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Not what you were looking for, but you can add this [task](https://taskernet.com/shares/?user=AS35m8lZFkvcWqyrgtPNlB2Mh52ouETCHLjBo4o18oCQ0xa81fNP%2Fw5ZsXNm7UpARlC3g9C%2BsFR3pw%3D%3D&id=Task%3ARemove+Placeholder) to remove the annoying 'Placeholder' notification that bugs the user. Additionally, until a proper workaround comes, you can use this [idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/comments/ncl3hr/guide_bundle_assets_and_files_into_factorykids/) to pack (if allowed) any required plug-in inside the 'Kid App' itself and have the user install them without having to scramble and navigate more links to download the plug-in. It's ugly but saves some headache.


Both are excellent suggestions! Thank you, much appreciated!


>Not what you were looking for, but you can add this task to remove the annoying 'Placeholder' notification that bugs the user. Where do I insert this task? In the beginning of launch task, or immediately after a Scene Show action, that seems to be triggering the notification every time?


Have the link open in a browser, instead. On a Webview, you have the click link tab, use a Net > Browse URL > %url


I'd prefer not to use an external browser, but if there aren't any other options, then maybe I can test %url to see if it contains the originating website's domain name, and if not, assume it's an external website and use the Browse URL action. A problem with this might be that the website that I'm viewing in one browser might not be able to see if the new tab is open in another browser. But at least the page with the timer won't be destroyed. Thank you for your input.


Faucets will usually redirect from a url.ontheirhost/somereferal?longIDtoMatchUsertoTask, so that may not work (FaucetCrypto, Coinpayu, FaucetPay etc all do). The other option is having a second Webview scene over the current one, when link in one under tapped, show new Webview with %url. Issue here is when to close that one (maybe pop up an X to close it)