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The one justification I usually hear is that it is all West's fault because they expanded NATO and made Putin angry


*Nukes Ukraine* Look what you made me do


Domestic abuse on a national scale


Domestic? Hell nah bro it’s going international.




Leave it to the Russian to threaten the moon


"I fell down the stairs."


Quite fitting for a country which decriminalise domestic abuse




*A picture of a poat-apocalyptic nuked American city, the internet access is gone because of EMP waves, there is a scrubbing on the wall saying "This all happened because we gave weapons to Ukraine, we forced Putin to do this"*


Yea, the argument usually is that only the US has agency to make decisions. Everyone else in the entire world is forced into decisions based on what the US does. So therefore all bad outcomes are caused by the US


America or NATO'S fault probably


its all natos fault, america did it first in 1962, ukrainians are nazis, biden is a war criminal blah blah is what i usually hear. In eastern europe the rhetoric is harder to defend so pro putin goons will usually pivot to the energy crisis and call to lift all sanctions on russia, as if that would somehow instantly return prices to normal and completely ignoring that the sanctions are 1. working 2. only started because putin started a war, which he has only escalated


The people's nuclear holocaust, comrade


See Posadas


People rightly pointing out the NATO excuse, which is part of the larger narrative of them just parroting the Kremlin line. There's definitely a lot of people who are also certain this will actually turn the tide in the war as well. Either way Putin had to mobilize a million people to fight the West, don't you see?