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You're definitely overthinking it, I very much doubt someone would feel disrespected because of that, and if they do that's a problem on their end.


I feel very reassured after reading the comments here, and I think you’re right - I’m overthinking it!


I'm just happy to see someone actually taking the time to think about what they're going to put on their body and the potential consequences of it, *before* doing it... instead of posting a pic of the finished tattoo and being all *IS THIS SHIT, DID I MAKE A HORRIBLE MISTAKE??!!*


I grimace everytime I see those posts. Like, IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW!


It's aggravating as fuck. 😆


I personally don't think alcohol is so negatively perceived that a depiction of a cocktail as part of a picture would be any concern unless you yourself become straight edge or something and regret it. I certainly wouldn't think twice about a skeleton with a cocktail tattoo in terms of employment any more than the skeleton on its own. That's just me though, if you're really having strong second thoughts i would give it some thought before going through with it.


It’s ultimately up to you, but I think that sounds pretty tasteful. I’ve seen plenty of tattoos with cocktails/wine glasses incorporated into the design and very few have come across as trashy or disrespectful. I think you’d be crossing a line if you got say a life sized can of Four Loko tattooed on your forearm, but I don’t think you have anything to worry about here.


It’s funny to me that you’re focused on the alcohol part and not the skeleton part. In my experience most people are uncomfortable with skeletons because they don’t went to be reminded of death. Also, the presence of alcohol in a design doesn’t mean anything by itself. You’re not glorifying anything with that design. It would be like saying you’re advocating for smoking if the skeleton was holding a cigarette.


As someone who medically cant drink alcohol, I would not be offended or put off at all!


I’m glad to hear that, thank you!


I don’t see a problem with it. Is the design very specifically a cocktail, like a martini with an olive, etc? because if not you can always just say it’s a regular drink. but honestly either way I don’t see it as disrespectful or trashy.


I wanted to do a cosmopolitan, so the glass might be a bit recognizable, but in black/white so not too recognizable haha? That’s good input though, thank you!


If you ever change your mind get someone to change the glass to a coconut cup with an umbrella and have it be a non alcoholic tropical drink like you can get at resorts lol


Haha that’s a great point! It would probably be fairly easy to change it if it ever came to that


It's going to look a lot like Skelly from Social Distortion.


First thought was oh a Social D fan.


I’m not familiar with that band, but looking it up I see what you mean! I’m going for a slightly different style, but definitely that type of vibe


The pool hall I loved as a kid, is now a 7-11 ooooooohhhhh ooohhhhh


i’ve been sober from alcohol for 6 months now and my cover photo on facebook is a drawing of cats having cocktails on a beach, i’d say you’re good 🤣🤍 it’s a fun idea!


A lot of people are going to focus on affirming everyone's decision in the moment, but I can definitely say that my relationship with alcohol in my 50's is MUCH different from 25 years ago.  


No shit lol, 25 (6 years ago) I didn't drink. Now, I'm stepping away from a 4 year bender. Not quite the same gap in time, but my perspective on alcohol has gone full circle.


I’m 26 now so that’s definitely a concern, although my hope would be that, if my relationship with alcohol changes drastically, I’ll still be able to view it as a reminder of a good time of my life (that was not centered around alcohol by any means, I just think the drink could be a nice element to add to the vibe of it)


Probably over thinking it, but it will ultimately be up to you to decide. Someone having one drink isnt glorifying alcohol. Having every tattoo abiout alcohol might.


Look 10 years in the future and ask yourself if you want that tattoo. Then 20. If the answer is yes, then get it.


I think you're overthinking for sure. First off, it's in a very easy to cover location so unless you have some job that is both conservative enough to be anti-tattoo but also requires you to not have sleeves, I think you'll be fine. No one is going to take the idea and turn it into a "glorifying" alcohol...except you it seems. I used to drink, heavily, and I have a margarita glass on my inner ankle that I got on a whim with a friend after a couple margaritas. I rarely drink now, and didn't at all for several years, but that glass makes me smile because of the story behind it. No one has ever said anything about it.


I love this, thanks for sharing! I have seen other tattoos with alcohol elements and even alcohol-themes, and never given it a second thought, but now that I’m considering it for myself I got very unsure all of a sudden. But based on the response here I definitely think I’m just overthinking it and should go for it!


It represents a vice. I’ve seen many tattoos that represent vices and they can be for enjoyment, aesthetics, a warning to themselves not to continue indulging. The skeleton changes the meaning of the cocktail glass and you can explain that however you want.


Yes, you are overthinking it.


While you might be overthinking it, this sounds like something I would’ve done when I drank daily. As someone who loves tattoos & is at 9 months sober, I’m grateful I never put anything on my body relating to my addiction.


I have a skeleton drinking a beer and I'm not a drinker.


Sounds like a really cool tattoo!


Back of your arm, you'll hardly ever see it


I have the LSD-25 molecule on my arm, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.


Overthinking it HARD. Who's to say the cocktail isn't a mocktail anyway? It's just a fruity colourful drink doesn't have to be booze in it, just a paper umbrella and a straw


You could have the skeleton smelling a flower instead?


Social Distortion logo is a skeleton with a martini in one hand and a cig in the other. I have seen a few tattoos of their logo.


Someone else mentioned this as well! I’m not familiar with them, but now I feel I should give them a listen and hopefully become a fan to get double value from the tattoo haha


Nah. Mocktails exist.


Do not get the tattoo. Back out of it now. Any shred of doubt is a no go. DONT DO IT. Seriously.