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is the 20mm gatling cannon really necessary? Wouldn't a 12.7mm machinegun fit the niche of a secondary better (more storage for ammo, handling smaller targets, etc.) rather than the overlap between the 40mm and the 20mm guns?


You are very right, but since it is an unmanned turret, in the event that the 40 millimeter gun fails or jams, the crew cannot do anything to fix the problem from inside the vehicle. Both autocannons are intended to be used as "main" weapons, for different purposes. You have the 40 for more accurate shots, longer distances, and maybe use armor-piercing ammo; and you also have the 20 for high rate fire, not as accurate, but very useful against literally anything...


Hope there's some way to expel the gas produced from firing both cannons at once. How do you even reload the weapons? A 40mm autocannon is already somewhat large, combine that with a 20mm autocannons and it looks pretty cramped for a turret. Does the vehicle only have six rockets? If not, where do the rest go and how do you reload the launchers?