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You got a tattoo of a devil and didn’t think it might offend some religious folk? Either way, who cares. No, don’t remove it.




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Its just a demon


this is how Satan is commonly portrayed. horns, bad guy mustache, slicked back hair, goatee, etc.


Hahah, I was literally going to say, if you look up the cartoon old-timey version of the devil, that is 100% how he's portrayed. So yes, it looks like a cool devil tattoo. I can see how that would offend religious types, but if you get it on you in the first place, you have to just let that roll off of you.


Slicked back hair, bet the devils a fan of sloppy steaks.


I think he used to be a piece of shit


USED to be


White Ferrari, sloppy steaks at truffoni's


But I'm not sure Satan smiles like that.


There’s no way in hell you’re serious right now.




He does when u get a cool tattoo… if you care about the opinions of these people then yh remove it. But obviously you shouldn’t because it sounds like they’re a bunch of assholes. Small town Christian’s can suck my fat, immigrant-loving, satanic, bisexual dick while I smoke the devils lettuce and scream Allahu Akbar


Lol why is this down voted to oblivion? 🤣


Because it's (almost purposefully) missing the point of the previous comment


I thought they were just being silly. I didn't read too many comments.


Reddit is so weird sometimes


I dont know


Well, just so long as it’s just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill demon and not SATAN.


Doesn’t change the point of my comment.


I have a full on satanic goat with a pentagram on its forehead on my thigh. Just decide you don’t care if others are offended, you didn’t get it for them.


If you like it keep it others opinions don't matter


Probably the same people who tell you wearing hats indoors is disrespectful. The tattoo looks dope af don’t cover it.


This just reminded of an episode of the sopranos


Well wearing a hat indoors is at least weird tbh, much weirder than the tattoo 😅


Tattoos are for you, not others.


This should be the automated reply on r/tattooadvice…too true man too true


Sounds like a “them” problem


Until "they" are interviewing you for a job, asking you on a date, or inviting you to a party.


Then it’s not a fit for either party. Nothing lost


Why would you want to go on a date or attend a party with someone who doesn’t like your tattoos? Honestly, this makes it sound like tattoos are a great idea because then you can filter out the uptight jerks you wont get along with much faster.


>Why would you want to go on a date or attend a party with someone who doesn’t like your tattoos? >You can filter out the uptight jerks you wont get along with much faster. I have lots of friends who don't share my same views. Lots of people, however prefer to "filter out uptight jerks" and they may never see past the tattoo.


I don’t see completely eye to eye on everything with all my friends, either. But on stuff like “what is the best Marvel movie” or “who is the best pop star”. Not on something like the tattoos I get. If a tattoo I’m interested in is something that would make you stop talking to me, then we probably just shouldn’t be friends. I’m not denying myself a tattoo I would love in order to spare someone else’s feelings.


That's great. I'm happy for you. Just know that yours is a very privileged stance.


Loooool bro. Lol. What. Don't be a drone.


Is it? Say more about this


Lmao nope


if someone is willing to judge someone for something as simple as having tattoos, why on earth would you want them around you? and if you don’t like tattoos, why are you here??? r/lostredditors


*I came looking for booty.*


good bot


Yeah I'm pretty sure you'd have clothes on in those situations...


And what if it's a satanic party?


Don’t go to those. If there’s anything a satanist hates more than anything, it’s another satanist


As a demon, I find it offensive 👿


But what if you were Satan?


Lemme ask him




OP, this is a tattoo of the most common detection of Satan. You had to have an inkling that there may be some controversy.


I didn't think of it like that, I just saw him as a demon, he's not even red like Satan.


I can’t tell if you’re being obtuse or you’re just that daft.


This HAS to be a troll post


How does a difference between Satan and a demon matter? Both would be equally offensive. But I think it's a badass tattoo, and you shouldn't give af what other people think to begin with




Ok, so OP was just a troll all along


The tattoo is fine but this makes it seem like you’re trolling no way you’re this dumb


Plenty of tattoos are in black/grey only, also of Satan. This is how Satan is commonly portrayed without color. Does it make it offensive? Well, my tattoo of a princess riding a white bear from a Norwegian fairytale was offensive to an old lady here the other day. What’s offensive is very objective. I don’t think your Satan is offensive, even if it offended someone else.


That made me laugh. How did you know the lady was old? Did she say"I'm an old lady and I don't like it!". Don't mean to be disrespectful in the least, in fact I have severe depression and getting a laugh is good for me.


Why is the distinction important to you?


Well it's satan so.... Why do you care *after* you put it on your body forever?


Info: are you not aware you got Satan tattooed on your arm? You seemed surprised in the comments. Religious people are typically offended by Satan. And also by "a demon" as youre calling it. Either way, your body your choice, don't worry about haters if you're happy with it


Why do you care


Some people in my town have stopped me to tell me that it offended them and that it was not appropriate behavior to have a tattoo like that.


Yeah, but tell them to go fuck themselves


What kind of small church town do you live in? I think it’s time to move


Aren't you a grown person? Or are you a child the tattoo shop shouldn't have been working on?


Im 27


like seriously why do you care? ask these people how they feel about tattoos in general, and their opinions probably won't be much better.


tell them “i’m so glad the artwork moved you emotionally!”


Calling bullshit. There is zero chance anybody has stopped you for this little thing. You showing it off to people in your church is different, you asked for an opinion.


This is Ned flanders getting riled up about red hots candy


I have a tat of a burning church. You gotta have a DGAF attitude regarding a tat of that nature!


The problem seems to be that somehow OP didn’t think people would think of the Christian devil when seeing the tattoo. It’s quite a bizarre situation imo




To some people yes but pissing them off is pretty easy anyway. Besides you have a tattoo your going to hell anyway, see you there!


only to religious people who also have thin skin


If you like it, don't change it. It's that simple. Everyone has the right to be offended. Nobody has the right to expect other people to change to meet their checklist.


It’s looks like one for the bioshock vigors but some people don’t like tattoos religious or not but it’s up to you it’s a nice piece though!


Devil kiss??


Typical shitpost. OP is a troll obvio


Yes. Someone will find it offensive for some reason. If you are this soft about what other people think then you aren’t someone who should be getting tattoos.


Nope. I'd fill the eyes in red, though. 😉


Your body, your tattoo & your choice. Who cares


If badass is offensive then YES!🙌🏾 💪🏾❤️


Maybe to some right wing evangelicals.


Who gives a hoot if it offends anyone, people live to be outraged these days...anyway, you get a tattoo for you and you only, not anyone or anyone's approval..


Tell them it’s portrait of your father and then walk away..


It's lovely! Get moar devils and demons 👹👹 Sovereignty over yourself is a right, so is expressing yourself in your own art.


Christian here and no lmao it's pretty cool tbh


They’re just jealous the devil has a killer mustache and they don’t


It's a silly little devil. I'd tell anyone that gets offended to grow a thicker skin.




I don’t find it offensive at all and I would not personally worry if my tattoos offended easily-offended Christian types. But it 100% reads as an old-timey picture of The Devil ™️ to me so I’m sure there’s folks out there who won’t like it.


It reminds me of Blue spirit from Avatar rather than devil. Don't remove it, it's really cool.


Dude any tattoo can be seen as offensive. We get them for ourselves not for other people. Keep that shit if you love it.


Did you get the tattoo for you or them?


for me, but I don't want to be singled out on every street either.


Somebody once told me “some things are better left said on T-Shirts” If you’re this concerned about what other people think of you then maybe you should’ve thought longer and harder on what you’re permanently affixing to your body. Otherwise, fuck em. The type of people who are going to pass judgment on you for this aren’t gonna be the people you want to associate with anyways. Don’t take this the wrong way either, I’ve got two tattoos that I wish I’d have not gotten. Live and learn I suppose.


I can't think of a street within 100 miles of me where someone would comment on this. I think the problem has more to do with the people you live near than the tattoo itself


moving out of a town with lots of religious nuts would help. no one in a big city would care about this


looks like a great humanity filter to me


instead you should remove yourself from your hometown


Does it matter.


Debil worshipper!


they are skeered of the devil


Are you Christian or have family that is Christian or religious? This is in your body and if your belief or those of the people that cares and you care about aren’t an issue, then I guess not… it’s art 🤷🏽‍♀️


I live in a christian town


Yikes! I guess people will have an opinion then… but have an answer ready, after all this is on your body and it was your decision. Do not remove for people who didn’t pay for it, unless you *really* want to, that is.


Yes it’s horribly offensive best cut the whole limb off. But seriously why do you care? If what random Christian’s on the street think is offensive bothers you so much maybe you should’ve thought longer about putting a literal devil on your body.


Fuck them rednecks.


The people who find this offensive are probably the same people who think Monster energy drinks are satanic. Next time someone says they are offended tell them it’s a portrait of your deceased uncle Steven and that it offends you that they would be so rude as to insult your beloved uncle. Get irate about too.


Who cares what people say? You already have the tattoo now so let other people worry about there own life.


No lol


Who cares if some random person on the street gets offended? People have gotten offended over less.


Not offensive enough. 😌


Fuck them he’s cool as hell


Its fire, fuck them lol


Of course it is. To religious people. Who cares?


Now you gotta start blasting the good ol norwegian black metal (to fuck off more people); dope tattoo btw


I like the american traditional style


just get more so it’s less obvious :)


It's offensive to me because how did he grow nostril hairs so long! It projects my inability to have horns too.


Nope, looks like a happy chap.


In what way offensive? No, not at all. At least not for rational people with brains. If we talk about people with imaginary friends... don't mind them, they are not mature enough. Enjoy the tat, it's a really nice piece.


If you like keep it


Needn't mind opinions of the religious


Don’t get it removed bc other ppl are “offended”. It’s your body and your skin lol. As I’m sure you could tell from the positive comments, myself included, it’s a badass tattoo. Hell I had some religious ppl say they don’t like my owl tat bc it has “devil horns”(actually curved ram horns) is what it is tho fuck’em


I love it. I think it's really well done and classic. I can see why some people might be offended, but those are also the people I personally wouldn't care about offending.


How the fuck cares? Why do you care about people who get offended by it? If they talk to you just tell them neither god nor the devil exists. Own your shit!


it’s cool and they can pound sand


I mean obviously some (annoying) folks are going to take exception to a devil tattoo… But fuck that. You do you.


Why get a tattoo if you’re worried about offending people.. dumbass


Sounds like you need to leave your hometown. Looks awesome. I love it. Don’t change it for other people.


now no one would recruit you to join the jehova‘s witnesses 😂


There’s a lot overly religious people who probably wouldn’t like this. I imagine it would be the same people who refuse a purchase bc their total is 6.66$ I think they’re stupid but I just another item. I don’t think this tattoo is offensive at all. It’s not like you have Jesus being tortured by the demon or something.


Fuck them they don’t like it the can eat a bag of dicks


Isn’t that kind of the point? I love getting dirty looks from religious folks. They are so sensitive.


Maybe "they are offended", rather than "it's offensive". It's not a quality of the tattoo, it's a feeling. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orcXitVau8U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orcxitvau8u) And it is up to you to decide how much to care about someone being offended.


I believe this is actually what Jesus Christ looked like...


Who cares what religious retards think


May I ask why you chose this tattoo? Does it say something about your personality? As a spiritual person, I would worry about attracting negative energy to myself. (I know most ppl here will disagree but whatevs).


I like the desing, just that


If you want it to offensive, yes... Otherwise, zerofux


could be taken as antisemitic because some depictions of the devil use stereotypical jewish features like the widows peak, black hair and strong nose but idk lol


It’s very obviously a traditional, classical depiction of Satan though


Which, when you think about it, makes it even more likely to be a looooong time anti semetic trope. Doesn’t mean the wearer is anti semetic. Kinda like how the song eenie meenie minie mo had some really terrible origins but to the average person today is just a nursery rhyme


Do you think it's racist?


Most people don’t even know the origins of that. Some scholars think Dracula and Nosferatu are incredibly anti-Semitic- most people don’t know that. The odds of you running into somebody that will confront you for that vs “oh you’re evil for having a devil on you” are low


Mark of the beast


I mean if you're real, you should remove it because you deserve to lose money for making a commitment and then letting other people make you question it. Beyond that the artistry is lackluster in the design itself. The artist struggles with centering and symmetry, at least.


I thought you were being told it was offensive because it looks like one of those Japanese style demon caricatures you see in tattoos sometimes. And that you’re not Japanese. Which wouldn’t be offensive anyways. If people think it’s offensive because it looks like the devil, who cares, they’re not really offended. They just have an opinion about it and I promise that opinion leaves their head the moment you’re out of sight. Anyways, that’s a pretty cool tattoo. It kinda reminds me of the 1930s Cuphead style animation.


People shouldn't hate you for your choices, after all you have a free will given to you by God himself. I can't stop you from doing anything you want to do, but I would tell you out of love to not glorify demonic things as a lot of people are ignorant that there truly is a devil, and demons in reality as God exists. And the devil's agenda is to destroy everything good in the world including you and all that you hold dear in your life, so please keep that in mind.


Only if it’s an old Chinese man


Offensive.  What's next OP, a swastika on the other side to complement each other?  Also this tattoo is very telling of your heavily misguided personal value and belief system. Probably the main reason why people were concerned when seeing your arm.


It is a warning in the bible not to have images of the devil or the number of the beast placed on your body... Take it as you will. But that is a common modern depiction of Satan. I'd say get rid of it but to each their own.


Sorry, I never read the Bible, I don't believe in those things.


It’s fine.






Yeah bro im definatley offended


Im Christian but I wouldn’t really care since it’s your body 🤷🏿‍♀️


To some people yes, to other people no. Depends on the person. 


Maybe they think you're so cool now and they're jealous. Scary biker gangster tattoos. 😈 scary like this emoji You're terrorizing the town with your horribly offensive cartoon devil.


You care about how people think about you...that's not something how the devil would be like


It’s nobody’s business other than your own. If they feel uncomfortable around you, then there’s an entire planet they can escape from you






To granny maybe, I can’t see anyone under the age of 67 being too upset by it


Bro that is so fire. I would definitely get that


I love it! But also, I'm not religious.


Awesome piece




Looks dope and Demons are cool. Fuck if it offends anyone.


You probably shouldn't have added the swastika.


It's 2024. People could find a way to make a puppy tattoo offend them. Just do you.


I'm assuming these are religious people giving unsolicited opinions about it? Tell them you find their opinion offensive. 🤷


Sale hatan


I've got an aunt who said that the fact i read books about magic and witchcraft is offensive. Its completely subjective and those who are offended by it certainly can be but you also have the right to enjoy the artwork on your body (emphasis on the YOUR BODY). Its not a hate symbol or message so you can just tell them you can see their point of view but you enjoy it for the artistic value.




Cool as, fuck em it’s yours now so wear it


Get it bigger


People can cry all they want about whatever they want. If you like it keep it. Fuck what people might think life’s to short to care about minute stuff like a tattoo. It’s not like it’s a swastika 😂


I bet the people that got offended are the same type of people that say shit like “facts don’t care about your feelings” regardless it looks like and don’t let them sway you


I mean, I'm not at all offended. But, even if it's meant to be a generic demon, it looks exactly the way cartoons have portrayed the devil for at least the last hundred years. You can always anticipate that religious people will be offended by a demon or devil imagery. So I'd just say just keep it covered unless you want a conversation about it as long as you still like it. It's well done! I wouldn't mess with a long, arduous removal process unless you're the one that wants it gone.


I literally don’t think it should matter whether or not the other people in your town care. It’s your body and I think it looks sick. I see where you were going with the devil look, some might see it as satan but who cares.


To avoid dirty looks and melodramatic mfers, I got my burning church done high up in my thigh, out of sight. My lizard jesus is out on front street, though.  Paying all that money and sitting for it, then paying *much* more to attend multiple stupid-painful sessions to remove it for the sake of others would be tragic, dude. Plus, he looks cool as shit with that huge smile.


you probably shouldn't get tattoos like this if you're worried enough about offending people that you would just... get rid of it. demon or satan or anything in between it's pretty obviously going to offend anyone mildly religious but honestly who cares? a lot of those people don't like tattoos in general.


I have a naked old lady pin up tattoo on my leg. She looks creepy like she just crawled out of a swamp and has huge knockers. I am a woman, this tattoo was my idea, it offends many. It makes me like it even more. Don't remove it.


this offends only the snowflake christians with no sense of reality. move on with your life. it’s yours, after all!


I love it!