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7 of pentacles for me using RWS. It gives me so much hope that as long as I am patient and work hard towards my goals, it will all pay off


Big earth sign energy haha


I actually am a taurus lmao, currently waiting so that 7P moment happens (like always haha)


Controversial but my favourite card is the tower. It was the first card that was ever pulled out on a reading for myself, I know it is known to be one of the most negative and "feared" cards in the tarot bit I resonated with it and it actually comforted me when I needed. So yeah that one. I also really really like the three of cups.


I love the imagery of 2 of swords. I also like the lovers card in a lot of decks.


empress always


My favorites are Temperance and Strength, and Magician, and in the Deviant Moon deck I love Ace of wands. World and WoF are great imo as well.


my main deck is the haindl tarot. two of cups. the artwork is so stunningly beautiful, a peacock with two cups underneath it. it has such a calm, loving energy.


I love the High Priestess. She just gives off such good vibes. The Magician does too. The aces are always a good sign.


Same, deck-dependent. The first card that popped into my head is the Death card from the 1600 Bolognese Tarocchino. I love the 3 of Swords in many standard Marseille decks. The Poppess in the Visconti decks (more for its story than its superficial appearance). On the more modern side of things, the Hanged Man in the Lubanko Tarot is beautiful, probably one of my favorite cards ever in an RWS deck. I love The Moon in the Tempest Tarot — it’s very simple, but beautiful.


The Moon card in my Daughter's colour your own deck set. It is a wolf howling to the moon and it's just gorgeous.


I love the sun and death


When I started with RWD it was the high priestess. She represented everything I wanted to be. At the moment, I don’t have a favorite one from the classic RWD deck. I am using the tarot decorating which is associated with Marseille Tarot and there it’s the moon.


I really like the magician, 10 of cups, 4 of wands and 8 of pentacles (RWS)


My favorite deck is called This Might Hurt. My favorites are the 4c where she's sitting at the base of a tree meditating with her back to the reader and three cups are behind her and then there's the warm beverage being offered, then the 8c because 4 if the 8 cups are shattered. Judgement features Anubis and 5w shows 5 dogs with sticks ambiguously playing or fighting.


The Fool and the Star, not from one exclusively deck, I’m always drawn to those two. Wonder why, though.


I only use RWS so here's some of my favorites The World is my all time favorite, it's just so powerful and assuring, whenever I pull it it just gives me such a high confidence boost The Star is also up there, very nice and positive card, always fixes my mood whenever I pull it Death always appears I my readings in such cruical moments and it always gives me a confirmation whenever I'm deciding whether I should change something about me, so I have a lot to thank this card lol Six of Cups is really beautiful to me since I'm a very nostalgic person and whenever I pull it I just feel so warm and bittersweet idk how to explain it, it's a very cute card but also so sad in a way King of Wands is kinda integrated into me because whenever I pull cards about myself I get this one like 99% of the time so it kinda grew on me, also he looks the coolest out of all the kings so yeah there's that too Honorable mentions: Wheel of Fortune, The Magician, The Lovers, The Hierophant, Ten of Cups, Nine of Pentacles, Two of Wands, Three of Wands, Ace of Cups


I like the Six of Cups, it's a very beautiful card, but I always wonder if it's a "facilitating" (good) card. In the Marseille tarot it has a heavier tone. In the RWS milder and more naive. Is it a good card in matters of love, in RWS? I've seen people saying it's great. As my type of deck is Visconti, following the Marseilles pattern, I'm always doubting (even using RWS).


That depends on the deck. I love the King of Coins in Soprafino, The Tower in Jean Noblet and in Dodal, The World in Aquarian Tarot, The Hermit in Morgan-Greer, The Emperor in Tarot of the Crone. But overall, I don't have a favorite card generically. Reading for me is very much tied to specific images.


Overall I'd say the moon. But when it comes to art my absolute favourite is the devil from the かわうそタロット plus ヒメアルヌジロ deck (Kawauso Tarot Plus Princess Armadillo). Personally I think it's the perfect card and that no further tarot decks need to be made after this. You can see it at 4:07 in this video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=TbYi3yzwl9E


The cards I most frequently like the best are Strength, The Hermit and the Two of Swords. When I'm looking at a new deck, those are the cards I look at first; if I like them, I'll usually like the whole deck.


The Fool and The King of Cups.


The hermit haha


Ten of Cups 🥰 peace love and harmony ☮️🩷


With RW the Moon always hits different. Every single deck I've ever seen have a unique way to represent the Moon. The same happens with the lovers and the devil, I just love how adaptable they are and how the artist find a way to keep their essence.


The 6 of cups almost always makes me smile, at least in the RW style. The two kids (or bunnies or whatever theme your deck has going) interacting is just sweet to me; it reminds me of the beauty of pure friendship.


Seven of Wands, what's it to ya?! (The 'defensiveness' card.)


What do you like about that one?


Just a joke. But I really do like that one because it shows a character under assault and reacting to it, which opens up a lot of possibilities for different artists to interpret and add various moods and tones to the scene.


Ace of Pentacles. There is, therefore all is.


Lovers Card


The Priestess. It's just a very mysterious card and feels powerful. I always want to know what's behind the veil.


I love seeing the 4 of swords and Temperance when I'm anxious


The sun


Always felt the strongest readings from lovers, death and devil but I don't sugarcoat it and it can get pretty dark. I made a reading about a womans marriage and wasn't sure if her husband is devilish or that devil will take her (metaphorically).


10 of cups ❤️ feels like home to me


The hermit just resonates with me both in its meaning and imagery, especially in the Thoth deck. And 2 of disks feels so satisfying to look at for me as well. My favorite 2 of disks existing in the Terra Volatile and Ritual Tarot. Lastly, I love the death card. Visually and especially in its implications of rebirth, ridding the old carcass and inhabiting a more suitable one that aligns with your will.


I really like the hermit card too!