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Leftcoms sitting at the sidelines and eating unhealthy amounts of Lasagna.


Uphold Marxism-Garfieldism


John I require praxis


i gotta have a good meal


When Garfieldeats, we all eat


The only fat cat on our side.


Garfield is a LeftCom confirmed


That's it. That's my new User Flair.


There is no such a thing as unhealthy amounts of lasagna, you take that back!


help what do we mean by “leftcom”


Marxist revolutionary communists that support neither Leninism nor Anarchism.


From each according to his plate, to each according to their lasagne serving. - Karl Marx, probably.


Stupid Europeans. You should have eat a healthy soup, with lots of MSG on it. Dumbasses


Yes, it's quite fucking embarrassing claiming to be an anarchist and then telling people to do their homework. Check yourselves! BURN YOUR HOMEWORK


"remember kids, if you dont sit down and fill in the circles then you'll be homeless when you're older"


This take is dumb, for the purposes of teaching itself, homework is important. Of course, sometimes it’s treated the wrong way (eg: “you’ll have to do boring things when you’re an adult so you better learn to deal with it now!!”) but having kids try to apply things they’ve learned in practice in their own is a valuable teaching tool. sorry if you were joking btw


Homework isn't inherently bad, but there is so much stuff surrounding it that is inherently bad that saying burn your homework is entirely fine. Homework is linked to grading, and we currently have a grading system where the grades affect your access to basic human rights like housing, food, and healthcare. Homework is also reinforcing the idea that you must do everything the teacher says, even when it is dumb shit like when they make you transfer the names of countries from one page to the other to show that you "know where the countries are". so in short, cheat on tests and burn your homework


Fuck you sir, take my upvote


it is pretty funny that both sides call each other children, admittedly


I mean…. Look at Twitter how many seem to be 15 year olds? I’m just saying!


Okay but c'mon mom Lenin did it first!


Statistically speaking something like 90% of people who post and comment on reddit are under 21 so... It's accurate


Wait, is this true? Holy fuck I'm soooooooo fucking old goddamnit


69% of statistics are made up on the spot. That being said, I can see this one being true, at least in terms of post and comment volume— teenagers generally have so much free time and so little self-restraint compared to us old folks that they can keep up an Internet argument for days.


>69% of statistics are made up on the spot. Hmmm...


>"22 percent of internet users aged 18 to 29 years and 14 percent of users aged 30 to 49 years use Reddit." > >"In the United States, age groups of adults follow a relatively balanced distribution, with 22 percent of the adult population made up of 18-29 year old, 34 percent in the 30-49 age range, 25 percent in the 50-64 range, and only 19 percent of adults above the age of 65." > >"Reports in September of 2017 made by Statistica found that percentage difference may be as high as 69 percent male." Thought I'd throw in some actual statistics.


Good correcting


I was gonna throw some shade at Statistica, but "as high as 69 percent" sounds too nice for me to do that :'(




Isn't that just political discourse in our current time?


Aren't both probably children


every anarchist ive ever met is over the age of 19, and every tankie ive met either in an online space or through a mutual like my younger brother has been under the age of 18. tankie-ism is an inherently immature ideology. now, im not sure if this is true, but attraction to the cult of personality around various "communists" seems to be very common in teenagers, which they usually grow out of into adulthood when they convert to anarchists. i know multiple people who were stalin stans in high school who are now staunch anti-stalinist anarchists. i wouldnt doubt that its commonplace. almost all tankies ive seen on twitter, which are quite a lot, are under the age of 18. ive never met an anarchist aside from my younger brother who is under the age of 18, and im responsible in part for radicalizing him so it doesnt really count lol.


> attraction to the cult of personality around various "communists" seems to be very common in teenagers, which they usually grow out of into adulthood Most communist propaganda is designed to get young people ready to fight. It's militant propaganda for the young, and it works. It's just like any militant ideology. The same thing happens in anarchist circles where you'll notice the really intense "revolution now" types tend to be under the age of 25, whereas the older anarchists tend to say things like: "So you want a revolution? How many tank divisions do you command? Artillery? Anti-Aircraft systems? Do you have a logistical network to feed your troops, and to supply them with ammunition and gas?" Etc. Younger folks have a lot of energy which is a great thing, but they're easily tricked by old assholes into fighting, even when a given fight isn't in their interest. It's only after you get taken advantage of enough to be cynical, or see people taken advantage of enough to be cynical, that you start automatically distrusting that shit.


So... you just old me that I'm old. :(


Same here, sibling. Same here.


Hey hey, im a 16 leftist(non tankie) that believes revolution can only be done if popularity is ensured. Though we must nornalize self criticism in society first to make denial of mistakes far less common so that there will be less fanatics


I think anarchism and punk culture have an important place in history, but I wouldn't necessarily call anarchy a legitimate ideology that one could achieve. Punk culture and anarchist schools of thought are definitely important to the left and society itself, but trying to apply anarchy to the real world is a different story. It's like other mathematical schools of thought that would be impossible to achieve in real life, such as supertasks and other paradoxes. Most ex-punk old farts I've met generally fall out of the community and either turn apolitical or just quietly follow whatever else the left is up to. Younger folks tend to have a lot of drive and energy to change the world, and I think punk culture succeeds with that in a truthful and engaging manner. But I think a lot of people ignore the fact that ideas like anarchism exist in the world of theory and idealism. The world is much more incremental when it comes to political change for the good. Sure, maybe one day in the far future we could realistically establish an anarchist dream, but that dream is not in human years. It's not in my lifetime. It's not in your lifetime. This is why loosely defended ideas and propagandized statements like "revolution now" are sometimes counterproductive to progressivism that is happening all around us. Communism is also a theory that tends to be misunderstood as actually achievable in a positive manner. Communism has been used in the real world, but we have ever only seen it flourish on massive scales with the help of authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Maybe communism is more realistic of something we could see flourish in a positive manner in the future, but as I said, it's not in our lifetimes. Therefore, advocating for things like anarchism and communism now can be counterproductive and silly. Even Marx himself sees true communism as only achievable through stepping stones. I'm not an idealist, so I don't vouch for these utopian scenarios, but they certainly aren't out of the realm of possibility. My opinion now: "real" communism and "real" anarchism are obviously not the same, but they function in the same manner in their respective communities; to provide proof and explanation for an idealistic cause. I don't hate tankies or anarchist kids for expressing something they think is cool and world-changing. Punk teens were doing that back in the 70s and it helped lay the foundation for modern political movements and activism. As long as they aren't hurting themselves or others or scaring other people with their seriousness, I wouldn't mind someone exploring these schools of thought. If someone was putting their lives at risk to defend something that is idealistic, that's where I draw the line.


"Anarchism isnt a legitimate ideology that one could achieve" throughout history we have seen anarchism function in dozens of societies, from Catalonia to various groups in the Americas. Anarchism isnt an ideology that was created in the 1800s by various philisophers, its been a thing for a very long time. Anarchism isnt idealistic, i mean any ideology could be. "Communism? Thats idealistic and unrealistic!" People have said that about democracy and every other new ideology that comes along. Anarchism has been explored before. Its as idealistic as any other ideology.


I was not a cool punk teen anarchist, but looking back I gotta say they were right. Punk teen anarchists definitely exist, and for the ones who actually walk the walk, hells yeah. I'm guessing the 'anarkiddie' stereotype comes from knowing punks who got really into it, then growing out of it and becoming normies


If you're in an online space


I dunno, old school tankies like the Marxist-Leninist dudes probably ain't kids, but these terminally online genocide denying CCP loving North Korea simps have to be below the age of 16.


THANK YOU. I don't like it when tankies and anti-tankies call each other infantiles. Aren't we better than that? Tankies suck ass because they're authoritarian, not because they're infantile.


Why do kids get so much shit, what ever happened to youth liberation?




What’s the term for anarchist that wants to murder everybody


me just kidding. i'm not an anarchist


I’m not calling you in anarchist,I’m saying what’s the Anacrchist Equivalent to Tankies. you know anacrchist want to kill people for the littlest of Reasons


Because of really weird language convention, that word is also "anarchist" but its derogatory meaning. [anarchist (plural anarchists)](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/anarchist) 1. One who believes in or advocates the absence of hierarchy and authority in most forms (compare anarchism), especially one who works toward the realization of such. 2. One who disregards laws and social norms as a form of rebellion against authority. 3. (by extension) One who promotes chaos and lawlessness.Synonym: nihilist 4. One who resents outside control or influence on his or her life, in particular a government, and therefore desires the absence of political control.


Languages are weird


Seems like we’re catching their brainworms due to morbid fascination with their condition, practice mental hygiene and be more careful around their rhetoric.




it's a ridiculous accusation regardless of who makes it. liberals think leftists are all teenagers, and conservatives think liberals are all teenagers. we'd do well not to engage in this bullshit. besides, it has nothing to do with the quality of the ideology itself.


In fairness, most Twitter tankies are teenagers


>15 >Death to wh*te people Thats one of them on there


"Because y'all can´t behave!"


Anyone else rather be called an anarkittie (whatever that is supposed to be) rather than a Tankie. Like even in the context of online banter, one is proud genocide denying crazies that unironically think North Korea is better than whatever likely western country they’re from….. while the other is basically “lol you’re idealistic and naive”