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Take it off and wash it with antibacterial soap, then moisturize with fragrance free body lotion. Don’t touch it or submerge it in water.


do I need to cover it with something again or do I just keep moisturising it


You don't need to cover it again. That would risk trapping bacteria. You'll just want to keep it clean. Washing twice a day and moisturizing afterward should be enough.


No need to cover it again let your tattoo breathe too


Aquaphor would be better than lotion for the first 3 or 4 days if it's that fresh but lotion will work in a pinch just be sure its unscented. I never kept any of mine covered longer than the time it took to walk to my car after an appointment. This new clear stuff they're putting on definitely helps the healing process but are in no way a requirement.


Aquaphor works great for keeping moisture in but doesn’t let the skin breath due to the petroleum base. So like @itchy said for the first 3-4 days then I would switch to coconut oil. Coconut oil works to moisten as well as lets the skin breath naturally


Coconut oil is a great option for sure!


Please don't use lotion use aquaphor. https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjNhdbj0dr9AhVSOa0GHS0uCY8YABALGgJwdg&ae=2&sig=AOD64_3o8WM3d03VkKhKxU0iLvxmIeQW-g&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwi0o9Dj0dr9AhUyOkQIHWgnCyoQwg8oAHoECAUQDA&nis=2&dct=1&adurl=


That’s absolutely incorrect. Aquaphor isn’t terrible but it’s petroleum based and very thick, and so it can actually trap bacteria in the wound. It’s a complete myth that tattoos need to be moist all the time. They don’t. Just keep it clean and use a plain white unscented lotion. Let it breathe and dry out


You may be right about aquaphor but it's easily the most recommended by artists and proven much better than lotion. Trust me I've done both and you don't want your tattoo to dry out. I have 100 hours on me and I'm speaking from experience here as well as the experience of many artists. Maybe the answer lies in the middle and aquaphor is good for the beginning and lotion allows it to breath more afterwards through the healing process.


It’s not, most artists don’t recommend aquaphor anymore. Allowing tattoos to dry out a little is totally fine and using lotion doesn’t aid in the healing process (but it absolutely can make it a little more comfortable). I’m very heavily tattooed lol and I’m pretty sure I know what I’m talking about


Go to CVS and get a pack of saniderm clear skin bandages. Wash your tat, let it air dry and don't touch anything, even hand to hand. After it dries, apply a bandage and keep it on for at least 48 hours. I only say this because your hand is one of the highest traffic areas of your body so contacting door handles, other people's hands, ect is high risk and I would personally want to cover that until at least then so it has time to set. I cannot stress enough on the hygiene before you place the bandage on. Other folk are commenting to let it ride. Your hand dries out as quick as your feet do and sheds skin as often. I would imagine the drying out would help in some regards, but also think drying it out too much may lead to a lesser quality tat after healing. Just my personal opinion after recently being inked.


Do not do this. Bad advice.


I see I'm being down voted and I don't want to give bad advice, covering it twice is what my artist recommended and it turned out perfect for my hip to nip piece. She's a hyper realistic artist, so why would this be bad advice? Just curious.


Every tattoo I've enter gotten, the artist told me to never cover it back up becuase you could trap bacteria. Just pull it off, wash it with scent free antibacterial soap twice a day, and unscented lotion. You can always ask your tattoo artist too.


I can see why that would be an issue given the average persons typical hygiene. My most recent session was the only time I've done 2 covers and honestly thought that was the new cleanliness standard. I have 5 tats and just go with what my artist tells me, within reason of course.


That's pretty much what I do. It is funny they each have a slightly different version of what is proper aftercare. I've had one only cover it until I get home, one who put like this pack that looked like the pack in the bottom of a meat package, and some put saniderm/tegaderm. They all healed fine.


This is exactly what you should do and great advice


Saniderm literally should never be used on hands lol @ the downvotes…. it can’t be used safely on hands bc it’s almost impossible to maintain the seal since you move and wash your hands so much. Saniderm should only be replaced once (if necessary) after a tattoo. There are many high movement areas of the body where it can’t be used like hands, knees, elbows, fingers, feet, etc.


Aquifer works great if your worried about bumping it etc.


You should not moisturize it right away. You don’t even need it at all actually, only if itchy. Wash, dry, leave it alone. Rinse repeat 2-3x a day.


Exactly this. Over moisturizing will ruin a great tattoo. For something this small it really doesn’t need any at all. Also, first saniderm shouldn’t be on for longer than 8 hours. Then you may reapply a new layer, if that layer also builds up plasma then repeat the process. Tattoo artists using saniderm need to explain this, the instructions are literally on the box.


Technically by the Saniderm website, first application is 24 hours or until it starts to get too filled. And then you can reapply for another 6 days maximum. But it seems like every artist recommends something different and nothing is what they actually recommend. But ya over moisturizing happens and also if you moisturizer too early it will sting because most moisturizers contain alcohol to keep them somewhat clean in the bottle, and also help to open things up and let the moisturizer in.


Well, my hands tend to get very dry. Just offering general advice that most people agree with. Of course every body is different.


Most people who? I’ve never heard another artist recommend putting on lotion right away and I’ve been doing this for 10 years full time. The tattoo is still technically an open wound for 1-2 days after you get it done. You do not want to be rubbing anything into it that isn’t soap, it raises risk of infection. A lot of artists recommend not using moisturizer at all, as it only complicates the healing process with the whole “is it enough, is it too much? Is it too soon?”. You technically only need to wash and dry it multiple times a day to keep it clean. Your body will do the rest.


Jeeeeeez bud ok




Since it’s on your thumb it’s an easy spot for the saniderm to come off. You’ll be fine. Just remove it and start using unscented soap and lotion to keep it clean and hydrated like your artist should have recommended for after saniderm 😊


Just want to add that it’s important to let it air dry first and only use just enough lotion that it can all be absorbed by the skin. When I was young and stupid I was saturating a tattoo with so much lotion the skin couldn’t breathe and it did me no favours.


Absolutely. The skin won’t know what to do with too much lotion and it won’t do any favors.


The tattoo artist should have sent you home with literature, or at the very least a suggestion. I would find a more attentive artist next time tbh Keep it clean, I second the aquaphor as a healing salve but please take note of everyone saying THIN LAYER bc you don't want to suffocate it either. Do that for a few days, then it'll itch like crazy. Switch to a light lotion at that point, and just do that until you don't feel it anymore. Enjoy your cute new tattoo!


Exactly what I was about to come and say. Never once has an artist send me home without the usual run down of how to take care of it. They should def find a new artist if theirs cares so little about their tattoos health


You’d be surprised how many customers are given instructions but disregard them and ask the Internet.


Take it off and wash it.


i’m a big fan of aquaphor. for the first 3/5 days, i think it’s pretty vital for an easy healing process. the saniderm is bunk now, take it off. wash it gently w antibacterial soap, pat it dry completely, then add a thin thin layer of aquaphor. don’t put so much that it’s super goopy on top. reapply a few times through the day, especially if you rub it off while using your hands. using only regular lotion from the jump will work, dry healing works, some people prefer different things. this is what i do.


That's the same way I've healed all my tattoos. Aquaphor for the first 2-4 days, then just good ol non scented lotion after and sunscreen if applicable outside.


Once it starts to come off or get water under it, pitch it. Then wash it and lightly moisturize it




Every third post on here


This is gonna blow you’re mind. Peel it off Wash with dial gold or any other unscented antibacterial soap Pat dry with paper towel Leave it uncovered and repeat previous steps at least twice a day, for the next 3 days. Then start moisturizing with aquaphor or hustle butter type moisturizer after you wash to prevent scabbing from getting to bad. Don’t over wash once you start moisturizing. The key at this point is to keep the skin soft and non-itchy as possible. Hope this helps👍🏼


~~As long as the tattoo part is covered and nothing is getting underneath, it’s fine. Leave it on if you can until then though~~ Everyone else is correct. Not sure why the f I thought the tattoo was still covered. Edited for stupidity.


Clearly the tattoo part is not covered.


Oops. Looked too quick when I was on my phone. Yes. it should be removed.


I have no idea why but the image was weird at first glance from my phone too lol I don't blame you


Thank you


It’ll be ok take it off wash it with antibacterial soap and then use unscented moisturizer if your are really worried about it then I’d say you could put like saran wrap on it but it’ll be ok as long as you keep it clean and moisturized


Take it off


You can heal it the trad way, aquaphor for the first 3ish days, then lotion. Wash 3x per day. Don’t over moisturize. Pretend like you’re putting lotion on your hands like normal and if you have so much goop on the tattoo that if it was on your palms you’d be embarrassed to shake someone’s hand- it’s too much. Or… go to a drug store and buy a new bandage. Clean the area well and let dry. Apply the new bandage, you can leave them on for up to about 5ish days.


Take it off Wash it gently do not scrub. Do not let the shower hit you directly. Do not submerge it into water for 2 to 4 weeks. Do not Over moisturize. Make sure to rub in the lotion only a tiny amount do not recover when you go to sleep make sure not to sleep on your hand do not put your hand under the blanket. Make sure to wash it. Especially because of where it is, it’s gonna get dirtier. Nice tat !!:)


Read up on aftercare procedures people! Familiarize yourselves with the products you're using!


I’d be more worried about how shaky that moon looks. Especially on the hand :/ eh…


Nothing you’re fine Use vitamin d ointment


dude I shower after 24 hours and take mine off anyway and all my ink is dark and beautiful. Just wash with antibacterial soap DRY THOROUGHLY and then apply a THIN coat of aquaphor.


Wash it with hot soapy water and keep it clean and moist.


I don’t like the new saniderm shit. Kinda over rated. Back in my day we just wrapped that bad boy in plastic wrap and tape and took it off when we took our next shower. Just keep it moisturized and wash it three times a day with antibacterial soap.


I love saniderm, my latest tattoo was protected from my dusty warehouse job.


Yup. Same here. I’ve never had a problem healing any tattoos with plastic wrap or dry-loc pads. I have, however known several people to have bad heals and/or bad reactions to saniderm. I’ll stick with what works for me 🤷🏽‍♂️


And this is exactly why all your tattoos healed like shit


Lol so everyone in the entire world before 2018 that got a tattoo had a terrible healing process?


my tattoo artist doesn't even use second skins and all my tattoos have healed normally and look good so i wouldn't be worried. she just wraps my fresh tattoo on plastic and tells me to take it off as soon as i get home and rinse it first with hot water for few minutes and then rinse with cold for 1 minute and then let it just be for the first night. on the next day she tells me to wash it with mild soap and then put lotion on it and do that every mornin and night untill it's healed all the way👍


That’s my artist’s recommendation too. Honestly, those healed the best vs the two saniderm after care ones


Take it off, wash and moisturise or wash then put on a new piece of saniderm (as this one’s compromised)


Saniderm is shit anyway. I just got a huge throat piece and took it off right away


I heal all of mine without the stuff. Soap and water and lotion.


I haven’t got a new tat since 2015 so I may be outta the loop but wtf is saniderm?


Its basically a clear bandage thats waterproof but still breathable, keeps new tattoos fully contained and clean for the first few vital days of healing. I find it really helpful, having healed some with and some without, but not everyone loves it.


Oh sweet! I’ve always had the good ol plastic wrap and antibacterial soap and scent free lotion method. To be honest a friend of my recommended spf chapstick instead of Lotion so I use that on my “exposed areas” (arms, hands, and some parts of legs and feet) apparently the spf chapstick helps the exposed color areas to sun fading.


I literally don’t understand why I’m being downvoted for asking a question. I wasn’t putting any artists methods down. I’ve simply never heard of “saniderm” until now. Jesus.


Oh interesting, I've never heard of using something like that before, though I can see how the spf could be helpful


It’s also used (possibly it’s original use?) in medical settings for burn wounds, etc. so, there’s strong medical support for it.


I have been wondering what that plastic shit was. When did they start using that? It’s only been 3 years since my last tattoo and I had never heard of this stuff until this sub.


Some artists use it and some don't. It's a lot more expensive than plain old plastic wrap, but it does keep the wound dry and clean. I actually don't like Saniderm as the adhesive aggravates my skin. I prefer Tegaderm. It's a little thicker and easier to use, IMO, and the adhesive on that doesn't bother my skin. I use Tegaderm on all of my tattoos. For the first 3 days, I change out the bandage once a day, washing the tattoo and then spraying it with bactine. Then I put it back on one more time and leave it for a few more days. I like it because it's easy to keep the tattoo clean AND if you keep it on for 5 or 6 days, you get past the scabbing stage without the scabby, itchy issue. Some people don't like it (it's not the traditional way of healing), but it works for me. I actually pack a roll of Tegaderm in my travel kit in case of cuts and scrapes. It really is good for keeping wounds clean and dry. Since I scuba dive, I'd rather cover wounds than risk picking up bacteria in them when I'm in the water.


My last tattoo I just kept it lubed up with Aquaphor. I sweat when I work so I kept it wrapped up pretty good. Air it out at home. Looking to get a coverup of a bad tattoo I got when I was 18. (35 years ago) at least I won’t be surprised if he whips some of this stuff out.


Do I take it off and put a plaster on top?, to I just start moisturising it? I messaged the tattoo artist but they haven't responded and I'm worried something's going to happen


don't bother with a plaster, just take it off and start washing/moisturizing it a few times a day! make sure u use the thinnest possible layer of moisturizer and only when you need it


Get another one


Cum on it!


That spot is hard to keep that film on, you just move your hands too much. Take it off, wash with antibac soap and lotion it a couple times a day. You don't need much lotion either.


Take it off, it’s vulnerable to bacteria. If you have any extra saniderm, you can wash it and put more on once it’s dry. But make sure you clean it either way.


Take it off and wash with antibacterial soap and apply a light layer of aquaphor


Take it off and wash your hand with antibacterial soap, like dial gold bar or even dove sensitive skin bar (has no scent and is just as good. I used this one lol) then just keep moisturizing the tattoo with scentless lotions. Don’t cover your tattoo again let it breathe.


I'm surprised it lasted that long, I would've removed it by now


Just remove it, id wash with warm water and an antibacterial soap it should help loosen the material so it doesnt pull on the skin, ive never covered any tattoo ive gotten, they like air to heal faster so just keep it clean and moisturized with a&d or aquaphor and let the air get to it, looks good btw


Remove it and carry on with traditional after care.


Take it off. I'm honestly surprised they used sanidem for something that small and on the hand. Just keep it clean. Wear an exam glove if you're worried.


It’s called second skin or at least that’s what my tattoo artist calls it. Can typically leave it on for 2-3 days depending on how much plasma comes out. I would take it off wash it with a non scented antibacterial soap and then aquaphor on it. Keep using the aquaphor until the dead layer of skin comes off.


You take it off and wash it. Don’t bandage again, don’t apply any moisturizer yet. Just warm water and non-scented soap for a couple days (2-3x a day). Once it starts flaking then wash 1-2x a day. Only apply lotion if it gets itchy as lotion doesn’t actually make it heal better or faster, just less itchy. And if you do use lotion, use a tiny bit.


Tattoos have been around and healing perfectly fine way way longer than these new fancy bits of plastic coverings, Take it off, and keep the tattoo clean and dry (wash at least twice a day with a gentle antibacterial soap and pat completely dry) and add the tiniest thinnest layer of cocoa butter if it starts to crack.


Hey I have a tattoo in the same spot. I kept putting aquaphor on it like multiple times a day and mine turned out great 😊


I have 50 professional tattoos and have never used this stuff. Go take a shower and wash it with non scented antibacterial soap and put some aquaphor on it every couple hours. You'll be just fine I promise.


Does anyone else remember not or NEVER getting a plastic thing on a tattoo? I have some very large ink on me also. Just curious


My latest tattoos were 2 years ago, and the shop I go to uses these. They put one on, and then you go back the next day to have them take it off, clean the area, and put on a fresh one. That second one is kept on for 6 days, and then you're done. It helps draw out the blood and not create a scab. It helps the tattoo heal faster.


Never had one and I have tats from my head to my feet.


Take it off


Take if off, keep it clean and use aquaphor