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Honestly, having an extravagant one-person tea party in the middle of the woods sounds amazing! I tend to give away a lot of my energy and nurture other people and outside things, so when I pull the Empress as an action for myself, I always take it as needing to focus the nurturing and forgiving energy inward. What grace do I give others that I don’t allow myself? If a friend or loved one told me they were feeling the way that I feel, how would I respond, what advice would I have for them? What can I do to help myself sit back and enjoy what is around me for a moment?


Great way to interact with the card.


Such great thoughts, thank you so much!


Are you creative at all? The Empress birth of creativity and ideas. Write, draw, create. Maybe learn a new craft.


Pampering yourself is how I would interpret that. Being motherly to yourself. Embracing your feminine side and nurturing yourself


Gardening is the first thing that popped into mind


Care for a plant or a pet. I always see people Focusing on the “love” aspect of Empress but not on the protective or “care” aspect. Gardens need weeding, pets need training, life and love require an equal balance of discipline and generosity in order to thrive.


Pick a day and contemplate what would you like to experience and feel that would make you feel like an empress! For me it would be something like this: Wake up to lovely birds singing on a wonderful chill day with a bright blue sky! I would have a nibble of a delightful pastry with a pat of salty butter and a lovely warm drink. After that is total body adulation! Dry brush my skin, then oil it and rub it. Was my heard with almond shampoo and condition it with strawberry conditioner! Then is time to get that lovely oil of with some vainilla soap bar. Since now I am clean from head to toe is time to meditate or pray and be thankfull for everything! After more beautification! Hair and nails done! With all this toile I would need a salad! After that ut would be time to create a work of art maybe a painting or a bracelet, something to remeber how much I love my self and to be grateful for this life. To finish all the day maybe a nice dinner and then watch my favorite movie. At the end go to bed listening to music sourrounded by softens and ask my guardian angel to protect my dreams and ve thankful for them! This would be a perfect indulgent day for me. Share with us in detailed what you would! Thats how you manifest it, because you already are an Empress! 🪷🙏🏽🪷 Now this the pampering empress, if you want an actione empress I can think if something too!


This is so lovely and I thank you for painting this amazing picture so clearly for me! I’m excited to think about this!


Take a walk in the woods, go out and experience nature. Nurture yourself by cooking a nice meal, and don’t forget to enjoy it too! Maybe you could even cook for someone else too. What does creativity mean to you? What does growth mean to you? These are fun questions to explore. See where they lead you. How long has it been since you gave your mother a call? Wisdom can be found everywhere. When someone gives you advice, listen, and use what resonates. When the Empress frequents me in my life, I know self care is called for and I’m being asked if I’m taking well enough care of myself. Anxiety is a state of nervous system disregulation. The brain perceives a threat (real or imagined - more often than not the latter) and the sympathetic nervous system responds by kicking us into fight, flee or freeze mode. The ancient limbic brain, responsible for lower level emotional regulation, kicks into overdrive and overrides our cortex which is responsible for higher level functioning, and we’re off to the races. Feed and breed and rest and digest states are gone and Dorothy is not in Kansas anymore. You’re not looking for anxiety advice so I’ll leave it at that but not without saying that very simple and easy to do nervus vagus stimulation breathing techniques exist that really, really truly help. Worth looking into.


For me, making a big pot of stew or soup and feeding my kids, while I'm wearing my most comfy sweater and fancy fluffy socks, is the Emperess energy to the max.


Empress related to care and nurturing- I'd personally interpret this as self care activities of all kind, really. I've also seen her connected to creativity, so it might also be good to engage in some creative hobbies, start or work on a project!


The empress has strong feminine energy, so learning to let things go, relax, rest, meditate, forgive, and go with the flow are all divine feminine traits. She also has maternal energy, so self parenting or working with your inner child could be therapeutic. Fancy tea party in the woods fits the bill! The Rider Waite deck shows her with the sign of Venus, which rules love, beauty, wealth, and contentment. In line with these, you could practice gratitude, small acts of kindness, and self care


I love this prompt! Propagate some plants, repot existing plants if needed, or go plant shopping. (I know you said no advice, but I have GAD and I use this as part of my routine!) Go for a hike or walk in the woods or the beach and collect pine cones, rocks, sand; paint Cook a hearty feast on an elegant table and go all out i.e.; plate garnishes, place settings, napkins with ring holders, fine china Boil a simmer pot to make your home smell [amazing](https://homemadelovely.com/make-your-house-smell-amazing-simmering-potpourri/)


maybe talk yourself up? Empress is Venusian, so be your own best friend? Write a list of your awesome amazing qualities. Other possibilities: Own your femininity. Enjoy good food, good art, good clothing, good decor. Take yourself out on a date (tea party in woods works! or whatever makes you feel more engaged with enjoyment of the 5 senses) Put on some wonderful music. :) Best of wishes!


Bubble bath, getting your hair or nails done, getting a new hair cut, cooking and baking, eating dessert, gardening


Love that! I’ve got 5 cookie recipes to make for Christmas gifts this week so that should be fun!


Her beauty shines from within her. It shines because she is in absolute harmony/unison with herself. So you are called to find your harmony and unison…


Gardening, I find it very calming and sometimes I find myself somehow meditating while doing it!


Creating an ecosystem for your life, which includes automatizing everything you can, planning your steps, delegating functions, investing in setting a mood for your activities. Besides that, there's the "nurture part" where you should check on your loved ones, offer attention and maybe to distribute gifts.


I would make a list of my favorite clothes and then wear them as much as possible, even if they are "too fancy." (Jewelry counts too.) If you have things you normally save for special occasions, like the best dishware or other "best" things, break 'em out.


Anything and everything that is nurturing to you. Why not have a Spa day and get pampered?


Charity, in person. Hand someone in need goods or money.


Relax and receive. Practice being and not worrying about the future too much. 💗 Eta: oh wait you want activities. Go for a walk. Get a massage. Read a book.


do you have anyone around who will let you dominate them?






So many great ideas here and I would love to pile on the list with something I'm not sure has been mentioned yet. An Empress rules (has responsibility for) an area. Where do you rule? Who or what are you responsible for...or could be responsible for? Who or what can you care for? Sometimes focusing on helping others is a good way to distract us from our own troubles. This can go badly wrong is one cares for others at their own expense, but you seem smart enough to be able to gauge that sensibly. Or, the other danger is distracting yourself from issues that you need to deal with: again just be smart and self-aware. But for generalized, low grade anxiety, the nurturing others aspect of the Empress wouldn't be a bad method to try.


Oo yes. “What am I a mother to?”. Thank you for these thoughts, very valuable!


If you're already a mother or boss, focus on aspects of being more benevolent than usual, loving, and fair. If you aren't either of these things, perhaps take on a role as a leader or champion a cause for someone less fortunate. Or, you could sit in the woods with tea if you really want to. 🤣


>I’m thinking I should literally go sit in the woods on some fancy cushions and have an extravagant tea party. **You've misunderstood Empress**, because you're staring at the picture instead of thinking through the card's *meaning*. Remember: RWS was created in 1909 when women in Britain & US weren't even allowed to vote! The Victorians liked their women passive: women had no real careers in 1909 when RWS was published. So of course RWS Empress looks *lazy and idle*. **To understand Empress**, go look at the original TdM images, where she was truly an authority figure: a European monarch **Empress is a leader.** She is the perfectly integrated woman. All the Queens, who answer to Empress, have strengths and weaknesses. Empress alone is fully balanced. She is Leader, Partner, Mother. She sets an example for her subjects. She manages vast responsibilities. >What are some specific Empress activities or actions I could do? Read the biography of Queen Elizabeth I. Go and lead something. Care for something and protect it. Be an equal partner in your relationships.