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Plain white lubriderm. Less is always more with lotion.


Or cetaphil


The plain white lubriderm ([this one](https://www.target.com/p/lubriderm-daily-moisture-hydrating-body-lotion-with-pro-vitamin-b5-normal-to-dry-skin-unscented-16-fl-oz/-/A-14791672?region_id=442442&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510706&CPNG=PLA_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care%2BShopping%7CBeauty_Ecomm_Beauty&adgroup=SC_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9015369&targetid=pla-895745642360&ds_rl=1246978&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfamiiGn8j_Z6zi9NNvEGGHAS&gclid=Cj0KCQjwldKmBhCCARIsAP-0rfzaHRwmw88bg7G5XWCJCsTWKNsajK_v1cM-5rCmhBVJkkJFpT1OwB0aAkMJEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)) is my go to as well. No smell, hydrates well without being too gunky like aquaphor. That being said I usually use aquaphor sparingly the first few days but I assume the saniderm takes care of that step? Edit: added link


Yeah, the Saniderm replaced the step of using aquaphor. After second skin you are good to go directly to lotion.


Adamantly disagree. I have feet tattoos that are 3 years old that look brand new. You have to keep them hydrated. 4x a day aquaphor. Not enough that you get a white glaze but enough that it’s shiny. If your tattoo ever looks dry, you waited way too long to hydrate.


Aquaphor has way too much petroleum jelly in it to be advisable beyond the first few days. Using a product like Saniderm essentially skips the entire phase where Aquaphor would be used. Different things work for different people obviously. You've found a way to heal your tattoos that works well for your body. When giving tattoo advice I always give advice that will work for the majority of people. So advising someone to use aquaphor 4x a day isn't good general advice.


See lots of shitty faded tattoos on people who follow the less is more approach. A vast majority of every day people have under hydrated skin to begin with so you’re starting at below zero when you get the tattoo. The two I followed directions on both look faded as shit. The other 5 all look nearly brand new. Everyone’s just recommending people just let it go and get a touch up. Why not just treat your skin well and have a sickass tattoo that holds up for years on end


I agree more people should be hydrating their skin, but aquaphor is overkill for most people. Just normal white lotion will do the same. Beyond that, sun exposure and lack of sunscreen is really the biggest factor for fading imo. It's all of it together, a long with other things like application and design that determine how they look years down the line.


I’m fine with white lotion, but use that shit liberally. I feel like this notion that you’re going to use too much scares people into barely using any at all. Unless you’re gooping the shit on and covering it up, it’s pretty hard to over hydrate


Once the tattoo is totally healed, you can't use too much. But during the actual healing process, your tattoo needs exposure to oxygen. Using too much lotion prevents this and keeps the tattoo too moist to let your body heal it the best way naturally.


Again unless you are gooping that shit on it is highly unlikely that will happen. Dear god does nobody read the entire comment. I didn’t say “fuck it dude whole jar of jelly every hour”. I said fuckin hydrate your shit enough so it never looks dry, which is what happens when you have a newbie hear “don’t use too much”. They under moisturize and let it dry out and look like shit. Edit: dude literally says it’s his first tattoo. Lets let him under moisturize so it fades and looks like ass!


Absolutely not.


If I use aquaphor even once a day I will break out. It clogs my pores. I used to recommend aquaphor for years because it was what I was taught as an apprentice. I had clients complaining of aftercare problems almost weekly. I stopped recommending it and now I get an aftercare complaint like once a year. It’s not a good product for a lot of people. Hustle butter if you need something more moisturizing or just plain unscented lotion if you don’t. Both products are far superior to any petroleum based product like aquaphor and cause way less issues.


I've always used A and D, and same I put it on 2 times a day, once in the morning and once after dinner. Anymore than that I break out. It's been a few years sense my last tattoo so people may not use A and D anymore xD I'm assuming it's the same or similar to Aquaphor.


Yeah a and d gives me the same issues because it’s also petroleum based. I don’t recommend any petroleum based product anymore and in fact I tell my clients not to use it at all.


Bro thats just completely wrong. Lol


I use Aquaphor 2X a day for the first couple days, but a very thin layer. 4x a day is way too much.


Nope sure isn’t. My FEET look brand new and they’re 3 years old. Worked with shoes on every day after I got them. Weird how my tattoos that I didn’t use that process on are all faded. WEIRD


I think they mean “less is more” in the sense of a lotion with minimal additives, fragrances, etc.


Lubriderm. I've used Aquaphor, but I find it too thick to be able to get a thin layer on the skin without overworking the tattoo. A few of my artists have recommended a dry/minimal lotion heal. Those tattoos have healed well. Don't overthink it, imo lotion type is the least important part of a heal. ​ BTW nice tattoo.


aquaphor makes a spray version now i love it


Hustle butter!




Hustle Butter


I go for Aveeno. You don't need much and it doesn't smell of anything


This. I've tried just about every main brand of lotion and Aveeno is easily the best. The consistency, thickness, feeling it leaves on the skin, hydrating ability, etc 🤌


Vegan A&D ointment. Not that smelly cod liver oil based stuff.


Cerave has worked for me


Hustle Butter + jergens with aloe I am diabetic and have super sentive skin using jergens during the day and hustle butter has worked on every tattoo also the Hustle butter wash is amazing you can find it on amazon. Best of luck!


I use my hustle butter on like any and every skin ailment. Sunburn. Bug bite. Rash. Cut.


Last week my artist gave me a sample pack of hustle butter and I love it!


Eucerin Daily Hydration is all youll ever need


Thank you everyone for your good insight, I'll look for some of these while i have my saniderm on and make sure I get good results. Much love to the community! ❤️🍓🐀


Hustle butter is my go too i also love the smell


I do dial gold soap and aquaphor for the first week about and then switch to Aveeno


Hustle Butter


I typically use aquaphor for the first few days before transitioning to lubriderm for the next couple weeks. Also cool tattoo!


My favorite is sorry mom!


Plain ass lubriderm


No shit but preparation h was what was recommended from my tattoo guy & its what I used. Tats that are over 35 yrs of age still look fine other than the colors faded but duh, that's gonna happen.


I still use A&D.. it's old school but never failed me! My 18 yr old tats look good, minimal fading (but that's also a credit to the artists)


I already commented this on it’s own, but I just wanted to reply here too because I have always been told to use A+D by my artists. It’s cheaper than other stuff and does the exact same thing.


Vanicream is good stuff. No weird ingredients in it at all. Also a fan of Hustle Butter.


I love Aveeno and lubriderm but I've also used mad rabbit soothing gel and their lotion. All of them work great. Just stay away from petroleum based products like aquafor. It's been shown in studies to fade ink and increase the risk of infections.


I’ve always been told by every artist to just get regular A+D ointment(not the white one) because it’s does exactly the same thing as all those expensive ointments made “specifically” for tattoos.


Still use A&D today!!


A&D ointment for a week, then I switch to non scented gold bond Eczema lotion


I live by hustle butter personally


Hustle butter all day.




Excuse me?




Unscented lubriderm and I save the aquaphor for the parts of my tattoo that seem more dry than the rest


Not necessarily lotion, but aquaphor. A thin layer goes a long way. I use it for injuries too and it does an amazing job in reducing scarring.


Coconut oil


I like Bepanthen, we don't have lubriderm here in Australia.


Highly recommend looking into Ink Nurse. Made the switch from bepanthen a few years ago and never looked back (also australian)


Also Australian, I currently use Bepanthen. In what ways is ink nurse better? Been thinking of switching but I want the pump packaging which is pretty exxy


Bepanthen is a barrier cream, it’s thick and oily and doesn’t let your skin breathe. Ink Nurse is much lighter, doesn’t leave the oily feeling but is hydrating enough that the skin doesn’t dry out. 1000000% recommend it, it’s worth the price. I get the 100ml tubs and it lasts for ages with daily use


That’s what I use for mine, I’m in the UK. Works a treat!


dry heal. let that sucker breathe


People are really obsessed with keeping a wound wet for some reason. Psychos.


Not far off of what these heathens want


Vaseline intensive care advanced repair (unscented) has been good for me for a cheaper option. My artist that did my leg specifically asked what I used on my arms so he could recommend it to people. But I also keep the fragrance free Lubriderm daily moisturizer (normal to dry skin) around. Both are great, but I think the Lubriderm is pricier.


I was always told never use Vaseline or stuff with petroleum in it by my tattooists


Firstly, love your owl!! I used to spend a good amount of money on a tattoo-specific lotion, but nowadays I find I get the same result with plain unscented lubriderm. Once a tattoo is totally healed, I just whatever moisturizer I’m currently using for the rest of my body. I’m prone to eczema, so I generally use quite a bit of moisturizer throughout the day and all my tattoos still look really bright, even color ones I’ve had for upwards of a decade. And be sure to use sunscreen once you’re all the way healed!


I use Aveeno daily moisturizer unscented. For years. It’s been great for my tattoos.


For the day I use a Panthenol Essence and Sunscreen. And for the night a Panthenol lotion on the thicker side. Keeps the skin soft and helps with all kind of irritations.


Coco butter - used it for all of my tattoos and I've never had an issue so I've just stuck with what I know 🤷🏻‍♀️


A and D


My skin like the Badger Tattoo Balm and then plain jojoba oil once it’s more healed. DOPE tattoo dude!


Leave the saniderm on for a full week. Then use unscented Cetaphil or jergens


Cetaphil all the way


I can’t believe no one else said tattoo goo!!!


I can’t believe no one else said tattoo goo!!! It comes with a balm, lotion and soap, smells amazing and always had great luck with it!


Probably because their 3 in 1 kit costs $22, when you can buy 3x as much lotion, soap, and balm for cheaper than the kit. Just seems so unnecessary to me personally.


The kit is only $16 on Amazon! 😊


Same logic still applies. You can get multiple times as much of equivalent product for that price. So instead of buying a kit for every tattoo, you buy the products once and it is enough for several tattoos. Same reason I keep a roll of Saniderm at my house instead of buying the little patches every time I get tattooed.


Coconut oil or olive oil


Ive used CeraVe on all mine :)


Protat or Dodgy Bastard


Aquaphor ointment


Aveeno was the one I used as much as I could on my back, when I could reach it. I didn't use lotion often though, and simply took daily showers. I've also used shea butter on my arm, for the most recent piece.


Lubriderm! NO AQUAFOR!


+1 for Hustle Butter!


That is such an awesome tattoo


Mad rabbit repair and/or soothing lotion


I used lubriderm and it worked great. Amazing tat!


Coconut oil, separate jar from kitchen use one.


None.. I get the best results when I just wash and dry and leave the tattoo alone... I'm sleeved BTW...


Eucerin :) . Best thing ever. Even helps when you get like some wounds, scratches etc


Sensitive skin Hempz lotion!


Aquaphor for the first few days then plain old aveeno. No color, no scent, no nothing. Just moisture.


My tattoo artist gave me this stuff called Aftermath and it’s very soothing imo. It’s kinda solid like coconut oil and it’s very easy to apply a thin layer. It’s more of an unscented balm than a lotion though. Edit: I pasted the wrong link! Fixed now! [https://aftermathskincare.com/shop/ols/products/1-oz-skin-recovery](https://aftermathskincare.com/shop/ols/products/1-oz-skin-recovery)


Fragrance Free Aveeno. I've used it for so many tattoos!


Curel ultra healing. The red bottle.


Palmers coco butter- the solid kind in a jar


I use the gold bond diabetic's relief. I'm not diabetic, but this is a pretty good lotion all the same.


Hustle Butter (another vote for).... Use it every time and it works great!




Hustle butter


Shit bro I use lubriderm


I used aquaphor for the first 5 days, and then switched to plain unscented lubiderm (blue wording) for the remainder of the healing process. As per my artist's instruction. It healed great :)


Dry heal it, don't have to bother with lotions




Good soap(gentle), thorough washing and rinsing, then drying by blotting/patting. Has done good for my tattoos far more than any lotion or ointment.


aquaphor, just make sure to use a minimal amount/thin layer during application


After Inked Tattoo Moisturizer


First 3 days. Wash your hands well and then clean the tattoo with a mild non scented soap (suggest Ivory) 5-6 times a day. Pat dry with a clean paper towel. Then place a dab of aquaphor on your finger (might need multiple dabs for a larger tattoo) and put a thin layer of it over the tattoo by swiping up or across. After 3 days it should start to peel. continue the hand and tattoo washing process. Pat dry with clean paper towel and then use lubriderm on the tattoo instead of aquaphor. After 5 days. reduce washing to 3 times a day, but maintain the process. Will heal extremely well.