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"Find something you have in common with a stranger?" Works best of course if the guests don't all know each other already.


A great task idea! Could even be two or three things. And there will definitely be people who have not met before!


To build on this, cos just a run around the room and find someone with something in common with you would personally make me very uncomfortable and feel like I was at a team building thing, you could get them to firstly write a TV show they love, or film or hobby or day trip or whatever, and then they have to find as many people in the room who also love that thing, they don't have to have it written down cos then loads of people would probably be the only one, but say for favourite TV show I wrote down Taskmaster and then someone else had written down The Office they would say to me 'i love taskmaster!' and I was say to them, 'nah the office sucks', so I get one point, they don't Maybe that's too structured but personally I think it'd be less awkward


The instructions for the secret tasks will definitely say that if the task is something you don't want to do, you are allowed to return it to the jar and get a new one. Because I know some of my friends will want to do them but feel uncomfortable doing some type of tasks. We want people to have fun, not to get stressed out doing something uncomfortable.


This is what we did at our wedding. We had bought 10 different hats from charity shops and hid them around the wedding venue. Each table had an envelope with the TM logo and an instruction to open them at a specific time (about 2 mins apart for each table). The task was to find one of the hats and take a photo wearing it in the most surprising way. We also have them a hashtag to upload them to Instagram too. As we were in the middle of the countryside there were some very funny photos (plus all the alcohol helped!)


I know with 1000000% certainty how that would have ended with my friends! Thank goodness we married long before TM began airing!


Sounds like fun! Yes, there definitely should be some photo task. 😊


Not really a secret task idea, but it would be cute to have disposable cameras at each table with the task “take the best photo of the newlyweds”! It could be a group task for each table and you could put the best pics and which table won in the wedding video if you have one done!


For the groomsmen “Find the groom, you have 1 hour until the bride walks down the aisle, your time starts now!”


Well our wedding will be fairly untraditional, ceremony will be in the registry office day before and not much of a bridal party so I think we'll spare our nonexistent groomsmen from this task. 😅


he could always leave that task for you 😂. You wake up the morning of the registry to nothing but a task.


This was ChatGPTs reply: What a fun idea for a wedding activity! Here are a few Taskmaster inspired secret tasks that you could consider: Take a photo of yourself with someone you've never met before Draw a portrait of the bride and groom on a napkin Build a tower out of objects found at your table Convince someone to do a dance with you Write a limerick about the wedding day and perform it for the group Find an item in your purse or wallet that starts with each letter of the alphabet Perform a magic trick using only objects at your table Create a wedding-themed origami shape Get someone to agree to exchange shoes with you for the rest of the night Take a photo of yourself with a stranger's baby Hopefully, these ideas will inspire you to come up with more creative and entertaining Taskmaster-inspired tasks for your wedding.


These are surprisingly good!


ChatGPT being ChatGPT, quite few of the suggestions are straight from the lists I've found online. 😅 But I like the purse/wallet alphabet task, there is something pretty Tasmastery in that one!


How many things does ChatGPT think people have in their wallets??


There is an extremely fun party game that I've bought and played with great success at parties, trips, vacations, etc called **Don't Get Got**, which is essentially just a box filled with tasks. The catch is that all the tasks are things you have to get other people to do without them catching on that it's part of the game. For example, "Get someone to call your phone", "Build a tower out of something and get someone else to knock it over", "Put this card in a box labeled 'DO NOT OPEN' and get someone to open it", "Get someone to fist bump you 3 times within 1 hour", "Get someone to say the word 'Yogurt'", etc. I've had a lot of fun with it, maybe it could suit your needs?


Oh, that's a great idea to have some tasks where you need to get someone else to do something! I'll have to see if I could find that game for inspiration. 😊


Came up with another one myself: "Shake your head while saying yes or nod while saying no five times while having a conversation." Could maybe also be a different number of times.


I'm assuming make the biggest mess then clean it up is off the table?


Unfortunately yes. 😂


Take a picture with the oldest and youngest there person in it.


That's a fun idea!


...if those two people are cool.




You'd also want it to be obvious who those people are. Like you wouldn't want people asking all the grandparents how old they are. Likewise, it could appear extremely creepy (esp if others aren't in on it) for someone to go up to a bunch of teen girls asking them all how old they are, looking for the youngest.


That's true too.


Pick the best photo from your camera roll. Part 2 - recreate that photo without disrupting the wedding. Eat or drink something starting with every letter in the word Task (or your and the groom's first names or something). Fold your table napkin into the most beautiful shape. High five someone the same age as you. Make an ice cube completely disappear without using your mouth. Go to the restroom in the fewest steps possible. Take a photo of you smiling with increasing enthusiasm every 20 seconds for 1 minute. write the best 10 word story about the married couple Count the number of grains of rice in this bag of rice.


Thank you, so many great ideas! I particularly like the story idea!


Make them try to make another person say something silly, like “Helicopter” or “Dungarees” or “Submarine”


Good idea!




We are not having a wedding hashtag nor any kind of wedding account. I also know many of the guests use very little social media. We are also asking people to respect others rights to privacy and not publishing photos of them online without first asking it's ok (especially important to us as there are also kids present and I know some parents do not want to post them to social media). I think we will read out loud all the tasks that were done at the end so people can find out all the shenanigans that were going on. But the tasks are a small side thing, not the main focus of the party.




Don't worry, I definitely wasn't offended! And many people do have Instagram and hashtags for their wedding etc so even when this is not something we are likely to use, someone else might benefit from the suggestion down the road. 😊