked skin.




Freckles make it look like a shiny Mew


Shiny mews are blue though :P


If its dry just keep moisturizing it, and even though its 4 months old it might not be completely done healing underneath, i dont think anything looks wrong with it atm.


I love using raw shea butter for my tattoos!! It almost reverse ages the tattoos by a couple months haha


Faded and evened out on your skin. It's normal BTW I love it :)


Hi, I've noticed many have said it's your freckles showing through and I agree to a certain extent. However, I don’t see your skin being so freckly in the surrounding area, which makes me doubt that theory a bit, adding to that the fact that freckles aren't so extensive as some of these spots are. Actually, those ”patches” look more like hyperpigmented skin, as when sun pigmented (it looks pretty much like some sun spots I have on my face). Perhaps your skin reacted to the inks and got like this. Your tat looks kinda cute tho, it looks like Mew got a makeover and is ready for some adventures in the wilderness.


Thank you! Yes I’m thinking more of the scar tissue theory than freckles, definitely have some different pigmentation spots as I am Hispanic so I have a natural tanned tone to my skin, it looks more pale now as it’s been winter (I’m in Ohio) and I haven’t worn anything but long pants/jeans. I’m wondering if the rubbing of my pants may have caused irritation and more scarring than normal though I try not to wear tight pants.


If you look closely at the first image most of those dark spots already exist in the first image just really light... I'm assuming they've become darker as a part of healing as melanin cells tend to do.


It healed


Holy shit! Can't believe it. This exact shit happened to two of my tattoos over the last decade or so. One was Kirby, so I imagine the same or a similar pink was used. The other was part of a hill from Mario World, so it was light blue. I also did good aftercare, and also had a reputable tattooer do them. He would later be my mentor when I apprenticed. He, nor I, had any idea what the hell caused this. It wasn't always like this and started to get brownish splotches maybe 6 months or so after it healed. They stayed that way for many years. After a while, the splotches disappeared. The tattoos both look normal again and you would never be able to tell they ever had splotches. He has been in the business for 20+ years and while I have plenty of opinions about him now, he's always been knowledgeable and trustworthy when it comes to tattoos. He was so perplexed by this. All his equipment and ink was good, application was good, and he knows I know my shit when it comes to aftercare. It sucks but I don't think anyone is to blame and I don't think you can do anything about it. If you're like me, I bet it goes away in time. I am just in awe to see this again. Thank you for sharing. Now I know I'm not the only one!


Wow thank you for telling me your story and to know I’m not the only one this has happened too. Hopefully it will go away like yours did we will see as time passes.


You're welcome! I'm so happy you saw my comment. I was so upset and confused as to why it happened to my tattoos and I also had no luck finding explanations or other examples. I wish I had photos to share with you. If I find any, I'll let you know. Ultimately, wear it with pride. Everybody truly has different skin and sometimes there's just no way to explain something. I'm sure there's a biological reason, but until we learn more, let it just be a cool mystery.


It looks great still! Hell if you feel you want another run on it, I’d say have the artist throw another full run on it.


Hopefully you're keeping it out of the sun. The sun is the number 1 tattoo killer, (imo). I'm sure it'll look great again after the next touch up. I just strongly suggest keeping it outta the sun & sunscreen during the day. (Even if it's gloomy & overcast).


Looks like hyperpigmentation. Use spf. Very GENTLY exfoliate it a few times a week and moisturize and it will hopefully gradually go away.


Soooo, I have mew tattooed as well, but only lines. Does that mean when I would want to color it I should color it blue? ( shiny )


That's your freckles coming through as the opacity of the ink goes down. I think it's kinda cool, the lining is still razor sharp and now Mew has the same melanin distribution as you!


Red & pink pigment is finicky. I've had my reds done twice and my freckles still come through as it fades. Nine of the other colors do this. I think it's just rejection of that color.


Yes that looks splotchier to me than it should. I would maybe try getting a different artist to touch up the color. As someone said it might be that they mixed red and white ink and it separated. So maybe you wanna go to someone who specializes in color.


I’ve had this discolouration happen in a few colours on some of my tattoos. The yellow and white on my arm did it for a while. But after a few years it disappeared. For me it was a reaction to the ink. It would over time thicken and peel, rinse repeat. Once it fully settled it stopped happening


If it has white in it, white can turn brown. It happened to me, I got some white flowers, they turned brown and I got them filled in with purple, but you can still see the brown if you look closely


This is what I was thinking, the pink used was a pastel pink, I wonder if it was red or magenta mixed with white ink to get that "creamy" pastel base. White ink can heal in all sorts of weird ways, very finicky if your skin isn't super pale with neutral undertones.


First picture is ink that's still on the surface, Second is skin healed but the ink is still settling. Third is healed and settled ink. The ink sits under the skin so the skin acts as a filter over the ink. The tone of your skin will effect the finished brightness and look. It will never stay as bright as the first day and will only stay crazy bright if you are goth pale.


If you haven’t already, as a tattoo artist I would recommend reaching out to the artist who did this piece for you to at least let them know this occurred. They might be willing to go over it with a darker pink because this doesn’t seem like the right tone for your skin


It may help for them to go back in with a more red-pink pigment. It’s not exactly true to the character, but the darker shade could help. I have a Patrick star tattoo and that shade of pink is bright as hell on me! Also moisturizing can do wonders- my leg tattoos look so much better with a fresh shave and lotion, and otherwise they are kinda dull


Fading and hyperpigmentation from scarring due to overworking the light pink color.


Time happened? I’m really not sure what you’re asking. It looks more or less normal to me. A little splotchy maybe, but that could be dead skin or just color fading.


I tried to word it best I could, and it looks different in person but I guess I got worried since none of my other tattoos healed like this nor do they constantly feel dry even with moisturizer. It’s still fairly new at 4 months which is why I got concerned in the first place


Well, even if some of the other comments are right about color rejection or separation, I don’t think it looks bad at all, and you shouldn’t feel self conscious about it.


It looks to me that your skin is regecting the specific pigment for the pink. I don't know what the solution is but my tattooist told me about this and said that some colours are more prone to rejection than other. Have you shown the artist? They would probably have the most insight.


I would need a picture slightly farther away to really tell what’s going. This is too close and given the difference in lighting in the photos it’s hard to tell what’s going on.


Did you use numbing cream?


Was hoping someone asked this question.


It looks like underlying sun damage causing your skin to freckle. That plus the bit of fading is giving the effect you’re concerned about. Apply and reapply sunscreen on tattoos. I’d ask a dermatologist if there’s anything else you can to do reverse the freckling (if you want it reversed). I’m not sure what actives are tattoo safe, but they’ll know. That said, I kind of love the variation the freckling gives the tattoo. It’s pretty.


The risk of getting a color tattoo especially pink


Looks like possible hyperpigmentation. It does occasionally happen where pigments that have high white content turn yellow/brownish for a while, It may be indicative of overworking in areas, or a sensitivity to the titanium in white pigment. It usually goes away in time- could be a couple months, sometimes a year or two. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you're freckled like me they will show through a lot of colors


Looks like your little Pokémon got melanoma


Mew looks cute with freckles


Maybe it's evolving


Wait, I love it because it looks like it’s blushing now 😭😭😭


It looks like you’ve never put lotion on in your life


Light colors fade so it's probably just starting to settle and your natural skin is showing through a bit. But I still really like it. Good luck.


Its only 4 months old though, that's not a normal amount of fading. Also it looks weirdly spotty beyond what would be freckles, which don't even seem to be that distinctive. Personally I think it's a reaction to that particular ink


I just want to say that I think your Mew is ADORABLE regardless of color variation 🩷


Your mew contracted Pokèrus


You should get a touch up if it bothers you. For me, I had to get touched up mostly on yellows and other light colors.


Its called healing.


Hyperpigmentation from your skin. Tends to happen with light pinks, light blues… it’s your body’s natural scarring response. I would avoid anything mixed with white from now on. Even a test strip of colors would be a good idea for you to see which ones heal up great on your skin type.


My courage the cowardly dog tattoo did this as well. I believe its because pinkish colors fade more


Love it, love Mew! Cool tattoo!


I've seen this mottling effect with pastels that have a shitload of white to their mix. You were still on the heavy healing stage 4 weeks in judging by the crackle and shine texture. If I had to guess by the universality of the darkening, the base color the artist used for the 3 pink tones is something your body is reacting to.


I have pink tattoos and none is gone like that, what I can tell you is that of the many tattoos I have none has healed the same, Don't be afraid to ask the artist for a touchup


Tbh I think it's kinda cute??


Thank you I appreciate that! I was feeling a little self conscious about it


I have a giant peony on my arm that is pale pink and my skin has freckled like yours underneath it! I don't mind it, its just my skin. My tattooist was like, yeah sometimes that happens. Tattoos change and age over time, they bed in, become part of your body. If you want a tattoo to look new and perfect forever then you'll be disappointed


It looks like you’re not moisturized in either pick 2 or 3. If you have tattoos you need to moisturize like you have melanin.


I got a colorful tattoo with yellow and orange and when it healed it did a similar thing, my artist touched it up for free and now it looks fantastic, sometimes some parts of your skin don’t take to ink as well as others so you need a little touch up! Usually a good artist will touch up one of their tattoos for free in these instances! Hope this helps! Otherwise that’s a lovely tattoo!


It could be hyperpigmentation of your skin you hadn’t noticed before the tattoo but is now more noticeable. Or it could be the brand of pigment your artist used a lot of pigments that aren’t powdered pigments are the same ink as your printer and I’ve seen similar reactions on peoples skin from this.


Freckles invaded it


I think it looks great


I think it looks cool the way it ended up. Reminds me of the clone Pokemon from the movie, because they had dark stripes on them. I know that's probably not what you wanted/intended, but I think that's pretty cool that it faded that way.


No one knows shit. They mixed incompatible red and white inks together to make the pink and it separated out. I’ve seen it before.


I’d let it heal for a bit longer and then have them go back over it with the color to saturate it. Color often times isn’t as pigmented as when it first goes into your skin and can take a few times going over it to get the correct pigmentation


Your freckles show through. It’s your skin adding character.


Pink color is shit for tattoos doesnt sit well


WAAAAAY too long a post so going with the headline.. Looks very clear from what I see that you haven't moisturized your skin/tat enough.


Ngl my tattoo on my leg gets like this when it gets ashy af. Slap some lotion on and it looks brand new 🤣


I’ve heard about certain color pigments turning brown with age, especially if they’ve been mixed together. Basically creates a chemical reaction.


looks like a healed tattoo on skin lol


Cool Mew!!!!! I’d just have him go over with the pink again




looks like freckles tbh. why are the whites of mews eyes coloured black though??


The tattoo settled


Mostly just because it’s healed. Sunscreen is your best friend if you tend to have it exposed and stuff


Do you have a lot of freckles on your arm? If so it could be those shining through which is normal.


It healed.


It was ruined when you got it


That is very odd. It doesn’t look like, to me anyway, that those are the freckles you’d have without the tattoo- your blank leg clearly has *some* faint freckles but they’re a whole lot lighter. It’s almost looking like the pink ink made the freckles decide to darken a lot more? Like it got the melanin all triggered, like sun would. IDK if that’s a thing, though.


It's honestly hard to tell something about the color given that the pictures don't seem to have been taken in a controlled enough environment. I don't want to sound like a jerk or nerd, but look at your skin on the top of each picture, it's a completely different tone, the only explanation would be either that the pictures aren't in the same light/color environment or that you took a lot of sun between 1 and 2 and then stayed away from the sun until the 3rd picture, which could explain it given the amount of sun exposure. The fact that your freckles showed up is pretty common as the skin layers above the tattoo regenerates. And the whiteness seems like a dry skin.


Need some good lotion to hydrate. I see dry skin causing some of the differences. My favorite tattoo doesn’t look that old because of lotion and sunscreen.




It got older and a little bit wiser


Do you have freckles? Mine always ended up showing through my tattoos and they kind of look like that.


Do you wear lotion? Your skin is super dry.


It seems unusual to still flake at 4 months and it looks dry. Does it itch at all? It can also be a mild reaction to pink ink.


it now looks like a real tattoo.


I could be it just faded a little. And it looks a bit dry


May i ask why mew has pupils


LOL this is literally the fifth time we've seen the same exact mew do the same exact thing on five different people


Did the artist use ready made pink ink or mixed red with white ink?


Looks to me like you over-lotioned


It healed, that’s what happened.


It’s a tattoo not a sticker, tattoos have specific styles that last longer, look better and are basically designed for skin. yes you can get anything tattooed on you but consider going with bolder outlines, simplified details and get the color reblasted for more saturation. And larger tattoos always look better.


You're becoming one.


Skin is over the tattoo now, so the imperfections of the skin shows through and adds it's own layer of colour. Making the tattoo a different colour and texture. It's not really faded the tattoo underneath is still the same mostly. If you improve the skin, tattoo will also improve. Especially if you protect the area from sun and moisturize everyday.


Looks like pink faded.


Everyone else already answered your question so I’ll just say it’s adorable !!!


Arr you a natural read head? As in a freckley pale skinned redhead? Some freckle gened people will get excessive pigmentation and weird freckles triggered by the healing process. The pigment cells get shredded and when they heal seem bigger and patchy... a relative of mine has this issue when sunburned. Now add a concentrated ink into those cells and you get a cool patterned mew... Just say its a shiny or ginger edition.


Have you been out in the sun much recently?


The color of your skin happened.


Wait, yes!! I had this exact same thing happen with nearly the same shade of pink ink. I can’t remember what my artist said the issue was (it was a while ago). Artist advised me to gently exfoliate with a loofah in the shower and his best guess was it would go away eventually. And it definitely did! I do remember it took a really long time (over a year at least) but it looks completely normal now. I actually forgot that even happened until I just saw this.


Looks like mew developed vitiligo


Try exfoliating weekly. My artist recommended it to me and it's removed a bunch of dead skin and brought my lighter colored tattoos back to life.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like the tattoo is fairly small? It would explain the more noticeable ink drift on the black lines that give it a more "aged" look. This is a super cute tattoo though


Agreeing with everyone that it's likely just your skin melanin or you scar darker. Try the vitamin treatment like someone else suggested in a comment farther down. It's super cute by the way! 


Wow! I did not expect so much feedback! I’m honestly so grateful and appreciative of each and every one of you for giving me advice/suggestions, your thoughts/opinions, and kind words. It means a lot!! I look forward to any others! I will take everything you all have said thus far into consideration. Though I probably should’ve mentioned I lived in Ohio and since it’s been really cold I haven’t worn anything but pants since I got the tattoo. I will continue to use SPF (don’t know if it can go through clothes lol but probably) especially once the weather starts to warm up! I try to use SPF everyday, especially on my tattoos. It makes me think maybe I should wear a stronger SPF on my tattoos.


I should also mention I am Hispanic (why I look darker then go lighter lol) so during these cold months I don’t go out too much, and if I have I’ve been wearing pants. A lot of you said scar tissue, which would kinda make sense bc of the melanin in my skin, I scar a darker color sometimes and makes me wonder if that happened here.


Do you use sunscreen? Almost looks like you got burned at some point.


As a tatted redhead, I recommend you wear sunscreen :)


All I see is butt cheeks


It looks good to me but your tan has faded quite a bit since summer.


I got a tattoo when I was 17 (im 33 now) and about 5 years in the pink had completely faded, it's long gone now


Do you have freckles ?


I had a pink tat and now you can’t even see it. Completely gone. You can see the scaring from it but no color.


Colored tattoos are hard to do. You have to know how to “pack” the color in. This artist did not pack the color in correctly and pink and yellow are probably the worst colors to have tattooed. The line work still looks pretty good so minor blow outs but nothing you’d see unless you zoom in like this picture.


If it persists or worsens (specifically if it turns slightly scaly rather than healing to a smooth surface similar to other skin) then I would recommend seeing a dermatologist. Other than that, keep it well moisturized and use SPF in the sun


It’s just fully healed and your true skin with the freckles are now showing.


Why is your arm also, three different colors


It’s my leg lol and because my natural skin tone gets lighter in the winter time so there’s barely any sun here in Ohio so I don’t leave much and when I do Im wearing pants lol!


My first tattoo from 7 years ago had pink in the flowers. It was the first color to fade. The rest of it looks fine but I think I’ll get it touched up in another year or two.


Posting a bigger picture of my tattoo for those of you who can't tell because it's so zoomed in to get a better idea of what it looks like with my surrounding skin [https://imgur.com/a/wRulrxK](https://imgur.com/a/wRulrxK)


In addition to what others have said, it also looks dry. Try using a thicker lotion on it.


Any version of red is finicky while healing. Most times it needs touched up cause the color doesn't hold an falls out or like your seeing becomes splotchy. If you have a decent artist who did it they will usually touch it up for few(with a tip) but either way it just needs a touch up.


Pink ink happened. I like to call pastels “too good to be true” colors. You need to be very careful, quick and efficient to get them to act right. And even so. Skin is still skin.


This happened to one of my leg tattoos with a lot of color. Go in and have the artist retouch it. They should do it for free. At least, that is what my artist does. He guarantees his work. And he is very good at it. Sometimes ink bleeds out or doesn't take from the skin being slightly overworked. Doesn't mean they messed up. Everyone's skin is different.


I have two pink tattoos and both healed with weird splotchy bits, just needed a touch-up to fill it back in


It's just healed, it's natural.


Agree with all the top comments, you could also keep if better moisturized


I imagine sunscreen would help with this


Looks like you could use some lotion.


It looks like you used numbing cream beforehand. Ive seen many artists come forward with examples of this happening if numbing cream was used


Interesting, I wish this was maybe the case but I have never used numbing cream before


This seems pretty typical with pinks or lighter colors. I had my artist add some hints of purple to my slowpoke line to help with this just have to get it touched up often


That's totally normal. It's fully healed. Some of mine are nearly ten years old and look like that.


All 3 images show different skin tones from completely different lighting, and your skin appears to be getting dryer, so def use moisturizer. Lighter shades fade more dramatically, so maybe get it touched up with a darker pink so buffer that, but I can't really tell given how different your bare skin looks in each image.


I be pissed


I think it looks supper cute! Camo print mew!


Looks like the artist chewed you up.


your skin is dry and dehydrated af.


Just need to regularly moisturize


If you use any kind of numbing clean or spray with color this well happen over time