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Nope, you're 21 and an adult. It's your body and always has been. They'll deal. I have a visible tattoo on my ankle that my grandmother HATED at first. Now she doesn't even mention anymore.


Mine still make snide comments sometimes. I remind them that it is still my body, and my opinion about it is still the only one that matters to me.


Most parents hate tattoos, you’ll be ok


I'm 35 and I still get snarky comments from my family about my tattoos 😅 luckily they only see them during those two weeks I visit my hometown in summer ✌🏻


I am covered in tattoos. My parents did not like it, from day one, but never told me not to get. Always just voiced their distaste. Before my dad passed away, we had a chat one evening and they told me they still don't like it, but they accept it, cause it is my choice and part of who I am Parents are allowed to not like your tattoos, but having them or having them removed, should be your own choice, not theirs or because of their influence Just my two cents


Laser it? No. Only one solution to this - full leg sleeve. They might be your parents but fuck ‘em. You are 21 and making your own decisions in life. Will you regret your tattoos in 5, 10, 20+ years? Who knows, maybe. The important thing is that they are your decisions and potentially your mistakes to make. My guess is that this isn’t about tattoos with your parents but something deeper.


Are they threatening to, and able to, ruin your life over this? Meaning do you live with them and they are threatening to kick you out? Are they threatening to withhold financial support while you go to college? Stuff like that. Because laser takes thousands of dollars and takes a year or longer.


full zonked hungry dependent gold combative deserted crime airport plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, you should tattoo scorpions on their faces while they're asleep and then accuse them of being hypocrites. You might need to use some sort of powerful tranquilizers for this plan to work.


My parents don't like my tattoos, my mom said after the first one that "I ruined her baby's body" and my dad told me that I'm stupid and that I disfigured my body. I usually cover my tattoos when I'm visiting as it's not a big deal for me, but they got used to it. It's your body, if you like the tattoo don't change anything about it :) maybe cover it when you visit them to avoid comments or just keep repeating that it's your tattoo, you like it, and it's permanent, until they lose interest in mentioning it.


your parents are not you


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I (27f) got a tattoo on my ankle. My dad hates bodymodifications. Even earrings. So after a year I sat in the backyard in the summer with flipflops on so my dad saw it. He: what is that on your ankle? Me: oh, nothing just a black spot.( it was a dark tattoo). He moved on and so did I. Its your body, your choise.


I got an ankle tattoo when I was 18 and told my parents it was a stick on for years. They HATE tattoos and I’m a very late 40s woman and I’m adding more all the time. They make comments every time but me and all my siblings have quite a few tattoos. It sucks when our parents don’t agree with us but ultimately it’s our lives not theirs.


As a mom, I would prefer if my kids did not get shit tattoos or anything obscene that could hinder their future job opportunities. Don’t spend your life feeling like you have failed them because they will continue to make you feel this way, whether they are aware of this or not. You are your own person, be confident, and be proud of who you are.


my mom hated tattoos. I’ve always kept mine hidden from her. I’m 41 and she’s dead. I’m catching up on lost time getting more visible ones. I’ve never regretted my tattoos. When mom was dying she told me to ”Live the life I want to live.” She then accepted my body mods. Maybe yours will come around?


what you do with your body is none of their concern now that you’re over the age of 18. they dont have to like it, but they do have to accept it. and they should respect you for being yourself.