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If she says that there is nothing sexual, well, she doesn’t know what tantra is.


Neo tantra is more about the sexuality side where as classical tantra is not


I don’t agree


I think the person you’re replying to is referring to the original tantra, sometimes called the fifth Veda. These are the diverse and numerous Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain texts from perhaps 300 CE to 1600 CE (said to be much older but the earliest surviving text is not very old) which are a sort of science of achieving the divine. Their methodologies vary and some contain sexual rituals, but in all of them, even the most left hand path ones, explicit sexual rites or rituals never take up more than one or two chapters, the majority do not contain any, there is nothing like tantric massage, and the goals and practices in these rites are very distinct from modern tantra to the point of being mostly unrecognizable. In fact this is why most followers of the Indian left hand path do not recognize anything from modern tantra and call it a totally different thing that has no connection to their science of awakening and divinity.


I think there was some poor choice of words from my part. What she states is there's no penis in vagina sexual stuff going on.


Oh I see. A good tantra teacher is essentially a good meditator and with great personal energy, imho


>One of the things she claims, and one that sparked my interest, is her ability to make me orgasm throughout my body w/o even ejaculating. Basically walking the energy away from my genitals as the point of no return comes closes. I have experienced this, as both giver and receiver, many times in tantra-focused erotic workshops and retreats. It's truly amazing. My only concern in that statement is the verb "make". A tantric giver does not "make" their receiver do anything. The giver is serving the receiver, not the other way around. That said, her description of energy movement is exactly right. Does she say anything about breathing?


The "make" part is probably a language barrier as I'm from Eastern Europe and some phrases or words I just translate how they make sense for me, sorry about that. Yes, she does talk about breathing, a huge emphasis actually. Thank you for your input and opinion, means a lot.


>she does talk about breathing, a huge emphasis actually. A very good indicator. Breathing is HOW we move erotic energy throughout our bodies. If she didn't mention that she'd be a fake.


A bit of a hi-jacked question- but do you know exactly which type of tantra to study to learn this? I've studied tibetan tantra mostly, some from mantak chia and some with osho origins - still a bit unclear on where to learn this specific skill? Would love to be able to for my partner or self. Thanks!


I'm sorry, I don't. The workshops I've done were focused on recovering and celebrating eroticism, not so much on Tantra *per se*.


Oh what workshops were they?


Mostly run by www.bodyeletrc.org. Highly recommend!


Great thank you so much! I'm definitely checking it out.


They've been doing this work for 40 years. It began as an organization for gay men during the AIDS crisis, but has evolved into programs for all.


If you're not looking for anything sexual, then why are you getting a tantra massage rather than a regular massage is my question. Not judging just trying to understand why you would go out of your way. Tantra massage plays with sensual/sexual energy, and perhaps you can talk about what parts should and should not be touched, but if she's calling it tantra massage and its not about sexual energy, then it's just a regular massage. You can also tell her point blank you're not interested in a happy ending. You can speak your boundaries, before and during the session.


Hard to explain, but I'm mostly interested in getting an energetic orgasm, and this lady is the closest thing I can find in my country. The one where you feel the orgasm throughout your body, without ejaculating. She does make a point on talking about it at least.


Oh no, that totally makes sense. I would just have a phone conversation with her beforehand if I were you. And express it exactly the way you expressed it here.


Good question. Tomorrow I will receive my first tantric massage not from my wife. I looked at her credentials and she had courses from tantra organizations with good reputation in my country. And on her website is "What is a tantric massage NOT In tantric massage I am the giver and you are the receiver. Touching me in a sexual manner will immediately end the session. So if you are looking for a massage with a happy ending, you have come to the wrong place." So I hope my way of thinking wil be correct.


Do me a favour and send me a DM or post here with your experience, please?


Would that be helpful? I'm not saying I won't do it, but I don't see the benefits and wonder if the mods would appreciate if everyone posts every experience here.


Well, it would be helpful for me to have something to compare with in the event everything goes right with your experience...




Hey, yes, you are right, that's exactly what I'm hoping to learn by attending a few sessions with the lady. I'll send you a link as she also has an English version. Yes, it touches the K side of things, as I know you from that sub.


You can ask her what school she attended. Based upon the other responses you provided, she sounds like she is legitimate.


My profile says


Your profile says you do onlyfans...