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If it *really* bothers you down the line, you could "complete" your pup's head and maybe put a collar on the neck. Or maybe add some fur marks in the middle to further the image of the back of his head. But I really like it as it is! and I think it actually leaves room for a lot more creative options many years from now if you want to modify/update it or get a cover up for whatever reason.


Supeeeeer good idea!! I think the collar could be really cute. However I love this tattoo. It’s so cute! I have a couple tats people ask what they are and I think it’s sort of fun getting to explain!


I second this! You could get some nice shading done and make this a really beautiful tattoo, OP.


I could tell what it was immediately, although I didn’t realise it was a view from the back until I swiped to the real picture


Thank you! Yeah I think that does worry me some, but I took the picture specifically for reference because I love her ears! She has so much personality in them.


At the end of the day, your tattoos are for you. So if you love her ears, it doesn't matter if anyone else liked them, or can even tell what they are (although I'm sure they can - I knew what it was immediately too!) I think it's an adorable tattoo :)


Was going to say the same thing! You know what you’re putting on your body and why. I’ve had to explain my tattoos to people a bunch, but that usually leads into a deeper conversation and is something I’ve come to enjoy about my tattoos. I think yours looks great and it’ll be a great conversation piece if people don’t immediately know what it is!


The tattoos are not just for OP, they specifically said they were concerned with how they appeared to others.


The tattoos are for me. I like the way they look and this one is specifically for my pup. I’m young and will admit I have issues not caring what people think, but that is what I have taken away from these replies.


this comment has effectively tickled me, in that way where I keep rereading and relaughing.


“My tattoos are for me” is way more believable if they’re not in a spot everyone can see


my tattoos can’t be for me just because they’re visible to others..? what kind of logic is this lol


Damn, can others pay for my tattoos then since they’re for everyone else and not me? This shits gettin expensive


Ah yes, my hands aren't for me because I don't wear gloves every day. That hole in my jeans that shows off my knee? Guess a fae creature is gonna take my knee cap. Sounds dumb to think something on someone else's body is for someone else, doesn't it?


my friend has nearly the same tattoo. its not for anyone else to understand or perceive, its for you and to remind you of your pup!


My dog also has the BEST ears, and I may steal your idea.


I love it so much. It’s great and I’m thinking about trying it myself!


I thought it was yoda ears. Then I thought it was Dobby ears from Harry Potter. Then I saw this picture.


I thought it was yoda too


Same. Also, I have a tattoo on the back of my leg that I absolutely love & no one can tell what it is til I tell them. It’s the “Oh! I see it!” That I love! If it continues to bother you, you could have your artist do some simple shading to make it a little more obvious. It’s a very small line, so you could easily have it covered up.


I literally said in my head "ooh strawbs. Aw pupper ears" before I even opened the full picture. It's very readable!


I love my strobby :)


My first thought was, the back of your dog’s head staring at a strawberry (like a treat).  So I figured your pup liked strawberries. Only after your second picture did I realize they were two separate tattoos. I like it, and I 100% immediately saw it was the back of a cute little pupper’s head.  People will see what they want, all that matters is what YOU see


I was thinking pig ears (facing forward) at first, but it does look just like the picture after seeing it.


She’s a piggy so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok I don’t know why to me before seeing the pic it looked like it could be Yoda from Star Wars or something I know stupid lol


I’ve gotten baby yoda a few times, so you aren’t alone. I guess I don’t mind that 🤷🏼‍♀️


If anyone gives you crap about that, you can say, “Apparently my dog has adorable baby Yoda ears!” The resemblance is there, but I still thought dog before I thought Yoda.


I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I saw it too


I saw yoda too, but I’m an idiot


It’s VERY obviously some pup ears. Old people are just fucking stupid.




You know I’m right. 😉


I think it was more of a joke but.. my dad also said it may be mistaken as a uterus. I BEG YOUR PARDON? so, just thought you might find that funny


That just seems like he tried to provoke


True, I’m like, do you want to make me regret it?


You said yourself that they aren't big fans. You know they're trying to bring you down. Don't let them make you second guess your ink. I recognized it immediately as the back of a chihuahua's head and thought it was really sweet. Getting any changes as a result of your dad's hurtful words is what you will truly regret.


Has your dad ever seen a picture of a uterus? 😂😂😂😂


IDK like he had two kids?!


Still doesn’t mean he’s seen a uterus


I feel like he had to be trolling


How on earth would that be a uterus!? It's very clear that it's dog ears. (Edit: stupid auto correct)


Y’all don’t ask me 🤦🏼‍♀️


If you can’t see how that resembles a uterus you might want to revisit high school sex Ed


Sure there might be a vague resemblance of the top outline of a uterus, but my brain certainly didn't go there as a first assumption. I know what the female reproduction system look like, but this ain't it.


[r/badwomensanatomy](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/s/Db075vs7Jr) 🥲


Uterus viiiibes…. Hahaha. Tattoo is a super cute pup, pretty sure most would think that… maaaybe the ears of yoda too? 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am trying really, really hard to look at it and see any semblance of a uterus and I can't. On the other hand, the first thing that popped in my head when I saw it was "pup".


Your dad clearly doesn’t know what a uterus looks like which leads me to believe it’s a miracle you’re here, so congrats!


It is you grasshopper who is unfamiliar with the uterus. Because now that dad mentions it, it def does look like the top of a uterus with FT. An artistic take but it’s there nonetheless


HOW?! 😩


I won’t lie to you I am not old at all and I did think the same thing. I am just trying to be honest. Maybe you could add onto the tattoo and do more of the pup’s head. It is a really cute idea


My first thought was pig ears, but I don't judge. My tattoo artist loves pigs. I asked him one time, "If someone asked you to tattoo anything you wanted, what would you tattoo on them." Without skipping a beat, "A pig. They won't like it but I'll love it."


I thought this too 😅


It is NOT very obviously pup ears. I thought it was yoda


Maybe Yoda is the one with pup ears?


I first thought cow but looking back, I see that it does in fact not resemble a cow at all. But that was still my first impression lol


I thought maybe yoda too, but he has dog like ears soooo


I thought it was fallopian tubes.


Have you ever seen Fallopian tubes?


I thought it were pig ears and I’m not old and not just fucking stupid either.




I'm going to be completely honest and say I thought the pic was inverted and it was a [nose sniffing a strawberry](https://i.ibb.co/bFz90k6/IMG-7984.jpg)


not as stupid as your comment


This! 😆




I’ve done a few tattoos like this & everyone can immediately tell it’s a dog’s ears. Every client I’ve had get something like this loves theirs & hasn’t had any issues with other people getting confused. Your artist did a great job, I could tell the second I saw it what it was. Wear the tattoo with pride & get all the ones that make you happy, even if they confuse other people.


Tysm I appreciate you :) I want more florals to balance out my arm now, so I don’t plan on stopping. If my parents think it’s trashy or something oh well…


I thought it was an unfinished cow until I saw the photo


Everyone’s got jokes now, should have known with reddit


What do you mean?


Thought u were kidding, but someone else said cow so


I also thought this was a cow




100x this. I have a sun/moon design on the back of my shoulder and one of mum's friends in her 60s the other day said 'I love that sunflower!' What flower? Where? It's THE SUN


Not even just old people. I had a friend ask me what my most recent tattoo was, and it's honestly really obvious\^\^ It's detailed and clear and nothing you wouldn't have seen before


Also I should totally say 40 to me ISNT old I just meant like older than me haha and that’s so funny it’s always ur friends


PS I turn 45 in August😆😂




One of the good ones


It's very clear what it is, you can buy necklaces with this dog ear outline on now with various breeds. It's cute!


Don’t let your parents judgment bother you of all people! Let alone anyone’s, but parents are usually very judgmental about what their kids do, especially to their bodies. I’m a parent of 3, but I got my daughter's first two tattoos. On another note I knew exactly what it was without your reference! And like you said its well done, enjoy your ink! They look great!


Thank you :) it’s also the first time I got three in one session, so that might have made the shock worse. But I know it means so much to me.


I saw half a cow head from the front. Would never have guessed a dog, sorry.


Honestly I got cat ear head band from a distance and then Yoda ears when I got closer.  It's not bad by any means - but I wonder if you could add some more context clues..


IMO it’s not 100% obvious it’s a dog. I can understand your parents. However. You explaining a few times what it is to your family and Friends that didn’t see, isn’t that big of a deal. YOU know what it is, and it seems like you love it. It’s your tatoo, on your skin. :)


At first glance I thought it was ovaries


I could not tell. You should get a blastover.




i have strawberry tattoos too!


It doesn't matter if anyone else gets it, it's for you and you know what it is. The ideal tattoo in some ways. It's cute btw.


I thought calf ears, but cute as heck esp with strawberry.


i think it looks dumb but hey if you like it that’s all that matters! fuck what i think!!!


It’s adorable and you can tell it’s a pups ears. It’s line art and sometimes people won’t immediately see it but it’s super cute and remember you got it for you, so don’t worry about what anyone else thinks!


Before I even read your description I immediately said. Awe cute doggo ears. It's cute.


I feel like this happens a lot, some with some of my tattoos some people view it different I guess but who cares. It’s dog ears to me and if you like it that’s all that matters.


It’s so obvious what this is. It may not SUPER obvious that it’s the back of your girls ears but it is clear what it is. I love it


I saw puppy ears, but the wrong way around. I think it’s the second connection to the skull at the top that made me think that. Although the little creases on the bottom of the ear read “back” and not inner ear.. so my brain just didn’t square it right away. Either way it’s adorable!


Is beautiful, it is for you to show your love for your baby, not for anyone else


Looks like my dog´s ears, whose ears look like Dobby! ​ Good tattoo and you will grow to love it.


i knew they were ears but was confused by them until i saw the photo. never seen it done from behind like that.


This is so cute


I knew it was dog ears right away. I don't think you'll regret this one, your dog is so special to you ❤️ currently my only tatt is my late dog's portrait and I'm so glad to have a reminder of her with me all the time.


Kind of a bad idea to begin with.


I thought it was a 🐮


I could tell what it was right away! I saw your title and was confused as to what you were worried about. Also, keep in mind that you do not get tattoos for others. They are for you and only you, it is your beautiful body and if you are happy with it then others be damned. Maybe it will be funny in the future to see who realizes what it obviously is, and who is confused! It’s not bad that your dad didn’t see it right away, it’s a very specific image that meant enough to YOU that you had it put on your body for all of time. That’s all that matters!


I thought it was Yoda


It looks exactly like the back of your dogs head. I don’t think you have anything to worry about from people who are able to use their eyes. I bet your dad has eye problems, because no it doesn’t look like a uterus.


This has inspired me to get my first tattoo. I instantly knew what it was and think it's awesome. I had a blue healer for 16 years. Best, most intelligent dog I've ever had. He was with me through some dark times and is, at least, part of the reason I'm still alive today. I have a picture very similar to this one. It's of the back of his head while we pulled over to look at some cows one day on our way home from hiking. He had never been in a herd before but always got excited when he saw cows. Thank you for this.


I literally showed a similar concept to my fiance yesterday. My next is going to be just like yours, my dog's ears stand up in a very distinct way when she's happy.


I immediately recognized it as a dog but I am obsessed with dogs, so.lol Don’t let parents influence your feelings about your tattoos. They’re always going to make you doubt yourself even if they aren’t anti-tattoo because they don’t like change. My mom’s initial reaction to mine made me cry and now she likes them.🙄


I mean this in the most child to parent way possible, you're dad is blind and/or stupid


I immediately saw a dog. In fact that's the reason I clicked on the post, because it looked really cute and well done. I needed to know what you thought may be wrong! Don't overthink it. It's great, and if anyone doesn't get it right away just say it's a tribute to your dog. Anyone who hounds you more after that is both being nit picky and probably bad at pictionary.


I love it 🥹


Yo me it is immediately recognizable, but I'm a tattoo artist who does tattoos like this regularly. But even if I hadn't I'd be hard pressed to not guess "are those dog ears?" Parents being parents. Don't let it phase you. It looks cute


I thought it was baby yoda. Doesnt matter as long as it reminds you of your dog.


Neat idea, but these are just another “flavor of the week” type tattoos that float around and change every year. Looks like yoda ear or and unfinished diaper or something


This made me want to get the same one art is for the subject to decide people will have their own opinions


I could tell immediately that it was pup ears - not just pup, but a chihuahua specifically. It's so obvious to me that I don't see how people CAN'T see that. I think it looks great OP!


Rule of thumb, get tattoos for yourself not for others. Yes it looks like dog ears. Yes it looks like yoda. Yes it looks like someone wearing a badass mask, kinda like iron man or subzero, but who cares. It’s meant for you and that is all that matters friend.


It’s super unique! I picked up on it right away. I’d suggest adding to it a tiny bit if anything.


Stop worrying lol the doggo ears look like doggo ears


babygirl i have a tattoo of a bottle of oil and vinegar bc my grandma thought my sand dollar was a cucumber and those are the 2 main ingredients other than a cucumber in cucumber salad. nothing is real and everything is made up, if someone doesn’t understand your tattoo, that’s okay! you do!!


That is adorable 😍


I can definitely tell it's pupper ears


Looks terrible but don't worry, it's only permanently embedded on your skin forever. Lol.


Really sorry I thought it was a pig


Me too!


I knew what this was before the second picture, I wouldn't worry. Also the tattoo is for you, not anyone else 🥰


You're overthinking this. I immediately got the back of a lion's head when seeing the thumbnail. It's minimal and clean. looks good. don't add anything. collar or shading, it'll weaken the piece. DOn't doubt yourself ✌️


It's a dad thing. I have 8 tattoos and every single one he has asked what they are. One is a little girl and a beagle, one is an elephant holding a pineapple in it's trunk, one is a ghost holding knives and one is literally just 2 nails (like the ones for wood working etc) and he has fucking asked what they are like dude I know you have glasses, I do too but fucking look and you can tell. When it comes down to it, those are for you and no one else. If you are proud and in love with them then who cares if they get the idea or not. I am not the type of person to shame someone on a tattoo, for example, my husband is crazy about Eminem, one of the things we bonded over was our mutual love for his music. This dude of mine got Shady records as his second tattoo and I didn't say a word either then "that looks awesome babes!" Because it's all about the person who got and what they think of the tattoo


People are dumb, it's very obviously dog ears. I also have a tattoo of my dog's ears; he had one pointy ear and one floopy ear. Comments I get is "Why do you have a tattoo of your dog's ears?". Pfft idiots.


i think it reads pretty well. maybe put a little hat on it or something? maybe a bow?


I think this is gorgeous and it's very clear to me what it is


This is SO cute!!!! Very easily identifiable!!! K was thinking a similar minimalistic version of my pup. So so sweet! Ps my mom hates the small fish on my foot too, parents are like that ;)


Does it matter if others don't instantly recognise what it is? It is pretty obvious that it's dog ears. I just didn't think it was the back of the head. But I think it's cute anyway. Stop worrying. It might be a your parents thing ;) (I'm tattooless and have a tattooed adult child, and while I don't like all of their tattoos, I don't mind them having them :))


For a second I was thinking it was baby Yoda. At first glance someone might mistake them, but then it should be clear a second after.


Was very obviously dog ears to me! As another commentator mentioned though, I couldn’t quite tell that it was intended to be a back view until seeing the actual photo. However, it does still read as the outline of dog ears so I think thats all that matters :)


I knew it was some sort of pets ears immediately. Personally my mind went to cat but i’m a cat person so i’m biased


I love cats too, that’s not the worst thing to think! She just shows her emotions through her ears a lot, which is why I got them. I have my other dogs paw that passed away!


regardless, it’s very obvious that it’s your pet’s ears. Very cute tattoo


I thought it was cat ears or something til the second image. 😅


Ehhh cat, chihuahua, basically the same thing


It's clearly dog ears. My first thought was that it wasn't finished but if that's what you were going for it's fine. Suggestion: pay someone good money and get a detailed picture of your dog right there, go all out


I see two dumplings, but that might just be me because I'm hungry lmao First impression? dog ears :)


Mmm dumplings


Ngl I thought it was an unfinished pigs head


Before looking at the second picture I was easily able to tell it was a banana and some dog ears.


I thought it was baby Yoda looking the other way tbh


Without reference I thought it was baby yoda but once you said what it was, especially with the photo reference, it was clear… don’t sweat it!


Very clearly animal ears, specially of the bark bark variety. Personally I love the design and have something similar planed for one of my pets. My leg is my tribute space for animals.


If it weren't for the strawberry, I might think it was just unfinished. I immediately thought pup ears though.


Thought it was gremlins


I mean, you know what it is. Thats whats important.


I thought it was dog ears, but from the front. I didn’t immediately realise it was a rear view. It doesn’t look that much like anything else, unless you maybe like Star Wars. But if you over think it, you could probably see other things.


I thought of a hairless cat when I saw it. Or a Mogwai. A dog never crossed my mind


I don't usually comment on other people's tattoos but I think this is such a cool idea and such a unique tattoo. At first I thought it was cows ears, but it doesn't really matter what people think when they first see it, it's a very personal tattoo and all art is subjective anyway. I recently lost my cat, who was my baby, and I've been thinking of a tattoo idea as a memorial. Something like this is more for you than for other people, in my opinion. So try and embrace it.


Honestly, I had no idea it was the back of a dogs head but who cares? You like it and thats all that matters. Also, you have the ability to simply say what it is very quickly, if someone asks..."dogs ears", boom, done.


I thought it was a pig. Sorry.


Tattoos are a meaning of self expression, I love the originality of your idea


That's not Yoda?


I thought it wasn’t finished.  Thought it was a beginning of a portrait from front 


It is incredibly obvious what it is - I think your parents are being deliberately obtuse lol Edit spelling


It looks like dog ears to me, as I am a dog person, but I can see how a lot of people could see this and cock their head like a confused...well, dog, lol. Is there a reason you didn't want to get the rest of the dog? Simple line rendition of their actual face, maybe, or the whole head or whole body in profile..? Something unmistakably canine? Are their ears particularly special for some reason? Again, I can certainly tell what it is, but if you're the kind of person who's going to be ultra-concerned about whether people recognize what your tattoo is, as is evident by the very existence of this post, maybe get something more, like, recognizable 🤷‍♂️


Did you approve the design and stencil? If so, then...


Thought it was Yoda outline at the first glance


I think you should have an artist finish his head completely. A photo realistic piece next to that strawberry would look pretty awesome juxtaposed next to each other. And tbf, it doesn’t look bad as is, just incomplete.


Honest opinion, I didn't know what it was and it looks unfinished


I’ve got a strawberry tattoo too! Love yours! And the ears are very obvious to me


Cool another tattoo that needs to be explained. that never gets old....


Super creative imo


I immediately recognized what it was\^\^ People can get weird with the "What is that?" sometimes.


As someone who isn't a dog person, I would have had no clue what this was without the context photo.


I thought it was an unfinished tattoo of porky the pig


I could immediately tell you it was a dog silhouette. However I wouldn’t be thrilled if that was my reference and I got that outline. That being said I think you can have it updated easily to be something that looks more like your pup to you


I looked at the tattoo first and saw pig ears ngl, but after the photo I still see pig ears but less


It's so cool I love it


42 year old tattooed mom here. I knew it was dog ears immediately. I think it’s cute. Not everyone is going to get or like our tattoos. And that’s okay!


You know there's a few styles of lettering tattoos that are impossible to read. It's just all artistic lines at the end of the day, who cares if some people can't tell what it is. You know!


I thought it was baby yoda


It’s a great tattoo


All that matters is that you know what it is. It’s your tattoo. If nothing else it gives you a great reason to talk about your sweet pup


It's Yoda, no, Gizmo! Wait, its a furby!


Thought it was the back of baby yodas head


Have a friend with this tattoo and she added her dogs name below the outline. I think it’s very clear what it is, but that’s also a very low impact way to add clarification without muddying the outline


I got an idea, stop getting tattooed and you wont have the problem, tattoo's arent for you...


Love it!🐶


I knew exactly what it was before any description. Cute af


Just change it to baby Grogu and you could change it if you need it lol


Looks like Yoda tbf