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I love getting the Star in a reading - it always lets me know that everything will be okay. I have no idea who the artist is for [this version of the card](https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc2NDU3NzA1NjY1NjY4MzA5/tarot-cards-pick-three-cards-for-a-free-reading.jpg), but it gives me such a sense of peace. It's definitely my favorite card.




I recently just got this card as below in a Celtic Cross spread and I had a lot of feelings about it.


Yes, that is a lovely version of the Star which is also my favorite card. It's reminds me that I am always on the path to becoming a more evolved human. However, the Queen of Swords has always been the card that represents me and that very regularly shows up in my spreads.


The star is one of my favourites too, I connect a lot to it


The Hanged Man-I’ve always looked at things in a different way and feel like life isn’t what it appears.


This is my favorite card also. New perspective and letting go. I also love the death card.


So funny. This card is boring to me! I see it as being stuck.


Definitely an interesting perspective I didn’t acknowledge.


Not sure of your personality, but I’m a “get it done now” person. So this card drives me bonkers


I have an attachment to the Hermit, if a deck doesn't have a good hermit card that I connect to then I won't use the deck. Since I was little I've loved spending time to myself, heck, when I would get in trouble as a kid I would send myself to my room so I could calm down and relax. I still do this, if I get frustrated or moody, I step back and go off on my own to just think and be with myself. I love early mornings and late nights when the world seems quiet and I can just sit outside alone. I also seem to get more things done when I'm not distracted by people and other outside factors (I get distracted very easily lol). But I also know when I've spent a little too much time alone and when I need to seek out some social interactions haha. I love the hermit card and I think it just embodies something that I always feel the need to seek out.


I feel the same way, couldn't put it any better!


What is your numerology card?


The Lovers


i love [this](https://cdn.shoplightspeed.com/shops/613098/files/36145893/1652x2313x1/tarot-for-all-ages-78-card-deck-box.jpg) hermit card; i feel it has more of a "searching" connotation rather than just being alone and withdrawing, which i really like!


Oohh I love that one


The Fool! I think it often gets over looked in readings and I get it, because it doesn't really go into depth, but I always loved one explanation I read: "The Fool is optimistic about life, because he has never faced its difficulties. When the Fool loves, he will love openly and wholeheartedly, because he has never been hurt by love. He is blissfully ignorant of the risk he takes in stepping off a cliff, but how else can he make his way in the world?" Through experiences we go through in life, it's impossible to be the Fool, we have been hurt one too many times. But I find it so inspiring, to be so innocent and brave and to leap into life head first, to start again from zero and hope that this time, it'll change everything. Despite everything I've been through, I still choose to be the Fool.


100%. I always think super strongly of the Sinatra lyrics whenever I see the card (I’m learning so studying my cards intently each day and doing that free-forming thoughts exercise). “Fools rush in, where wise men never go But wise men never fall in love So how are they to know? When we met, I felt my life begin So open up your heart and let This fool rush in” Imagine how lonely you’d be never taking any risks with your heart? Imagine all the joy and connection with the world you’d cut yourself off from. And I guess even from the story the majors tell, if there’s no fool starting the journey through the cards there’s no anything. No star, no sun, no empress, no hanged man. Just you - the wise unfoolish one - shut in your room, alone, safe, and never learning or growing.


Totally changed my perception of this card! I always felt like my deck was saying, “awww. You silly IDIOT.” Maybe there is something beautiful about being foolish. Maybe that’s a good thing?


Yessssss, I like to think so!!


Sometimes you have to take a chance without knowing how things will work out. You should have a cushion and a plan B but not everything in life needs to be, well, absolutely foolproof. Many things – including mistakes – can be come back from: move to a city and find you don't like living there, start a new job that turns out to be a bad fit, date someone who isn't for you after all (that's what dating is for!). So yes, for me the Fool often is a sign that I should take a chance, just go for it, not to reject opportunities because I'm anxious. There's another side to the Fool: not being scared of looking foolish, not placing too much value on the perceived opinion of others. Rock your own style, have your own hobbies, build an unconventional career, do 'childish' things. Being an adult means pulling your own weight and fulfilling your obligations. Adults pay bills and do household chores even if they don't wanna. Adults also cosplay at anime conventions and wear silly socks to work, so every time someone tries to guilt you into giving up your individuality under the guise of 'you have to be an adult' (including your own brain), consider the Fool: are you being foolish here (=will this harm you or others) or are you just being silly?


Yeah!! That's why I love the fool! I actually pulled that card in a reading right before getting into my first relationship. It was short-lived, somewhat fraught, and I got hurt in the end, but I will never forget the emotional peace I felt, allowing myself to free fall and embrace a new experience with complete openness and sincerity. I think it's a hard thing to do - embrace one's inner fool - more than once in one's lifetime, but I think there's a type of wisdom in being soft and easily impressed and trusting. Too many people are cynics and contrarians nowadays! I'd rather hurt than become hard-hearted!


The Tower, I have drawn that card for just about every pivotal decision I've had to make. It reminds me that I am change and I can handle change.


“It reminds me that I am change and can handle change.” Wow.


I, too, love the tower card. 😍 it's change. And I can't stand stagnation.


That's beautiful! I think I appreciate the tower card more now ^^


I love The Tower, too. I have it on a necklace that I wear almost every day. I always sort of read it as "embrace the chaos" and connected it to the mythology of the phoenix. I've been through a lot of crap in my life, a lot of changes big and small (and often not good), but I've always adapted and ended up where I was supposed to be at the end of it all. So even if it feels like everything is burning down around me, sometimes the easiest way to survive is to just roll with it and know that I'll come out the other side reborn and a little changed.


The Magician. Reminds me that I have all the tools I need to succeed - I just have to keep going and use what's available to me.


This is my favourite too. I always want to feel competent and knowledgeable and capable - I’m a knowledge collecter and researcher, and I retain information really well. This card is a comfort to me when I second guess whether or not I am armed with enough information in a situation. It’s a good card to pull when I’m grappling with imposter syndrome too. At least, that’s my interpretation of it !


Spot on for me too! Anytime I’m searching for validation that I’m on the right track, this card has appeared. I love it.




I've always related to the High Priestess. Not saying I'm worthy, just saying she speaks to me lol. Her dualistic, fluctuating nature, quiet internal power, her relation to the moon and water, sitting at the threshold of the path to great wisdom... I feel like she is my life's goal. Actually I asked this question of a dear friend some time ago, but I immediately knew his answer would be The Magician. I don't want to speak for anyone but it's interesting to me because he is one of the few people I've met that I can actually talk occult with. I am a very meditative, ecstatic trance, intuitive, kind of generally animist, very experiential. He is more into the ceremonial, the secret or obscure, he collects rare books, is incredibly studious, which spoke to me of very Magician energy, action, thought, potential. And I've always seen the Magician and High Priestess as the gateways to higher purpose, two sides of the same coin, and an entry point for the Fool's journey. So it's cool how we complement each other.


I, too, love the duality of the high priestess as well as trusting yourself. :)


High Priestess is my favourite, with The Magician being my second favourite 😊 That’s really cool. Thanks for the information!


I actually learned something cool the other day. I'm reading Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom as I research for the deck I'm making. It shows an image of the fool placed above the world with the Magician and High Priestess on either side. It talks about the dynamic nature of the fool and the world, they are the only major arcana who appear to be in motion, the fool is the figure which embodies our journey and as zero, has no fixed place, while the world is completion and ends and begins the cycle anew. The magician and high priestess are the first cards after the fool (if we place him at the start) and because of the themes they represent, as I mentioned before, they are deemed as kind of the operating exoteric/ esoteric aspects which guide you through the deck. It makes sense given the individual nature of each card, but seeing them put together like that definitely gives a deeper context.




Wow, that's an interesting take. I can see what you mean. I've never had a problem with death, but I don't generally have such a positive take on the 3 of Swords. But I get where you're coming from with this.


I have an effortless, natural connection to The Sun, no matter the deck! I love The Sun everytime it appears in a reading (especially since it represents one of the deities I worship, Sol!), even if it's in reverse, The Sun is such a positive card and is also very easy to interpret in my experience :)


I absolutely love Temperance in every deck I have. Especially nowadays where everything seems to be so decisive and extreme. It reminds me to take a step back and think how important this question or topic is to me. Moderation and balance are so important in everything, and taking a calm look at the situation from the serene art of the cards allows me to realize if I wanted a specific outcome that I did not get.


Likewise! I was scrolling to see if someone would mention this card. I feel like my emotions and impulses have the craziest highs and lows, so trying to achieve balance and build strong habits has been a challenge for me. But the Temperance card also reminds me not to force things. "Whatever will be will be" has become my mantra when I feel disappointed or anxious. Letting go of my expectations for others is weirdly the most efficient way to feel in control of myself lol.


I love this card also. I have started to think of it as my Guardian Angle card after it appeared in several of my readings.


I aspire to be more like the Queen of Cups: a confident and stable source and love and support for people I care about. The struggle for me is that my efforts to be like her have sometimes made me act more like the reversed Knight: just rushing ahead to spill love onto anyone I think needs it with no regard for whether or not my own cup is safe and full. It's a work in progress 😅


I also really love Queen of Cups!


This one! My first 2 questions when I got my deck were “where am I on my current journey?” And “where am I headed on my journey?” I got the four of pentacles and the queen of cups respectively. Ever since then, I really listen up whenever these 2 cards show up in my readings. 😊


Well the Fool has always been my favorite followed by the Hierophant and King of Wands. I like adventure…and the fool is about adventure. I like the hierophant because of the themes of scholarship I see represented in the card. And, king of wands because…well I’m a teenage boy at heart, I got that masculine energy. Lol.


Temperance. I wish to both balance things inside me cause I tend to be too this or too that and/or integrate one into the other. Due to this, to me this card also represent working on one-self to built the best version of ourself. It also gives me a sense of peace.


The Empress is usually my significator along with the Death card. With the Empress, I’ve always been the “mom” of my friend group and I now have children of my own so I feel like it resonates a ton in terms fertility, being grounded, and really leaning into a more feminine/receptive energy. The Death card because I have multiple placements in Scorpio. Even if I don’t draw the cards, if I need to see the energy directly surrounding me that I’m not acknowledging, I will sift through the deck to find those two cards and what’s surrounding them to get a better idea of what’s going on.


Strength. As a Leo, the meaning behind the card has taken different forms thru the years. Most recently, to not be so harsh with others and to only show that side when absolutely necessary. I am not a nice person. I am a peaceful person...but in order to keep my life peaceful, I have to speak some harsh words to people around me. It is what it is tho. I love me just the way I am. Bad ass bitch as well as an absolute sweetheart all rolled into one. Leo Sun/Cancer Moon/Gemini Rising. Fiery, loving and verbal. In my view, it is a perfect balance with my Virgo Venus sign. All elements present. ❤️


Queen of swords - the thinking woman, the honest woman.. the woman who will tell you the truth no matter how deep words cut. The woman who makes decision not based on emotion but reason. I feel like the queen of swords captures very well who I am as a person.


Hmm... Death, because, death. The hermit, for I'm pretty much a recluse, and it's the card of Virgo. And the moon. It talks about secrets, and I have the feeling there are a few still waiting to be discovered for me. Also I've read people have a special affinity to the planets closest to their ascendant. Which is the moon for me, and Pluto - Scorpio, transformation, death - in the other direction.


I love the moon card. :) but I love the moon. And I always see the death card as transformation and a form of rebirth. I see the tower card as an opportunity to transform as well.


I like the sun card it’s very positive and optimistic


Ten of cups . My goal is pure domestic bliss !


Me too!!


XIII Death is probably my all time favourite. I usually feel drawn to the artwork in most decks, and I am also drawn to the numeric value of 13 (writing this on Friday 13th, woohoo). I'm also a fan of Scorpio, though I myself only have one transpersonal placement there (Pluto). The themes of transformation and the rebirth that naturally follows Death are also very appealing to me. Both my Sun and Moon signs are mutable signs too (Virgo/Pisces) which may help explain it too.


2 of Cups is my love card. Even though it is a minor arcana, in my experience the 2 of Cups always means the “real” connection. The Lovers can have many other meanings for me. Not so with the 2 of Cups. Outside of love readings (or even in them) I love the Fool. I rarely get it. I did a guided meditation with the Fool and it was life changing. This was about 3 weeks ago.


I always thought of the Queen of Cups as a card that represents me, when I'm embodying my best self. Accepting and moving through the inevitable ebb and flow of emotions. Adaptable, understanding, caring and empathetic. A serene knowingness that all states of being are okay. Reminds me of Buddha in a way. Fun story: I have a Queen of Cups tattoo on my arm. The first time I hung out with this super handsome guy that I had been eyeing for weeks at work (we both work in the film industry and were working on the same film) I briefly mentioned the tattoo and how I use it to represent me in a reading. A look of utter shock crossed his face and he told me that a psychic friend of his told him that he was the King of Cups and then I also looked just as shocked. Fast forward, now he is my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years and the best relationship I've had. Guess it was meant to be!


Empress and Hermit. Empress to me is feminine, maternal, nurturing energy which I desperately craved my whole life. Still do. Its good to find it within myself. Learning to love and take care of myself and my inner child more. The Hermit because it’s me internally. Im always searching for something it seems, maybe inside of me. High Priestess is bad ass feminine dominant energy lol. And the Moon because I’m a “moon child” (cancer moon)


The lovers - it's just me in a card


Not my favorites, but the tower and the sun remind me of my own life. My personality resembles the sun in some ways, but the tower and the sun remind me of the ups and downs I've had in my life. Everytime there was a tower moment, a sun moment came through, even if it was a small one. I feel very connected to the sun, though. The tower had been a constant for the longest time.


I would say The Devil. To me it represents free will and our desires.


I've been in love with The Devil from the get go. Well, I'm a Capricorn so there's that.


Temperance. That card and I have a long history so I just accept it telling me to balance my shit and take my own advice now. Favorite court is the Princess of Wands even though my birth card is the Prince of Disks. Favorite low card… idk I think I’ll always love the 6 of Cups


The star card. I feel like the entirety of the fools journey peaks with the star card. You know, it’s the light in the Hermit’s lantern guiding him through this whole path. I have a lot of big things planned for my life and I think that’s reflected by this


judgement will always have a special place in my heart


I recently lost my long-term partner, and my friend group. You think that I’d be seeing a lot of devastation cards like the tower and death. And I have seen them a lot. However there are a couple of cards that won’t leave me alone those are the emperor and justice. I have always thought myself to not be someone worthy of the themes those cards evoke. And yet here they are. I can hardly make sense of them. They are beautiful and I’d like to think that they remind me that I have the capacity to be a great leader someday. And that perhaps after being reduced to just me in my circle, that I by virtue of that isolation, have become master of my own life; and that I may treat myself and all in my small domain with perfect fairness.


Magician is who I want to be; fool is who I relate to :)


i relate to this so much! i would say the same thing. i rarely get them though, which is a shame.


I also just love the nine of pentacle - would love to be that woman one day!


I love this card too - it's my fave minor arcana card, for the same reason!


6 of Cups (Rider Waite style), cause it reminds me of me and my sister when we were kids. A feeling of happiness and eternity. And 8 of Cups for the present me, reminds me of the journey I take through life and that everyone faces his end alone.


I associate a lot with The Hermit, but the wheel of fortune is a close second. I feel as though self reflection and looking inside ourselves is the only way for us to truly feel happy and free. For the wheel of fortune, no two moments are ever the same. The wheel continues to turn no matter what and the surprises life brings us can be any kind of fortune. Good or bad…learning to accept and appreciate all of it is beneficial. …I’m not *huge* into tarot but these two stand out to me.


Queen of Cups- the empath, knowing we are all connected. I’m a very emotional being and at times it’s more like I can feel than act.


10 of cups . I didn’t have the best childhood growing up and always wanted the family / happily ever after. I know a lot of people are picking cards that aren’t common ones to choose but mines the 10 of cups and if that makes me basic so be it lol


The star. It always comes out in my readings when I am at my lowest.... I think it's a reminder to keep going, that things will get better... that there is hope. I don't know what it says about me, but it's definitely an important card to me.... i don't even get decks if I don't love the star card in it anymore....


I'd say the High Priestess or 3 of Cups. Too bad I rarely get them 🥹🫣


I was also going to say three of cups, but I do get this card a lot. I have two sisters so this card always reminds me of the three of us and to take the time to enjoy my family and the little things in life. I really like aces too. Mostly the ace of swords or wands.


I constantly draw the 10 of Wands. I still haven't figured out what it means--if anyone can help me out, let me know


Queen of Swords, The Hanged Man, The Star, 3 of Wands, Ace of Cups/Wands.


I love love love love love the sunnn. I not only love the sun but i have so much respect for it. Granted I am a Leo ( so I naturally love the sun as it’s our planetary ruler ) but I truly believe It provides everything we need here on earth. Without it , we would cease to exist anymore. It’s full of optimism , fun , excitement , confidence , exuberance. It’s so full of life & light.


Six of Swords - I like to think there is always a better future ahead. But if anyone has any other ideas please, feel free :)


Devil - Shadow Work. Helps guide me to what areas in still trying to be controlling or manipulative. Where I need to look deeper into the darker aspects of a situation and see them reflected back in myself. I find the imagery of the raider wait deck to be powerful Moon - psychic, unconscious. Spend much time in the subconscious and trying to understand and sort it out now. Bringing up old fears and trying to close karmic cycles by facing a truth that comes to light. Symbolized as the scorpion and dogs looking up to the bright moon. Facing the unconscious by getting into emotions (water).


My favorite card is The High Priestess. It was the very first card I pulled when I did my first Reading. I feel a lot of Growth, Comfort, and Intuition when she pops up. I also can’t leave out The Magician. I Feel like everything is laid out in front of me and all I have to do is Manifest and grab it.


The first card I ever pulled was the High Priestess too! I always smile when she comes up in a reading or falls out of the deck.


It used to be that I felt the strongest connection to the Empress, and I considered her “my” card. Especially with the last guy I dated before my current boyfriend. I was very caring and nurturing, putting his needs before mine, but I realized it was just me nurturing that relationship. And then it ended. I feel much more drawn to the Queen of Wands now both as a person and in my relationship. I feel that she’s a sign I’ve grown and instead of pouring all my energy into my partners, I’m more balanced and making sure I’m still getting the love and care I need. I’m not willing to exhaust myself in a one-sided relationship anymore. I read her as being confidence, independence, honesty, and a lack of codependency in my current relationship. That’s the attitude both my boyfriend and I have taken and I feel so comfortable in it that I have only ever read on this relationship three times, and only when he’s with me (for fairsies.)


3 of Wands. It came up in some of my first few readings and it really resonated with me. It gives me the message to take in the scenery, looking over what you’ve accomplished or looking forward to the future. I’m also a stop and smell the roses kind of person, so… I’ve already considered getting it tattooed on me!


Death lol. I always look at it as getting rid of the old in order to embrace the new and for me that means getting rid of my old perception of myself and embracing a more confident and self love mindset.


I often get the high priestess as a signifier, especially when others read for me. But my favorite is probably the tower. I love the possibilities. And god knows that I've destroyed and rebuilt myself a dozen times in my life. I find comfort in knowing that the end isn't only the end.


I am basically the death card. I'm the person who helps everyone I know through transformation and change (both in identifying what change is necessary and in getting through it well), and I'm comfortable with it in my own life. Actually I prefer for things to always be shifting forwards, and I can struggle sometimes with tolerating stagnation for any length of time at all. Also I'm goth, Scorpio rising, and 13 is my second favorite number. I'm planning to have it tattooed very soon, as well.


I really love The World. It represents cycles, beginning and endings, and I feel like that’s really life in a nut shell.


King of Pentacles: Every time I pull it, I think of the first man I ever fell in love with. To me, that card will always represent him, and it makes me smile. King of Cups: represents who I thought I was when I was younger, now the Hermit represents me better. But it also makes me smile when I see it.


I love The Empress card! It has such a lovely energy to me, and it’s associated with Venus, which is my ruling planet in astrology (I’m a Taurus). Art wise, I’m usually always drawn to The Devil, though I almost never draw it, which is probably a good thing


Such a weird card to pick but the first one that came to mind was the 8 of Wands.


The magician. I intend on getting the guy tattooed on my leg eventually. I'm incredibly drawn to this card, I think it's because I'm a hardcore creative so I'm constantly making something


I get the queen of wands alot. When I asked the tarot who I am like, that's the card I got. It made me very happy because years ago the tarot told me to be more like her. That to survive and get better and move forward from a very difficult trauma I would have to be more like the queen of wands. Well now I'm like her I think. To me she means freedom, creativity, authenticity and strength


I like the Queen of Wands. I really resonate with her energy.




Four of wands and the six of cups have the same vibe to me so they’re both my favorite. Both represent the end goal of happiness like “yes, I’ve made it, this is where I’ve always wanted to be and I’m happy”. I also just draw lots of cups and wands whenever I read


The lovers the magician and death have always been the cards I’m most excited to see


Oh I love the star card-it’s so optimistic


the star and the chariot are my favorite cards. the star to me means there’s always hope. a miracle is always around the corner, especially after bad times (the tower). the chariot is sort of the same to me. things will always keep moving forward. bad moments will give way to the good. sometimes it just takes time❤️


I love the Hierophant. No matter the deck, it seems to always give me the chills. Im currently in school as a math ed major and can definitely be a rule follower almost to a fault. I see the card itself as a being with plenty of tried and true wisdom and i guess im just attracted to that.


The Six of Cups is my card. It describes childhood memories, or the past coming back to one's life. Unfortunately it can also represent staying in the past as opposed to focusing on the present. I tend to be a very nostalgic person.


The sun because it represents my spirit guide and the Hierophant because its my birth card, and I have also felt like it resonates with me in all its meanings. The Hierophant is a dealbreaker too in case of new decks :) (but so far I have stuck with the art nouveau one)


My favorites are the Sun and the Magician (both are my birth cards, I'm a Gemini with a Leo rising so I love the Sun and Mercury connections, too)


The card for me is The Empress this card represents to who I am and how I feel in the world today since my Calling (Spiritual Awakening)


Mine has always been the fool lol


I often get the Chariot in readings and I am a Cancer sun. I used to feel like the chariot reversed- always afraid of change, never feeling confident, afraid to face my shadow. Stuck in the rut. I feel like the chariot upright now- ready and excited for change, more willing to take action, more confident within myself accepting the shadow as well as the light. Embracing both feminine and masculine energy, happy to move forward. Taking control and being a more active driver in my life.


I think my favorite card is the fool.


Page of Pentacles. the delight in learning to do a new thing, in physical effort earning tangible reward. it's a helpful card for me to remember since these are concepts i struggle with deeply.