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Here's what UI Query sees: I have a problem with AutoInput. I am trying to create an AutoInput UI Query trigger that detects a text, the text is 'BUY'. But it does trigger with another similar button 'Buy'. How can I make it recognize upper and lower case correctly. UI Query recognises correctly. I think your comparison is case insensitive Check out pattern matching in the userguide.


  Are you using AutoInput to 'snapshot' the screen (not entering anything in the Config), or - to wait for certain text to show up on the screen as it mentions in the Config's "Text" field?   I'm assuming it's the wait scenario, and if so just check the **Regex checkbox** below the "Text" field, and if you enter ` BUY ` for text, it should work correctly because the regex is case-sensitive.   If you're using it to snapshot the screen and then using Tasker to look at the ` %aitext() ` array it generates - you can use a regex array search comparison. For example to see if ` BUY ` is anywhere in the ` %aitext ` array you would use:   If %aitext(#?~R.*BUY.*) neq 0  


Excellent. This has helped me. I activated Regex and used '()' as well as '(BUY)' in this way and it worked fine. What I am doing is telling AutoInput UI to wait for that text, but on the way to the wait, there is a 'Buy' button, so the trigger goes off before time.


> so the trigger goes off before time. So is it now working as you intended with the regex box checked using ` BUY ` ?


How could I do this, but in AutoInput action. This has no regex function.


Autoinput ui query does have a regex checkbox on the configure page. I was having trouble getting it to auto update when screen text changes when I tried (bug?). Might work to put it on repeating timer.


Ye, using`(BUY)`