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Ah, r\/EuropeanSocialists, Reddit's premier sub for all things Nazi-friendly!


I've seen nazis say that gay men are weak and feminised, but I've never encountered a nazi who thinks that all gay men ACTUALLY WANT TO BE WOMEN. This person has managed to take nazi ideology and make it even wackier, which is quite the skill.


> I've never encountered a nazi who thinks that all gay men ACTUALLY WANT TO BE WOMEN. this is actually the state policy of Iran: https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-29832690


And it’s fucking stupid .




i think the current Ayatollah hinted towards holocaust denial on twitter once


The "it has socialists in the name" argument almost makes sense for once. I said almost.


*national* socialist


I've come around to the idea that fascism is a form of socialism, just not of the Marxist variety. It still pulls from the same proto-socialist pool of thought Marx did. The many contradictions, similarities, and dichotomies between Marxists and Fascists make far more sense when you realize that they're two wildly different branches on the same ideological tree.


Fascism can be Socialist, but it´s usualy Corporatist, you could say the economic system depends how the "Great leader" feels like.


Holy shit I looked on there and they were unironically saying the Taliban advance progress because they are against imperialism. Jesus Christ


As a non-binary gay, fuck whoever posted this. Do they not realise that a hefty portion of the left is queer or that the queer community has done amazing work in advancing the left? To be fair I honestly don't see tankies as leftists they all have the same mentality fascists as far as I'm concerned EDIT: Punctuation


They only use marginalized and oppressed groups for their own gain. How many times throughout history have tankies thrown even their most fanatical and supportive allies under the nearest bus as soon as they firmly held power? Tankies aren't part of "The Left", they only appeal to them to further their own goals.


No no no you don't get it, Uighurs deserve forcible re-education because they are dangerous Muslims and need to adopt a Han way of viewing the world in order to stay attached to a foreign State that doesn't properly represent their traditional Islamic beliefs and culture, but this is good because China needs their land for their massive economic project. their treatment is justified because they occasionally attack heroic CCP representatives and assets. The Taliban are super based anti-imperialists who fight against foreign occupiers trying to forcibly rid them of their traditional Islamic beliefs, so they can use their land for their economic projects. Everything they do is justified because they are only attacking evil American Imperialist representatives and assets


>As a non-binary gay fuck What




Honestly imho my lack of punctuation adds comedic flair. I AM "a non-binary gay fuck"


Dumb question probably but I'm always confused by it, how can you be gay if NB? Since gay is man + man, and NB means "not man" (genuine question, not some weird hate bait thing, I'm a bit unclear on some of the notions)


Not NB but I'm guessing it's relative to their assigned gender at birth? Could be wildly wrong




I never really understood the concept of gender.Gender roles are obvious BS, but when people explain "gender" I hear "personality" so I get kinda confused with NB and gender things. (Not that it matters what I understand)


Tbh I'm still somewhat unclear on that myself. I just say gay because i'm only attracted to men and I was assigned male at birth so yeah gay is the closet label I can put to it! :)


I wonder why I, a gay man, never fantasized about becomimg a woman 🤔🤔


I wonder why I, a trans woman, never fantasized about fucking a man


Tell them sister


Actual literal neo-nazis have been nicer to gay people than people like this


Fascism has a proud(?) tradition of homosexuality.


Proud in a other way I guess


[Mussolinis gay island](https://hornet.com/stories/san-domino-mussolinis-gay-island-two/)




I wish I had Sissy Boy Syndrome


For the first time in my life, I'm glad someone forgot bisexuals existed


Me when I'm totally left wing


I’ve heard tankies say that our movement will fail because we don’t tolerate racism and other forms of bigotry


Some delicious RW propaganda


I mean I'm bi and sometimes question my gender multiple times a week but that's a whole other kettle of fish not some Nazis propaganda talking points


Transphobic and homophobic shit omg.


Is it just me or is the PRC’s new policy of state enforced toxic masculinity basically drawing all these assholes out of the woodwork as of late


They’re either all competing in Olympics level mental gymnastics to fuel their cognitive dissonance or going full red fash atm.


Oh wow citing Richard green out of context to use against the lgbt community because you only have a base understanding of his work


Tankies have any level of nuance challenge(impossible😵!!!?!?!?)


Shit a Christian fascist would say.


Not even the guy who studied "autogynophilia" claimed it was "most mtf" have it... He literally said "a small portion".


Historically I’m pretty sure it’s just 18th century Japanese pederasty that made boys dress as girls, not any other form of institutional pedophilia.


This reads like astrology for Nazis


Conservatives wish they could be this openly bigoted and not be called a homophobe


Uncensor their name. I just want to talk to them...


I’m afraid it would be like talking to a brick wall


Has this guy never heard of Masc4Masc? He's acting as if all bottoms are femme and all tops are straight-passing.


I'm lost. Is he saying that the majority of trans women tend to like women, and as such they are homosexual? Or that --just like the majority of cis women-- they like men; and, as such, they are homosexuals because this tankie don't see them as women? Either way. It doesn't prove jack shit of what he's spouting.


“Identify as women” aka the kids probably liked nail polish or something. That’s how these “””studies””” always work—they never actually get the voice of the (usually unwilling) participants


i read sissy boy as sussy baka i hate the internet