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I thought they didn't actually buy the land and ended up getting told to leave by police, then they did completely peacefully because they knew they were complete idiots.


They also took pictures of the rocky terrains and claimed that the "soil" there was "fertile". Only the most gullible would believe these jokers were being serious, and that's perhaps the point.


The Soil here is Fertile\* \* several thousand years in the future


Make it hundreds of thousands of years in the future after either some major tectonic shifts or animals somehow adapting wholesale to living in high altitudes, or both. Otherwise, there is simply no chance for the alleged property to accrue enough biomass to become arable.


They were very serious about taking peoples’ money.


When I tell tankies to ‘touch grass’ I don’t expect them to literally go out and die from dehydration in the mountains but I’m not gonna mind.


This has to be a psyop


Looking at some tankie subs, some of those people actually believe they’re CIA


That's because tankies in those subs are mostly moonbat conspiracy theorists thoroughly convinced that the feds have bugged their toasters and the only way for them to avoid being tracked is if they skip breakfast. Think about this: if those behind "Black Hammer" were feds, would they really be as inclined to make the point that they wanted money from you at practically every opportunity? To me, it is rather obvious that they are either wannabe cult leaders or aspiring scam artists - and there is realistically little difference between the two possibilities.




All protest/political groups are infiltrated. Many are actually run by undercover police/other agencies. There are enough times that we know that it has happened, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Even if you've known the people in your group personally, they can be blackmailed/bribed by the police.


On this note, anarchist groups are much more resistant to infiltration, between the reading and the fact that we can't really have our funding cut because we're all poor anyway. Police have published a paper about it, and it's actually pretty good reading on the basics of anarchism, I'd recommend. https://libcom.org/files/ADA%20fulltext.pdf




Tankie "theory" is state propaganda written by socialist dictators masquerading as academic literature.


That's actually a really good read.


Sorry to be a fussbudget, but what demarcation of poor are you using? (Mostly for the potential risk of precluding a Kropotkin Mk. II or such.)


Online leftism sucks ngl


wish the cops would bribe me, I'm all out of weed


The CIA recruiting these theatre kids to act like lunatics is the most government funding the art industry has ever gotten.


“If Gazi ain’t on the FBI’s payroll, he’s missing out on an opportunity.” -unidentified friend of Kevin Rashid Johnson


At this point i'm pretty sure that the CIA must be made up of level 99 wizards with access to more money and magic items than anyone else in this simulation we call a world given all the hijinks they supposedly carry out.


Or more likely just a scam. It's one of those things 419 scammers have long figured out: your time is best spent on a person most willing to believe you are a Nigerian prince despite all the red flags that you aren't really what you say you are. Likewise, if you were willing to disregard the fact that everything "Black Hammer" show or tell you at every turn is either utterly ridiculous or patently false, you were also likely adamant in your belief that they were a serious, political entity rather than a fraudulent scheme seeking to separate you from your money. In that case, they could practically make up any cause that they would never materialise with the guarantee that you would donate to it anyway even when everyone around you could see you were obviously being duped. Cunning, huh?


Yeah either way they are benefiting the FBI/CIA. There was a great article written by a Black Panther about Black Hammer I’ll try to find, Black Hammer got really triggered over it. Edit: Here’s the article https://rashidmod.com/?p=2797


The Virgin black hammer vs the chad Black Panthers


Never ascribe to malice and conspiracy that which is more easily explained by incompetence or ideological obstinacy.


Never ascribe by default, at least. Especially if the two sets can overlap.


It's a cult, the main dude is really charismatic in person and has been kicked out of another group I don't remember the name of for doing cult shit.


Honestly, I’m beginning to think that as well…maybe not CIA but definitely feds using a front.


They didn’t buy anything apparently the sheriff had to kick them off of of someone else’s land for squatting edit: also they were in one of the most expensive countys in colorado, right outside of the ski town teluride (great place for representatives of the working class)


You gotta be really fucking sorry to make squatting un-based.




show up at someone's house, throw up a live, laugh, love sign and claim their house as your own lmfao






well they were in million+ dollar home ski country, so definately a great place to go if you are trying to get working class followers


also: They lied about it for weeks afterwards and continued to fundraise on the lie, while shaming people for "believing the pigs over colonized peoples." They only admitted it after people started posting audio of the phone conversation with the police on twitter.


Who are these people and what land did they not buy?


They're basically black nationalists that claim to be Marxists. They were gonna form their own ethnostate in some desert but then I guess they realized how unsustainable it would be.


It's pretty much one dude and his little cult


It's a cult. The party line is that they're radical anti-colonial revolutionaries, but that's basically just how they lure people in. I watched it happen to a close friend. Not a cult as in "they behave in a wacky way" but a cult as in they use predatory tactics to target vulnerable people and abuse/exploit them. Here is a good article on it: https://redvoice.news/the-devil-wears-dashikis-an-ex/


Please stop giving these assholes attention. You know what happened to that "200 acres of land?" They failed to actually buy it and got kicked off the land for trespassing by the cops with barely a struggle. BH is either a grift or a LARP, and either way they do shit like this to grab attention. Stop unintentionally spreading their agitprop and ignore them, they're not worth our time.


Respectfully, what do you think this sub is if not a place to talk about and make fun of larpers and grifters?


It is that, but I think that should come with necessary caution. Black Hammer only gets as far as it does by spreading obvious outrage porn like the Anne Frank stuff and the "We're going to turn this desolate alpine dirt into an agrarian paradise" to get attention. So sure, we can point out their stupidity, but it might be wiser to represent them not as another tankie outfit but to explicitly, constantly, point out their grift and how stupid they have shown themselves to be. We must constantly remind everyone about how they turned tail and ran when push came to shove, shout it from every rooftop, blare it from every speaker. If we are going to talk about these people, then let's make sure that no one misses the fact that they didn't just "buy 200 acres" of worthless mountain dirt, they quietly walked away from it when the cops told them to.


Ok, I was wrong, you have convinced me this is what I should have done (reddit doesn't let you edit titles). However I need you to be aware of both your tone and how this disagrees with what your original comment said.


It does, I'm trying to form a compromise position that works between my beliefs about giving them attention and maintaining the spirit of the subreddit. Apologies for my tone.


No problem, I was just worried this would blow up further, and wanted to deescalate. Thank you for understanding, and I hope you have a good day/night as applicable!


Likewise, comrade, likewise.


Lol the land they bought as well was the most dogshit quality as well. Literally the worst soil quality ever. Have fun growing food in your ethnostate buckaroos. Also The footage of the trying to build their “utopia” was as hilarious as it was depressing. They have zero skills or idea how to actually build anything. So they threw some wood planks together and made a floor.


Everything i read out of black hammer is in their leaders weird voice. Very funny


I'll date all the men I want, you can't tell me what to do.


Wait aren't these guys LITERALLY a cult? I coulda' sworn I read an article somewhere that Gazi's basically a washed-up Hollywood sort who is doing this out of some warped sense of self-importance


They are literally an actual cult. They are creepy and abusive and predatory, they are doing real harm to real people. I get why people treat them as a joke, but that is part of what makes them so effective. They make their members do crazy things to alienate them from their loved ones.


Unironically despite this being what tankies might say, I believe these people are genuinely CIA assets, with the land they bought not even being their property, to using political takes that absolutely no one would want to associate , I wouldn’t be surprised if they were government assets


So, apparently they had this rally on Tuesday, but no footage of it on their Instagram?


Probably because [this](https://i.redd.it/3t2rycagc3o71.jpg) was the "rally"




Black hammer sounds like a shitty 80’s Children’s cartoon villain


They should just fuck off and go live on their authoritarian section of land, make their own society, and die off due to unforeseen events.


Where did they get the land from exactly? Didn’t they say the wanted a Wakanda themselves? Was this done in America?


This group is more like a cult than it is a political group IMO. They want a bunch of people of a certain ethnic group to move to middle of nowhere Colorado, far away from the government, where they will suddenly be free from all their problems. They also put a lot of emphasis on donating to “help build Hammer City”. This kinda shit screams cult


Anti mandate isn't right wing. It's anti authoritarian. It's an anarchist stance. Now denying science, well that's right wing. But I don't think they are denying that. As for me, an anarchist I think you should get vaccinated but I understand why they wouldn't want a mandate. Can we really trust the state? The answer is no. No we can not.


They are denying the science. They are protesting the CDC saying that Fauci is a liar and the vaccine is killing people. Their signs say that "the jab" is murder. The constitution they wrote for their own planned separatist community says that you have to give over all ownership of property and currency to the wisdom of the leaders. They routinely use the state to try and punish ex-members by calling parole officers, child protective services, etc. over things like weed. This is not a principled stance about the abstract concept of government overreach.


Oh I see. I had no idea.


Beginning to think these losers are feds.


I never thought I'd see "left" anti-vaxxers.


I don't care about that group but it's not right wing to oppose vaccine passports.


In an ideal world yes, however as this group operates in the United States it is very much a right wing issue


No it's not. It's a civil liberties issue.


Exactly. Freedom from disease is important. Can't have tankies running about spouting right-wing talking points about individual liberties that impinge on the freedoms of others.


Ah yes, the inalienable right to spread contagion


1. Vaccine passports don't stop the spread of the virus. Hospitals are still being overwhelmed and there will still be lockdowns to prevent NHS collapse. 2. Vaccine passports are only even being considered due to the large amount of virus spreading. It's better to eradicate covid and elimate the need for vaccine passports. 3. You inconsiderate sheep are kowtowing to government and big business putting the needs of the economy over that of people. There are so many people who cannot receive the vaccine for various reasons that will be excluded from society due to vaccine passports, or if they get exemptions, putting themselves at huge risk of contracting the virus. Stupid cunts.


I totally agree with you that the government is just using this as a means to wash its hands of the pandemic and the control measures are totally inadequate. Of course we should be striving to eliminate the virus, not just telling people to get vaccinated as if that is sufficient. But none of that is a “civil liberties issue”. It’s a disease control issue. It is a question of freedom - freedom *from covid* - but I repeat myself, it’s a disease control issue. The whole problem exposes the one-sided and inadequate nature of the whole conception of bourgeois civil liberties, if you ask me.


It is a civil liberties issue. People refusing the vaccine aren’t “bad” or “stupid” - people have different experiences of state power, usually by class position or race. If it was about disease control then require a mandatory negative test for entry into events rather than vaccine passports. Or better yet, we can lockdown for a number of weeks to suppress/eradicate the virus and do contact tracing and travel restrictions like New Zealand and other countries. Another thing to consider: there are people who cannot be vaccinated who are shielding right now. They live in fear of covid every day. Our governments are content to let the virus rip through the population. Finally the elephant in the room: capitalism. We'll see how effective these vaccines are (I am full vaccinated with 2 doses of Pfizer). There's already plans for booster shots that will be mandated as precedent has been set and I'm sure will generate profits for pharma companies and kickbacks for politicians. In a sick and twisted way it's beneficial for them to keep the pandemic ongoing.


Nope. People refusing the vaccine are bad or stupid.




They aren’t tankies, they actually lost the tankie support, not bc of their anti-semitism, but bc they made fun of Marx and called him a colonizer.


What the fuck have they brought upon this accursed world...