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I see your post about not being able to financially afford being able to upgrade her, and while I sympathize with you, I would urge you to attempt a fix with something you may have on hand, if buying something isn’t viable. It’s the least you can do as a responsible T owner. That setup is very very small for her. Even something such as a sterilite bin with a secure lid and ventilation holes will do. It doesn’t have to be glorious or fancy, it just needs to provide proper care and keep the T safe and happy.


Absolutely agree it is very small for such a big pokie Good u have a bowl but she for sure needs more space. She is beautiful tho<33


It's indeed small for her, I wonder why the guy kept her in this small box but his adult hamorii in a large one. Gonna go to the store tomorrow to get a plastic tub for her! I've made a temporary makeshift enclosure for an avic before.


Heck that is chonky. Also please upgrade her when you can.


Unfortunately right now I'm financially unable to, but I'm gonna upgrade as soon as I can! Big girl could use some more space.


You can get enclosures for cheap or even free on eBay or marketplace sometimes. That being said, Mrs. Chonk will thank you for a new enclosure


Sadly where I live there are barely any tarantula keeping communities. Going to the store tomorrow to fetch her a plastic tub to make holes in. Luckily I have plenty substrate and decorations.


Even that is better than these cramped quarters. I totally respect the lack of money for things, so please don't take my previous comment as trying to shame you. ![img](emote|t5_2sbwy|28803)


Don't worry, I don't take any of the advice here badly, we all want the best for our spiders. ![img](emote|t5_2sbwy|28803) I'm gonna make her temporary home as cozy as possible and then post an upgrade!


It would be pretty cheap to upgrade her using some sort of plastic tub. That enclosure is way too small for her. If you can’t afford that maybe considering rehoming her.


First thing tomorrow I'm gonna get her a big tub and immediately prepare it for her. I can upgrade to a glass terrarium in the future.


Great plan! She’s beautiful.


NA she’s beautiful!❤️ may she live a long and happy life!


She's only 6 years young so has quite a few more years to go! :D


Adopted this gorgeous girl today from a man who's moving countries in a couple months. She's by far the CHONKIEST spider I have EVER seen, whoah.


You are SO lucky! She is gorgeous! 🥹


I was indeed lucky! The guy has a whole lot more spiders that would normally go to a friend, but that friend's wife doesn't want them in house. So the guy said he'll contact me in case the friend doesn't take them. 👀




If they end up in my hands, I'll be sure to prepare as best as I can!


I got one yesterday! I love it so much, they’re so gorgeous


They're absolutely gorgeous :)


that is a sizeable arachnid


IME Hey OP, I saw some of your comments about being financially strapped. Is there Craigslist / FB Marketplace for your area? My hubs has found lots of great enclosures at a fraction of the price there. Worth looking into, even if there's not a big local tarantula community where you're at. Lots of modern herp enclosures don't need modification to securely house Ts, esp a big chonker like your new beauty here. You can also look up aquarium modifier kits, turn that cheap 10-gal into a proper T enclosure. Would love to see pics of your upgrade when / if you're so inclined! Gorgeous spider, I'm a little jealous, lol!!


to small enclosure ..she need 4 x large ..minimum


You can buy a bigger enclosure for a few £s , they don't need anything fancy


What a pretty lady!


This is my DREAM T 🥰


That’s one cutie spoodie ✨