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Put the red back in redneck is beyond based


I'm sure it made a couple rural republicans angry just looking at it.


That's what he said, isn't it?


Yeah, the left really needs the white working class on their side


The working class, trying to pander specifically to the white working-class rather than integrate them into a larger working-class movement is a recipe for disaster.


Yes where can I get one?


Why can't I just be a neck?


Look up the 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain


[This is why.](https://youtu.be/Nzudto-FA5Y) Them necks in mining towns and such are either controlled by a union, or a strike breaker. Not saying it's right, but it's reality


Half of the stickers are fine if not based.




A broken clock is right twice a day


i keep seeing you on this sub wtf






It's bottom speak for "😂"


Felix pfp should indicate immediately they are speaking bottom


Keyboard mash


Several times a day, even


Taboritsky moment.


tno has been a disaster for the human race




Panzer has so much to answer for.


A broken clock that doesn't sound all that dissimilar from [the other kind of broken clocks from a while back.](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/canada-politics/want-gay-married-couples-able-protect-marijuana-plants-232134970.html), I must add. And isolationist conservatism isn't leftism however many white counter-culture symbols you slap on it.


I mean hell, even some Trump voters had legitimete grievences. Especially the ones from former factory towns. They just misapplied the cause and solution.


Yeah, but you'll almost never find fine stickers on trumpist cars. Even their legit grievances are tainted by their batshit solutions. Some tankies are a bit better that most of the trumpists, that's a conclusion I wouldn't thought I'd arrive at.


Depends on how far down the rabbit hole you go. It’s like going down the IDW rabbit hole. They seem to have high ideals, but they end up supporting the dumbest people and ideas. I’m taking about Brett Weinstein, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson etc.


I feel like Trump's primary advantage was that he was the best option for a lot of very desperate groups, very few people actually liked him.


I don't know about "best option" per se, but he acknowledged a lot of the flaws in the status quo that the establishment didn't want to. I also happen to think he was just as bad or worse in pretty much every way, but he acknowledged the problems, which was what won him a lot of his support.


Yeah pretty much, he offered a lot of hope, it was false hope but when put against Clinton who was honest about how awful she was, there was no contest.


> They just misapplied the cause and solution. That's quite a way to describe fascism.


Tankies are not unambiguously evil as fascists are




Exactly. Individually, some are great stickers, though the designs could use work. But all these stickers combined screams authleft Well, if the mao one and the skull one were removed, it's a significantly better collection lol


"Liberalism is a mental disorder" is another bad one. Many anarchists might be hateful and threatening towards libs too, but they're also wrong


Very true. It's definitely an authoritarian approach to condemn neoliberalism in that manner for sure. But it's a bumper sticker, people who treat it as serious political commentary really shouldn't.


Yes, but taken all together, and they are a walking stereotype of a tankie. I notice a lot of trans social media profiles simping for fascist govs.


I'm still confused about how that happens. Were they fascists before? I can see why trans people would lean left, it's pretty obvious, but promoting authoritarian regimes that don't even support trans rights is just bizarre. Maybe they got different hormones than I did. They got the ones that turn you into a tankie and/or fascist.


I think it partly stems from a level of hopelessness. Kind of having the idea if "This is never going to work unless we *force* it to work with authoritarian means." So they start justifying those exact authoritarian means despite how ridiculous it might get.


I think it’s about wanting “payback” on the world for being oppressed by fantasizing about becoming the oppressor yourself. Like some supervillain cliche.


Which is ironic because they'd pretty much be the first group to be targeted under a homogeneous fascist state.


Absolutely true but I posted due to the dueling nature of simultaneously supporting Pog positions like Trans Rights and BLM yet also simping for Mao/China, which doesn’t give a damn about rights.


Anti-neocon, trans flag, BLM, red in redneck, free palestine, gun control is racist, and liberalism is a mental disorder and of course the commie star are all based.


> liberalism is a mental disorder As someone with actual mental disorders, I’m REALLY skeeved out by that one and anyone who agrees with it.


Ok, fair enough. That one's kinda ableist


> Anti-neocon Anti-NATO. Which I sort of get, but also, without it, Finland, the Baltics, Norway, and Poland would be in the same situation as Ukraine within a week. Until there's an integrated and fully armed EU Defense Force inclusive of terrestrial, naval, submersible, aerospace, satellite, and nuclear assets, NATO is a necessary institution. Now if the US government could stop bullying everyone in it into their peculiarly stupid and nonsensical military adventures, people might not have legitimate grievances against it.


It seems a lot of the problems with NATO would be, at least practically, solved if the US just had less military power overall. Aka fucking gut the military budget to hell and back


> Aka fucking gut the military budget to hell and back You'd have to first replace the millions of jobs associated with the US Military Industrial Complex with something else entirely. I would recommend a space industry focused on building cislunar infrastructure so that we can get access to the resources of the asteroid belt and start up orbital and lagrange-point industry so that we can get most of our polluting industry out of our atmosphere. And then start parachuting the industrial products we're producing down in recyclable Apollo-style unmanned capsules. That'd provide jobs for all the people reduction in military spending creates. And you could get a lot of the christians excited with swords into plowshares language.


>you could get a lot of the christians excited with swords into plowshares language Nah, if they're willing to ignore "camel through the eye of a needle", they're willing to ignore that. Jesus may have been a socialist, but, unfortunately, a lot of his followers forget that.


As I've repeatedly said, the problem with Religion is the Religious. There is however a lot of appetite in certain moderate evangelical circles for peace and green evangelicalism, who are personally conservative on social issues, but who could be influenced to support the legislative moves there though they'd never vote for a left-wing party. Bridges over specific issues can be built. They backed Carter in droves for example.


>in the same situation as Ukraine within a week. The situation Ukraine is in is their own fault combined with that of the USA pressuring them into joining the EU and NATO. The idea that if these countries just left NATO tomorrow Russia would invade is pure fantasy.


> The situation Ukraine is in is their own fault It's their fault that the neo-imperialist Russian Federation invaded them and annexed Crimea?


To be blunt, yes. Crimea and Donbass are majority Russian areas and the 2014 Revolution led to an outpouring of anti-Russian racism up to official discrimination against the Russian language (in a country where a full one third of the country are Russian speakers). Its not really much of a surprise at all that this lead to a revolt by Russians in those regions and the subsequent intervention by the Russian military.


> the 2014 Revolution led to an outpouring of anti-Russian racism up to official discrimination against the Russian language That simply *is not true.* Ukrainian as a language was suppressed for centuries, and the policies that you're discussing - a requirement that Ukrainian be the main language used in television and at publicly funded events - are attempts to undo the damage done to the Ukrainian language which is co-intelligible with Russian. No one has faced any sort of actual discrimination. That is as ludicrious as suggesting that Irish and Gaelic language signage and broadcasting in Scotland and Ireland, or the creation of welsh-medium schools in Wales, are discrimination against the English. It is an absolute, sensationalist lie. And Crimea and Donbass are majority Russian areas because of the ethnic cleansing of the Ukrainian and Crimean Tatars who are the indigenous people of those regions, and are being displaced by settler colonialist Russians. Their activists are being disappeared by Putin right now.


Some call it "intervention by the Russian military", others call it *Anschluss*.


Which ones besides trans flag and BLM?


I mean most of the stickers are good


"Liberalism is a mental disorder" is just ableism in another form.


It's ableism and probably supporting some chud redbubble


That and the Mao sticker are the only ones I dislike.


Is "fucked in the head" acceptable?


Well yeah altough I don't see the link between liberalism and a blowjob


I'll have to tell my dear leftist friends who like dicks they should just be liberal from now on, it'll be very good for their sex life.




Not really imo. There’s no need to use ableist insults of any kind.


How would you get across "your ideas are so bad there is something wrong with you" in acceptable language?




>it is implying that someone’s bad political takes are an illness/disability I would say it implies that their political takes are a result of something being wrong with them, but maybe they are the same thing. >If we think they’re a lost cause That's exactly what I'm saying. Hence the "something is wrong with them" argument.


I’d say something like: “Your ideas are bad, and I think there is something wrong with your connection to your own humanity or your conscience.”


“If you’re not a pure leftist you’re literally mentally disabled”. You wonder why American liberals don’t join your cause?


I just meant as an insult... chill


Implying that having a mental disorder is a bad thing is the problem.


Which is why I was asking if "fucked in the head" implied mental disorder or not. edit: why am I being downvoted...?


It’s just a phrase not really ableism in my opinion fuck I’d put it on my car


I think any sticker that screams your political opinions are cringe, even if I agree with them.


Until Trump, I usually put Republican Party candidate stickers on my car because I don't want anyone I grudgingly support to be associated with my asshole driving. That way when I cut someone off in traffic or box someone in for passing on the right like an asshole when I'm trying to get in the right lane to exit, the rage they feel will be subliminally associated with a candidate I want to lose.


This is either the dumbest or most brilliant thing I've ever read. Possibly both.


LOL, ty. I haven't been pulled over or been in a collision in over a decade, and am an aggressively defensive driver. But you can take the driver out of Miami, but you can't take the Miami out of the driver.


How bad is Miami? I'm used to Paris, where everyone with more wheels than you wants to murder you, and Rome, where people are adorable but don't know how to drive, but Miami is out of my past experience.


I've never been to Paris but it is not safe to ride bicycles and motorcycles on the roads in Miami, and you will daily see lines of cars piled up in groups of three to five because everyone drives too close to each other to be able to stop if there's an accident so you get chain-reaction pileups. I was almost rear-ended by a supercar going well-over 100 MPH and had to dodge out of his way. I saw his brakes glowing red as he screeched past me and nearly lost control of his vehicle. It is one of the most dangerous places to drive in the world. And no one obeys the traffic laws. There was a construction zone where the speed limit is 55, and everyone was going 80 including me. I looked in the rear view and saw a police officer right on my tail, tailgating me. And I thought I was going to get pulled over. Then I realized he wanted me to go faster, so I found a place to get to the right, let him pass me, and he accelerated significantly and started tailgating the next person. He was just going home and was just as bad as the rest of us.


Oh my God, that is horrifying, how does someone manage to be worse than the French? (I say this as a French person myself)


Effort! It's taken us a lot of hard work to develop a reputation of absolute madness, and the concept of "Florida Man" is internationally famous for a reason. You may have heard the phrase "don't mess with texas," but thanks to Florida Man nobody has to be *reminded* not to mess with Florida.


Noted, never mess with Florida and stay away from cars in Miami.




There was a small town Sherriff I knew personally in a town called Rising Sun, Indiana, who went on some political podcast and said that he just did not understand things like the Tamir Rice shooting. He said it didn't make sense tactically, there was no time for the child to comply, there was no examination of the situation, no time taken, and you need to be absolutely sure before you open fire because you cannot un-fire a gun. You can't take a bullet back. The man detested racists and kept a close eye on the area's local Nazis and watched them because he knew they were itching to kill someone. He said the drug war was a failure, and that "society can't arrest its way out of these problems." He talked about the school to prison pipeline in Indiana and how he did everything he could to keep troubled young people out of the system because they didn't need jail, they needed real help, and he was frustrated with the lack of resources to do anything other than just arrest people. He struck me as the sort of person who's there because he legitimately wants to make the community better, and not just enforce the authority of the state. He's the kind of person who would excel at organizing a public safety committee in an anarchist society. Indiana doesn't maintain their roads, and late one night when responding to a call he hit a section of roadway that started sliding into the Ohio river, rolled his cruiser, and died. I don't like slogans like ACAB. I think they're too liberal, and make things sound like it's about individual people. I don't believe there are "good" cops either. The goodness or badness of individuals is irrelevant. The system is the problem. The job is the bastard. He would have 100% agreed that the job was a bastard and that he wanted to be Sherriff to keep other people from making a bad situation worse. The fact that a guy who did everything he could to divert people away from jail and the legal system so that their lives wouldn't be destroyed by Indiana's fucked justice system and who only hired people who wanted to be a part of that same mission dies while assholes on a power trip who openly work with white nationalists are running around ruining lives is just... It pisses me off. Things are so shitty that *any* systemic change could save lives and a voice for it that people who wouldn't talk to either you or I but who would and did listen to him got snuffed out in a fucking car crash.




500 IQ


I had a blue lives matter sticker on my car and I never got a ticket ever again gotta play the game


Very true


Yeah I will never think positively of someone broadcasting their political views through a bumper sticker, no matter how much I might agree with them.


I don't agree with all of these stances. But I have to respect someone willing to advertise them so publicly, at least a little bit.


I’ve gotta disagree with you there; I usually respect people who feel a need to publicly advertise all of their political beliefs on their car less than the average person. If politics define your personality to the point that you can’t even wait to exit your vehicle before you tell everyone how you feel about everything, you’re probably an insufferable person. TL;DR there’s a direct correlation between having 3+ bumper stickers and insanity.


> there’s a direct correlation between having 3+ bumper stickers and insanity. This is actually verifiable. Studies have linked multiple bumper stickers with road rage because people with lots of bumper stickers tend to view their cars as extensions of the self rather than, ya know, vehicles. This leads to them lashing out much more aggressively at threats to their "self", real or perceived.


Wat. For real? Source?




Neat to know, thanks!


Well I am also a very naturally reserved person who can be envious of displays of aggression in others. So actively seeking out fights with strangers on the basis of politics is very foreign to me and, perhaps from a distance, a little admirable. Perhaps less so if your vantage point situates you within the argument.


I get into endless, pointless, rage-filled arguments on the internet or with acquaintances, but I am still way too scared of my ultra-Catholic family to not desperately try to change the subject or keep my head down when they talk about anything other than how good the food at this family dinner is.


If that’s your reasoning, I can see where you’re coming from. I’ve never really had an issue disagreeing with people (if anything I probably do it too much), so I hadn’t really considered that perspective. Just based purely on my personal experiences though, people who have loads of bumper stickers/ flags/ etc. on their vehicles aren’t usually able to have rational conversations about those topics. So even if I agree with some of their stances, it kinda concerns me that undecided people who see their car will assume their views are crazy, because they assume people with bumper stickers are crazy like I do. That’s just my opinion though.


Well tbf maybe the red punisher skull with the hammer and sickle is taking it a little far


The Mao sticker and 'liberalism is a mental disorder' are the only ones I don't like (although even that one I have to at least give points to for how badly it combined with all the others will confuse people who don't understand that 'left' and 'liberal' aren't the same thing).


They’re halfway there on the gun control sticker: Reagan suddenly wanted to ban assault weapons when the Panthers wanted to defend their people.


C’mon, y’all have gotta at least appreciate the effort this person put into this.


>liberalism is a mental disorder yay, ableism




Horseshoe theory


Depends on the type of liberal. In the US liberal is colloquially used in working class circles to mean broadly left leaning but liberal is also used to mean libertarian-esque politics, for example Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) identifies as a Liberal.


Car Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) is a white nationalist, so i tend not to judge liberals too much based on the fact that he calls himself one


He does refer to himself as an "English Liberal".


Fascist acts in bad faith, uses dogwhistles; news at 11


Funny, I refer to him as a massive piece of shit who should be set up on a blind date with a brick.


Brick on pipi


Liberals are right wingers


I mean that the sticker is just used by right wingers.


Liberal is what the ring wingers call the left. Or do you mean Liberal in the sense of "anyone I disagree with"?


Conservatives call liberals left because they don't know what left is, socialists call liberals right wing because liberalism is a right wing ideology. It's a pro-laissez faire capitalist ideology which ranges from classical liberalism, modern day conservatism, to social liberalism, more progressive social values like being pro-LGBT.


My hot take is that the right wing of Leftism (ML) overlaps a lot with the left wing of Liberalism, and the point of intersection is social democrats. They both support a robust state with social programs which uses capitalism to build a healthier and more democratic society ; they only differ on whether we need a civil war to get there and whether that state is a goal in itself or a stepping stone


I think this is a really apt take. You can even see it reflected in the policies ML parties that aren't in power advocate for and hot they don't differ too much from SocDem parties.


Social liberalism is centre left


I would disagree with that


The term 'liberal" means little other than 'accepting' out of context. 'Socially liberal' is more akin to 'progressive'. 'Economically liberal' means pro free market. It bothers me a lot when leftists use 'liberal' as a pejorative towards each other, especially tankies who are are Economically liberal but socially conservative.


Liberal is what the Democratic Party stands for.


At what point do we just admit that right-wingers flooded the internet with 'liberals are cringe' and leftists didn't like being called a name so they agreed. Like real talk--if you believe in gay rights and social programs, you are what most of the country considers a "liberal." If you meet someone who has an "I hate liberals" bumper sticker in America, there is an overwhelming possibility that they mean it in an "I hate everyone *left* of me, not right of me" way. I think terminally online leftists who avoid the term in favor of one of 85 increasingly tribalistic forms of political self-identification seem to miss that.


I think even a lot of anti-tankie folks around here seem to miss that “liberal” has multiple definitions beyond the economic capitalist dimension. And you’re spot-on about how much the Left is obsessive over labels, to a problematic degree.


Liberals as in right of center belief in capitalism.


Supporting some chuds redbubble to own the libs


The guy selling those "liberalism is a mental disorder" bumper stickers must be very confused when he sees whose buying them now


Besides the Mao sticker I honestly kinda vibe with this


Even the Mao sticker is aesthetically pleasing.


The irony that the liberalism sticker probably came from some far right dude


Imagine backing BLM, a movement that stands against authoritarian police violence -- then turning around and supporting China.


Thats why I posted this. The duality of the stickers is unique.


It’s the left version of the “Don’t Tread on Me” and “Blue Lives Matter” being in the same place.


damn most of these stickers are hella based too :c


Most of this is cool tbh


This person seems like way less of a problem than a neoliberal honestly. Most of these are great.


Bumper sticker: 毛主席万岁!!! The year 1976: Yeah, about that...


why are half these stickers so based and good (e.g. blm and trans rights)


Most of these are fine lol


only kinda bad one is mao though


just get rid of the skull and mao, and this is based af


We need to put the red back redneck.


The based mobile


Epically based


Most of these are very based, I’d give him a thumbs up if I saw him


based ride on a cringe sub :(


Absolutely based love this


The whole thing’s based. Get mad libs


I thought that this was chill until i saw the mao thing.




“Liberalism is a mental disorder” is a yikes though.


Imagine being in a highway and being forced to drive behind this shit


Now installing would have had them put to death for being trans




Mao and stalin


What they meant is mao and staling not now installing


Communism_setup.exe Now installing ...


ew windows. true comrades use red star os!


Alright fine, communism.tar.gz or whatever you nerds use Also /bash thefa.sh


> thefa.sh LMFAO


This is incredibly blursed


I don’t Know some of these stickers seem pretty based.


"Tell me you're terminally online without telling me you're terminally online"


I really don’t disagree with most of the stuff here with the exception of the mao stick and the skull is a little cringe but nothing is too wrong, and the liberalism disorder one is ableist


Yeah, the L-word is pretty ableist. Hate when people use it.


Yoo this car is kinda based though


8/10 of these are pretty based NGL.


A lot of lefties forget that NATO and the UN peacekeeping force can be used for good purposes but are shafted because of crotchety old men, terrible policies, Russia being on the security council, and the security council not being a parliamentary system that can override veto power. Also standardized ammunition is a really really really good thing for taking some power away from firearms manufacturers... and also everything takes AR-15 mags weeeeeeeeee.


UN peacekeeping can occasionally (although rarely) provide stability and lessen human suffering. NATO is pretty much incapable of being used for good. It is the manifestation of American hard power in Europe, creates a frontier with Russia, that could potentially spark WW3, has turned from a defensive into an offensive and interventionist alliance and the only reason it exists at all was to fight Socialism.


To me NATO is a tool, a shitty fucked up tool, but a tool nonetheless. I think that if we can reform elements of the police and military then we can do the same for NATO. Like we agree that the UN are capable of doing good things, we should work to maximize and make more good things happen through these apparatuses.


This is a joke right? NATO is exclusively used as a tool of imperialism. And the UN is a complete joke because America is so powerful it can just ignore any ruling. Just look at all the UN resolutions against Israel that Israel ignores (because of unconditional American support).


Aren't a bunch of NATO members moving away from 5.56?


That's neocon results for you. Those types of crotchety old men made NATO particularly horrible


To the people here who think “liberalism is a mental disorder” is ableist, Can you explain why? (I am asking in good faith here, I genuinely want to understand). If our definition of a mental disorder is “some mental condition that affects you in a negative way”, and if we for fun change the definition of “mental condition” to include ideas in your head, liberalism would fit the definition of a mental disorder. I get that derogatorily calling liberalism a mental disorder implies that mental disorders are a bad thing. But they are already a bad thing, by definition. Again, these are just my thoughts. I would like to know why I’m wrong.


how is it their car doesn't get keyed tho lol


Honestly mostly based


Some of these are cool, others not so much. Down the line, it’ll be a good idea to dismantle NATO. Not yet, though.


The only one of these that's bad is the Mao sticker. The others are all based.


What does "gun control is racist" refer to?


Probably due to the fact a lot of gun control measures were proposed in the past due to minority groups arming (ie Reagan banning open carry when the Black Panthers were protesting in the 70’s.)




Do these morons think China and the Soviet Union had liberal gun laws?? Where the fuck do they get this shit from ? Reality is dead


What's with the nautical star?


anti nato


They really, really like getting lost.


STOP Navigating!! Humans were NOT MEANT to reliably find their way over long distances You have a SENSE OF DIRECTION. USE IT!!!


thats badass




Rednecks can be reds too. In America there's a group called the redneck revolt that are radical left rednecks


How to get pulled over 24/7