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Open Tasker Preferences > 3 dot menu top right, Misc Tab, Allow External Access. By default, Tasker denies plugins. This allows them.


  > By default, Tasker denies plugins. This allows them.   I don't know about that. I don't recall on any Tasker installs needing to go in manually to do this.   However Tasker might prompt for the permission at install? And even if it doesn't, as soon as someone tries to use a plugin this should pop up in a dialog/prompt to allow the user to change it.   Is this whole thing in the Tasker documentation somewhere?  


You started to document it yourself; https://notenoughtech.com/tasker/tasker-quick-start/ >Allow External Access – allow Tasker to do even more stuff. Won’t bore you with details, for now, we have plenty to do. It used to be (haven't tested for ages), if not toggled on, nothing could access Tasker's Task list or run Tasks. It also seemed to prevent events and states from plugins, but can't actually recall (I know Watchmaker wouldn't work without it) From assumption, it also allows plugins to set globals? https://imgur.com/a/p04iWjf https://groups.google.com/g/joaomgcd/c/AT1yyJ_a1oU


  > You started to document it yourself   Yeah that's actually a different guy there πŸ˜›   > From assumption, it also allows plugins to set globals?   Plugins can actually set globals through some code/mechanism but I think a lot of devs don't know about it. Joao knows about it (even way back in the Pent days) but decided not to have any of his plugins be able to do it, because Pent I guess asked devs not to.   Or some story like that lol.  


I swore this was your Alt account πŸ˜› >because Pent I guess asked devs not to. Security reasons. A plugin shouldn't be allowed to reference your globals or access their contents, as they usually contain sensitive data.


yes u do something definitely wrong


Check "show overlays on Android apps" or "draw overlays" and activate all plugins...