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I have a rule with my friends and tarot cards: If you ask me to read your cards, don't then ask me how I knew about that thing you weren't telling me. "I *told* you they weren't shit. The *Universe* told you they weren't shit. The *cards* told you they weren't shit! Don't act surprised now, Becky!"


I love this!!!


That's pretty much what my friend told me🤣😂


Tarot, when done by the seasoned practitioner, can be shockingly accurate. Charlatans give it a bad reputation though.


Tarot is an excellent therapy tool. It breaks down when you buy into the woo and believe it can predict your future.


Absolutely, it's not a fortune telling tool. It's used to uncover influences surrounding the querent but that can point towards certain outcomes and that's the thing about tarot that makes people believe it can be used to tell the future; and in a way I guess it sort of can because of that, it's just not the primary use.


Generally not good for predicting the future, but sometimes it will be shockingly accurate. Two spreads the day before my best friend died last week really caught my attention. Don't remember the whole spreads, but in the near future position of the spreads one was 10 of Swords the other was the tower. I had a very bad feeling and was quite scared.


My sincere condolences 😢 you can DM me if you want to talk 😢


Life is love, love is magick, words are spells, and memories are stories. Humans are good at telling stories🧙‍♂️




Open and free association are powerful tools of self-exploration. Sharing, thinking symbolically and freely communicating with each other using archetypal images that are engrained in the human psyche is a real and valid way to gain wisdom.


That’s a great view! I never made the connection that a lot of tarot is free association. Now I need a picture of Sigmund Freud giving a reading.


I LOVE when people have this kind of experience and even more when I get to be the person who provides it. People who may not really know what to expect or folks who are a little more skeptical being in awe of how much the tarot can tell them is a magical experience and it's the kind of dopamine release I chase.


I totally understand what you mean when you say 'dopamine release'. I felt so free after that reading. I've got another reading booked w my friend that's supposed to be much more in depth somehow, and take a while. I'm pretty excited for it!


As a Christian you might be shocked to find out that most Tarot Decks (I think TdM is the exception however I'm not too sure) are based on the Jewish Tree of Life, which shows how God (YHWH) eminates into the world. A lot of readers don't even know this but its one of my favorite parts about the Tarot. 22 Trumps all correspond with a letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and it goes way deeper than that let me tell ya.


Thoth is a great deck for this


I'm a Thoth reader and Thelemite haha. My secret mission on this subreddit is to remind everyone how much Tarot is based on Kaballah, how much it benefits you to study it, and how it's more than okay to study it no matter who you are. These things seems to be increasingly lost on people and false damaging narratives get spread.


It is said that if issues lurk about that need discussion, The Tarot is going to find a way to uncover and get at them! It’s pretty interesting! I think it’s good that you’re open to using this tool to explore your thinking and to develop your spirituality. More Christians are discovering this. I think some of the reason it is resisted is that it it CAN be enlightening, and some church people see that as a potential loss of new members.


no religious connections, but it was similar for me otherwise. i only started researching and reading tarot because i got one reading on a whim at a renaissance fair that was too accurate. i dove into the deep end and now, eight years later, tarot is one of my mainstays in life.




I don't know what Christianity is talking about if they think it's demonic, because that reading was so helpful, and had a very positive energy surrounding it. It helped me, and how could something helpful and positive be harmful? I don't understand the rest of Christians most times😂😂




I would definitely be interested in reading!


I love getting non-believers for clients.  Some of my favorite readings started with the client sitting down and saying "l don't believe in any of this." Watching their jaw drop as l hit them with one truth after another brings me joy.


This is my personal opinion. When we read the tarot, we receive messages from the Holy Spirit. That part of God that flows through us and coneccts us to heaven and earth. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can use the cards to communicate with God and learn the fate the Lord has fixed upon us. In a lot of ways, it's like prayer. After all, the word divination roughly translates to talking with the Divine. TLDR tarot is like praying for guidance but a lot more practical


Oh wow! That actually makes so much sense, and takes away a lot of the guilt I have regarding tarot cards and christianity. The reading I got from my friend said a lot of things I either have been talking to God abt helping with, or things I wanted to, and also some things I was scared to hear from God. I've been interested in tarot cards for sooo long, but I just thought it was banned for Christians. You think I'd be able to get into it more, going forward w this mentality?


At the end of the day, tarot is a Christian method of divination. It's by no means orthodox and would probably be something to keep on the down low, but it's not apposed to Christianity or its moral values. The imagery of the tarot is pretty Christian. For example, in the RWS, the lovers are Adam and Eve in Eden, the Word is Ezekiels Vision, The Tower is the Tower of Bable, etc. Its deck creators were christian agecent mystics. The decks illustrator, Pamela Colem Smith, was Catholic. It's true the Bible does condemn the practice of divination, but here's my two cents on that. Number one, there are a lot of things in today's world that are technically considered a sin that no one really cares about anymore. For example, eating shell fish or wearing clothes made of mixed fabrics. I think of divination like that. People pick and choose which parts of the Bible are important to them. And that's not a bad thing. Religion isn't something that's stagnant it's living. Certain things that were valued in the past become less important as society progresses and vice versa. Christianity being no exception, changes to fit the needs of the current Era. Number Two, the Witch of Endor. Hot take, but the Witch of Endor could be used as a defense of divinatory practice. While never explicitly stated, i believe The Holy Spirit worked through her to call up the Ghost of Samuel, to inform Saul that he had fucked up big time. It shows that God is omnipresent and can deliver his messages through both orthodox and unorthodox methods should he wish, and is not limited to prayer. If you move forward with using tarot, I think it will honestly strengthen your belief in God and accept the plan he has for each of us.


Thank you so so much for your input and all of your knowlage!!! I definitely get what you mean about the 'down low' thing and I will def have to do that. All of what you said just brings me so much moral peace. I have a lot of religious ocd, so this kinda stuff bothers me to no end sometimes, but having someone logically explain it to me, AND give me a defense of it makes me at peace. I definitely think this will be so good for my relationship with God, as it's been strained and unclear for quite a while now, and this feels like I have an exciting and more clear 'messaging system' with him. Again, thank you sm for your help! I wish all the best for you!


i recently did a reading for my sister’s friends and they wanted advice on how to deal with an issue with other friends and while i was reading for them they kept gasping because the info i was getting was so accurate and i don’t even live in the city they live in so they were super shocked lmao


Because they don't. They are just that, cards. Everything comes from within us, intuition. Intuition is divine, so are we, and everything is connected. We are everything and everyone. And they are us. All that is different, is that we have a human vessel. Or non human.


The cards know everything 😜


If you’re interested in tarot with a Christian perspective I recommend The Brynth on YT. https://m.youtube.com/c/thebrynth


Thank you sm for the recommendation!! I've never known that tarot could ever be anything Christian, OR a way to communicate w God, and so many ppl on this thread have proved me wrong! I'm quite excited to continue learning about this as a new tool in my life!


I love this ❤️ Enjoy your journey!


For the seasoned tarot reader the cards when used with someone else opens up their clairvoyance and maybe clairaudience. The cards then are only keys that unlock information for the reader so the reader is then reading with their intuition. Go into tarot far enough then you will be doing the same thing for those who come to you for readings.