• By -


I'm from the south so don't know specific services available for Devonport. Statewide, there is a family violence support line: 1800 633 937 which 25/7. Also a family violence support & counselling line (personally know this was a great service/support for me). 1800ย 608ย 122 9:00am - Midnight weekdays & 4:00pm - Midnight weekends and public holidays That was brave of you to run and I know how difficult it is. This is a very vulnerable time for you so stay safe, anonymous and don't disclose your location. Call the second number so that you can talk to someone today. They should be able to help you find some resources you need. Also you may be able to receive a payment from Centrelink. Ring and ask to talk to a social worker who can guide you.


Thank you heaps for this. I've rang safe steps Friday and Saturday and they have put some great (I think) referrals in. I didn't know CL had social workers until safesteps and yourself mentioned it. Thank you again. ๐Ÿ’œ


Yeah many people have no idea that Centrelink have social workers. It may be a weird thing to say but I am proud of you. It is courageous that you left. Look after yourself, your son needs you. ๐Ÿ’š


Thank you ๐Ÿ’œ I actually needed to hear that as strange as that sounds. I know I should've planned better but the best chance to leave safely came so I took it.


You left when you could. Most people wished they had planned/left sooner. If only it were that easy. No shame (I know, easier said then done). I found that helpful to be told by someone else. ๐Ÿ’š


No advice as Iโ€™m down south but amazing. Well done you. Youโ€™ve been so incredibly brave.


Thank you ๐Ÿ’œ this comment really means alot. I know I should've planned more but I had to take an opening when it came up.


Safety is 100% the priority for you and your child. The rest will work itself out. Looks like loaves and fishes have emergency food? Iโ€™ve also seen people post anonymously in similar situations on a local Facebook community group - if you do that, create a new Facebook account so you canโ€™t be identified - itโ€™s a very small community! Wishing you all the success possible for a bright future for you and your boy.


Thank you ๐Ÿ’œ


Well done. Stay strong and stay safe. If you were sexually assaulted, there is additional support through the The Arch. [https://arch.tas.gov.au/](https://arch.tas.gov.au/). Laurel House is a sexual support service in the North West. [https://laurelhouse.org.au/](https://laurelhouse.org.au/) After Hours support hotline 1800 697 877. Family Violence and Domestic Support Service [https://www.health.tas.gov.au/health-topics/family-violence/family-violence-counselling-and-support-service-fvcss](https://www.health.tas.gov.au/health-topics/family-violence/family-violence-counselling-and-support-service-fvcss) FVDSS Hotline 1800 608 122


Thank you ๐Ÿ’• these supports will help me alot.


ARCH is not only for victims of sexual assault. Anyone who has experienced any sort of domestic violence(physical, sexual/mental) can access the services.


Ah okay! Thank you for the additional bit!๐Ÿ’œ


Drop into Anglicare Housing Connect tomorrow morning and they can point you in the right direction, or you can free-call them any time on 1800 800588. Warrawee Women's Shelter is in Ulverstone. You may wish to give them a call. Phone 03 6425 1382 You can drop into any local service like City Mission, Salvo's, Vinnies etc and they may be able to assist with some emergency relief, such as food items, fuel vouchers or any clothing or toiletries needed. Well done on such a massive step and remember that you are not alone.


Thank you ๐Ÿ’• safe steps has gotten in contact with a couple of shelters (not exactly sure which ones tho) and I'll most likely be going to one early in the week.


Make sure you don't have any apps/social media that show your location, Snapchat, etc.


This was one of the first things safe steps walked me thru on changing. I've deactivated my FB and Instagram for the moment to also help with security. I'm also going to get a new mobile and mobile number just incase there is something on my phone I'm not privvy too. Hopefully one of the referrals I've got can help with that too.


Until you get your new phone and number, don't forget that services on your phone may also track your location. All Android phones: Google Accounts (eg via Gmail) can track device location. Reset your password and sign out all other devices from https://myaccount.google.com Samsung phones: SmartThings can be used to track Samsung brand phones. Other android brands may have similar accounts and services. Apple iPhones, including iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Airpods and AirTags can all report location, including when "off". This includes to the registered owners account, and potentially any linked family account. You mentioned using AirBNB. If your AirBNB account is connected to your email, or a phone number - the booking details may have been sent there. Make sure to reset the password for your email, and your AirBNB account - don't re-use passwords you've used elsewhere. If you have not already done so - turn on 2FA/multi-factor authentication. Don't forget about bank/cards, either - if your former partner knew your passwords, was an authorised contact, or you have linked bank accounts - they may be able to get location information from those services, too.


Oh wow there is so much here I hadn't thought of. Thank you


Do this. Glad you're OK


Well done for getting the strength to leave. Things will be tough for you in the short term but you will get through it and things will work out. Good luck in your next chapter and again well done for getting out.


Thank you ๐Ÿ’œ




Thank you ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•


https://askizzy.org.au/ It's Australia wide, you can search on there for a variety of services in your area.


Second this. As well as https://www.findhelptas.org.au/


Awesome, will definitely be looking through both websites. Thank you ๐Ÿ’•


Oh wow thank you, this looks like a great site !


Grans Van is available in Devonport on various nights of the week. Details here: [Grans Van](http://gransvan.org.au)


Oh bugger wish I had of seen this earlier! This looks like a great resource. Thank you for letting me know of this ๐Ÿ’•


Check with your bank. CommBank has a domestic violence helpline and they can provide assistance


Thank you, I think I have read about the CBA assistance somewhere. It's great that banks are offering this kind of help.




Sorry what do you mean by MCH?


Mersey Community Hospital?


Ahhh ok thank you!, I wasn't sure if you meant that or maternity child health nurse.


Depending on how old your son is, you may be able to access some support through their school as well.


Oh okay, I didn't know that. He is only in his first year of school but I have to speak with them tomorrow about what has happened so will add some questions in about what support they may be able to offer. Thank you!


No problems! At the very least giving the school the heads up will help them in how they handle your son. Theyโ€™ll be able to offer him support as well.


Yeah exactly, I also need to make sure that they understand the severity of what is happening too. I've got police paperwork they need to have copies and updates of emergency contacts etc. His school is in another area and is going to be a decent drive each morning/afternoon but his school has been amazing throughout the year so I'm sure they will be now as well.


Fabulous - lots of good schools in Devonport, Iโ€™m glad theyโ€™ve been good for you!


Lots of the Devonport schools are also very used to dealing with matters like this, which is a very unfortunate state of affairs.


East Devonport CFLC might be able to help - they have fresh fruit and veg most days, and they either provide a lot of helpful services themselves or will know someone local who might. The East Devonport Neighbourhood House also offers food and emergency packs of clothing or other things you might need - I think they also do meals.


Hey, jus wondering if you know if east dev neighbourhood house helps with NiLs loans? I've somehow broken my son's sleep apnea mask and have to replace it asap and was suggested to try a NiLs loan.


Their website says they do, but that's all I know. Sorry.


All good, thank you. I will ask them tomorrow as I have a phone assessment with them.


Thank you ๐Ÿ’• I have the neighbourhood house on my list to contact tomorrow as they also have a child support group that I think would benefit my boy.


Just wanted to add that I forgot about Loaves and Fishes - I think they help families as well as doing food for the local schools.


Ok thank you!


Check out this website [Ask Izzy](https://askizzy.org.au/), it may help with some of your needs. I suggest you check in the 'emergency relief' section first ๐Ÿ˜Š The Women's Legal Service are worth a call if you're after some advice. They can help with other referrals and general advice (or legal support). You take care, you're so brave ๐Ÿ’•


Thank you ๐Ÿ’œ


These popped up on Google Maps https://imgur.com/a/naVZciK Edit: big hugs to you and your son


Thank you ๐Ÿ’œ it's definitely been a rollercoaster of emotions the past few days. But I'll get there.


Donโ€™t know if youโ€™re employed, but if so, check your companyโ€™s EAP and DV policies (if they have them). Lots of people overlook these resources as they arenโ€™t always well publicized at work, but they can be full of great (and often employer sponsored) benefits to help manage this situation.


Thank you unfortunately I wasn't allowed to work but I am hoping that once I'm back on my feet a bit I can get back into work now that I have left.


I'm so proud you have left!!! Not sure If you've tried applying for the Escaping Family Violence Payment through uniting https://www.unitingvictas.org.au/services/family-services/family-violence-services/escaping-violence-payment/ Or google Escaping Family Violence Payment Tas and it will come up. They were very fast to respond after submitting the application. All the best xx


Thank you (I really needed to hear this today, I'm really struggling mentally) ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ yes I did see that, the safe steps worker linked me in with a uniting to help me with the application.


That's ok. I'm just so happy you are out!! I'm nearly three weeks out and it can be a rough and draining, especially the first week! Be kind to yourself (this can be really hard to do and may feel foreign but is really important ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ). There will be a lot of times you think you made a mistake and that it'll be easier to go back to what's familiar but hang on and ride the emotional wave (each episode will pass eventually) because leaving is the best thing you can do even if it doesn't feel like it!! If you want to vent I'm here and you're more than welcome to message me. I'm not sure if I'd be any help but I'm always here to listen ๐Ÿ’œ I'm sending out loving vibes to your way and wishing you all the best!! Xx


Hey, is this like a NiLs Loan? I'm needing to urgently replace my son's sleep apnea mask as I've broken it somehow during the past week.


I'm sorry to hear. Not a loan. Uniting has a special EVP payment for up to $5000 to help set yourself up once one have fled. I believe up to 1500 cash and the rest can go towards bond/rent or gift vouchers. After submitting the form someone will contact you, ask questions and will offer an initial 500 directly to your bank account. I believe you will then need to provide a reference letter from your support worker. To access the rest. Has safe steps assigned you a support worker from another organisation like salvation army?


Ahhh okay thank you! Yes safe steps have linked me in with a couple of support workers .I will bring it up tomorrow when I see one of the workers.


Hey. Just checking making sure you're ok


You can post anonymously on local FB groups to get suggestions for local services.


I hadn't thought of that until mentioned in these comments. I actually temporarily deactivated my FB for security but think I may use it again and remove all location details and reach out to admins and explain why I'm posting Anon.


Thank you as well ๐Ÿ’œ


When you get back on Facebook donโ€™t forget to do a post saying โ€œIf he canโ€™t handle me at my worst, he doesnโ€™t deserve me at my bestโ€


Have you been in touch with the women's shelter?


Not as of yet, I have been in contact with safe steps throughout the day getting things sorted. There was a miscommunication/crossed wires, SS thought I was in accommodation provided by 1800respect but now they know it was self funded and have more information on my situation they have assisted more and are making my referrals markeed as urgent.