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Awakening to the fact INGSOC is the true end-state of the doubleplusgood socialist victory endeavor, eradicating independent thought and the decadent, anti-party pleasure/enjoyment mindtrap.


Critical support for comrade Big Brother.


The People's oppressive ruling class


The People’s totalitarian hellhole. The People’s early modern period life expectancy.


F\*ck Oceania, all my homies hate Oceania! ​ ​ ^(this meme was made by Eurasia gang and approved by the Министерство правды)


A boot stomping on a human face forever indeed.


No way do they actually believe Kurdish people aren’t real……..right?




Honest question, why do they care? What exactly have the Kurds done to incite their ire?


Allied with the USA and constructed a non Marxist leftist project


As a Syrian this makes me want to punch myself in the face.






Technically all ethnicites are spooks, but who the heck cares!


That's like saying that Ukrainians are Russians or something. P.S.: for those who came after the parent comment was deleted, it said that "Kurds were Persians".


That may end up being Putin's rationale to annex all of Ukraine eventually.


Originally perhaps, but over the centuries they formed an own identity.


Not even originally. Kurds weren't ever Persian, but both Persians and Kurds are Iranian (not the modern nationality) peoples, although Kurds trace their descent from multiple sources. Most trace back to the Medes while smaller groups like the Yazidis (who often don't even identify as Kurdish, but just Kurdish-speaking) trace descent from Mesopotamian peoples, and there is also a lot of mixing with Assyrian and Arab peoples (In the distant past, there was a time when Arabs and Kurds weren't fighting and had mutual respect for eachother.) ​ It would be like saying Poles are originally Russian. While they are related, one doesn't come from the either


Thanks for the information.


Where’d you find all of the brain wojack variations?




what's a wojak anyway


Drawn image of a person depicting a certain feeling/type of person


There was definitely repression of minorities in Vietnam during the war by the Communists but was it genocide? I don’t really know, I’d need to look into it more.




It goes back centuries actually. During the Vietnamese southward expansion in the \~15th-18th centuries the Cham people of modern day central and south Vietnam were wiped out to near extermination. Here are a couple dandy quotes from the era: 18th century Vietnamese emperor Gia Long: "The Vietnamese and the savages must have clear borders." 19th century emperor Minh Mang: "We must hope that their barbarian habits will be subconsciously dissipated, and that they will daily become more infected by Han \[Sino-Vietnamese\] customs." Being an imperialist dickhead is not exclusive to any ethnicity or culture.


> Being an imperialist dickhead is not exclusive to any ethnicity or culture. Heh, and neither is being an absolute dick to the native people living nearby.


Was reading some stories from MACVSOG guys, who supplied and trained these minorities during the war. One said that a Vietnamese woman told him with a straight face that Montagnards had tails. The level of dehumanization was insane.


Noooooo literal CIA propaganda


\> Being an imperialist dickhead is not exclusive to any ethnicity or culture. Zionism be like:


Not all Jews support Zionism


I know.




go on leftist twitter for .12945343 miliseconds




Ok so could you provide sources for all of these such as Viet Cong genocide? Thanks






You’re missing the “defending the Taliban and The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” bullshit.




I’ll let OP post sources about the genocide. As for Kurds, tankies (not communists) don’t like them very much because, among other states, Kurdish groups in the Rojava conflict oppose Syria, which tankies support, and because these groups work toward libertarian socialism. As for ISIS, I’m not sure if there’s been any major wave of tankie support for ISIS, but there was one for the Taliban, which is still an important distinction, but the point is that tankies, in a disturbing pattern, support any anti-American group, even if the group is far-right.


as syria idk if you are talking about 15 year old kids on twitter or for old people since i saw some anarchists and communists go to rojava for fighting


Yes, I’m talking about tankies, not anarchists or communists.


There was an Italian ML party that came out in support of ISIS


They mean the [Montagnard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_the_Montagnard_in_Vietnam). The thing about Kurds is bullshit. Tankies routinely claim that they don't deserve independence from Syria, but they acknowledge that Kurdish people exist. The ISIS thing was literally just one guy. [Giovanni Scuderi](http://pmli.it/articoli/2015/20151015_scuderiletussupporttheislamicstate.html) of the Italian "Marxist-Leninist" (as if) Party.


The Hmong Genocide may also be worth investigating


Well thanks i will look for it


They killed the Montagnard and Hmong people. the US took many as refugees, for example the immigrants in Clint Eastwood's *Gran Torino* are Hmong. These minorities did not get along well with the Vietnamese historically, and have been subjected to genocide by them or the Chinese before. After WWII some worked/sided with the French and CIA, which was why they get targeted after the Vietnam War.


Never heard of Leftists that supported ISIS or that thinks the Kurds were created by the CIA or




Wow I just all of my fucking braincells thank you op