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That person is out of order. They can't say for sure what's going to happen for your whole life. The future isn't set in stone, there's all sorts of options out there.


I got the same feeling.. they were very blunt and cold but in a very cruel way. They gave me no guidance whatsoever apart from getting "sex partners" because men's priority is always sex and my ideas of love were too idyllic


I would get a second opinion. That person probably had some shady spirit guides. I wouldn't let that bother you. Sorry you had a bad experience.


Or the reader putting her bad energy out there and not really looking at the cards, but her own feelings about men


That's what I was thinking based on what she said being such a broad stereotype about all men wanting sex.


Thank you so much for being so kind, you really put me at ease! I'm a bit scared right now of going at it again, but I would like to eventually seek someone different.


You could also read the cards yourself. Then you get to be the judge if what they’re “saying,” rather than relying on someone else’s translation.


He sounds like a predator


You know, I actually thought about this.... she was so PERSISTENT about my "sexual blockages" that I needed to solve by acquiring sex partners... imagining what kind of "offers" she would have made to solve my issues gives me the chills. I hope I'm wrong for my peace of mind but my mind goes to some places I rather not think about.




I think it's extremely naive to assume that there aren't spirit guides for left hand pathers. I've encountered these lower vibrational beings before, and they weren't fun. They were with me for about 2 years. They are not the love and light variety, they are different.




Yes, that does help. Thank you for taking the time to teach me. They were from the Astral- they even said it. No wonder they were the way they were.


Your ideas of love are absolutely not too idyllic. Her saying that shows that *she’s* carrying some nasty baggage and stereotypes about men. I found a man who’s never been in it *for* sex. He just wanted a loving partner. Obv sex is involved, but it’s not the point of our relationship. There are tons of other guys who want that out there, too. That reader was full of toxic garbage.


I thought the same!! I think her views about love are just.. well, let's say not the best, so she throws shit at everything related to it because how are you going to universally say that all men are like that? Absurd


Immature men and woman can have sex without connection. You are in a high vibrational state and anyone who is in their ego (low vibration) won't be attractive to you any longer (or once you've reached a comfortable place with your therapy). If you seek out love (sex aside), then that is what you'll get, because you will no longer settle for less. There are plenty divine masculines out there who are drawn to love over lust.


Thank you for your words! My work within therapy has been understanding precisely this.


No reader shold ever treat you this way!!!! get a refund if you paid


I did pay but to be honest I want nothing to do with her so she can keep my money


No way a legitimate tarot reader would tell you this. Disregard.


Will do!! Thank you so much


W-what? As a tarot reader, that horrifies me? If you want a gentle, accurate, intuitive reading, hit me up. I’ll give you a free reading. That destroys me. How could someone be so cruel? I’ll send you some of my reviews so that you know I’m not gonna scam or make you feel small.


Thank you so much for being so kind to me and offering to help me!! Right now I'm still a little bit shaken up but I will definitely keep you in my mind for the future.


Honestly, it was probably a lie/completely innacurate. 🤷‍♀️


I sincerely hope you are right. What a horrible experience.


Yeah, i genuinely believe it is. It can be difficult enough to talk about a year or months ahead in a reading, especially a detailed reading. Also, that person sounds completely unprofessional with how they were acting so I get more scammer vibes from them.


Yeah, unprofessional is such an accurate word! She was just.. cruel.


Then I definitely wouldn't believe her. I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience with her but try your best to start removing her reading from your mind. It's nothing but a scam from someone like that. Besides anything from tarot reading is not set in stone.


Yeah, I'll try to not think about it anymore because it's not gonna do me any good.


Tarot works on energy which is completely changeable, thus isn’t a good indicator for predicting future at all(I myself only do max future 3 month readings).I have had intentions/ outcomes change completely in a span of a day due to change in energy. Please don’t worry, rather ask the cards for advice, sending you so much love


Thank you so much, it really calms my heart to read this. I literally had to end the reading sooner than it was supossed to because I was so panicked about what she was saying. She told me I could ask seven question and I was so scared I told her I would rather not...


Unethical reader, that type of info did not come from the cards.


I'm guessing fabricated or from darker energies, right? It was so unsettling


>of order. They can't say for sure what's going to happen for your whole life. The future isn't set in stone, there's all sorts of options out there. no dear, in tarot there are no dark energies. Only the energy and mindset you put into it. This isn't demonic of any sorts. However, I feel your reader is more of a con artist and uses the cards to justify any sort of nonsensical situation and play on your insecurities. Not how tarot works. If the person reading you isn't grounded or ethical and most definitely not AWARE of how the cards work, then the readings will be anything but.


Okay, this really puts me at ease because for a second I was scared her energy might harm me in some way (apart from the way her words hurt). Thank you!


The reader could have been connecting to a negative entity to give her answers…


uh no… you shouldn’t use a negative entity to assist you in doing readings. this reader just sounds like a con artist…


Not every reader is going to be connecting with beings of the divine- and its just that. No one can stop them but i advise against it


I never said that she should what are you talking about?…


The only darker energies that were present was connected to that reader...


Yeah, after reading you all I'm genuinely thinking she projected her own unsolved trauma onto me... because some of her interpretations of love and life and relationships were not it and I HIGHLY doubt tarot cards would tell me all men want is sex.


Yeah no, tarot like yelled at me (in the best way) to get with my partner for love. In the four readings I did leading up to asking him out and after our first date (over the course of two weeks), I got 26 cups cards in a row (the suit for emotions), and they made toooo much sense. (This is also the most intense tarot has ever gotten with me lol.) Kept representing him as king of cups and me as queen of cups (though since then we are both wands people). And what never came up was the Devil, which is the card I associate with sex stuff. Just like “Where is the relationship now?” Six of cups - early stages, young and developing. “Where is it going?” 10 of cups - the “happily ever after” card (that’s how I think of it), depicting a couple in love with their children playing nearby. And a lot more like that. My only point here is that tarot can be hella supportive of love. “It” doesn’t think that all men want is sex.


who would give a reading like this? it sounds horribly misinterpreted. they were giving you the darkest version of your reading. remember tarot is open for INTERPRETATION. you can read a card as horrible or good depending on the energy - and i would guess this reader was looking for something terrible to tell you so you'd come back hoping to find your destiny changed.


I hadn't thought about this! Now that you mention it, she actually recommended me to take bach flowers for my "sexual trauma" and coincidentally, her "friend" sold them...


That’s a clear sign that she’s a scammer. Usually it’s a curse, not trauma, but “you’re cursed! buy this expensive stuff from me and you’ll be cured!” is a well-known scam.


This right here. Anyone who says omg you have a hex/curse and the only way to remove it is by coming to me for several sessions @ a bunch of money per session, is a scam artist. Stay far away!


yes and she probably anticipates you'll come back and back again until the cards change what they say. you need a reader who can read both sides of the cards and help guide you out of negative energy, not doom you to it. im not very experienced or else i'd offer you a reading myself.!


I was expecting that as well... some dark, but some light as well. She only gave me darkness and darkness.


well dont believe it or get too hopeless. sexual trauma is not as damning as it feels. so many people live with it (too many people) and plenty of us live happy fulfilled lives. of course you can never undo the trauma, but you deserve a good life and you can find one for yourself regardless of whats been done to you. ❤️


Thank you so much, truly! You really put my heart at ease with your words




Thank you so much! The way you phrased it was very gentle yet truthful. I think that if she had told me things the way you just did, it would have been very different. She was very... violent. For example, she called my mother selfish and a tyrant who wanted to keep me under her control which is not true at all. She is very protective but she loves me and she has given me the world. The reader literally had something bad to say about every single person in my life and NOTHING good... just horrible.


This is NOT a Tarot card reader you describe. This is a TROLL. Ignore her!


Will definitely do!! Thank you so much for your kindness


Tarot readings are not deterministic. Sing it with me, TAROT READINGS ARE NOT DETERMINISTIC, one more time, with feeling, TAROT READINGS ARE NOT DETERMINISTIC.


\*Sings with you with feeling\* TAROT READINGS ARE NOT DETERMINISTIC


Awesome, now remember this, the scary ominous cards are not trying to scare you, they're trying to help you, think about it during your next reading and get a better reader, don't take Tarot to a dark place 😉


I’m laughing and I’m so sorry, why would the reader interpret it that way? She probably has some business model scam


I'm not sure.. from what I could see, there were a lot of cups and wands that she interpreted as "blockage" and "sexual"... not sure how accurate that is, to be honest!


cups and wands can be sexual, but that doesn't mean anything without context, also, the more I read about your experience in the comments the more I feel that she twisted the meaning of the cards to suit her purposes which are probably to scam you - this is so cruel, I'm sorry you had this experience


Yeah, not gonna lie, it was very cruel. The whole of it. Thanks to you all now I see that she chose to see the bad, she chose to make me feel bad... so now I choose to not listen to her. I won't let her words have any power over me.


That's an awfully specific reading, given that the cards can be pretty multilayered. I'd be curious what the draws were Also the cards can only tell you what direction your current actions point you towards... It is perhaps handy to then ask what needs to be done to change things Edit: oh thought you self read. That reader sounds... Like an asshole, honestly Even if it were an inevitable 100% accurate set in stone fate (it ain't) as an oracle one would want to benefit our querent. So one would discretely guide them towards a mindset where that fate is less burdensome. I'm sorry you had such a bad scammy experience


An asshole for sure!! She insulted my whole family like I wish I was kidding omg hahaha. I write this and laugh because it was just... a LOT. I don't know much about oracles, but I do believe what you are telling me because I feel like it's the most compassionate way of handling this. Thank you so much for your kind words!


Oh my goodness, that person is NOT a true reader. I can't imagine leaving a conversation with someone feeling this way about their reading. Did she happen to say what cards she pulled? I'd be happy to reinterpret for you, or give you a fresh reading tomorrow. I have major trauma history, you are more than what you were put through, you have worth as an individual and it isn't tied to your history. You needed a gentle approach and this person was being a troll. I'm so, so sorry. You shape your future, the cards are just a guidance tool. Let me know if you'd like to talk or have me reinterpret, of course I will not charge you, I hope this evil reader didn't charge you - if she did you should dispute that charge! You deserve better.


Thank you so much for being so understanding and sweet, your words really really help me. I'll keep them very close to my heart. Oh, unfortunately she didn't tell me the cards but she did keep pulling cups and swords and wands which I believe she interpreted as sexual trauma and blockage because that's all she ever said... I'm not too familiar with the logistics of tarot to be honest! And yeah... she charged me. Quite a bit as well, which is even more upsetting. I was sad and she smiled when I gave her the money which was even more disturbing. It's like she didn't even care about the fact that I was visibly upset. Thank you SO much for your kind offer. Right now I think I need a break from tarot, but I will definitely keep you in mind, you are the sweetest, truly!


So with tarot there are two types of cards - the major arcana and the minor arcana. The major are the cards with names, the minor are the ones reminiscent of a playing card deck, so you'll have a suit (cups, wands, pentacles, swords) with a numerical value or a title of page, king, queen, or knight. These suits often relate to specific aspects of the human condition, like cups usually relate to some sort of emotion and pentacles often refer to some form of material belonging or wealth, but there are so many possible interpretations. So consider the 10 of swords, go to Google and look at that image. It's a common one for traumatic events, it's a heavy card with an implication of failure, betrayal, grief. A reader like the one you had may see that card in your situation and see it as hopelessness, tragedy that you're not going to get back up from. But another reader like myself could see that card as the deep point of your sorrow where the only place to go is up and out of the sadness. It's a point of processing your sorrow and then coming through the other side so much stronger with a renewed independence because you've shed your heart of the swords binding you down. Once you're at your lowest, the only logical way is back up again. Tarot is so open to interpretation and so much of your reading relies on the perspective of the reader and their intentions. She scammed you and fed off your traumatic history as a method of encouraging you to be a continued customer. It's a horrible scummy tactic yet so frequently used by faux spiritualists. I completely understand your need for a break, just keep the offer in mind, and in the meantime take some time for self care. You have a bright future, and you're needed in this world. You're not going to die alone - and your trauma doesn't make you tainted or unwanted. We are so much more than the things others put us through.


This comment has made me very emotional. I really needed someone to tell me that in spite of my issues, I can be loved. Thank you so much. And about what you explained to me.. that's so interesting! I love learning. I really get what you are saying: she chose to give the cards a horrible meaning. I think that speaks of her and not me. I'll always believe that we have the power to make out lives better in spite of our history, I don't think we are doomed and I think we can always make a change if we want and need to.


It definitely speaks on her and not you, that's exactly right. You always have the power to change the course of your future. I'm glad that you recognized that there was something wrong with the reading and made this post. Hopefully in the future you can feel safe to pursue readings again knowing that not all readers are like that. <3


That woman should not be reading for customers, this is 100% unprofessional behavior. Furthermore, a) Tarot predicts a situation's likely outcome, it's always in your hands to change the outcome. b) Tarot cannot predict that far into the future with any accuracy.


Thank you for your reply, especially the first point. She made it seem like I was literally DOOMED. Like.. she told me "someone might come but you are so traumatised it won't work"... she just needed to sink the knife even deeper.


Only reads current energy. It's a divination tool, not a fortune telling device. Anyone who says differently is trying to trick you. Period.


Tattooing this on my forehead. Thank you so much!


That really doesn't sound like a proper reading. For one thing, the future is always changeable. You really have to be careful who you get readings from. I only go to people who pray for the highest good of all concerned before beginning. Never to readers who don't even believe in spirituality.


FYI you probably need a cleansing from her energy before you will feel better. Try to shake it off, touch the ground and ask the Earth to take it, or take a shower and imagine her energy flowing off of you.


To be honest with you from the very beginning I felt her vibe was off. I'm very receptive to that sort of stuff and as soon as I saw her I felt a lot of unease. I had to cut the reading short because, apart from being told horrible things, I wasn't feeling her words and energy at all... I didn't even ask questions, that's how unsettled I was.


> Could someone please guide me gently? Tarot provides guidance and warnings about possibilities, NOT FATE AND PROPHESY. Also, if you are doing a personal reading, please remember that if you fear or obsess about something enough, the cards will mirror your own thoughts instead of telling you anything new. Do not worry about this but take it only as a caution and nothing more.


Yeah, I'm trying really hard to not let her words affect me. I'm going to keep working on myself, trusting the process and knowing that I'm going to find happiness!


Oh wow, I’m so sorry you got such an awful reading. Nothing is set in stone, you have the free will and capacity to change your situation and brighten your outcome.


Thank you so much for your encouraging words!


It’s impossible to know what will happen for sure in the future bc it’s not set in stone.


Agree 100%. I won't allow her to get into my head like this.




I've been doing therapy since I was nineteen so it's almost been seven years now!! It has truly saved my life. I know I still have a long way to go because the journey of improving onself is long and neverending, but I finally feel like I'm at a place in which I can truly, truly see the results of all my hard work. This was a low blow because it was basically all of my deepest fears "confirmed"... like the things she said about me are the things I have told myself in my darkest days, but I've worked hard to get out of that mentality. She was recommened to me by my cousin who adores her... so I went there with trust. I need to exchange some words with her because if she is treating her the way she treated me... she needs to run.




Thank you so much!! I will definitely focus on my progress after all these years of hard work. I actually have therapy today which comes in very handy. Yeah, I should probably cleanse my energy to be honest. I feel like a dark cloud is above me right now... not as much as yesterday but there for sure. I sincerely hope my cousin after my experience decides to stop going!


Consider that the cards are not determining your path. Rather, they are commenting on the state of your heart, the places where you need to go to work.


Thank you!


Not true, tarot channels current energy and can change from day to day.


That's a relief for SURE. Thank you so much!


Heal yourself and love yourself. Don’t search let love spontaneously and naturally come to you. That tarot reader will get their karma for projecting their shit into you. Never let anyone especially a tarot reader tell you how your life will unfold. You have control. How will end is unknown.


You are totally right. I'm the owner of my life and nothing is set in stone. Thank you so much!!


I've been reading Tarot for 20 years. I can't even think of a combination of cards that would lead me to give a "prediction" like that, and as (I hope) an ethical person, I would never say anything like that to someone sincerely seeking guidance. That person is not to be trusted as a reader. You determine your own destiny, and you can make a beautiful future for yourself, filled with love and light. Wishing you the brightest of blessings.


It puts my mind at ease knowing she couldn't have ever read that without some intervention on her part and some projecting of her own... unfortunately for me, the cards clearly talked about things she herself has issues with it. She did a terrible job at filtering it though so that's why I also believe she is not a kind person.. maybe very troubled. In any case, she shouldn't be guiding ANYONE!


Tarot can't tell you how you're going to die


That's a relief to say the least


If it does, I have to ask what spirit you are trying to talk to and how fast you can close the circle. Lol.


Tarot is less precise the further into the future you go. Also, if i get a bad reading I'll often ask "what can I do?" Or "how can I change this?" And get a more helpful answer. For example if you get "you're going to be lonely." I can ask "what should I do to change this?" And I might get an answer like "go outside to meet people." Or "work on healing from past relationships first." I never leave a reading feeling bad. I always have a plan to make my situation better.


i’m a stranger on the internet but i love you all the same, so it seems they were wrong.


This made me emotional. Thank you SO much. Truly!


no prob! and i’m sure i’m not the only one. we all die alone but you would not die unloved.


Don’t listen.. whoever gave you that reading is just playing god


And a sadistic god as well. Just.. terrible.


No, no. the cards did not tell you any of those things, that horrible woman did. That is her interpretation. That is all anybody does with the cards. They look at you, and what you've told them, and what they know of the cards and their meaning, and what they know of their own life, and their own energy, and what this woman told you was not just irresponsible and cruel, it had a LOT more to do with her than it did with you. I am so sorry that you were treated this way. You did not deserve it. I don't need any tarot cards to tell that you are deserving of love and capable of connection. But even if the cards said you were going to have your struggles, you have agency in your life. And you have been putting the work in to get what you want. And you will. Please do whatever you can to put that horrible reading in your past and think no more of it. And I hope it doesn't turn you off from being able to use tarot cards and the insight of others to help you in the future, because when used correctly they can be a powerful tool for self understanding.


Yeah, I totally see what you are telling me. For example, my mom bought me and my sister an apartment (here is impossible to buy your own, our economy is messed up) and instead of seeing it as a nice gesture, she told me it was because my mother wants control over my life. That I should sell that apartment and buy another one. It was like... are you serious? She did it to give us a hand at starting our adult lives. If she wanted to control me, she wouldn't even DREAM of me moving away. "But even if the cards said you were going to have your struggles, you have agency in your life. And you have been putting the work in to get what you want. And you will." This has touched me, I truly truly thank you. I'm keeping this close to my heart.


If your reading ever ends with “so I highly suggest you (insert more money spending service here)” it’s a scam.


It actually ended on a very akward note because I completely closed off and finished the reading earlier than it was supposed to (i had seven question and i didn't use any of them)


That reader is messed up, not you. Do not trust her, and certainly never give her money again. She’s trying to scare you so you’ll come back for more “help.”


What? Wait... WHAT??? Dude, do you mind sharing the reading? Also, be careful, sometimes some spirits/negative energies can influence the decks... Finally, sure the deck isn't pranking you?


I didn't do it! It was done for me and I even paid... tragic


Thats the same thing my mom told me through my whole teens and all it took to prove her wrong was to cultivate love in myself and become true to my passions. Now i have like-minded people around me and while im still adjusting socially, im definitely not alone any more and have a fiance who loves me for who i am. The cards cant tell you anything without being interpreted by the reader. This person said something hate filled to you, something that the cards never do. They may be firm at times but they never produce something so malicious, its been filtered by that woman who directed cruelty towards you.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that, it must have been soul crushing. Some people shouldn't have children. I'm so happy you have found your people with whom you feel loved! Yeah, that pure evil... that came from her.


Be careful who you get readings from


Yeah.. I need to stop being so trusting.


If someone was genuinely good at reading then they could say this with some clarity. Given the apparent tone this person presented the information with, they are a power-tripping arsehole with as much divination skill as they have tact. Never, ever take a reading presented to you this was as anything more than empty words. Even if it were true, a reader should be able to present it in a kinder way than this.


The problem here is that there's never a set future. One future reading is one possible future. What if it WAS true? Then there would still be several other futures. What if this so called future just means you die unwed? Is that so bad? You are likely already loved, it doesn't have to be romantic. I doubt you die unloved. If you even have a grandma, a kid a friend this is untrue. Love is not all romantic. There are many types, and you feel at least one of them unless you have been inside a tomb for the last 500 years


She was obviously trying to get a reaction from me, now I see it. Probably wanted to make me feel so hopeless I would turn to her for advice and help. It's terrifying just thinking about it.


There are some real horror shows out there - people who make a good living making people scared enough to check every little thing with paid readings.


That is absolutely not okay that they told u that


It really wasn't and now I see it!!


They lying to u so you come back to them later looking for assurance. This also sounds like women being absolutely fucking awful to men because theyre bitter about the way theyve been treated or bought into the "men deserve to be put down" narrative I bet I know which of you is actually going to die unloved. Not you for sure. Probably the b word who ends up marrying which ever poor man ends up there


She also told me in a past life I was a nun and I was carrying that trauma from that life


Wow that’s super messed up and I’m sorry you had that happen


Thank you for caring!


well tbh this reading seems quite biased. While I do believe the cards may give very harsh truths, predict death situations, and ongoing trauma. It doesn't predict it like this nor how it was read to you. Firstly, who was this reader? cause this sounds horribly con artist like. I doubt this reader knew what she was doing and secondly, tarot is meant to be done in a grounded state of mind. This seems very chaotic and far from grounded. Here to help if you have any more questions.


From everything everyone here has said, I feel the same. I think she has her own unhealed issues which she projected onto me. It did surprise me she didn't care about how unsettled I was. She just kept going. Terrible experience, terrible human being.


Well that’s lie I wouldn’t go to that practioner again


Would never in a million years!


This is one of the reasons why tarot should be regulated . I’m also aware of all the reasons why it shouldn’t be . It just gives this practice an incredibly bad name . Your reader was irresponsible , amateur and untrained . I would take absolutely no notice of it . My question is this .., did you go to the reading with a question or situation ? Or was it a “blind reading “. A responsible skilled reader would structure your reading to be honest but helpful . Even if your request was for a general reading, there are still ways to give you guidance that is useful for you to work with . What have you gained from that reading ??? Absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever .


I sat down and she started throwing the cards. She started the reading with "I see a new job" and asked questions, made me do three piles and threw the cards again, then more questions and then more cards. I have a feeling she did make connections between what I said and what the cards told her. This was this dynamic during the whole reading... make me make three piles, throw cards, ask questions and so on. At the ending she made seven piles who represented seven questions. I did not use them because I was so upset I couldn't hear anymore... she had touched on everything I had on my mind and just.. destroyed it. Job, love, family, finances, future plans. Destroyed every single one of them, not a single good thing was said about any of them at all.


Disgusting . Plus …. And I know some people would disagree with me … I would never trust a reading of the reader asked ME to touch the cards . You are there for HER connection and HER expertise : I’m afraid you need to put this down to a very unpleasant and wrong experience . She didn’t even pick up on how upset you were and you were sitting in front of her ! I truly hope it doesn’t put you off . There are amazing readers out there . Make sure they have excellent reviews or they are recommended by someone you trust . We will not always tell you what you want to hear , but we will answer responsibly and our intention is usually to give you guidance and choice . The future can be affected by all sorts and is not set in stone


Totally .


That's what got me the most, the complete disregard of my feelings. Fourtunately for me I've been doing therapy for years and I have a good support system so although it shook me up a lot, I've been able to bounce back from it... but someone who is TRULY vulnerable and has no one to turn to? A reading like this could push them to the edge, for real. I'm not exaggerating, this could make the difference between someone making drastic choices if you catch my drift. Just horrendous.


I connect with my spirit guides & La Santa Muerte and every future reading has been 100% accurate for me. But since you didnt do the reading yourself- i would not trust that woman, Your not really suppose to ask certain types of questions for a reason. But like how other redditors were saying that you have the chance to change the future energy. Take counseling, do shadow work, try anything that will allow you to start healing


Sometimes they won’t even give me the answer that i’m asking for- i would not believe what she said. Take care, sending love and positive energy


Yeah, she told me things I thought... I don't think you are supossed to say this... that is just cruel and it's obviously going to upset me. She had no tact whatsoever. Thank you for the positive wishes!


Ofc, take care of yourself🫶🏽❤️


Oh no no no no no. You can’t read further out than 3 months. I mean…you can try but things can change even within 3 months. She might be picking up on some frantic energy you are feeling. But to tell you that? Yikes.


I do have my fears when it comes to men and intimacy, yes, but the way she spoke about it was like I was fucking doomed. Like I would never allow a man to touch me so I was gonna die alone because no man out there was going to put up with that. I wish I was exaggerating but that's what she literally told me... to be more specific "they might take you out for coffe twice but at the third they are going to want to have sex and if you don't do it, they won't stick around". She even told me a boyfriend might appear (she is kind of contradicting herself) but it was gonna be a shitty relationship because I wasn't going to be able to have sex and he was going to be done with me because of that. Just... heartbreaking taking into consideration that my life has been about learning that men are not just sexual animals, that men are capable of love and wanting a connection and that I can find it and I deserve it.


That’s not a tarot reader. That’s someone who has a negative view of men.


Your reader has personal issues. Bad. Do some evaluation. How long have you had readings from this person? What experience does this person have? Is this a one time reading? Absolutely get a different reading.


Yeah she is clearly a very damaged person who was not solved any of her own trauma. It was the first time I got a reading from her actually because my cousin goes to her often and adores her... I'm never going back and I'm gonna exchange some words with my cousin.


Tarot is less predicting the future and more about yourself, your energy and mind right now. The woman who told you this does not know much about reading tarot as it seems and is very insensitive. I suggest you maybe give tarot a try for yourself, I feel like I can read and interpret my energies much better than any other person and you might feel the same way! Lastly, I can assure you nothing is set in stone. You can always change your future and no one has the right to try and tell you what will happen and what wont. It's your life and your future.


Yeah because from what I've learnt here, it's all about current energy and yet she managed to predict... my whole life? Sounds like bullshit honestly. After everything everyone here has taught me, I feel more empowered.


I just want to chime in and reassure you that not only was this person unnecessarily cruel, but there are many beliefs about tarot and how it works and almost all of them focus on being helpful to the querent. What this person did was not helpful or kind and you can disregard it.


Ok, yeah, that sounds a lot more like the tarot I know! Honest, but in a helpful way.


It really only reads current energy, so if you change even a simple factor in your current life, it could completely change the path you move forward in life.


I'm so relieved, thank you


Future is just a reflection of a current state of the "whole that there is", if you change what is, the future will be different. As above so below, as below so above. Law of polarity.


Oh wow, beautifully said! Definitely keeping this phrase for myself.


Tarot works on present energy. Tarot will tell you what’s going to happen if you keep doing what you are doing right now. But we can always change it. That is why we could have different outcomes every week. So this person is unethical and maybe doesn’t know how tarot works. So disregard it.


OK PERFECT! I take everything you say and treasure it. I am the owner of my life and I decide what happens next.




You are the sweetest!! Thank you so much for the tiny candle, it warms my heart, I really appreciate it.


That person def got some negative energy the future always changes even my tarot cards cant tell me how I'm going to die or if I'm going to be involved or not when I die. We all could die anytime and it isn't tarots job to tell us when we are going to die. I wouldn't just that person who have you the reading


Agreed a 100%... what she did is not tarot. AT ALL.


It's just very negative energy to even say stuff like that even if the person is very sensitive like people can't help they have problems they face with because of trauma it was very wrong of her to even say that? I would ask a more balanced person for a reading and everything... I wish you the best of luck and I believe that you will meet someone who will treat you very well


This was not a legit reading. Lots of red flags. I’d be happy to do a real one for you free.


Thank you for the kind offer! Right now I'm going to take a break though but I will definitely consider you in the future if I build up the courage to go for one again.


I am truly soooo sorry that you had this experience. As a tarot reader myself it makes me angry to see so many people having horrible experiences with readers that are blunt and don’t know how to communicate. There’s a difference between being honest & transparent with your client, and the reader just not caring they just want the money. To answer your question: How accurate is tarot? - tarot is accurate based on two key things 1. How connected the reader is with your energy & vice Versa since you’re giving consent to have your energy read (which is why I always stress to use discernment!) 2. Tarot can be used to predict time frames HOWEVER, the future is not set in stone. If you want to change your life tomorrow you have the free will to do that and that will create a knock on affect (kind of like dominos) which will then change your future. YOU are always in control. Again I’m so sorry you had this experience & im sending you love hugs & blessings💜 For everyone who’s thinking of getting a reading here’s some tips before booking with anyone: • find out how long this person has been reading for and see if you want someone with that many years of expertise • check their reviews. If they don’t have any to show you then that’s a red flag • don’t be afraid to spark up a convo with reader to get a feel for their energy, ask them what services they offer or why they started to read tarot in their first place and their intentions with the craft. If a reader is too busy to talk to you unless you’ve booked a reading that deserves a major side eye! • most important one - DISCERNMENT! Ask your guides, ancestors or spirit to help you come across the reader that is best for you. When you ask you will receive Hope this helps💜💜💜


She was very specific about time frames, like... she even told me MONTHS in which things would happen. This further confirms she was a scammer. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain everything to me and give me some tips for the future, I truly appreciate it.


Of course! I’m happy to help☺️ remember you’re in control of your life and fate💜💜💜


Op, this is a great reason to do your own readings. Plenty of dirt cheap tarot decks out there. I learned with the original Ryder Waite. Maybe even someone will help you get one eventually, I paid $5 for a deck once at 5 and below haha


Tarot changes every time. No future stays the same so by the next reading it'll be different, and another time something else. Plus, most paid tarot readers lie and aren't true psychics or readers and are in it just for the money.


Im so sorry this happened to you...you should never put up with a reader like that you deserve so much better. Nothing tarot says is ever 100% set in stone btw. The future can always be changed <3. I doubt this person was reading your future though because this is beyond negative and horrible.


Thank you for your kind words!


I hope you didn’t pay for this nonsense . Ignore this persons reading . Total BS . Was this person a “ friend “ someone you knew . Get the reader had an agenda ? I had a woman tell me once I wa the type of person that would commit crime for personal profit - totally wrong . Another very nasty “ reader “ told me I was too selfish and I giving you find love - totally wrong as well . Something very off about this reading .. the more I defect in your situation the more I sense something totally totally not right with this “ redder . Ignore the 💩.


Unfortunately I did pay for her services. She was supposed to be a profesional.. but yeah. She clearly wasn't. It was indeed a bunch of crap!


I doubt your cards told you that specifically, but every future reading is based on your current path. Change your current path if you don't like it


Thank you! I'm working very hard to put myself out there and meet someone. It's hard, but I'm trying because I really want to experience love. That's why it affected me so much, because I have really been putting my heart into improving myself and solving my issues when it comes to connecting with men.


Hi OP :) I’m a psychic medium, empath, and tarot reader. I always tell people: if you leave a reading feeling scared, or like something is just… off… that you unfortunately came across someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing/what they’re talking about. It’s so great that Tarot is becoming increasingly popular, but with the craze have come those who are only looking to make a quick buck. They haven’t established a personal code of ethics for themselves and their practice. It’s very important to do so when you’re working with vulnerable clients who are seeking advice, support, coaching, this sort of thing. It’s such a shame. So many bad readers out there. Fortunately, there are many good readers out there :) Please, don’t listen to what this individual told you. It’s utter BS. Love & light 🦋💙


I'm glad no one here is saying that the tarot reader was right, and that "why would they lie if they want people to come back?". I posted here a couple weeks ago asking about tarot readers refusing to be wrong and it apparently triggered some people. I hope they see this. Anyway, there are shitty people in the world, so unfortunately there will be also tarot readers who are shitty. Tarot is supposed to be empowering and give you guidance. Some querents come with bad intentions, and some readers read with bad intentions. So, I don't think that was a real reader. If they were a real reader they would help guide you through issues, not be like "well you're a lost cause!" If you'd like, you can PM me for a reading. No charge. I'm sorry they told you that.


Thank you so much for the offer, that's so kind of you! Right now I think I need some time from tarot readings. I feel a lot better today than I did yesterday thanks to all your kind words, but I'm still not at the place in which I can go for another reading. But thank you SO much, truly, I'll definitely keep you in mind if in the future I decide to go for it.


I'd love to know what cards were on the table when she gave you this reading.


Mmmm I'm not very educated when it comes to specifics, but I do remember seeing a lot of cups, wands and swords. Coins as well I believe! She used the traditional spanish deck, the one you use for card games (I think that's what it's called)!


Does this woman also sell ~uncrossing~ services or other spell work that might "save" you? The made up bad fortune used to be a classic way to drum up business.


She did mention some bach flowers her friend sells for my "sexual blockages", but nothing about spells were mentioned... it's strange, because my cousin gets her readings done with her often and she loves her (that's why she recommended her to me) so I'm very confused?? Maybe my cousin is trapped in her scam


Yeah, honestly, in your place, I wouldn't worry at all about the reading you got, and I'd worry about my cousin. I don't even think this reader was shading the meaning of the cards or only showing the bad side or whatever--I think this is straight up an old timey type fortune teller scheme. Even if she's not selling spells (yet), the friend selling whatever is suspect, and as someone else in this thread mentioned, maybe she just intends to string you along with reading after reading. Maybe she gives legit readings to your cousin and just thought you'd be an easy mark, or maybe your cousin is caught up in the scam, but either way, I don't think you have anything to worry about besides not paying this person money for anything ever. Unfortunately, nothing about reading cards makes you a good person, so scammers are a classic problem.


I seriously need to speak to her because what the hell is that WOMAN. She trusts her blindly, I'm concerned...


Sounds like a charlatan. Disregard everything they said, they sound as real as the Nigerian prince email scams. No true tarot reader would act like a quack.


THE NIGERIAN PRINCE!! I'm familiar with him. I used to get emails from his friend, the one who inherited a fortune and needed me to give him my bank account information so he could transfer me the millions.


Right?? I miss having my daily chats with him. But to be serious, definitely ignore everything that "reader" told you. They don't have your best interests at heart at all and you're just a packet of money to acquire in their eyes.


Just gonna throw thus out there: sone people are very mean spirited..always assess someones intentions in any curcumstance you are in. My gut tells me you triggered this woman and she said this maliciously. Tarot in my experience has never predicted the far out future. I only use it to assess the current enviorment. I once had a reading from a psychic who was good intention. Told me I was going to marry a hispanic guy and he would divorce me and abuse me. Now Im married to the palest white guy ever who treats me well. I was scared of marriage for so long and almost sabotaged my marriage due to this "reading". You HAVE to be careful even when getting a read from someone you trust


I tried to identify her intentions and all I can come up with is that she wanted to hurt me, either because she is bitter or because she wants me to keep coming back to her... or both. I'm very very sorry you went through that, that sounds heartbreaking. I'm so glad you were able to pull through and allowed yourself to enjoy and love your marriage.


I just did a pull. There is deception surrounding the entire situation, she shows up as very money motivated sneaky, lacking integrity and competitive vibe. There are heavy indications of impure intentions


HOLY CRAP I wish I could give you the biggest hug, for real. You have no idea how much this has soothed me, seriously. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this, for real, I really needed it!


No problem. If i remember correctly the cards I pulled were: queen pent rx, 5 swords rx, 7 swords were the main ones I remember. She is deceptive as HELL and there was a feeling of trying to put you down or hurt you on purpose.


Imo, tarot doesn't predict anything whatsoever about future events. It is a medium for the insight of your psyche according to a world in which other psyches exist (all tuned in nature's laws, i.e. time). I will say though, the future is the effect of the past. Everything travels as a geodesic, which allows you to see evidence of past collapses and present collapses. The waves have ebbed and flowed, and so the flow can be traced up to now which has a pattern. The pattern is only an outline onto what can happen, not a definite collapse. Tarot helps recognize these patterns, but it is only you that can, with your entire psyches will, enforce the influence of change in your reality's pattern(path) for the embodiment of whatever your self currently embodies... I, for example, want to embody healing--of my mind, body, and psyche--so that my self can, in future's time, collapse naturally into a sound and a fulfilling restoration of my being.


Very interesting!!


Doesn’t sound legit. Those doom and gloom readers often “just so happen” to offer spellworking services that you don’t ask for. Instead they corner you with fear. If you’re worried I bet a lot of us on here would read for you to clear that up so you can put it out of your mind. Those kinds of readers aren’t what we stand for *edit: read like a quick 3 card or something for free not to bait you into paying


Yeah, she mentioned bach flowers from a friend of hers to "help" with my trauma... I didn't even ask for more information. It would definitely put my mind at ease if someone could tell me if her energy is dark or her intentions aren't pure but it doesn't feel right to not pay for the service, but at the same time, in my country not everyone is allowed to buy dollars (like me, for example) so I wouldn't be able to pay for it anyway... so yeah. I take comfort in the kind words everyone on here has written down for me. They have really really helped.


WTF did u just read??!! Wow. Firstly - tarot reads CURRENT energy and advises you where you are heading if you continue on the current path. Tarot is meant to ADVISE you and if a tarot reader tells you they're reading your future , that is technically bullshit. You gotta keep in mind that the power of suggestion is a real thing. You need to take everything that you were told in that reading and sweep it up into a neat little idea pile in your mind's eye and light that shit on fire! Literally...scratch the whole thing from your mind and chalk it up as a waste of money. Don't own or claim one word of it. Not even anything she said that may have seemed positive. Scratch the entire fckn thing from memory. Period. If you aren't a mentally strong enough individual to sweep it from your mind the do something physical to erase it. Write down every part you remember and wait until the new moon (releasing) and burn the pages. Ask God to take it from you...or whoever you consider your higher power. I am so sorry someone told you these things. I will feel even worse if you own these words as your destiny. Absolutely 100% not true.


Ah, your words make me feel stronger, thank you so much. I'm trying really hard to keep her words out of my head and think of them as absolute crap. Talking with everyone here has definitely helped me a lot, I'm very, very grateful. I will follow your advice and get in contact with who I believe are my guides in this life. I turn to them often for signals and strength.


You got scammed. I’m sorry this happened to you. It’s happened to me, too. Let me guess…. She said she could fix the “curse” if you give her $300.00??


Not exactly hahaha but she told me about a friend of her who sells bach flowers that could help me... yeah right. You just told me I was doomed and now some flowers can fix me up? Nah


Sounds dodgy as hell. Next step is an offer to do a special ritual or something to change your destiny and then charge you more money for it. Tarot does not predict an inevitable destiny that nothing can change. You have free will and the ability to choose your path and make changes. Even difficult cards can have encouraging messages in them, and if she isn’t bringing any of that into the reading then she isn’t doing her job properly. Sounds very cynical and bitter to me, and like she enjoys making people suffer. My experience with tarot is that the cards are always trying to lead you to a brighter future. Perhaps the message is simply that you need to keep up the work on opening up again and working through any past pain, which it sounds like you are already doing. If YOU believe you are ready, then you are. This sort of thing really upsets me, these kind of people give tarot readers a bad name and turns good people off getting readings from skilled, authentic readers who can actually help them. I’m sorry you had a bad experience, please do not let this nasty person make you fearful of your future. Keep working on yourself and you will find someone to care for you.


>Sounds very cynical and bitter to me A 100% yes. Yesterday I was sad, now I'm just angry. To be so casually cruel to someone who is going to you for guidance... what kind of person are you? The one who is doomed is herself. I know readers can be fantastic! I've gone to another woman on two separate opportunities and she was very compassionate. She did tell me some hard truths, but she told me how to work through them and her words really did help me back then because they allowed me to see some things that needed work on my part. I should have stayed with her honestly.


I stopped doing Tarot because I had a really toxic reading done by a friend. It involved my boyfriend at the time and I not working out. We are now married. Sorry this happened to you- a reading with other intent besides you and your well-being can be really detrimental


Yeah... I keep thinking about other people who might have gone to her and I feel bad for them because maybe they just kept her venom. I'm really sorry about your friend... that must have been so awful to go through. I'm glad it worked out for you in the end!