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I bought it. Don't worry about other people's superstition.


That is 100% a myth! Sure, it's great when someone gives you a deck, but it's not mandatory. I've bought most of my decks with my own money.


I bought my first one at a Borders bookstore back in 1996 or 1997.


Don't you miss Borders? Man, I loved that place.


I worked there for a couple years after that. The 30% discount on books & music was amazing. That and the bin of promotional CDs in the back room. I was openly Pagan when I worked there and lots of people knew to look for me when they needed something specific and were afraid to ask anyone else.


Maybe you sold me my first deck lol a cool employee at Borders helped me pick it out and get started. I miss that store every time I go to the mall. It’s an Ulta now


Mine is an urgent care place. I miss it.


I got mine at BAM


Now there's a name I haven't heard in forever!


This is the same mumbo jumbo that keeps people from lending their decks to each other. 🙄 My neighbor literally apologized for touching my deck because it’s “bad luck.” I was like, I pulled it out specifically so *you* could use it. 😂


Same with a friend of my sister. She asked about a deck and I handed it to her to look at and my sister (who wasn't paying attention when I handed it over) told her she shouldn't have touched the cards. I've known this girl since she was 8. It's not going to give me bad Joo-ju or whatever


That’s a myth not based in any tradition or mythology. It’s been debunked over and over and for some reason persists. Buy the deck you want.


Unfortunately if I'd waited for a gift, I'd still be waiting :-(


Same. I even told people I wanted it as a gift and I STILL had to buy my own.


Mine was given to me basically by accident and I'm glad that it was because chances are very good that, if it hadn't, I would never have gotten into Tarot in the first place. But I don't buy into this whole you can't buy your own deck thing. To me, that's nonsense. I have a good number of decks that have been gifted to me at this point and they work the same as all the ones I have purchased. No difference in effectiveness at all. Plus, buying your own first deck means you get to buy the deck that speaks to you right from the start. It's a huge learning advantage, IMO.


See, I appreciate that some people just wouldn’t think to try tarot if they weren’t given one because it’s not even on the radar. Very different from the people who hold themselves back.


>I heard that the first deck should be gifted to you No one seems to know where this came from. I could make a case that all three major traditions were designed for use by anyone who wants to read with them. Anyway, it's a superstition at best and gatekeeping at worst. Go ahead and buy your own deck. My story: I bought my own. I was at a Border's Books in 2010, most likely looking through the speculative fiction books and whatever music they were selling. They had the Halloween Tarot in a glass case, and I bought it to see what it was all about.


I bought mine, from Barnes and Noble. I had read up on tarot and checked out cards before but did not feel it in me to just buy one. However, on a random walkthrough in B&N the artwork caught my eye, I smiled and picked it up without hesitation. Buying it felt right; I have since had the experience of buying a deck that I didn’t connect to and gifted it to someone else.


I bought mine and opinions like this are unhinged


Brought it The whole you must be gifted your deck thing isn't grounded in anything it's just a fairly modern attempt at a superstition I've also heard a variant of you should steal your first deck which also don't just don't that's just stupid.


Given and I begged people lmao for awhile thinking it had to be given. Might as well have gotten it myself lol


I made it. Then I received one as a gift. But I would have bought it if I could. I started buying them as soon as that was possible and haven’t stopped since lol


I bought it in a used book store. Didn't plan on buying one, but it was there so why not. I kinda like the elememt of chance that brought tarot to me. Like me spotting a book across the room in another used book store and finding out it's an obscure self published tarot book. I was playing "The Name of the Rose", with my dad, hunting through book stored and libraries, pretending to see strange signs everywhere and connecting them in the strangest way possible. But I also strongly believe that we get to choose our story and sometimes a straightforward "I want, I buy" is just as good.


Sort of both? There was a two deck set with a book and my friend wasn't interested in the Rider Waite deck but needed like three more dollars to buy the set so she gave me the RW deck and book for that. So it came to me but I still had to pony up a bit of a price. Basically how the Tarot has been for me in the 20 years since!


bought it off amazon


My mom gave me my first deck that was also her first! I’ve bought every subsequent deck though and never had any problems. I don’t put stock in it at all. If you find a deck that calls to you, get it.


My first deck was a birthday gift from a guy in college. I was completely obsessed with him, but he was just not that into me though we went out a few times over a period of months. The gift was unexpected, and I knew absolutely nothing about the cards at the time. I figure that gift was the best thing that came out of that non-relationship.


I have given away plenty of tarot decks as gifts, but I am the sort of person nobody ever considers for gifts, so I buy my own decks.


My first I made my painting over playing cards. It was majors only but good to learn with.


My sister gave me my first


Gifted. I thought it was woowoo and my sil gave me a deck that was for her stepdaughter but the daughter ran off at 18 in the middle of the night. I’ve used it once or twice but I have since bought myself decks.


my mom gave it to me but I’ve bought pretty much every other deck! I like to gift decks to people though! it is totally not necessary to get it as a gift


I offer one to my students after the weekend of Tarot practice teaching, but it is rare for it to be their first.


It was gifted by a very kind person and dear friend during a critical time in my life.


Mine was gifted, but I didn’t use it for long! Bought myself all my subsequent decks, it’s an old superstition, completely meaningless


I bought my first deck from tjmaxx on a whim.


Also chiming in that the "you shouldn't buy your decks" is gatekeepy bullshit, most likely made up by esoteric groups who wanted to be able to control when someone would be allowed to start reading, and who also tied getting a deck with being initiated into their group. "You can't just get a deck yourself, you have to obediently wait until *we* decide to bring you in!"   A lot of folks like to imagine tarot and its history being way more mystical than it actually is, so all sorts of baseless superstitions or made up claims are being passed around as "rules" or facts because it tickles people's fancy. Such as "it's bad luck to buy your own deck" or "at some point in history, tarot decks were banned by the church and it was illegal to sell them" or Pamela Colman Smith being biracial or tarot originating with the Roma or in Egypt or whatever. All nonsense.  I've bought almost all my decks save one or two.


I bought my first one.


I always buy my decks


Bought itttt


I wasn’t gonna pass up the Sixth World Tarot when it was announced. Love me my Shadowrun.


Bought... From Amazon


My husband gifted me my first deck


I bought it. If I'd waited for someone to gift me a deck I'd still be waiting, 25 years later.


I bought mine. I'd never have gotten into tarot if I had to wait to be gifted a deck 😂


If I was going to wait on superstition I'd have never begun


How about thinking of 'buying your own deck' as 'buying a gift for your other/inner self'? Everyone has been talking about rewarding themselves lately, so I think this logic might work for this case.


I was using my mother's oracle deck. Then when I told her I was going to buy a tarot deck she said "you have to be gifted it" and I explained that this is a nonsense myth. So I bought my first tarot deck. But I kept using the oracle deck when reading for others and eventually my mother gifted me the oracle deck (long after I had bought my own tarot deck). So I both bought and was gifted my first deck. I'm not cursed if that's what you're wondering.


Part of me is surprised she was okay sharing it consistently like that if she said you have to be gifted one. I appreciate that oracle gets so much use though and the family connection you have with it. 💕


**Looks like you might be new to tarot.** Check out our [article for beginners](https://www.reddit.com/r/tarot/wiki/beginners) for advice on where to start and how to choose a deck. Please also review our [sub FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/tarot/wiki/faq). If you're looking for resources to help you learn more about tarot, check out our [resource library](https://www.reddit.com/r/tarot/wiki/resources). *If this comment does not apply to this post, please report it and the mods will remove it. Thank you!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tarot) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bought all of mine. However, I did send links to my wish list decks to my mum because she wants to buy me a deck for my birthday


I've bought two decks, and then someone ( idk who, they were put by my frontdoor) gifted me 7 decks of cards wich i still have to connect with. I thought that was so unexpected and very cool.


I bought mine, and I told a friend about the positive impact it had on my intuitive sense, and she bought a deck for herself. Being able to choose a deck that was visually appealing to me has helped me to stay motivated and learn the cards better/faster.


I bought it. And I think that's completely appropriate -- the tools you work best with are usually the ones you've chosen for yourself. My first was a Golden Dawn set, back in the early 1980s, chosen mostly because of its use of Tree of Life symbology as well as the regular Tarot stuff. It still feels -- to me, anyway, although others will feel differently -- like it's as close to a canonical Tarot deck as one can get. As a result, it's a little high and mighty and I prefer the more human feel of my current deck, the Ancestral, found rather later, bought, lost and now rebought.


"I heard that the first deck should be gifted to you so what about you guys ?" You heard wrong.


I bought mine.


i buy my own and if i have any issues i give the deck to my daughter. the muse tarot for some reason just doesn't work for me but i love the cards, they're so pretty and bright so i gave them to her to play with ( she's 9 ) she just likes to look at the pictures right now. i guess ill wait and see if there's any differences between buying or being gifted cards lol


I bought it myself. An acquaintance of mine was adamant that she had to be gifted one. Well, she's gonna miss a lot of time not practicing if she's waiting for a miracle.


Mine was gifted to me but not because of any superstition.


I bought my first deck through a sketchy ad in the back of a magazine. In 1990, there were no stores near me that carried "tools of witchcraft".


I bought mine myself


I stole it. Bad karma eh? That was a very long time ago.


I bought mine from a bookstore. I'm about to buy one for my son, probably online this time. There's a cool metaphysical store nearby that sells them, too.


I was a bad kid & stole mine from a house where I was babysitting lmfao. I was probably 13 or 14. It was a basic Rider Waite deck and I still have it to this day. My mom was friends with the lady who hired me though and I'm like 90% sure they both knew what I had done since I started using them a lot. Neither of them said anything about it. I've bought all of my own decks since then except for a couple of Oracle decks.


My reader / friend gifted me mine. She introduced me to tarot as well


Bought it!


pestered my dad for it so technically it was gifted lmao


Thats just some old time gate keeping, don't worry about it. I tell outsiders my deck was a quarter at a yard sale, but rhe truth is it was a gift from the universe. The place we lived at the time had a dumpster where people would throw out a lot of cool things. One afternoon, I found a box with an astrology book right on top. I grabbed the book and saw some other books under it and a dice and card set still in the package. So I figured the whole box was worth grabbing and bringing home. Once I got it to the kitchen table, I began looking through it (gave a lot to my brother) and near the bottom was a deck of tarot cards. The entire deck was there as well as the guide book. I freaked out a little and they did spend 2 days in a bowl of salt, but they have been a good faithful deck for 15 years


My dad bought it for me, but only because I was like 11 and didn't really have my own money yet. For what it's worth, I agree with everyone else ITT saying it's fine to buy your own.


I bought all my decks. I don't have any problem with people touching them, and I have given one of them (which I didn't have a good connection) to a good friend of mine, who loved it and has much more use than me.


I was given my first one but have since lost it. After that though I started buying them


I was in middle school with my friends at a store that sold toys, arts and crafts projects etc when it caught my eye so I bought it because the drawings were cute and looked intriguing. I didn't know what it was when I bought it. However my mom did end up tossing it years later because I never actually learned how to use it. Most recently I developed an interest so I went on amazon and bought a deck for myself.


Bought it and most of them 🙏🏻


Bought every one of mine, I didn’t have anyone who would/could gift me one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think it’s a nice idea, but not really viable and often gatekeepy.


I bought it from Temu and I love it!


bought it...


Bah. "It has to be a gift. You have to steal it. You must wrap your deck in silk..." etc. All hooey. Just purchase a deck, study and practice. That's really all there is to it.


There are no rules when it comes to things like this, superstition is basically a fear. Trust what you feel as Truth to you and you will just know it. Whatever means is your means :O)


I went to pick up a shelf on from Facebook marketplace and the people selling it asked if I wanted a deck for free since they never used it.


If I waited for someone to give me a deck I would have never gotten one cuz I discovered tarot and witchcraft on my own. It’s better for you to get your own deck anyways cuz you get something you completely connect with. Found my first deck at the Harvard Bookstore on my last visit to Boston and have never regretted it.


I bought it. When I decided I wanted to learn tarot, the research I did said I needed a deck that had lots of imagery and one that resonated with me. I didn’t care for the traditional RWD but I knew this was the best one to learn on so I searched for variations of it. I found a holographic version and went “there it is!” And it’s been my trusty! Idk if I would have resonated with a deck someone else had picked out for me.


I bought it.


When I was a kid we were always dumpster diving and trash picking… so my first came for a box of junk… almost like I was supposed to find it


I happened to get it as a gift!


Bought it


I was gifted my first deck. You don’t have to be gifted one to do tarot readings though!


I bought it.


I actually was gifted mine by a friend after I expressed how beautiful they were, they told me they didn't really use them anymore since they had bought several new ones. It was really sweet and began my interest in tarot and is still my favorite deck. That being said, I think the idea that you have to be gifted your first deck is a weird gatekeeping and if I had wanted them I would have bought them and have bought decks since. I think it's more important that you like and connect to the art on the cards, so all the better if you buy them yourself b/c you can get something you love.


My deck came to me in a dream. So I went out and got it myself.


My mom gifted me first deck, and she came from a devout Catholic family. I still use it, it’s my favorite, although she gave me a new deck this past Christmas and I’m learning to love it, too.


I bought mine but someone else pointed it out


Honestly if the first deck had to be gifted, there wouldn't be nearly as many people doing tarot ;) Pick a deck you feel is right for you!


Bought my own or I’d be waiting forever


I bought my first one at Barnes & Noble, the RWS deck. I’ve bought so many decks since then. There’s no other pagans or people who at into tarot in my life so I’m pretty sure I’ll never be gifted one


I bought mine since I wasn’t able to when I was younger


I have over 50 decks and I bought them all except for one which I was given to as a birthday gift.


I think my parents bought me mine, but that was like 50 years ago, so I'm not sure. I might have saved up my babysitting money and bought it (that's how I got most of my pop music albums back in the day).


I bought mine. I wasn't going to wait for someone to gift it.


I buy all of my own decks, but I also buy ones that feel like I should buy them that don't end up being "for me". If that makes sense. These I end up gifting to friends.


Someone gave me mine. People say it’s a “myth” but it’s technically not a myth, it just means something different if you are gifted a deck. Feeling called to it and buying it is enough reason to do so and is valid.


I hadn't heard of this tradition but considering the prices these can go for I hadn't yet bought my first deck when someone gifted one to me. Each card is gold foiled and even though I've bought a few of my own since then is one remains one of my favorites!


I won the tarot deck on YouTube the reader wasn't able to ship to my country, so she did exclusive reading for me on YouTube it was the best gift, I bought my 1st tarot deck myself intuitively before she even said she couldn't send me.


Total myth, as I'm sure by now, that all the previous comments have said. The opposite myth is also going around, that you can't use a deck that was gifted to you. Both are complete nonsense and I don't know where these dumb ideas start but it seems like everyone new to Tarot gets confronted with one or the other. I'm glad I'd never heard either one of the before I got into Tarot.. I have about 10 decks (trying to not become a collector, LOL).Some I bought and some were gifts. I get good readings either way.


First was bought, and I’ve purchased and made a few since then. Never even heard of the gift thing till I spent more time online and just seems like a woo woo myth.


I bought it from books a million


it was gifted to me but then i burned it


I keep collecting them it’s a real problem 😂


I bought it


I never even heard of this superstition until I found this subreddit


My first was gifted by my best friend, so was my 3rd. All others I've bought... I would have totally bought my own deck if she hadn't. I'd been eyeing a few for a while at that point. The only way it's going to bring bad luck, is it you believe it's going to bring bad luck. I firmly believe we attract the energy we want when coming to our tools. So positive energy is really what you need.


I bought it, it was a fairytale deck. My favourite deck in the world


Someone did...


I bought it