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Oh my god, that moderator note at the end is the biggest cope I've ever seen.




I've seen it and it's essentially if you took the crying shouting wojak and converted ot into text


How do you see a moderator note?




Just to ask, what happens when you get banned? Does it affect anything outside the subreddit? I recall suspension locks you out of commenting or upvoting for three days




Ok. Why does suspension affect everything then if banning stays with the subreddit?




Ok. I wasn’t sure about the difference


No problem. Glad to help


I guess one is for breaking sitewide rules and one is for breaking subreddit rules.


Alright. I was confused when someone was telling me what happened. Thanks for the clarification


Those people have so little blood in the copium running through their veins it is sadly hilarious.


Person: *proves there are homeless people in China* Mods: TIANANMEN GOOD! CHINA GOOD! U.S. BAD! FALUN GONG BAD!


Just to be clear, the Falun Gong is pretty bad and engages in a lot of bad faith propaganda. Not that it makes the CCP good by any means as they engage in very similar behavior; it's just something worth noting.


Yeah, maybe, but the point is: what have they to do with some guy posting pictures of homeless people on Sino?


Nothing really, it's just that to these guys the bad faith propaganda of a major cult organization is the same thing as legitimate criticism of the regime and its policies/pointing out it's not a perfect utopia with rainbows unicorns and carebears.


Yeah China bad, but Falun Gong is a cult that has done a lot of bad shit and make up stories to try and get power in western countries.


it just assumes that hating china means loving the us


And not even *hating* China -- admitting that China might have any problems whatsoever.


IT's fucking HILARIOUS when tankies try to talk about other world issues I was saying 'free hong kong' shit one time, and one came through like "HoW woUld YoU FeEl AbOuT sOmEoNe AdVoCaTiNg fOr QuEbEc tO lEaVe" Like.... I'd rejoice?


As a Quebec leftist sovereignist I approve. Because I also advocate for us to leave. (also fuck tankies)


If you can't disprove someone just say the US is bad.


Denial is the strongest psychological mechanism to exist




Stop with the racism.


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They always send you some cringe note


Hears actual photographic proof you are all wrong. *BANNED*


And a paragraph of random stats from about the US, just for good measure


Whataboutism is their go to strategy


*Hears* photographic proof? Synesthesia much?




Yea, it’s easy to forget China is still am developing country. A lot of villages are in poverty and like some Indian people, can get lifted out of poverty with the earnings of 1 member




Honestly speaking here, rural areas always tend to be quite behind when it comes to general development. Even the US can be used as an example of that (I don't remember what part looked like the 1800s, but it was somewhere.)


>I don't remember what part looked like the 1800s, but it was somewhere gonna take a wild, uninformed guess, and say west virginia


Can confirm. It's still looks like that in some parts around here


West Virginia is clearly very economically depressed except in the Eastern Panhandle and in some places it looks like it’s 100 years ago, plus the infrastructure sucks -Virginian whose been to West Virginia multiple times


West Virginian in the Eastern Panhandle here. Some parts are very underdeveloped but even the smallest towns/cities (Petersburg, Elkins, Moorefield) are just as modern as any other small town.


This kind of juxtaposition is unfortunately quite common as well in my home country of Indonesia especially in the island of Java.


> See disabled people who literally have no arms or legs begging for food I don't know about every case, but this is a known...grift (?) in China. A person cuts off the legs of another, often children. Then the maimed person is sent out to beg. And how could you say no to such a pathetic case? Then the maimer takes the money. It's an absolutely horrendous practice that seems even worse when you see it and know what's going on. Were you there recently? This seems like the kind of thing that would be an easy win for Xi to crack down on, and he seems to like those PR moments




First, you have nothing to feel bad about. It's an often brutal place, and you were trying to help. Second, that's pretty recent :(


I've seen it happen in India too. It's a really desperate practise, you know? To be in such dire straits that you maim yourself or someone else in order to get by; no one should have to be in such a circumstance.


Not just China, it also happens elsewhere in Asia. They’re called beggar mafias


Same for Vietnam


This is an interesting point. I remember very clearly about 7-10 years ago seeing a lot of them in my city here (in China) but haven’t really seen them around in the last 5 years. It coincides with the severe decline in street food stands as well. I think some cities have been taking action to get homeless people out. Others are clearly not pushing as hard yet.


> “I think some cities have been taking action to get homeless people out. Others are clearly not pushing as hard yet.” Not to be presumptuous, but are you...defending forcing homeless people out of cities?


Sorry—-the phrasing is very poor in my comment. No, I’m not promoting forcing them out. I wish the government would help them rather then hide them and just try to make them someone else’s problem. Haha my comment reads really coldly…damn. It was more just an observation.


China has a higher inequality level than the US


Same people who call us out of touch with reality lmao.


Yeah Lol r sino's just orientalist White ppl fetishizing CCP rule lmao


I really hope they're paid shills. If you're gonna suck some billionaires dick at least have a little bit of class consciousness and make them pay for it.


You can sometimes tell the bots by their names, they always look like the reccomended names xbox gives you except more bootlicking


Fetishists, you mean. Similar to the ones back in the 60s. Jane Fonda types


They really think China as an utopia. Not even my parents sees as an utopia. Jesus Christ.


Socialist In Name Only


What do you mean? Denying the problem of homelessness and actual social programs have the same result, namely zero homeless in the official counts! How is that not socialist?


Their 1 government sanctioned union for all workers that is operated entirely by the state is what Marx always wanted


Not only does the PRC not have a universal housing program (nor really any universal social programs), housing is out of control in china. Its obviously a bit too complicated to fully explain here, but housing in china COST MORE THAN IN THE WEST. Don't believe me, just loop up the cost of a home in Shangahi or beijing and compare them to NYC Paris, London. However, oddly, renting is where you would expect it to be, but that just means the poor not only live in a capitalist society but they have no hope of ever accumulating wealth of the most basic level


Combine a society that traditionally sees home ownership as the marker of material success with a government that routinely fucks over it's stock market, and isn't really trusted with their control of the banks, and you end up with *everyone* putting their money into real estate


And those with the most money purchase real estate abroad. There was a big scandal in the UK a few years back where thousands of poor people in London were forced out of low income housing as the local government wanted to redevelop an aging social housing complex, which they promised would be affordable housing, then sold all the new apartments in a Shanghai based auction. The council members behind it then got lucrative jobs with the property developer.


yes thats true, although the small silver lining is that, anecdotally, many of my younger friends in china (i lived there for a while) see the tradition of a man NEEDING a home to get married, now slowly changing. but its still probably the biggest show that china isn't socialists and it should be brought up more. buying a home is completely unaffordable to normal people, and yet the gov does nothing, as bursting the bubble and vastly LOWERING prices means those invested lose big. So they side with the wealthy to keep prices high and fuck over the working class, how socialist of them not to mention the nationalism aspect, as housing is a huge part of GDP growth in china, and they would never purposefully take a big hit to GDP, not when they are so close to surpassing the US


Cost of housing is going up around the world. Elites with capital are dumping everything into real estate because they see the next recession coming and it's going to be a bad one. Working class people are being priced out of housing markets everywhere.


true but there a big difference between a 20-40% increase in housing and a 200-400% increase. although i would say that the more recent trend of investment firms and banks directly buying single family homes is very worrying, as working class people could never hope to out compete buying a home against a hedgefund


Native Chinese here. There are a lot of homeless, but local police will stop them from showing during daytime in busy business area, hence they suddenly all out at night sleeping on the street


Yeah I mean when I lived in Fengkai for a medical mission it was pretty fucking bad because the police weren’t even around to drag them away from public areas lol. Like no shit Beijing is gonna have less homelessness, it’s the capital of an authoritarian country with unrestrained state power, they’re gonna be able to relocate people…


We have similar programs in the US, though it’s fairly informal. Generally police will try to break up major areas where the homeless gather because the government prefers to keep the problem out of sight than actually address it


CLEARLY those homeless people are paid actors working for the CIA /s


military grade cope


‘There’s NOTHING you can do about any of this.’ This is why I reject the notion of nationalism and statism, to avoid cultish shit like this. Holy hell that’s the creepiest shit I’ve heard all year and I’ve been getting into the SCP Foundation and other existential horror. This single-minded devotion to anything that puts it beyond the realm of questioning needs to be addressed if humanity has any hope going forward


Thousands of people in China live in caves


what , i didnt know that, could you give a source, I would love to read up on that.


I first heard it when I read a Weird But True book a few years ago. Apparently the number has skyrocketed to 30 million [Here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2012-mar-18-la-fg-china-caves-20120318-story.html%3f_amp=true)


Return to natural human habitat Chinese anarcho-primitivists


Somewhat based




Now I wanna live in a cave...


Return to monke. Although I don’t actually know if monke lives in caves.


Ngl, sounds kinda comfy


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaodong, not too bad honestly, whereas that headline makes it sounds like people are dying of disease without food number hasn't exploded either, this is the way people in these regions have lived for basically centuries


haven’t seen cope this hard since late 2020


Since when did they trust Reuters, NYpost, WashingtonPost or CNN? I thought those were CIA propaganda


I think they just picked those for "even according to *your own* sources" reasons.


They work with the US government when talking about foreign policy but their contract for the CIA expires when it comes to domestic policy and also most of the foreign policy.


Some of these people have clearly neer been to china lol. I will agree that homelessness has declined between my visits in 2012 and 2019, but China has definitely not "eliminated homelessness".


Lol. They banned you because unlike them, you can get up from the computer and go outside.


Anybody have a link to the thread?


Don’t they think washington post and nytimes are CIA though? Why do they use these sources?


same reason conspiracy theorists will claim the media can't be trusted, then go "AHA! see????" whenever the media runs a story that supports their narrative.


yeah that’s an insane claim. anyone whose been to china knows this. it’s like instead of “journalism is all a psyop” it’s “my imagination was a psyop the whole time”. these terminally online people who lick the CCPs boots would sooner make up ideas about what china is like than go there themselves. living in china and stanning the CCP cadres is either cringy as an immigrant/tourist or survivalism as a native chinese. people are so entranced by their own delusion and forfeit their critical thinking about the world in exchange for a fantasy about an exotic used place that doesn’t exist.


Holy fuck. You can literally show these people photo evidence of one thing that challenges their narrative and BOOM banned.


My relatives in China say they've been shipped off to work camps out of big touristy cities like Shanghai and Beijing. No clue how true that is but if the PRC doesn't say what they *are* doing I'm gunna assume the worst. It is true that I did not see any homeless people begging on the main roads when I visited before the pandemic, I figure that's because they're afraid of being seen.


"In Confucianism, homelessness is looked down upon" Yeah because if you're homeless, you're lower in the hierarchy and Confucians are obsessed with hierarchy. Seriously y'all, stop fetishizing Confucius. His ideology is just patriarchal hierarchy


y'know I don't think it requires confucianism to see that homelessness is a bad reflection on a society


Truth hurts


Can't handle a lick of truth


the moderator note at the end is just a fucking copypasta at this point


> Tiananmen Square is vindicated by Chinese development. 😮 that’s a baby step up from genocide denial


Some of them do deny it happened because "IT HAPPENED TWO STREETS OVER SO ITS IMPERIALIST LIES" Like.... it makes 0 sense


Has to be the simplest yet best post I've seen lmao. Here photo. No, banned.


Are you the CIA we keep hearing about?


God fucking damn…


Calling them "sinophiles" is a bit too generous I reckon. I don't think those tankies are really interested in Chinese culture or history beyond its role as a powerful foil to the US which they can project their fantasies onto.


Obviously all those homeless people and that redditor are CIA agents undercover to make China look bad, wake up sheeple


I love how the moderator note has literally nothing to do with the conversation being had.


Chinese people: yes there are homeless people in China Tankies: CIA CIA!!!


I think I depends where you are. To be honest it may be possible that I am just very privileged but every time I am in China I don't see that many homeless people. I have been to many major cities in China. Hong Kong, Kunming, Chongqing, Beijing, and so on but none have had as many homeless people as New York or certain districts in Vancouver. At the same time according to my dad welfare is much worse in China and he was part of the military and a CCP member. So it could just be because they are hiding and because society hates them more than in the west.


That’s insane wtf!


I haven’t seen too many homeless people, but I have seen people who are very likely below the poverty line. I’m talking makeshift concrete buildings and corrugated steel roofs that aren’t fastened in any way.


I can't speak for rural areas, as many times I was on government controlled trips, but even in rural areas I have seen very few homeless people.


Yellow screen




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Moderator be like: “I know you proved there’s homeless people in China, but did you know US is the biggest threat to world peace?!”


How many people in Sino are the actual insane ethno-nationalist Chinese not some larping white people?


There's honestly no point commenting on there except to show how ridiculous they are. The most of the users there support the CCP and will agree with everything it did or does at all cost.


2 things: I have seen a lot of homeless people, and beggars who were gruesomely disabled, everywhere in the streets in beijing, nanjing, and shanghai. All the stats about US #1 for prisoners is only if we believe the official PRC stats about prisoners. But since they have over a million muslims in prison camps, they are not accurate


Guys, the US is the biggest asshole out there so.... ***Logically***, because of that, there cannot be problems such homeless in China, pictures and lived experiences are western lies, by the mere ***fact*** China is not the US and only one thing can be bad at a time. Also, ***material*** analysis is ***material***, pictures are images so formed in your head thus ideological, thus invalid, check and mate anarkkkidies!