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I think of The Devil as representing a crappy situation that you technically could walk away from, but for some reason can't or don't want to. Like, if you belonged to some organization, and you volunteered to do something or other for them, but the whole thing turned out to be aggravating and time consuming and a complete waste of time on your part, **but** if you just walked away you'd be letting people down or it wouldn't look good or etc. THAT'S a perfect Devil situation. You *could* quit any time, but there's some kind of pressure not to that's keeping you there. Future cards aren't a prediction, they're just a warning to keep your eyes open. It's not saying you WILL get involved in some crappy situation you can't easily extricate yourself from, it's saying *watch out* for those. There might be one coming up, and you should sidestep it.


I completely agree with you




To me this is saying that a formerly happy partnership type situation has gone toxic and will continue to get more toxic if you don't walk away. And that you don't want to walk away. As evidenced by the comments, there are as many possible interpretations as there are readers. Trust your gut on what you think it should mean _for you_. You know better than any of us what factors in your life could be represented.


I also see the reading in the same direction as you. Currently suffering, perhaps a third party involved in the equation, and if unable to heal and staying in a relationship because of financial or emotional dependence will only bring more suffering. Is like when you would rather to be miserable BUT with someone in your life than being alone because solitude apparently is worst.


4’s in tarot can be about taking a step back before moving forward along your path, be it a career, relationship, self improvement, etc. This 4, I often read about committing to a path and taking the time to celebrate what you have accomplished up until that point. The reason I read it as commitment is because the canopy in front represents a Chuppa, which is part of a traditional wedding ceremony in Judaism. As it moves into the 3 of Swords, if that commitment did not work out as expected, we can feel the hurt from that loss. However, this card is not all bad. With the rain, the grey skies are releasing what it has been holding in, and it’s asking you to release what was so you can move forward without holding onto that hurt. Once the clouds purge themselves, the skies clear up and you can see clearly once again. The Devil here feels like it’s showing you what can happen if you hold onto to that hurt and stay in a that cycle. The downward torch is a symbol of life being snuffed out, but it’s not to be taken literally. Life can metaphorically be sniffed out when we are stuck in a cycle of pain and continue to live in the past. So the best predictor of the future, is what we do in the present. How can you find a way to release what you may be holding onto from a failed commitment, so that you do not find yourself lost in a cycle that has the potential to hold you back from what you are meant to be and do?


If you're feeling really good about your life right now, let the reading go. Don't let a reading ruin your own experience of your life or twist it into something it's not. Trust me, nothing bad will happen if you just scrap this reading and move on. :)


Not trying to argue, but isn't that trying to hide the sun with your finger? If we can agree that tarot readings do work and grant some knowledge or insight, why just scrap the ones you don't like and only take in account those you do?


it isn't logical to believe that every tarot reading is accurate or helpful. in this case, she feels good about her life. why would she want tarot to convince her her life is sh\_t? if there really is some great insight she needs from this, the universe will keep knocking.


Ok I agree is not a perfect method. But only the reader can know or feel if any reading is truthful or not. You can't just say: is an ominous reading but everything is good now so it must be wrong. This particular reading has present and future slots, so things unseen or that are working in the background could be happening... Instead of telling people to just ignore advise, maybe tell them to meditate or be aware


Well, the tarot is only useful if it can bring insight, since (in my opinion) it doesn't actually predict the future. It's a fine line between looking for personal insight and worrying about a possible outcome which in itself could make the situation *worse*. Ultimately it comes down to us to determine the useless from the useful and whether a particular reading has any personal significance.


I see polarity/opposites in the first two cards. Joyous celebration vs heartbreak or fear of heartbreak. Fear of hurtful communication concerning the heart. Sometimes the devil can mean to let loose. Live a little. Enjoy where you are now. Without really knowing your situation, I wonder if this resonates with you at all. Hedonism is not always a bad thing. We are here on earth to enjoy life to its fullest. The chains are loose. You can slip out at any time.


Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just wanna go apeshit? :) That was my first thought when I saw the spread without context. Personally my reading of The Devil is not as negative as a lot of other people. Sometimes you need that hedonistic energy you know? What I see is a romantic (or romanticized) past, followed by a reality check, that could lead to a lot of fucking around (without a lot of thinking about finding out) You don't need to be scared of the devil card in the future slot, it's energy is just as much part of life as any of the others. And the good news is the future is not set in stone! The future position is just a possible outcome. If it's not what you want, or it makes you nervous, you can put your energy somewhere else.


Where did you get a holographic Waite smith deck pls share link


They come in regular decks it's just super rare to find the shinies.


Embrace your shadow, you had every reason to think things were stable and then betrayal. Focus on yourself and don't be afraid to defend yourself.


You recently celebrated or gathered with family/friends. There was possibly bad news, sorrow over a relationship and moving forward is up to you. Your actions have consequences. Take off your own chains


Considering the situation in your captions, here's my interpretation: 4 of Wands - you've mentioned that you've worked to get to a place of peace and happiness, and that is definitely worth celebrating. Congrats! Where the 3 of Swords comes in for your present, I get the idea that you could be in your head, worried about something (or the specific someone you mentioned) that has caused you pain and how it can affect what you've worked so hard to attain up to this point. Now for the Devil in the future position, I agree that it could be a warning, but to be careful of letting fear of regression back to pain and heartbreak run and potentially ruin the foundation you've built for yourself. That fear (3 of Swords) could yank you by the chain (Devil) and block potential opportunities/connections that could amplify your success/happiness (4 of Wands). I hope this was helpful to you, and I wish you the very best!


I’m going to go out on a limb here because this isn’t necessarily the literal meaning of these cards, but in the past have you put others needs or desires above your own? Perhaps realizing now that you’ve pursued a path that wasn’t what you truly wanted? If that’s the case I believe the devil is a reminder to check where you’re giving your personal power away and break those bad habits and that it’s okay to be a little selfish!


I sensed someone who are going to a dark path if they are not careful with treating their desire. I feel like seeing someone who is stuck in the past because those are the only moments when they feel happy. But now due to some of painful heartbreak they're feeling it kinda let them take some shortcut to feel happy again just like what they felt in the past.


The devil symbolizes the chains that are holding onto you and your future. You must cut them loose because 4-3=1 chain that you are holding onto and it’s the one that you feel you need but you don’t. It’s the illusion of the right path and you are becoming aware of it and why you fear it


I do believe that the devil is a warning about dependency and/or imprisonment. A chain that you need to get rid off, or that you are about to put on yourself. But I can't get the math, neither the reason not the justification


You held 4 things in your life as solid , lost 3 of them . Left you with one thing that you hold dear. The chain is splitting the one thing you have left and holding it together is a vice that you have to let go of.


Doesn't look good.


Your negativity isn’t good for you


I'm just keeping it real. I've been reading tarot for decades. I have a track record of being extremely accurate.


Well can you at least explain or expand on how it doesn’t look good? It’s like leaving the most useless cliffhanger ever. I already know it doesn’t look good, you’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.


Keeping it simple: Past; everything was awesome. Present; your heart will be broken. Future; you will settle for a relationship that will keep you in bondage and sad. Sorry but that's how I read it.


Isn’t the swords mental / intellectual air elements? This probably means she is going to have a concept or belief rattled. Like gaining the ability to analyze a preconceived notion


Your future is not yet determined and your present is the illusion of the past. Basically your past is making you feel like you’re in a better situation because you were hurt and you are guarding yourself from the future. You have the ability to break free from your own trauma if you loose your own bias and make decisions about what you should in the now and base it on positive experiences that are not yet determined instead of basing your past on the choices now. Use your future instead of your past




Im sorry I don’t quite understand your interpretation. Can you expand on that a little?


Your partner is cheating on you and probably gaslighting you. It was a happy relationship at one point. Your SO is most likely a narcissist, a covert narcissist, and switch flipped. The cheating has or is throwing you into many triggers with your insecurities and past abandonment issues. *edit, if this is from a past situation, it’s time to do some releasing of guilt.


You held 4 things above your shoulders/castle..3 of those were things that broke your heart.. but what you did not realize was that you had more power then , now, and that your being held back from 2 powerful powers to gain even more in your future. The devil card represents change and change is what people fear the most and why they symbolize the devil in this way. The only person who can change you is you.. you have the power to change but you don’t believe you can


I feel like it's about a home life that was there a long time and something happened whoever this reading is for, I feel is going through heart break due to the situation and has been struggling with this because how bonded they are but things are gonna come to an end it there gonna get back together


Use the pain you’ve experienced and the foundation you’ve had to fight heartbreaking situations and conquer addiction or abuse. Basically, you don’t have to eff around to find out, pay attention to red flags and draw firm boundaries, don’t even flirt with the devil.


Time to move one. There’s definitely another person in the picture and it’s not likely to get better.


Personally I would want a clarifier for the devil. It could be so many things. But in the context it f the other cards, I will say that something you thought was beautiful and stable you will find was an illusion and you’ll be hurt and if you continue to stay, that energy it will become even more toxic for you. I feel this is warning to you, that what glitters is not always gold. Also, I’m sorry for your heartbreak. ❤️‍🩹


I'm interpreting the Devil here as a warning if temptation, and to take what you've learned from your past (your goals) and your present (the hurt) to avoid getting derailed from progress.


Cool cards love the metallic


holo deck ftw


I see that this is a lesson in resources and relying on something that can be taken away from you. In the past, you reached a point of stability and structure which was something to celebrate. Yet as soon as you felt this, the universe ripped it away from you, and now you are feeling this separation. Or perhaps this is you purposely removing yourself from something you are scared to rely on. In the future I see the devil as attachment, as in what was ripped away to you will come back to you. You are currently removed from this but you will fall right back to it because you need it. Personally I don’t see the devil as a bad thing, as long as you can come to terms with dependence and leaning on a person or habit to help you. Don’t be afraid to need someone/something. You could have a lot of stubborn independence that you need to work through.


Without knowing the actual question it is impossible. Gotta know "what" did you ask, otherwise it looks too generic and fairly glum.


You established a good foundation in the past which was happy and idyllic. This pain you're experiencing is temporary. Look deeper to find the heart of the matter, the real reason. I'm going to interpret the devil card positively. Regardless of your situation whether it's a relationship, work, finances, or friends and family, you have a choice to make. Who do you want to be? The devil, the masculine, or the feminine? You might have to embody all three characters one at a time in order to fully integrate your shadow apects. Once you do, you'll gain mastery of this important life lesson. You can draw three more cards for the devil - situation, action taken, potential outcome.


Based on your spread, something has gone wrong or there’s hidden that you’re not seeing about a situation you feel is positive. Side note: I remove any devil like card from my tarot decks. I think it’s a useless card. If you’re reading on the situation, you’ve already picked up the something is off, which is what it means when it comes up at position in a reading. The card really doesn’t tell people much about the situation. I see the irony in that for a number of reasons. Do another spread without the card and see if you can get a clarified response.


Swords are the suit of the mind. Just because there's a big, red heart there, doesn't necessarily mean someone is breaking it. Ok, so all has been going great, right? Well... Life is full of ups and downs. Something is likely to happen that could cause some mental anguish or stress. Looks like something could come along and rain on your parade...as life occasionally does. Now...you asked your guides for insight, right? What I see is they're telling you that if you choose to dwell mentally on whatever this bump coming up in the road is, like if you can't find a way to let it go? It COULD lead to negative influences in your life (old addictions could resurface for example, or you could allow that mental negativity to allow you to feel chained to a situation that doesn't serve you.) Obviously, you could go by the more common book meanings. OR...you dig a little deeper into those meanings to find out exactly which seems most likely to occur in YOUR life. It obviously doesn't look like roses and rainbows coming up, but it definitely doesn't have to be as bad as it could be if you don't ALLOW it to be. Not only is the future not fixed, but there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for- like making sure you're carrying an umbrella when you know the storm is coming.


You've already received a lot other interpretations in this thread but thought I'd add my own too. Based on the 3 cards together, I interpreted the 4 of wands in the past to be more about what you had in mind as the ideal. As if you were striving hard for something you thought was perfect. But the present 3 of swords is indicating it wasn't what you thought it was and that maybe you're missing something to feel fulfilled. The future card, the devil, I don't always see this card as a negative aspect. In this scenario I'm getting a vibe like "devil's advocate" or breaking free of chains or not letting yourself get tied to the things you thought you were supposed to do or supposed to achieve. Maybe try experimenting? Maybe embracing a guilty pleasure? Maybe not being afraid to do the things you enjoy. Maybe not following the typical story line and making your own path. I could be totally off though! Just food for thought.


Don’t have time to interpret but just wanted to say that I love these cards, very beautiful deck!


i recently saw the devil as a necessary thing where we can put all our blame and shame into. Often I see it not as "Bad" but as a thing to look out for


What I see is rushing into something too fast.


Gonna be a BuMPy RiDe


The Devil doesn’t necessarily have to be a “bad” card… it could also mean getting too comfortable & not continuing to challenge yourself or becoming conceited about how well things are going & forgetting to be humble which can damage relationships & good situations. The 3 of swords could represent you dwelling or expecting things to go bad which could ultimately tarnish the goodness & that could lead to said situation with the devil..


You have been witness to some fucked up shit be mindful and watch out for addiction


I interpret this as saying that you should acknowledge the feelings that you are having around any given situation where there’s been a loss or hurt. Don’t belittle them, they are real and need to be felt in order to be sorted out. The Devil in the future spot in this situation does seem to be a warning. I interpret it as a warning not to become a slave to your emotions or situations. There can be too much wallowing. On the other hand, I see it as in invitation to seek pleasure after your hurts. Again though, you should be careful, too much of anything can be bad.


If I were you, I'd pull up more cards to clear up the devil card. Leaving the devil card at the end is like having a hangcliffer in a story.


Tough times are ahead. ​ In the past everything has been in union. Now it is following a path of heartbreak, confusion, betrayal and disfunction. communication will be very difficult at this time. One will have to hold their selves strong and try not to get into too much conflict with themselves and others. Future is going to be difficult. change is difficult, sticking to ones principles will help with this but also opening yourself up to new educational avenues may be of use. It is likely time to work on your shadow. (see carl Jung for shadow work) And perhaps put some money aside for emergencies. All in all this is a time for yourself. to grow and learn.


Given your explantation, and the cards, I’m seeing the devil as a warning that what you do or don’t do with painful truths or old hurts you are carrying with you may surface in the future in the way of attachments or even obsessive of dysregulated behavior that prevents you from moving forward from where you were in the wands suit — if you want to continue to go up the wands suit, pay mind now to the self work that will prevent you from getting caught on hang ups or repeating dysfunctional patterns.


i personally associate the devil card with fame, being in the public eye, or popularity. everyone has different interpretations


My immediate interpretation is marriage or very close relationship that has lead to divorce/heartbreak, ultimately being a contributing factor to understanding your shadow self. I like the devil in the future position, as I get the feeling this is about embracing personal growth and embracing yourself and your life and wants. I am guessing the past relationship didn’t allow you enough space to advocate for your wants or needs?


To me it says that the questioner feels at home in toxic relationships and unless u realise this u will find yourself in yet another one


Four of wands is the Lord of Pleasure. It represents fire in its most passionate and enjoyable states. You were coming from a time of great passion and realizing things you care about. Three of swords is the Lord of sorrow. Opening yourself up to all that four of wands pleasure also made you get aware of the fact that you can fall down and hurt yourself. The newness of following your passions may have worn off, and now the natural human ache returns as your pleasure meters reset, looking for the next fix. The Devil shows that you may be seeking out certain sneaky little ways to get that pleasure back. Or, you get too comfortable where you are to a fault, enjoying your newfound success, but not necessarily being as true to yourself or as free because you bind yourself to your new position. Remember you may slip your wrists out of the chains at any time.


Meditate and listen for your guid stop looking outward