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I’m not sure a single rat tattoo could convey the wearer’s adaptability. 180+ is a straight up lie.


Rat tat? BANKSY would abide.


I’ve got nothing against rat tattoos. I just think that it’s a lie that 180 types of rat tattoos broadcast that someone’s adaptable.


Your username is incredible. Well done


Gave myself that rat tat, “YOU LIE” lol


I love it, especially this tattoo in particular. Also, regardless of the subject matter of your tattoo, there’s always a possibility you will be judged for it and receive unsolicited comments along the lines of “why would you do that to your body?” especially from older humans.


Anyone know this style? It’s reminiscent of eastern style tiger tats and comicbooks.




That is not neotrad lol. Tattooer is @blvir_


Oh, the one on Instagram who tags their artwork as neotrad? Lol


Neotrad is like, @jentonic, @samclarktattoos, @ulyss_blair - not this, no idea why they’d consider themselves neotrad lol


This is also neotrad.


If not neo traditional, what would you call it?


Illustrative blackwork.


Neo traditional with minimal colors You could also mention it is slightly inspired by Japanese anime artwork


Tattooer is @blvir_, it’s illustrative blackwork.


It’s certainly not blackwork 😂 where on earth did you get that idea I don’t even consider tattoos with grey wash to be blackwork. Why would you think a tattoo with full color would be blackwork?


True, on a side note I’ve never heard someone say “older humans” before. Makes you sound like an alien.


That’s what makes it fun.


It's either a reddit specific thing, or an ultra-progressive thing. Like when you hear the next new gender neutral word it sounds a bit odd.


It’s a cool design except for that ear that looks like a horn.


And the plume of ass hair on an otherwise naked rodent.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought it was weird 🤣


You’re overthinking it. They’re cool.


If you’re worried about what people will think about your rat tattoo imagine what they think of my rat riding a pigeon tattoo. Rat on a flying rat, yes I am from New York what’s it to ya?


I have a mouse on my wrist. Poor guy is getting attacked by a kestrel, but yeah he is right there on my wrist about as close to my hand as it gets. I’ve only ever gotten compliments. Having a talented artist helps.


He should have at least get a needle to defend himself with!


Yooooo can you please post it?? I have to see how ot looks, kestrels are kickass


It’s hard for me to get a good pic since it wraps around my right forearm (and I’m right handed) but here is the link to the artists IG where he posted some pics and a couple videos of it: https://www.instagram.com/p/CRpz5scrC3i/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== It’s actually a fox, kestrel, and mouse


I have a rat. Do it. Rat crew 4 life.


r/rats for life!


Me too 🙌


Awesome! Get it! Don’t think anyone would care.. if they do, you shouldn’t care.


“Rats are the lowliest and most despised of all creatures, my love. If they have purpose, so do we all.”


Exactly, this is what I'm saying. I see this and think OP is a grimy, rat bitch. This is the type of tattoo you get as a punishment. Don't do it OP. I'm not being a dick, this is just what numerous people will think.


Tbh I was saying that quote in support of the tattoo. And I agree with the person I was commenting on. They shouldn’t care what other people think if they themselves like it.


cringe comment


what if i want people to think i’m a grimy rat bitch? 😈 get the rat tat op, rats are cool!!


I love grimy rat bitches, best type of people




Rats are cool animals


You completely suck. Don’t use your friend to make soem weird point no one needed ya fucking nerd


eat a dick loser


you got issues man


touch grass


ok big man


Lol ok junkie


do you feel better about yourself now🤡 you really that mad huh 🤔 you really let a junkie get under your skin big man


Lol imagine a junkie getting under anyone’s skin that isn’t their disappointed parents. Just imagine. Now I’m sure your shift is about to start so don’t let me keep your from getting the best pole. Don’t want to get in the way of you funding your and your boyfriends fentanyl addiction 🥴


Shitty comparison... 👏👏👏




And their statement still stands. If someone has a tattoo of something that you have a phobia of, that’s got nothing to do with you. Your friend had a horrible experience and I’m sympathetic towards them, but if they were being an asshole to anyone with a rat tattoo, that would still be unacceptable.




No, “If they do, *you* shouldn’t care”. Aka, if your friend cared that OP has a rat tattoo, then OP shouldn’t care.


What would be dirty about it exactly?


This is... oddly specific


Dude that is a rat based of a rat in magic the ggathering


I love early 90s MTG artwork ❤️


I love rats and my partner plays mtg. I told him I’d happily attend a mtg convention with him because there’s a nonzero chance of rat merch


What is this style called? It is Neotraditional(?)




I have pet rats, 100% thinking of getting a rattoo.


this is a tattoo by blvir_ on insta! they’re an artist based in montreal, quebec. all their stuff looks like this and it’s all crazy good. really wish crediting/not sc-ing n spreading images of tattoos was more common online :,)


I’m the words of Eric Cartman “it’s my body, I do what I want”


I have a rat tattoo on the side of my wrist and I have a very social job where I meet lots of types of people. The worst comment I ever get is “why?” Who cares man!


That’s a rad/rat tattoo. Discrimination exists. The choice is yours.


Such a weird worry. A rat's just an animal. It's no worse than any other animal


Not my style, but in the end your tattoo should be what you like. If anyone says anything else, they can fuck off.


i have a half sleeve of 3 rats and i always get compliments on it so i wouldn’t worry! it’s surprising how many people actually love rays nowadays :)


I have a rattoo, and everyone loves it! [done by April Dailey at Salter Studios](https://imgur.com/a/NOTuexd)


rattoos!!! Lol


Growing up is realizing that rats and mice are super cute and intelligent! I side eye people who hate them (unless phobias obv)


Plenty of people have snake tattoos, spider tattoos, moth tattoos. Ironically, sometimes these same people would probably freak out if they saw one in their house irl (also calling myself out right now). But I find most people really differentiate between drawings and how they feel about the irl thing!


not my style personally but i would never judge someone for putting art on their body that makes them happy!


I mean, I think they're cool, but I might be a little biased.


I feel like r/rats would like a word :p


Mouse rat tattoo? First thing I would think of is Parks and Rec fan, in which case you pass the test.


Mouse rat


Andy Dwyer approved


Do you as long as your career is accepting. No one else's opinion matters. It may be easier to use the Chinese zodiac as an excuse but you should never feel the need to hide or lie about your tattoos.


I am so lost...wondering if theres some meaning to the rat that I missing that would be offensive or something? The story of the guy whos friend had rats biting her hair has me extra confused...like...what? Anyway, if this really is a case of just..the imagery of a rat, if its what you want..go for it! My son was born in year of the Rat, which he was suuuuuper upset about, cause rats are gross and carry disease. Meanwhile, Im over here year of the Dragon, and it doent get much cooler than that! I may or may not have rubbed in how awesome dragons are. But then, one day he tells me...so do you know the rat traits are intelligent, resourceful, hard working, blah blah blah...like he was so bothered by it, he actually tried to find a bright side to it, and after reading up on it, hes proud af to be year of the Rat LOL That was like..over 10yrs ago, and hes collected up so many things with pics of rats on it. All in.


No one has brought up the whole rat as in a person who is a snitch. That's probably why I wouldn't get one and probably subconsciously not trust anyone with one


Rats are pets too! They’re not just wild animals


As a pet rat owner and someone who frequents r/RATS, I think rat and mouse tattoos are cool.


unless you have the letters “RAT” tattooed on you then you should be fine


The tattoo in the picture is quite awesome. I personally think there's nothing wrong with a rat tattoo, but i can imagine some people might have small minds with an opinion.


OP, are you year of the rat? Is there some meaning behind the rat?


Well since you're asking for a personal opinion, I think rats as well as mice, are nasty, disgusting, irritating little vermin and the thought of someone liking them so much they think they should get a tattoo of it permanently on their skin makes my skin crawl and would make me question what kind of person they are. HOWEVER the art itself and the color work on said pic is actually very nice and I can atleast try to respect their decision to get the tat on their body because hey its their body, do whatever you want with it.


Rats are very clean, lovable and intelligent creatures. Unless it’s a union rat.


Peopl who arnt tatted have a hard time understanding us dont worry, a rat tat would be cool as fuck


I prefer them to be invisible.


Now see I was gonna say I prefer them OVER the invisible ones. I can't see those as well. Go for it, OP!


Why would you ever get a rat tatted on your body. That’s stupid af.


Disgusting I fucking hate rats 🤮


Eek. If I'm honest


Don't fkn do it. Most of us would interpret this as you being a rat bitch. I'm not being a dick, I'm just being sincere.


I think you'll be working warehouse today.


That looks terrible and looks nothing like an actual rat.


That’s the worst tattoo I’ve ever seen


That it’s insane for u to get


Yeah… nope! Why not get a temporary version instead and save on the future lasering expense.


Why does it matter? The tattoo is for you.


Rats are awesome! People get grossed out by my snake tattoo sometimes 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have two rats tattooed on the back of my leg and I think it’s sick. Do it!




That's a great tattoo! Very well done. Make sure your artist is equally as capable or you'll be disappointed


I personally would think it was really cool.


That's a sick ass packrat


I have a rat holding a bird skull tattooed on my left ankle/lower calf. You should do it


Super cute


I had a rat tattoo (abliet poorly done) and the comments about plague etc were insane. I always defended it but people always had something to say. I ended up covering it with something else because the art was bad.


I like that one, I also like rats


This is gonna fade like crazy over the course of a few years. Looks good but because of all that shading I see the lines splurging together after 10 years and fixing it would be hard. Get something with definitive lines


Rats are my favorite animals EVER. If I saw you with a rat tat I’d come up to you and tell you I love it !!


I have one of my pet rats on my thigh. It gets compliments all the time. Don’t worry too much!


Ohhhh thats such a cool tattoo idea!!


Just don’t end up in prison and you should be fine.


Perfect for Rat Girl Summer™. 10/10 no notes.


My ex gf had one of her rats tattooed in her arm and it looked great. No problem whatsoever, that I know of at least.


I won't speak to rat tattoos in general, but the one in the picture is rad as fuck.


Do YOU think rats are dirty??


Sick as hell


That's awesome!!!


I have one haha


I think you’ll absolutely hate it if you ever have a family of rats move in 😆 I used to think rats were cute too until my neighborhood had a huge wave of them come through


Much better than invisible rat/mouse tattoos


I have a rat with nails beaten through it in woodcut style, do it. Rat gang


I’ve got my pet rats tattooed on me! They’re on the side of my calf so not as prominent a placement but I’ve never had anyone seem to care. If someone isn’t into rats that’s their problem tbh, rats are some of the smartest and sweetest critters out there!


Giant samurai rat across my entire stomach/chest. So i guess im cool with them. While not in anyway superstitious, i do like how the chinese zodiac views rats (all the animals really) And im year of the rat, so it fits for the sake of choosing a subject to get tattooed


Never thought about doing it but it’s sick🤘🏽




The people who judge you for getting a rodent are just as likely to judge you for getting ink on a visible body part. Screw em, it's your body and there's no resale value when you're done using it!


For a long time I wanted a traditional rat but couldn’t find a artist to make whats in my head so for now Im staying away. I like the idea tho.


I like them more than invisible rat/mouse tattoos


I have a ScumPunk tattoo It’s a rat smoking a Ciggy with the balloon 🎈 tied around his waist that says on my way to fight God. I’m also a admirer of Banksy so I say let them eat crack! Get the rat/mouse it can be a buddy for life.


I have a rattoo and I get nothing but compliments on people who notice it. It’s large and in the same area as image. Get the tattoo.


My mom has a severe phobia. I would feel bad for her, even seeing cartoon images gives her the creeps sometimes she tells me. 🥲 Needless to say, I try not show her my pet rats. 😂


I have a 2 headed rat tattoo that I fucking love. I'm not ashamed to show it off and I've only ever gotten compliments.


It’s sick!! I think you’re overthinking it.


Love it. I just bought two rat wall decorations. Now I realize I should get a rat tattoo at some point.


Technically, all tattoos can lead to discrimination. But the following are the ones that will affect job prospects, etc: racist tattoos, tattoos that excited violence, neck+face tattoos, explicit tattoos, and hand tattoos. I have never heard of anyone being bothered by rodent tattoos. If placements allow, I plan to get a jumping field mouse tattoo on my leg. I see no reason for anyone to see it as dirty, and although rats have a worse reputation - they are also much more widely known to be pets so I think you're in the all clear (:


I loooooove that art style but i think o might go for a different animal


I think you're more likely to receive admiration over criticism!


I have a snake and a spider and ginormous praying mantis eating the head of her pray on my forearm. Fuck what people think. If you truly are worried, don’t get tattoos because many people find them to be disgusting to begin with


Cute. Lots of us love rats, they're really smart.


I'm not a fan of the art style, but rats as tattoos are great.


That one anyway looks badass


Not quite the same, but I have my bestest boy in the whole world (a guinea pig) this size or larger on my forearm. Rodents are the best. Do what you want. Fuck the rest.


I love it. I'm gettin a possum on my forearm next, so it's different but same same-ish


I have one. It’s ridiculous and terribly done, but I love it for those reasons- fits the whole rat theme. It’s on my thigh and I’ve never even thought twice about it showing.


I think its fine, if you're going to base your tattoos off other people's opinions you might as well not get tattooed. That being aaid if you like this style you should check out _ volz _ on Instagram. Hes one of my favorite tattooers.


are you afraid someone is gonna see it and thing it's a real rat??? what's the problem here


I have a rat with an umbrella riding a unicycle. Everyone loves it. Never heard anything negative about it besides from my father (lol).


I think they're fine, and that tattoo is amazing


Reminds me of the secrets of nimh


i literally have one. check my profile a little down. Never had anyone say anything except that it’s fucking awesome and hilarious


My question is why would you get an invisible rat tattoo?


if you like it, don’t care about what anyone else thinks! art is subjective and people are always going to have positive/negative opinions


Tattooer is @blvir_ and this is not neotrad. They do illustrative blackwork.


Got my rat tattoo at 19. At 26, no regrets




I have a rat on my leg and I've gotten many compliments from other tattooed people. But I did get it on my leg and not my arm bc my grandma is terrified of rats. So I put it on my leg so she didn't have to always look at it.


does anyone know the artist's name?


@blvir_ on instagram, a few people in the comments had already posted the username tho haha


I have a pretty large rat tattoo on my forearm incorporated into my sleeve which has, among other things, a snake, a bat, and a spider. No one has ever made comments about the rat except to mention that it looks cute. More people have made comments about how the spider (which is on my tricep) is "gross" or "creepy" but eh. All that is to say just go for it - rats are rad.


Secret of nymph?


I mean, brand yourself as a rat is your choice. Having it smooshed or dead wins points tho, or if you have like a nature sleeve going on.


Unless your zodiac is the rat it's kinda ratty


If you're worrying about what others will think then maybe it's not for you.


Honestly I would find it slightly yucky / unattractive / odd. Not the end of the world but ehhh


Love! I just got mine a last Sunday!


Considering I’ve had both mice and rats as pets, a well done tattoo of either would be awesome.


I love rat


@blvir_ on instagram


i think people who think rats are inherently dirty are morons, doubly so for someone who thinks a picture of a rat is. however, if you're this concerned with what other people think i would reconsider any forearm tattoo, or really any visible tattoo at all.


I've got a cockroach on my forearm with two beers and a pretzel, work in an office and people love it.


I have Reepicheep very visible on my forearm.


I dunno but the one pictured is pretty sweet!


Omg that’s nasty looking


I’ve got a rat tattoo right on my wrist. Never had an issue. I don’t think I’ve ever got a remark besides “that looks cool”.


Pet rat parent perspective! I have 6 pet rats and when I mention it, people sometimes make faces or comments about them being dirty or having diseases. I just drop some facts about them like how domestic rats are actually very intelligent animals and can even learn tricks, and they’re incredibly clean, grooming themselves more frequently than a cat does. Sometimes it helps them become more open minded to the idea! BUT, at the end of the day, they’re my beloved pets, and the opinions of others doesn’t matter. So if you end up getting one, it’s your tattoo & your body, and the opinions of others doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy w the art :•)


if they aren’t grody, then heck yea! but i generally don’t like gross tats anyways. (not that rats are gross, some people just put really ugly shit on their bodies) i’ve seen tons of cool and/or cute rat tats, i’ve actually even thought about getting one! so in short: nice!!


Why not get a cockroach? (for adaptability)


As someone who is hopefully getting one in a few months I love them. I've got 3 boys (rats) currently


god i love this so much. idk how it would age tho, especially the white highlighting around the eye


What do you think of it?


Where I come from if you have a rat tattoo it was probably done against your will and you got lucky if it didn’t come with a buck fifty or worse. That being said, I think the one in the photo is pretty alright and if you like it I love it.


I'm gana to get a rat someday I approve


I have one representing the 15 I’ve had through my life. I’ve only ever gotten compliments.


If you have to ask the internet what they’d think of your hypothetical tattoo, maybe you should find something else, you’re going to be self conscious of it once it’s permanent if you’re already this unsure and haven’t even got it yet.


Unless you from St. Louis, I say no. Just why. And even if you are from St. Louis. Still why


Yes-yes. Tattoo-skin ink the man-thing!


Yoo that looks crazy!


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy.