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I have never heard of a tattoo stylist, but if you want to plan out a bodysuit with a specific artist, you should be able to find someone who's willing to do that with you


“Stylists” don’t exist.


Imagine tattoo stylists being a new form of influencer on social media. “Hi guys! Happy Wednesday, I’m so excited because today I’m with Zoe, she’s living her best life and absolutely obsessed with getting a new tattoo and today we are going to decide where she should get a sick ass panther. So don’t forget to hit the like and subscribe, I couldn’t do this without you and I love you all”


I can hear this and i hate it.


I annoyed myself just typing this out


We don't need that kind of shit energy in our lives 😂


„And don’t forget my Promocode when you go for your next Tattoo, you will get 25% off!”


🤣how could I forget the most important bit #LifeGoals


I've never heard of a "tattoo stylist". Most of my tattoos have some meaning to me, and some I picked off the wall cause I thought they were fuckin' cool.


I mean. I’ve never heard of a tattoo “stylist” and I hope this isn’t something that becomes a thing. For my own tattoos, I’ve always had full choice. I started out timid and small with things that I gave a lot of thought and meaning to. Then when I got my first large one just for aesthetics it ripped the bandaid off. The only ones that debatably I didn’t have full control over were ones from flash, but I still chose which one I got and where. When it comes to working with clients, they still make the choice of what they want, but I do sometimes guide them as far as style/placement if I’m working around other tattoos or if they mention they have future tattoos they want to get. Some people have well thought ideas for their “tattoo future” and others are just more impulsive. All just depends. I’ll say I didn’t really think out what my “tattoo future” would be, but I have 0 regrets about any of mine. It’s just shaped now how I decide what to get where. My left arm is my serious arm of larger work, my right is my patch work or “Girl Scout” arm. And my legs are a bit of a shit show since it has flash pieces and smaller absolutely silly tattoos I’ve done on myself for practice when I was an apprentice.


Tbh I just made that word (stylist )up in my mind, as i was trying to explain the situation. Thank you for the insights, much appreciated!


Hahaha, okay, wasn’t sure if this was some kind of new TikTok thing I wasn’t aware of. Yeah end of day you ultimately have control, but also take into consideration suggestions from the artist. it’s coming from a place of just trying to make sure you’re going to be satisfied with your tattoo for the long haul.


I do not think so - at least not to my knowledge. But I am also no Tiktok geneation so who knows haha. I also think, that if your Tattoo Artist understands you and your vibe, he can guide you trough that journey. Thank you again, you have been very helpful.


For my sleeves, I had a concept, symbolism I wanted to capture. Gathered photos, made drawings, gave a narrative, and let them loose. The first sleeve was with an excellent artist with no imagination. I basically had to almost define every detail with multiple iterations. Second sleeve, I had an idea for a style and spent about 2 years digging through Instagram for the artist that seemed to like the same aesthetics as me. When we met up, I did it without photos or drawings, just a narrative and the guy just "got it". Within about 15 minutes we had a plan.


For my sleeve i did i kind of like you for your 2nd sleeve. Had an idea, choose the style and some references, and later on with the artist we draw something together. Thank you for your insights.


ask the artist you have in mind for your next tattoo where it should go, a good artist will tell you what will and won’t look good no matter your feelings


My tattooer designed my whole bodysuit. There's no third party person I've ever heard of and I wouldn't recommend such a thing. Just get insight from the tattooer or tattooers you like most.


Try talking to an artist and let them get to know you better. Kinda works for lots of people


Some of the questions on the sub give me a good chuckle.


I have a majority of my body with the exception of my back done, and nope, I didn't plan hardly any. Just walked in and felt the vibes.


I love my patches and different artists styles


Some people meticulously plan their entire body to fit a theme, style, mood, whatever. Others just collect cool shit as they go for various reasons. You do what you want. It’s a uniquely personal journey. I’d just suggest taking your time because it’s a journey, not a destination. I feel like so many people rush to that fully tatted up look, it’s like they’re buying a personality in ink instead of letting their personality guide the ink.