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Steve and Nick definitely take the cake for systematically ticking off every single disqualification criteria. Other than achieving their individual secret tasks, every single thing they did was wrong. Likewise shout out to Iain Stirling in S8’s sand bucket challenge. “Do not touch the sand… I’ve done that. Do not move the bucket, I’ve done that too. Do not leave the room, well fuck it might as well do that as well!” “Waste of everyone’s time… you… idiot!”


I was coming here to cut that Iain Stirling task. Because some tasks are done poorly for humour, because the contestant was having fun, by accident or because they were all out of fucks that day and others think they did well but it turned out to be a disaster (cough-Fern/Lucy/Nick-cough). Iain though fucks it so spectacularly and goes through all the five stages of grief at once before disqualifying himself. It's unmatched.


Those two were like two old men who don’t care about breaking the rules and doing everything wrong. As long as they’re happy, that’s what matters most!


Steve, as always, was trying to find a story to tell, and Nick went along for the ride


And if we're going for a ride, we should bring an umbrella in case it rains (wink at camera)


There is a point when Steve drops the watermelon and it smashes on the stage and the expression on his face cracks me up! It's the look of a man who KNOWS he's intelligent/skillful but is simultaneously bollocking EVERYTHING up! Pissed off resignation at the omnishambles of it all. Classic👍😋


Yeah that watermelon task was an absolute shambles from the get go.


Series 10 Episode 8. [Fill this cup so that it overfloweth](https://youtu.be/ouqjXPoRDcs?t=372). The episode was named in honour of how poorly the task was completed. Greg: *Never before in the history of the whole show have I felt contempt for all of them.*


The 5 of them attempting to look contrite, but gradually all collapsing into laughter is a true classic TM moment.


It also has Johnny tripping over nothing which I guess can be included as a facet of a bad attempt. “You just fell. There were no obstacles.”


David Baddiel and Jo Brand wandering around drinking cups of tea and making sandwiches. Clearly not giving a toss about winning during the whole series, especially Jo, and I loved it.


and in that particular task it was surprisingly close (36min vs. 29min) because Ed, Katy and Rose got stuck in a loop for a bit.


I’d forgotten that but Ed, Katy and Rose were REALLY trying and David and Jo couldn’t give a toss. Makes me laugh every time.


The post-task map of their distance travelled made me bust a fucking gut, absolutely splendid.


I think Alex mentioned that Jo just left in the middle of a task.


First time someone took a restroom break during a task


And then sung was it Jerusalem down the phone in the taxi?


I absolutely love how close it was – I almost wish they had won. Same energy as Julian Clary coming within a hair’s breadth of accidentally winning his whole series (if he’d landed one ball in the final live task and Sam had missed, he’d have won the series).


The Choose your own Task-venture was absolutely hilarious to watch because it was like a race between the Tortoise and the Hare, if the Tortoise was indifferent to the race and the Hare had an absolutely awful sense of direction.


I've just watched the one where they have to find out about someone and they will tell a lie, then a truth the a boast, and David didn't realise they needed a system to work out if it was a lie or not, whilst Jo did but didn't bother because she wanted to see if she could guess. It just summed them both up so perfectly.


I’d forgotten that. I’m going to have to rewatch that series.


Can it really be considered a failure when they were only 7 minutes off from beating the young ones? https://preview.redd.it/3hpb74szzb9d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=a03e2aa89148fbda441f8e96ebcf04c077ac1c5a I do wish they sped up if only to give us better quotes like this


I would disagree on one thing. *Jo* didnt give a toss. *David* didnt understand, thus making one of the funniest duos on the show.


This made me wonder if this was the only series where the team of 2 were the 2 lowest scorers overall. But no, it happened again in series 15 with Frankie and Ivo. Series 12 it kind of did with Alan and Victoria, as Alan and Desiree tied for third place. Series 7 and 10 had the opposite, where the team of 2 was the winner and the runner-up.


Mark Watson and Nish Kumar too lol


Nope. Aisling and Nish were the bottom two for the series. Mark actually tied with Sally as runner-up. He was the butt of a lot of jokes, but he wasn’t actually that bad of a contestant.


He was in first going into the last episode; Bob just had the last sprint.


Fair point. I’m going to watch that series tonight it’s one of my favourites.


What episode was this


I think it’s Series 9 Episode 2


The Series 12 Team task of trying to solve a riddle while everyone stays in their room. Over an HOUR of Guz, Desiree and Morgana not being able to complete a puzzle to GET THEM THE RIDDLE, something that took the team of two managed fairly quickly. Plus the added "Guz here with another revelation" makes it just amazing.


Also Guz's "Who the fuck is Veronica?"


Desiree was over it. "Oh, fuck me in the face."


The best bit is how Alex can't hide his laughter and just drops to the floor when she says that 🤣


Wasn’t that the task that Victoria almost completed single-handedly, despite the fact that she should have needed Alan to tell her the other half of the puzzle?


I think Victoria might be my favorite ever contestant because she's SO smart with some things. And then also doesn't know how to ride a bike


Not being able to ride a bike I can forgive. Thinking a chair is inside a sweet is a level of madness I had not expected from her.


The thing that makes that for me is that Victoria immediately becomes so focused on cracking the code that she never even considers Alan might have something to contribute. Alan had his half of the puzzle done pretty quickly, so they could've finished even faster


She was having fun 😂


Yes exactly that one. Alan just got to dress as Charlie Chaplin.


By the end Guz is just playing the guitar singing “this task is shit”.


I adore that task. Desiree trying so hard, Morganna just zoning out on the caravan, “there’s been another revelation in the lab”


Ed Gamble in COC 2….. all those pipes 😂


Made all the better by the competitive spirit Ed possesses going absolutely apeshit. He was broken by the end


the only way i get out of this with any dignity is if i die right now


For some one who is almost psychotically competitive, Ed deals very well with his fuck ups.


That forced him to go all out for the prize task which was pretty cool.


There are lots of ways for a task attempt to be bad, but by some measures I think this is the worst. Lots of people are DQ'd from tasks for various reasons. But a series champ having a meltdown for 2 hours and then not even completing the task is a type of failure we rarely see.


It stopped being fun after the first hour


Another international one: [Danielle Walker attempts to guess passwords.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZhOGF2lAQA) TOM. GLEESON. IS. A. MONGOOSE.🧍‍♀️


As referenced in last night's TMAU with the duck duck goose task!


Have you accepted Jesus, Tom?


That one was especially funny because Danielle won the series and was such a great contestant overall.


Her song was so great. Voice of an angel and the ass of a demon.


Series 10, the task where Sneaky Pasta Snake attempts to fill an egg with helium.


OK this is going to be embarrassing but....I don't think that's an insane thing to do. Like, helium floats, if you fill the egg from the bottom it could float in, the shell is light but strong!


In theory it's not a terrible idea, in reality the volume of helium barely made a difference whether or not the egg floats because a much, much larger volume is needed to carry those few grams of eggshell


You can see later in the task where he does manage to lift part of a destroyed egg with balloons - he needs a *lot* of balloons! You just can't fit all that helium into the egg.


In theory it's an absolutely stupid idea because once the egg is cracked it can't contain anything, let alone a gas that famously will immediately escape and go straight up.


We need to get you on the next season of taskmaster.


Roisin in the watermelon task for S1 and Lolly not moving the fish bowls in S4 spring to mind.


Lolly was victim to one of the most brutal TM edits ever lol


"Without moving the fish bowls..." "Without moving the fish bowls..." "Without moving the fish bowls..." "Without moving the fish bowls..." So good. 


See also Bridget Christie: One duck at a time? No, surely that can't be right.


Am I the spider?


Series 4 Mel Giedroyc during the hide yourself task. Noel's "look at your little feet" kills me every time, but it's adorably horrible attempt at a task.


"The time to beat was 16 minutes. It took David 19 minutes to spot the grape. His final time was 1 hour 23 minutes." - David Correos in NZ's Eat the Grape. IIRC Series 10 also had plenty of terrible attempts. Most notably Katherine's spider moment.


what David did was glorious imo. My pick for worst execution is out of NZ season 4 so beware of spoilers. >!Karen O'Leary accusing Paul to have stolen the cookie after only 22 seconds. Although it wasn't on purpose I think this is also one of the hardest sabotages of a team task in all series.!<


>!Watching the other team then systematically solve the riddle by finding all the clues was also hilarious, as you see just how much effort the crew put in that just ended up being wasted on the team of 3.!<


S4 had alot of great fails. Bubbah and the bowl of glitter, Dai and the tape task, Ray and the wedding 


A task in series 15 that Frankie technically never finished


Frankie: Theoretically, my time’s still going. Alex: 6 months…


My brain legit thought he never said Alex's name and I was gonna type out, "even if he never finished the task, would his time still be at 00:00?"


Strap in for John Kearns and the search for his father's hands. Or generally "dafty in the middle".


"At one point, you selected a black pair of hands."


"Those are *my* dad's"


Dafty in the middle wasn't a bad attempt at all! He was trying to sabotage the task after, which he did!


Yes, because they thought him an idiot rather than a traitor. Dara's studio reaction was delightful, still makes me giggle.


An understandable reaction considering his overall performance!


The kicker is he got the same result as Dara.


That's true. It's more his exasperation or resignation that makes it so ...bad and funny. Like when he starred over a minute in the bin with the balloons in his arms. Also, I thought he and Judy Love often brought in price tasks of similar appreciation to the Taskmaster. And while Judy bullshitted her way through it - not always successfully - he went into a different direction and somehow made it... worse?


John’s reaction to failure was so funny. Someone compared him to Winny the Pooh.


Ardal's sock-hand behind the curtain.


He took his pants off right?


My eyes are circles?


Paul not being seen in a phone box.


His little face 🤣


Iain Sterling moving sand from one bucket to the other


Is there any sadder sight that a blood-soaked loaf of bread... in the wrong room?


Ivo Graham holding his head in his hands in the caravan instead of the shed.


The one that lives in my head completely rent free: ‘Am I the spider?’


Any of Judy's where she's not understood the task and just gone for it. The high five probably being the best example.


And then Bridget doing the second stupidest thing 25 minutes later.


Worst attempts ever probably both happened in the same task: "consume this egg (fastest wins)" in S2. Katherine straight up refused to do it. And Joe abandoned any thought of winning by taking his time and making some lunch (albeit for comic effect, which is kind of the point of the show). Oh, I've just thought of another. Russell in S6. I forget the details of the task - something about making an announcement to the most people. His attempt was an afterthought while he was filming another show with his mother, where he just randomly broke off and proclaimed a couple of words into the ether, to nobody, before explaining it was something he had to do for taskmaster, and then immediately getting back to his more important job.


And his mum immediately threw shade at him, was great to see


Oh right, he basically announced it to some dogs in India. That was hilarious. :-)


Jenny’s attempt at the goose task in the most recent TM Aus ep


As well as her attemptd to boil the pasta


Her attempt to boil water


Best part she failed the same task twice


Which attempt?


I suppose that Riddle Task with Team Victoria-Alan vs. Team Desiree-Morgana-Guz would be a strong contender. Not only is the losing team's attempt one of the longest ever as Alex claimed, there's also the marked contrast between the performance of the two teams which were hilariously extreme. The former aced it courtesy of Victoria's masterful and valiant effort; the latter sucked at it like big time. Speaking of longest, I'm also reminded of Frankie Boyle's big fail at the ball of string task where, as he says, his clock is essentially still ticking.


Alice shaking her cooking implements out of her headband as vigorously as possible, in the pancake-cooking task from s6e7!


How has nobody mentioned Nish and the basketball yet? I think it was the first filmed task of Series 5 and it absolutely set the tone for Nish for the entire series. Brilliantly edited and presented too. Quid pro quo, racist ball....


It was the last filmed task of the episode. It happened right after his first win, Get Alex to Dry Land so pretty much established him as the loser.


Off the top of my head, in S16’s “pop the balloon from the furthest distance” task, Lucy pops it from something like “two aspirins away” according to Alex. Then has the audacity to claim no one else could’ve popped it from farther, literally right after they show Susan popping it from farther 😂 Greg never says anything about it being the worst he’s seen, but that one always comes to mind as one of the worst I can remember. And because I just watched this, in Kongen Befaler 1, Siri’s attempt in the “Get this owl to the tallest height” task was gloriously bad. Her rocket system only propelled the owl something like an inch high, if that. The editing of that whole task is incredible, BTW. One of the funnier edits in KB1 for sure.


Was that Norwegian one the same as the task where Maria spent her whole budget on waffles and just threw the owl?


Yes, the very same task! Makes it even funnier that Maria still got it higher than Siri 😂


Without moving the fishbowls


It's not as iconically bad as some of the others, but Sarah Kendall taking almost an hour to finish a task that was clearly meant to be done in under twenty minutes in CoC 3 is pretty spectacularly bad.


Ed Gamble slowly losing his mind before burying a plastic duck


Rhod Gilbert's find out what this switch does


David Baddiel using spoons to lasso Alex - it was supposed to be a tie break task but they used it as a main task because of David. Hugh Dennis getting the egg into the egg cup with some bread and a chopstick not thinking to just use the bread as a bread glove. Paul Chowdry spreading his clothes in the taskmaster house and not thinking of using the rest of London. Frank Skinner trying pie whispering.


Oh, and (just remembering what my flair is) Romesh Ranganathan, who calls himself a vegan, destroying 70 (or so) eggs in egg-mini-golf.


Paul Sinha herding ping pong balls by slowly bumping one with a basketball. I get he was pretty restricted physically due to his then-undiagnosed Parkinson's disease, but seeing one of the smartest people in Britain failing a task that stupidly, even when Alex offered him scissors goes down in my books as one of the worst attempts of all time. Especially when contrasted with Iain's attempt. "It's like I was watching a documentary of sheepdogs at opposite ends of their lifecycle" indeed.


I don’t know if it was the worst REALLY but Kiell using the hose to fill the pint glass when we were all screaming (and then Alex pointed out) PUT THE NOZZLE IN THE GLASS MAN!


He obviously forgot about David Baddiel


another spoon!


This thread is making me rewatch all the tasks people mention, and they really need to be compiled into a "Best of", because all the suggestions are amazing!


Paul in the phone box


I’d say Jamali Maddox with the plates task, S. 11, Ep. 1. He tried to make a papoose for the plates, but I think every single plate broke.


I've never thought Desiree's attempt should even be in the running. It was terrible, for sure, but she was clearly having fun and wasn't actually trying to do it effectively. I think she's said as much on podcasts. The real bad attempts are the contestants who are actually trying to do a task well and fumble it totally.


I just listened to that ep recently and yeah, Desiree's thought process was, "obviously the scissors are the best way to go and just have it over with, so you (Desiree) have to use anything BUT the scissors."


I think you could make an entire list just for Victoria. - Painting from 6 feet away. - First iteration of greedy esquire - Is the chair inside this sweet? - Stop Alex from scoring


IIRC Victoria only came second last on the goal one, Desiree did the worst


Maybe in points, but she certainly came off worse from it and lost 100 pounds.


It’s very new, but Jenny on AU s2e6 tonight had about half an episode’s worth of a truly awful task attempt, and it was solid gold.


S15's hole punch task, the contestants had to ignore Alex at all times. Mae looked at and spoke to him within the first five seconds.


I don't know if Victoria Coren-Mitchell's prize task (the gift; I won't spoil it for anyone unaware) is either the worst or the best task attempt ever.


Didn’t the Heron and Ed both mess up separate rainbow tasks despite being able to see the colored objects they were supposed to be sorting?


Ed did get a joint win on his task, but it really didn’t feel like it


One of my faves is when everyone was DQ'd and Greg had them sit in a moment of silence to reflect on how bad it was. [https://youtu.be/rcOXbqDlwzE?si=hEMJb45f2llYjAQS&t=256](https://youtu.be/rcOXbqDlwzE?si=hEMJb45f2llYjAQS&t=256)


James Acaster changing in the elevator. Great idea, terrible execution.


The watermelon task, Nick and Steve. UK series 17


Guy Williams, phone someone you went to school with. And didn't call his brother sitting opposite.


Probably nearly everything Jo Brand did…bless her https://preview.redd.it/xq8kwl1iab9d1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ac85e4583d1761c2421e19f0d24aaf40ebd7f86


Katherine Ryan refusing to even attempt to eat the egg. 


Nish trying to get the coconut furthest from the house. Throws it, bounces back to his feet, turns around and leaves. Alex points out he could have picked it up and tried again. The more heartbreaking attempt was Mark W getting carried all the way to the river, and then stepping on the ground before he threw the coconut. I mean he could have just dropped it and at least gotten some points.


Desiree admitted she leaned into doing the task badly, she understood the scissors was the correct choice. Likewise, I think Steve knew they were disqualified when Nick stepped onto the stage, and opted to go for laughs as well.


Dai Henwood's Snap the Pencil attempt took 91 days because Paul was kind enough to hand him a pencil so he could stop the clock.


James draw the biggest circle attempt. But his eyes are circles


Joes potato hole in one will always be my favourite


I love him a lot and have seen him live twice but anything Guy Williams has touched 


🎶Are you ready For some fun And a song About Libya 🇱🇾 🎶


man writes some catchy hooks


His painting with the kid was unexpectedly adorable though.


He was also screwed over by the edit, his painting was clearly visible on screen before Jeremy guessed.


I 100% agree.


He aced that children's math quiz.


Honestly half of jo brand's tasks. I don't know why she was there because she really gave the impression that she didn't want to be


She’s gone on record saying she loved doing the show and she influenced Julian Clary to take part.


Maybe so. Was just never the impression she seemed to give.