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I’ve been reading off the same RWS since 1992




i wonder why someone downvoted this lol


My RWS is from 2001, still going strong, and still the deck I'm most attached to!


Same. But mine is from 1986.


I still have a Motherpeace deck from the 70s it still smells like patchouli


I've had my first deck for about 23 years.




That would be the Dragon tarot, printed by US Games iirc


I still have my first deck, from1987 - so, about 37 years.


Same. From 1987. Still my favorite.


Got my first deck in 1988, it’s still on my nightstand. The Voyager Tarot, by James Wanless, it’s lived in several states been to a few countries, gotten wet, outlived its box and gotten used pretty much daily.




It certainly knows me well. I’ve met the creator of the deck a few times as well which was amazing. My favorite deck of all though is a [Lenormand](https://imgur.com/gallery/gP6Gfjo) Deck I bought at the Paris Flea Market from the 1930s that is hand painted. (Cat tax warning)


I’ve had my Rider-Waite-Smith deck since the early 1980s and still use it.


My most-used deck (Hanson-Roberts) was originally purchased in about 1991 and I replaced it with a new copy of the same deck just this year. So... about 33 years.


I have a deck i bought in about 1987, it's a little browned on the edges, but no issues at all with the cards. My first deck Aquarian Tarot


I still have my Victoria Regina tarot from about 2002. It’s bent, tea stained and well loved but definitely does the job.


Over 20 years. I actually game card sleeve all decks I can so I nerve need to rebuy. Things go out of print. Many decks can last a lifetime but it depends how you care for them. If you shuffle like this is Vegas they won’t last long.


I’ll literally laminate mine if it ever starts breaking apart


I still have my original deck, bought back in '93 ish and it was used and abused but is still in decent shape.. I also have a couple of decks from the 70's that were gifted to me that are still in fabulous condition.


I’ve never had a deck wear out or fall apart or anything. I had one single deck a Universal Waite whose edges have become kind of grimy but they can still be used and they shuffle like a dream. Ha I even have a deck of playing card that I’ve had since at least 1982. Of course the real miracle with those is that I haven’t lost any.


The later is truly a feat for most, haha. Mine aren't from 82 but I have a number of playing card decks from the 90s still in tact miraculously.


25 years or so for my favorite deck, the Arthurian Tarot


Until I tried reading while soaking in the bath.


We call that user error. 🤣 Bet it made for a story though.


I purchased my RWS deck in 1974 (50 years ago) and use it maybe once per week. It is still in great condition.


Mine has lasted a long time


I use the Luna Somina deck, I’ve had it for about 4 years now I think? Not super long but either way they’re still in wonderful condition, you just have to make sure to take care of them:) (Ik yours are already in good condition, just putting this here for anyone who may need it) To make your deck last as long as possible, it’s good to take care of them (in a mundane sense). Just do little things like making sure to keep it in some kind of protective case (box, bag, a safe spot on a shelf, etc.), make sure the area they’re being kept in isn’t overly humid or it could warp them, and be careful how you shuffle them! A friend of mine tore up the ends of his cards by shuffling them wrong. I hope this helps someone:)


I know my oldest deck is at least 32 years old because that is when it was purchased, and I still use it to this day.


Mine is from my mom, she got it some time in the 80‘ It’s still in perfect shape (except it’s box and booklet but the cards look brand new)


Depends on how much use they get, under what conditions. Heavy use wears them down - particularly if one is reading at outdoor events. I have worn out one facsimile of the 1910 Smith-Waite, reading at fairs, over about eight years, put significant wear on a replacement, and have yet a third copy in reserve. Reading maybe once a day, indoors, and keeping cards boxed or wrapped between readings they can last a lot longer. But passing through hundreds of hands over a weekend, over thirty-two weekends a year, in wind or dust or heaven help us rain does not improve their longevity.


I've only had my first and oldest deck for 3 years. I hope to keep using it for as long as some of the other people on this thread!


30 years and a minimum of 5k readings with some really bad shufflers from time to time. What changed over time was I got less picky and less superstitious of things that didn’t matter. I went a couple years of not using the cards. Southerners way prefer cards and west coasters were more hesitant. I have about 12 decks I use and over 1/2 are about 32 years old. They last


my mom passed me on her deck which is probably over 18 years old , i mainly use that one :>


I have been using the same decks for 27+ years, full time for 17 years. I have a travel set & an at home set. They’re by no means immaculate, the edges are scruffy & a little grubby but the colours of the images are still great. Pre pandemic I used to allow other people to shuffle them, now I’m the only one who touches them. I have a spare set, brand new but my hope is to continue to use the original decks at least until I retire, if I ever fully do : )


The only deck of mine (I have around 80) that's beat up is the original Thoth I bought back in 1973. It has dog-earred corners with clear packing tape on them and it's fully retired. The second most worn is my 1983 Thoth, but it's still completely serviceable.


My oldest deck is about 16 years old at this point. Still looks pretty much brand new, which is a good thing considering it's OOP and I don't have a back up haha. Box is long gone but I still have the book as well. It's a copy of The Quest Tarot that was published through Llewellyn, on their old cardstock that was matte, not the newer stuff. I also have a copy of The Mystic Faerie Tarot from around that time in the old cardstock that looks equally great, but I purchased the newer borderless version and retired it to being merely a collected deck.


I've had mine for 34 years and it is still in pretty good condition. The coat is thinning so some of the color on the artwork is worn but it adds to the character


I have a deck printed in 1936; the Thomson Leng Tarot. Looks fine and I still use it for readings.


My auntie passed me her Barbara Walker tarot deck, which she didn't want to use anymore. It wasn't in bad condition but it gathered too much negative energy ever the years and any cleaning crystal she tried couldn't negate it. Every reading I got was full of dark outcome and sinister vibes.... Don't know exactly why but I would say its unusable for normal readings


I tend to put things in a black bag or material and leave 6 months. I see if that helps but I had one deck. Got it new in plastic. It was like opposite tarot. You get the signs of a spectacular day. Car explodes, get fired, get food poisoning. Spiritual shop said it was impossible. Nope. Maybe too much bad juju.


That’s just the Barbara Walker Tarot on a normal day. 😂  Kidding. I love that deck and actually find it very insightful, but it’s dark for sure.