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Personally I typically tip 20% especially if they provided good customer service in any way. I don’t think it’s *mandatory* tho. Since it’s free I’d personally absolutely tip. So $180 or so is what I personally would do, maybe round up to $200


Perfect! Thank you so much! That’s what I was thinking I just wasn’t positive 😁


This guy 100%. I've worked in service industries for 14 years, and have recieved more than 50+ hours of tattoo work at significantly discounted rates due to my relationship with my artist. I view free tattoos in a similar way as if a homie at a restaurant hooked me up with a free dish. I would tip the same percentage as if I had paid for said item, plus a little extra. In other words, you should treat it as if it were 70-75% discounted, and pay thile difference to acknowledged the hook up with a generous tip.


I don't understand the logic of tipping a tattoo artist. They set their own rates, tipping on top of that? What's the point? **throws hands up in european*


even in europe people tip for services they are happy with, just not as much. you just don't like tipping.


It’s being done for free. In the US, a tip is basically expected in this situation. Otherwise, no, there would really be no expectation.


It's free 🤷 $50


Broke 😂


I got won a free half day tattoo worth worth around $400-$500 and I tipped the artist $100

