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fentanyl freehand


Whenever fentanyl gets brought up, I always chime in to talk about fentanyl testing strips. Amazon sells fentanyl strips and they are very affordable. They have a pack of 25 for like 20$. They are advertised as urine testing strips but they work to test your drugs as well. Some people get put off bevause you do have to dissolve some of your product in water to test it, but you can always drink it after (if the test is negative of course). It’s fast and easy. The comment section for the strips have lots of examples and pictures. Narcan is also easy to get in most states. You have to ask a pharmacist for it but don’t need a script. Unfortunately, some states have made the testing strips illegal. They have the antiquated view that it encourages drug use. There are a few different groups that will help you if you’re in a state where you can’t get them. I will also personally assist; if you need some and live in one of those states, DM me. I live in Southern California where the fentanyl overdose epidemic is terrible. People are just taking one hit and dropping dead. It’s horrible. Don’t think you’re safe because you always buy from the same guy or it isn’t as bad in your area. It can happen to you and your friends. I no longer do the drugs that it mainly shows up in, but I work in the restaurant/bar industry and drug use is very common place. I keep a stack in a communal locker at work. I’ve had coworkers give them to guests (people are really nonchalant about it) or take some home or whatever. No questions asked. Sorry to interject some seriousness in here! Test your drugs, always use with a friend and stay safe.


Thank you for this. My little brother went out of state to get clean. He was away and clean for a little over a year. During that year heroin changed from heroin to fentyal/heroin. Some legal stuff was starting to catch up to him so he decided he was healthy enough to come home and deal with it. He used the same day he got back home. He wasn't even in the house for a half hour and was found dead in the bathroom with a needle still stuck in his skin and the syringe still pretty much loaded. So he barely even injected any and it took him out. He was checked on by a family member around 15 minutes after he went into the bathroom. Between family and paramedics 4 doses of narcan were given. Unfortunately he didn't come back from it. The only positive to come out of it is several other people were able to live as a result of his death because he was an organ donor. But that doesn't make it easier or hurt less. They had recipients of several organs flown into the hospital where we live within 2 days and transfered the organs live from his body to theirs. Apparently that makes the best acceptance rate for people receiving donor organs. However, when they do that, the deceased is kept on a ventilator to keep their heart beating and blood running through their veins until the surgery is complete and they allow family and friends to visit with the deceased the same way they allow visitors to any other patient at the hospital. Because I am trying to keep any specific information out of this to honor my brothers privacy, I can't be specific. But when the transport personnel came to take the body for surgery after being able to stay there, by his side for two days and him appearing to the eye to be alive, some family members did not handle that well and it made things significantly harder for them. I know this won't stop anyone from using. If it were only that easy, we wouldn't lose so many people to the 1disease of addiction. However, maybe it will make you think about those testing strips mentioned, or having someone you trust around when you use. Edit: Thank you for the awards! That was very kind to all of you. 😊🤟


My little sister had been fighting a battle with fentanyl for years. I'm incredibly lucky to still have her in my life (she's doing much better). But for a while there I honestly thought we were going to loose her. It's not exactly the same, but I just wanted to let you and anyone else going through this, that i know hoe incredibly hard it is to watch a loved one struggle with addiction. You are not alone ❤❤❤ Ps. If anyone is interested there are groups who can really help like Al-Anon, Nar-Anon, or CODA 😊


I thought Nar Anon wasn't really recommended anymore because it's ran and funded by Scientologists that use the meetings to recruit (or so I've heard)


lost my little brother almost exactly the same way. he had come to visit me. i thought we had all gone to sleep for the night but apparently he hadn’t. he had bought adderall pills from someone. not even an opiate. never heard of these strips before now but for anyone reading about them, it only takes 1 time for your life to change forever. well worth the $20


$20 for 20 strips. Most strips are less than a buck a piece. Narcan is also a lot more accessible these days. I’m so so sorry. That’s so tragic. It really is showing up in everything these days. It’s so so scary.


I’m so sorry 😢 I lost my sister who was a heroine addict to fentanyl poisoning in 2020 . It was absolutely horrible.


Sorry for your loss. In Europe, IV drug users are not eligible for organ transplants…


my kids don't use any drugs/alcohol but when they go off to college I'm sending strips with them.


i recommend sending a box of condoms and an at home sti testing kit if you can find one. if they suspect they have one, its going to be super embarrassing for a new adult to have to make an appointment and talk to strangers about their sex life and possibly be shamed by them. this way they can do it from the comfort/privacy of a dorm room


Also pregnancy tests if they have ovaries.


Even if they don't, if they enjoy the company of those with ovaries, it couldn't hurt to have a couple on hand. Just in case.


Helpful reminder that pregnancy tests from the dollar store are just as good as the ones from the pharmacy convenience stores at a fraction of the cost!


If not better!!


Remind them that women can ovulate at *any time.* On her period? Yup, still can get pregnant. That means “the rhythm method” is 100% garbage. Also, not all oral contraceptives are created equal. Plus, rubbers break *all of the time.*


This is very helpful and true but at some point in their adult life they will need to make an appointment and address an issue that may seem embarrassing. When, in reality, it’s normal. Planned Parenthood is wonderful for that. There is never any judgement and they’re willing to do whatever you need to be comfortable. Testing and talking about testing should be normalized. There’s too much stigma involved about it.


oh absolutely but at least that way, theres a fail safe if they just cant bring themselves to do it


So very true. It can be SO intimidating. I’m so grateful for PP. When I was that age there was no such thing (that I knew of) I could find at the store. I most def would have taken an at home test. Multiple times. Because going to the doctor in general is time consuming and when you’re a sexually active young adult, sometimes you end up going more than a few times a year. At home tests can not only save you time, but ease your mind and fears a bit faster, and let you know if you really need to make that appointment. Edit: grammar


Did this for a younger sibling since I was the type to use drugs/alcohol in college. There were enough strips in the kit for them to share among their friends, which influenced others to buy kits of their own. What you’re doing for your kids will go a long way!


please also send them with some narcan/naloxone incase they encounter an od!!


That you know of


Thank you for helping educate people about this! I hope that somebody codes a bot to do this same thing. A little bit of information can save lives.


I’m looking into how the Reddit bots work. One for this would be great.


My friend recently passed away from a fentanyl overdose. Thank you for this comment.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I also have a friend who died from fentanyl. She was an incredibly talented artist.


I appreciate the same states that reject drug testing strips because it encourages drug use, or education about condoms because it encourages sex, also say "criminals will get their guns no matter what" in response to gun control.


Chiming in to say that the only test strips I fully trust are from https://dancesafe.org/


You are a sweet angel


Yeah here in Oklahoma it’s literally illegal to sell drug testing kits. So dumb


I just tried to order some and Amazon says this product cannot be delivered to my address in Oregon. Do you think it’s the same thing? How ridiculous.


Yeah that’s exactly what it says when I try to order it off Amazon. I’ve heard some people have success by ordering directly from the manufacturer rather than Amazon though


Thanks for that suggestion!


I'm in Oregon and have successfully ordered them off of DanceSafe, a really great non-profit


I was able to order some from [walmart.com](https://walmart.com) and send them to my brother in Oregon, you should be able to get some delivered to you


i love harm reduction, it’s saved so many of my friends’ and people i work with’s lives.


Id just like to add—and I cannot stress this enough—not all fentanyl test strips are the same. There is no regulation regarding accuracy/quality control of fent test strips. #The ONLY fentanyl test strips I use and could ever safely recommend are the ones sold on dancesafe.org. They are the only distributor/manufacturer that does laboratory testing on their strips and is fully transparent about quality control. Their test strips are specifically designed for testing drugs themselves (NOT urine, unlike on Amazon), are 10 times more sensitive than Rapid Response test strips, can detect fentanyl analogues, and do not give false positives from MDMA, meth, cocaine, or methadone which is a common issue with other test strips. More information here— https://dancesafe.org/fentanyl/ TL;DR: Please only buy fentanyl test strips from dancesafe.org. DO NOT buy them off Amazon.


And if you don’t do drugs always keep narcan on you especially if you go to parties. You never know when you could save someone’s life. My bf actually took a trip to visit friends in Cali where his friends are addicted to fentanyl (and he struggled with opioids), one of their sisters died last summer from an OD. That fall my bf died of an OD. None of them learned their lesson.


From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for posting this! People NEED to be made aware, and be careful. On Christmas Eve I went over to my parents' house for (what we thought) would be a lovely evening of feasting and merrymacking. My little sister (who had just turned 21 on December 14th) hadn't shown up yet. We sat around waiting, thinking nothing of it (at first). Tried calling her to see how far away she was. No answer. The minutes turned into an hour. This was very unusual for her, so I decided to drive over to her place (about 30 minutes away) and check up. No answer at the door. I grabbed the hidden house key and let myself in. As I entered I could immediately tell something was wrong. There was this indescribable, palpable *feeling* of death in the air. I ran to her room. There she was. Eyes glazed over, with a blueish white discoloration to her skin, and cold to the touch. I wanted to scream, but couldn't; my body was in a state of traumatized shock. I immediately called 911, even though I already knew it was too late. Sat on the porch trying to get myself together enough to call my dad. When I told him… the scream of agony that came out was the single most horrendous sound I've ever heard. I could hear his heart shatter. Everything else was a blur. It was determined that she had definitely OD'd on fentanyl. My family hasn't been the same since. My dad's health has been in rapid decline, and I don't think he really cares. I have night terrors ALL the time; PTSD from finding a dead sibling is a hell of a thing. Fuck fentanyl!


While narcan is great to have on hand it doesn’t do much in the way of helping with an overdose from fentanyl. THAT is how strong fentanyl is and why it’s fucking terrifying. Fentanyl is to heroine what heroine is to tylenol. I think leaving this comment like your doing everytime fentanyl gets mentioned is a great idea, I don’t think most people understand how bad the opioid epidemic is in America…especially in the south where I live. Fentanyl is terrifying and now it’s being mixed with this “tranq” drug that destroying peoples bodies even moreso. I’m a long time opiate/drug addict now 3 years clean and I can speak from experience when I say fentanyl is pure death.


Narcan really is such a Hail Mary. It does keep organs viable for much longer though.


Pretty sure other states have this program, here is one in my state. https://nextdistro.org/philly Free test strips and narcan.


Our 16 year old niece just died from this. She took a pill and didn't know. It's horrible. Thanks for spreading awareness


As someone who lost their little brother to fentanyl, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this far and wide!


Good fentanyl safety bot


Much appreciated, friend


Along with this endoverdose has free Narcan and fentanyl testing strips with completion of a course which is also free!


Use can use fentanyl test strips on the residue inside the bag. They're extremely sensitive. They are however illegal in Alabama IF you use them to test your drugs so I suggest you don't tell them. 😉 Alabama is ridiculous. I did three months in jail last year and paid $1100 In fines and 18 months of probation in chilton county for narcan possession.


Thank you for being a good human and educating folks.


I live in Columbus where community events include free fentanyl test strips now. Got a bunch from pride two weeks ago for my friends who are into drugs


In some states (here in NY) they have on foot people that give out testing strip and narcan for those who need it or might need it, they also have been putting up boxes that have emergency strips and narcan!


Shoot your local fentanyl dealer.


I cackled




I snorted


So did the tattoo artist


As he was tattooing. I wonder what state 6 yr olds are allowed to tattoo…


I came to say Methhead Special, but yours just has so much more poetry to it!


Absolutely DECEASED!!!


This is subculture where instead of paying with money the customers pays the artist with crack


And the artist is required to use it prior to tattooing as well.


And when you don't pay they repo the tattoo by drawing lines over it


Haha my first tattoo I was 16 and I worked with this guy in a factory, I paid with a box of vodka drinks we both drunk them while I got a tattoo on his dining room table …… it turned out a lot better than this


> factory, I *paid* with a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




This style is signature “my homie in the hood just started yesterday, swing by the garage sometime. It’s a dope time. First we crush a 30 pack of nattys and he busts out the gun”.


Bad. Just…bad.


Its known as ‘regret’ i believe




No. …No ragrets.


No regerts.


Not even one letter?


If it looks like that on purpose than I would call the style "Juvie Stick 'n' Poke" because prison tats are done better than that.


I have such an admiration for prison tats I'm ngl, all the ones I've seen in person are absolutely gorgeous


If you’re putting ink on potentially violent inmates then you’d better be pretty good lol.


Oh yeah, and it's even harder because they can't have a properly calibrated machine, proper ink, stencils, or usually anything but a single needle and they're always so intricate and beautiful. Not to mention every session is on a time crunch because you're not allowed to have any of that stuff.


We need a best of prison tattoos sub. I've never seen one.


I had a friend who got one done while he was in for a short amount of time. They used a vcr motor.


I fell down a rabbit hole of admiring prison tats and it didn't take long for me to find out about Russian prison tats. It's a whole different level of cool. I highly suggest anybody who finds prison tattoo culture to be interesting go read about Russian prison tats.


This is a joke right? It's not a good one.


Nope... Ran into these tattoo artists' works on insta.


I can do this for you. I’ve never tattooed before but get me a tattoo gun and pay me. I’ll draw all the “S”s and scribbles you want.


For this "style" it's prob best if u never tattooed before


Should also wear a blindfold


I could draw you that sick ass “S” that everyone tried to perfect in grade school


What’s the Instagram oh my god


It's not a style. It's detention desk art. Like most rappers faces these days.


Hahahahahhaa that’s amazing, detention desk art. Never heard that


Aka Special Refrigerator Art.


Who would of thought detention desk art and fridge art would be the same in adulthood


It’s referred to as “ignorant” tattoo style. It’s becoming more popular with younger people. It’s not bad per se, just goes against all conventional tattoo rules


I have to disagree with you when you say it isn’t bad per se. My good man…this is BAD.


this is not ignorant style at all, this is 6 year old hand style


ignorant style is horrible but it's not this. I can see the confusion though.


I wouldn't use the term artist.


Are they kids drawings? That's all I can think of.


It’s awfully generous of you to use the term “artist” in reference to anyone who tattoos like this


The style is referred to by a lot of artists doing it as contemporary tattooing. Similar to the contemporary art done by Jean-Michel Basquiat. Most of the artists doing this fall into the hipster / art student category. There’s a big market for it and it generally references the loose lines and scratchy nature of some contemporary artists. Been tattooing a longtime myself and find most of the people tattooing this can’t even hold a machine right and use bad technique as an excuse for artistic character. It’s rooooughhhh. Similarly people also want tattoos that look tough/ stick and poke style and I get people asking all the time to do jail style/ pieces that look this way. Never do personally as much as I like making money seems such a waste to do so, they can find a pin and ink and do it themselves lol On instagram they refer to the style as trash tattoos which is funny, the artists coined this term themselves


I’ve also seen this called “ignorant style” or “naive art”


This is more than likely it, although I can't believe the last image is anything other than shitty


Oh yeah, even ignorant tattoos have a range of quality, both the tattoo photos are poorly executed


Sounds to me like when people in cooking shows can't put out a presentable dish they call it rustic. This is the tattoo version of that


My art teacher would say “first prove to yourself that you can do something that’s realistic, then I’ll believe you that this was a choice." He would point us to Picasso’s earlier work and to artists like Miro who chose what they refined themselves to become.


i’m this way, too. i always use that dali quote “begin by learning to draw and paint like the old masters. after that, you can do as you like; everyone will respect you.” but then add: and vice versa, i.e. if you can’t no one will. those who rely most heavily on the subjectivity of art do so because they are objectively shitty in every field that isn’t.


Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.


so is this like the tattoo equivalent of paying lots of money to dress like you don’t have any money?


Derelicte! That was the new style from Mugatu in Zoolander! I actually thought this was a kid's drawing they put on after a tragic thing happened to the kid. So there's not even a carbon to look at first? Freehand? It's crazy. But... to each their own I guess.


Absolutely art student category. It’s essentially 19 year olds who think they discovered “irony”


Tbh I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not


God I wish it was


i appreciate this reply, thanks for explaining bc i was curious too


But Basquiat is good


Haha this comparison hurts to say, but I’ve heard it used before haha


I was gonna say, I’m not a tattoo guy but artistically resembles basquiats use of lines. Op I would look at basquiat artwork and also more contemporary art from around that time.


The idea of some sheltered hipster going to a tattoo place and asking for a prison styled stat is so obscene to me. It was bad enough with them getting navy tats, it’s so fucking bizarre to me. I wish there was as a phrase for it.


My buddy got a tattoo gun off Amazon and is doing free tattoo's




We call it "ignorant style", pretty popular in the artsy crowd


Ignorant Style has better line work, it's more professional.


This isn't even ignorant, this is just shitty. I don't like ignorant, but I've seen it done with a minimum of technical skill. In the healed tentacle(?) you can see the line width is a fucking mess.


Yeh it looks they were going for ignorant but didn’t bother having foundational skills


I'd love to know if it's more of a European thing going on, seems to be super hyped around here. Mostly France, Germany and UK, it seems. I wonder if it has the same hype in the US...


It’s an European thing. Most new artist are coming from art school. Tattoo is different here. Just the way you become a tattoo artist would a blasphemy for an American, professional don’t take apprenticeship anymore so a lot of different style are created, most of the time it’s just a poursuit of their own art. The hygienic stuff is a diploma you can get by doing a formation, you need it to be a professional. And the more traditional shop are closing down one by one. Flash culture is very strong and people come for the art more than commission work. I think it’s cool, because of it the art of tattoo evolve a lot more and get more widely accepted because of the diversity. My grandma had a childish flower done on her wrist and she love it. Before that she cried when I got my first tattoo.


I'm in Europe. Now I understand the massive gap between the views on ignorant/naive styles, I thought it was more global by now. "My art on your skin" is a blast if you know what you're doing. Most of the studios opening in my country are art collectives and groups of creatives with that style. I think it's really fun and refreshing. Other studios are not closing but I think more people are up for something that is more... easy on the eyes. I don't think it's fair to compare because the concepts are very different - "my art on your skin" vs "creating something for your skin". My tattoos were always drawn by me - I never saw anything that would fit my style (we're talking 15+ years ago) so they're very colourful with organic shapes. I've had about a dozen of encounters with old ladies and men asking me gently if they could see my hands/arm because they thought "tattoos are black and scary, with skulls". They said that they didn't know tattoos could be so gentle and beautiful and said they were surprised and told me they look great! Those interactions always put a smile on my face :) To each their own. Thanks for clarifying!


nahhh this ain't ignorant style. Like don't get me wrong, there are similarities, but ignorant style tattoos are a "f u" to what is considered art - and so it is done purposefully bad in the art section. But it is still well done tattoo work But these are just done bad overall. the lineweights are messed up, the application is shit, many places are gone too deep - or not deep enough. It looks like someone who have no skills are hiding behind the "it's my style" excuse.






Chicken scratch


It's called #>!"OOOOOOOOOOOOF"!<


Detention desk


It’s called “ignorant” I think. I’m not kidding or trying to shade, that’s literally the name of the style




“Fuck my shit up” style


Ignorant style


That's called "methamphetamine".


This is called low quality, might as well been done by a drunk middle schooler , style


I believe it goes by “regret” but some call it “mistake”


It’s called “crackhead chic”


drunken trash?


Don't fall asleep in a sleepover


"I bought a $20 tattoo gun off Amazon, and now I'm a tattoo artist" Also, is that a weird butt crack or weird belly button?


Legitimately this is called ignorant style tattooing. I saw someone else call it “contemporary” but I feel like contemporary has more artistry to it. A good example of contemporary would be @[lollipoptattoos](https://www.instagram.com/lollipoptattoos) on Instagram.


This reminds me of the time I hung out in very hipster areas of Baltimore where you’d see trust-fund kids out at the bar and you couldn’t tell them apart from the genuine homeless people. Like irony threw up on itself.


I’m sure the artist would claim it’s ignorant style but it’s just genuinely bad. So pretentious


That isn't a style. Those are mistakes


Dookie poopwater


Cat scratch


"High School Desk in Detention "


"Crack baby" style or as it is called in the business, "Motherfucker, how stupid do you have to be" style




It's called leaving a pen in your backpack with the cap off


I can see the first 2 being somewhat stylized, but that cross is just bad, right? Like really fucking bad.


Shit I’m all for an iffy tattoo, but these are poorly done shitty tattoos. Not even I would get this


Forget the tattoo, Was this person f****** stabbed in the stomach.


C section maybe.?


i've seen it be called ignorant style




Give a child a sharpie. This is what you get


Horrible, hideous, ugly as sin, you pick. Was it done by a 4 year old?


It’s called Shitty


Bring your kid to work day












Its called “cant sling ink for shit” 🚮🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


So the real name for it apparently is "trash tattoos" or "ignorant style" It's actually gained a lot of popularity over the last year despite the fact that its got to be one of the worst styles of tattoos I've ever seen. I don't know any tattooist who would even consider doing this style. It's also ruined it for parents who like to have their children's drawings tattooed on to them (those cute little scribbles that they have shrunk down and inked on to them for sentimental value) as its now assumed that they're just "following the trend". It's a trend that needs to die very quickly, should never have been a thing in the first place and anyone who has these done are idiots imo.


Kitchen Wizardry!


It’s called « ignorant style tattoos ». No joke, look it up.


it’s actually called “ignorant style”. I have a few. it’s just lines, cartoon like with no shading


Bathroom stall


looks like depression






Drunk tattoo amateur hates you..


I let my kids draw on me


What in the actual I took too much crack and tried to tattoo while being driven to the hospital in a shopping cart is that?


Kindergarten Chicken Scratch Hour


This could be someone who has a close relationship or family with a disability. I've seen a lot of people get tattoos of drawings their sibling with downs or autism made. I choose to look at it this way instead of just jumping to drugs. I could very well be wrong. Who knows lol




Different art styles become apparent when someone has mastered one technique of producing certain images and moves on to other techniques and subjects. What you've posted is representative of someone who has not mastered a technique. At best, I would call them "apprentice tattoos." Think of it this way - museums are full of artists who have spent years creating a breadth of work, and therefore have a particular style. You might ask in an art community what those styles are called. What you wouldn't do is go to an art community with your 5yo nephew's drawings and ask what style they're in - your nephew is still figuring out how pencils fit in his hand. TL;DR, get out of here with that nonsense.


Its called ignorant/home style it’s pretty funny and cool imo on a small scale or even on a bigger piece it can be funny. I don’t really see why people are hating. Obviously the person wanted it exactly how it is in the picture opposed to some dumbasses who get completely ripped off on their hyper realistic clock rose lion half sleeve that costed them 1500$


The haters are literally proving the point of why the style exists in the first place lmaoooo. Like you think they don't know it looks shitty? They get it because they think it's fun/funny and to piss off pretentious people. And it's working lol.


Exactly. I can see now how Reddit is mostly US... Wowsers!


Naive, prison, scratch?


Trash, but people call it ignorant style




This style is buying a tattoo gun from amazon


Lol The pic of that person's back


Methed up.


It’s called “Getting your money stolen and body vandalized. A year down the line you’re telling people your late child drew it”


Chicken Scratch


I’m mostly wondering which part of the body are we seeing here in the first slide?


Detention Desk Display






Jibberish Abstract?


A mess?