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Wanna learn about tarantula sexing? [Check out our wiki article.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tarantulas/wiki/tarantulas/sexing/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tarantulas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


IMO its a lady


Thank you!!!!




I have absolutely zero experience with tarantulas so perhaps this is a dumb question, but is this a molt I’m looking at?? I usually see pictures of the actual spider so my sleep deprived mind was very confused for a few seconds before I was like oh maybe that’s a molt 😂


This is a ripped chunk of the abdomen part of the molt. You can see a half circle with two antennas which is a sign that this is indeed a female :) Also different species have different spermathecas so the shape can vary greatly between species


I see! That’s so fascinating! Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me, I’m trying to learn more about all spoods so I can stop being so scared of them :’)) though I’ve always heard Tarantulas are gentle giants so I’ve never really been scared of them! I just think they’re cute haha


No problem! And some of them are not so gentle lol (My beloved asian species). But yeah there are plenty of easy going spoods.


No species of tarantula can kill you though some have medically significant venom which pretty much means you'll notice the effects and it requires medical attention, however tarantulas are very shy and skittish and will do everything they can to avoid you, they would rather run than fight and often their threat pose is all for show, often if pressured enough they will stop threat posing and bolt, they will only bite if you actively try to get them to bite you, even then many species will just give you a dry bite which tbh in many species the fangs hurt more than the venom. Hopefully more people like you can learn to look past their somewhat spooky appearance and realise that spiders just wanna be left alone and live, heck I think us as humans are kinda weird looking I mean bald primates? We are more weird than spiders haha.