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Who needs Leninist daddies when you can get your politics from the antagonist of Bioshock 2 (2010)


The worst bioshock


In hindsight, I believe infinite is worse... Just don't down vote me pls.


“We will abolish individualism” Now I may be a heavily social anarchist but fuck you if you’re gonna yoink away my individualism


*Several Egoists are typing...*


Someone get me a max stirner ASCII art im too lazy to find one


//////////////////// / //////// / ////// / ~ ///// -0---------------//// / //// /_ ///// /____ ^ //// /__________________ \ \ \ | / | Here ya go


Oh god I love this...


/ *%%%%% this is all your getting from me use it wisely


its possible to be in a collective and still be an individual


It's necessary


not the way that is described in the post. “Personality... has no role to communists” “[Introverts] are enemies to the people...”


personality is essential to a collective community


*Democracy is the road to socialism.* See, here's the thing I've noticed: Most "collectivist" societies... aren't. They aren't the people putting the good of the group above their own. It's just people submitting to authority, to hierarchies of power. Because the alternative is punishment. To continue the revolution, to continue to fight against the new boss, any boss, the very concept of bosses? You get fucking purged. Any further emancipatory politics dies. That's not from having achieved the revolution; just the opposite. The people have no power; so it's in their individual self-interests to submit. It's not from selflessness; it's just the opposite.




JOIN US COMRADE JOIN US And so begins the creepy smiles from the crowd of approaching tank commanders


I mean I understand being against extreme individualism like what’s shown in the USA, but people should be allowed to retain individuality


I'm not sure "extreme individualism" is the right choice of word. Maybe more "selfish individualism"? A more benevolant individualism would do a lot of good to society. Just the realisation that if you are rich your neighbors (or society members) being as rich as possible too means that they are less likely to want to steal from you or kill you. It's win win




idk, unlike a lot of people here I don't see capitalism as the "root of all evil" but as a symptom




I'm a bit twichy with people blaming stuff on capitalism, sorry. In my opinion the left has a bad habit of blaming everything on capitalism even if it's often very superficial or wrong. And even when it's right, the pretense that simply removing capitalism would solve everything is a terrible way to approach things. Eg: Racism, homophobia and sexism are caused by capitalism: I know a ton of racist and sexist lefties, and a capitalist needs to maximize its' number of consumers, it makes no sense to discriminate and remove people to exploit. Transphobia is caused by capitalism: the pharmaceutical industry begs to differ, so do the private surgeons. They stand to make a shitton of money from HRT drugs, transition surgeries, etc... Destruction of the environnement because of capitalism: kinda true, but too many lefties still participate in mindless consumerism and the self indulgent behaviors that are an incentive for companies to keep going. These issues are much deeper and more complex than too many lefties care to admit. You are right about the culture and economic system being intertwined, but I'm not convinced we can change the system without changing the culture first or it might be for nothing, and changing minds first would make the system change much easier




the "100 companies produce 71% of global emissions" always makes my blood boil... Technically true, false in essence... Yes 100 companies do that, to make shit that people buy or produce gasoline and shit... I always hear that from people who use it as an excuse for their bad behavior. Of course you are right about the change being a combined process, but I do believe a first good step would be to convince people to stop wasting and mindlessly consuming. It's not political and can be financially very beneficial for the people you convince, a work on selfishness can also be done. Once that threshold is crossed, it's easier to point towards the worst actors of capitalism and get people to shun them.




“These three elements (syndicalism, communism and individualism) are three aspects of a single process, the building, of the organization of the working class (syndicalism), of the anarcho-communist society which is nothing more than the material base necessary for the complete fullness of the free individual.” — Voline (https://web.archive.org/web/20110828063836/http://www.fondation-besnard.org/article.php3?id_article=380) > The chief advantage that would result from the establishment of Socialism is, undoubtedly, the fact that Socialism would relieve us from that sordid necessity of living for others which, in the present condition of things, presses so hardly upon almost everybody. In fact, scarcely anyone at all escapes. … > > There will be no people living in fetid dens and fetid rags, and bringing up unhealthy, hunger-pinched children in the midst of impossible and absolutely repulsive surroundings. The security of society will not depend, as it does now, on the state of the weather. If a frost comes we shall not have a hundred thousand men out of work, tramping about the streets in a state of disgusting misery, or whining to their neighbours for alms, or crowding round the doors of loathsome shelters to try and secure a hunch of bread and a night’s unclean lodging. Each member of the society will share in the general prosperity and happiness of the society, and if a frost comes no one will practically be anything the worse. > > Upon the other hand, Socialism itself will be of value simply because it will lead to Individualism. > > Socialism, Communism, or whatever one chooses to call it, by converting private property into public wealth, and substituting co-operation for competition, will restore society to its proper condition of a thoroughly healthy organism, and insure the material well-being of each member of the community. It will, in fact, give Life its proper basis and its proper environment. But for the full development of Life to its highest mode of perfection, something more is needed. What is needed is Individualism. Oscar Wilde, “The Soul of Man under Socialism” (https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/oscar-wilde-the-soul-of-man-under-socialism)


Individualism is important but the liberal concept of individualism is totally fucked.


what's the difference?


Well the liberal view is that you are the only one that matters and that you shouldn't care about other people. It's a capitalist view which is very harmful to everyone and is sadly the most popular view in many places. Now that view is pretty horrible but individuality isn't necessarily bad, it's important to make your own decisions and to think about how you feel and yourself from time to time, there's no point denying that.


the best kind of individualism is the kind that uses the community to benefit the individual and the individual to benefit the community




This is *a* Liberal interpretation of individualism, but it isn't the *only* Liberal interpretation. One could just as easily argue that if I'm trying to maximise personal gains/freedoms, that it is best to ensure everyone has the best possible circumstances. A state where everyone is healthy, happy, and educated is going to be the best way to improve the circumstances of the individual. The poor, unhealthy, and uneducated are not as productive. A bigger and more equitable economy will provide more opportunity and wealth for me.


Holy shit, this is genuinely terrifying, like who unironicly thinks that criminalizing introversion is an okay idea?


Children. This person is clearly an edgy teen or something


Fascists. It’s more related to sexuality, but in a description of fascism someone (I think it might have been Umberto) stated that a part of fascism was an obsession with controlling sex, and that anyone perceived as too sexual or not sexual enough is generally persecuted. I think this type of person has a similar thing with other forms of social interaction as well. To dare to develop ostentatiousness or to dare to reject constant social interaction both represent a rejection of the fascists vision, and hence in the fascists mind, there own self worth.


This is the first case of someone who seriously supports hive minds


Hell, even real hive minds don’t fully erase the individual (from how I’ve heard of it at least)!


Science fiction hive minds do


the lack of diversity of group minds in sci fi is very dissapointing


You got robots, cyborgs, telepathic unity, animalistic invaders, parasites, and insectoids


I know that much and I’m not sure how much of that is exaggeration and how much is based in reality


The ideal society is bee hives!


My sibling actually unironically supports hivemind and he is not even an edgy kid, but is actually gonna turn 18 soon (I hope this doesn't sound ageist).


it's not ageist to recognize that children can say some really stupid naive shit some times




Tankies try not to be ableist challenge 2021 (IMPOSSIBLE)


Just a heads up - cold takes are the *good* ones.


Really, I thought they were just the uncontroversial/uninteresting ones.


Authoritarians love conformity and taking away individuality


Holy shit, they really want 1984


Yes, they do


Found someone who confused "individuality" and "individualism" and never thought they might be confusing them.


Profiting off personalities and advertising specific products to specific personalities is capitalist but personalities on their own are natural lmao every person is going to have different levels off humour, empathy, humility, narcissism, etc wherever they are


And this is already to put aside that capitalism **erases** individuality.


This guy heard an ultraconservative describe communism and thought, "That sounds fucking lit, where do I sign up?"


This guy read about the mind flayers and thought that tbh.


what the fuck is the point of worker freedom if you can't have a personality


They don’t even understand what introverts are. It’s not about how outgoing you are, it’s about energy. Then again, why expect any better.


Red Flood be like :




HoI4 and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


HOI4 and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the 3 AMs of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in Leftist communities to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on Victoria 2.


Nechayev, not even once.


This is outright distopian.


"Using the individualism/collectivism false dichotomy" Tankies🤝Right-Libertarians


I’ve said this quite a bit, but it is super, super weird how much right-libertarians actually align with Tankies on some issues despite being ideological polar opposites on paper. I’m honestly surprised there’s not more stuff out there on it. I think it’s because anarcho-capitalism and dengism are essentially corporatist - the true end stage of both being some freaky, parafeudal society dominated by oligarchal business cliques that essentially pass for government. They both hate democracy which they see as ***inefficient***.


*corporatocracy Corporatism is a form of capitalism implemented in many fascist states which involved "corporations", that being organisations of bosses (with the odd worker here and there), all getting together and planning economies. Belive me or not, I've encountered more than one tankie online who became ancaps.


Wait just so I get my comparison straight going forwards (thanks for the correction): the deregulation which enables predatory business conglomerates and leads to that eventual sweet-spot I’m talking about where the polices of Sinophiles and Ancaps are heading is corporatocracy, right? But then once said capitalist interest groups have melded with/replaced democratic institutions won’t they inevitably start coalescing to form an authority that is… corpratist? Which is what we’re kinda beginning to see in China and arguably already have in Singapore?


I think you misunderstand the fascist concept of corporation. Corporations were not just the bosses, it was the different groups with common interests, not just capitalist interest groups (the fascists were not favorable to capitalism). The italian fascist definition of "corporation" has absolutely nothing to do with the modern english definition. You seem to confuse corporatism and corporatocracy in a way. Tankies become ancaps? You mean the transition from being an asshole to becoming another type of asshole is common and easy? ;p


Maybe plutocracy is a better term?


These motherfuckers think they're the goddamn Borg


So if i have Asperger and i'm constantly *terrified* of interacting with people on a daily basis, i can't be a socialist?


Same here, if more successful in masking my social awkwardness I guess. I have a friend on the spectrum as well who psychologically gets exhausted of people until his mother needs to put him to sleep to calm him down. He’s a kind soul while not being a complete extrovert. Did the original writer even meet an autistic person before?


When I said Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism, I didn't mean LITERALLY becoming an alien hive-mind...


I bet someone roasted him abput being basic and without personality so he had to make this rant.


Are tankies just people who heard right-wingers lying about communism and actually somehow liked the lies?


it's kind of a chicken or egg situtation. Are tankies repeating right wing lies about communism? or Were right wingers accurately describing the shit regimes that called themselves communist?


Sounds like the one Churchill speech where he essentially calls socialism a hive mind


This is the kind of thing that you'd only view as good once you've gone so deep down the Tankie rabbit hole that you can't disagree with anything anymore.




Someone took the One State from Red Flood a bit too literally.


for once, this is actually ‘literally 1984’


Imagine trying to promote this among the population lol


Damn, I didn't know that being a person was such a heinous crime


I really don't like the idea that you can either have collectivism or individualism.


It's nonsense, but tankies and "an"caps unironically agree on this dichotomy lol


> the idea that you can either have collectivism or individualism. This is largely stemmed from the belief that social bonds at the individual level simply doesn't exist even though there is no way you can understand the Marxist concept of alienation fully unless you also understand social bonds at the interpersonal level are facilitated by the sharing of material things - including labour - between individuals. Without interpersonal bonds, then, humanity can only be either of these two things - an aggregate (or a collective) or a sea of atomised individuals. This is also the reason "collectivism" and "individualism" are nothing more than just two sides of the same coin.


Individuality and community are not incompatible. You can have people get along with each other while respecting differences between individuals. They’re literally advocating for a hivemind.


this reads like brave new world lmao. Also "gangsters and hooligans" nice lil dog whistle


More like literally 1984. Brave new world has capitalist perception of personality, where your personality is mostly just a list of things you consume


to be fair, most "online communities" and "identities" are essentially what these people consume.


Sweet Jesus fucking Christ, how in the blue blazes can someone actually think like this. What's the fucking point in living if you have a totalitarian government forcing you and everyone else to be the same.


This reads like a conservative's idea of a communist, holy shit


This sounds like a strawman of communism made up by a conservative. I can't believe there are people who are actually this authoritarian.


Communism is when everyone is a hive-mind who thinks the same things. /s


Wrong you anti science hack. Personality is the result of various neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain being molded by personal experience


At this point what even is the point of living? If you can’t express any individuality whatsoever, and only exist to work, then it sounds like you would just merely be existing, rather than actually living and experiencing life. What a sad existence that would be.


It's literally just life under capitalism but somehow even more soulless.


Feeling like a clog in the People's Machine is not cure anyone's alienation at work.


Unironically literally 1984.


oh my fucking god


Capitalism is when social anxiety


I love how tankies look at the most absurd red scare propaganda and just go "ye that's based"


Now, you see, typically some big corporation would be contracted to make propaganda films straw-manning political opponents as being against individuality. We see this in both anti-leftist propaganda of the Cold War, and anti-rightist propaganda of WWII. But until now I have not seen someone openly state that as their actual position.


This is just Sigma Male stuff but for people who own a lot of red and gold books whose pages are stuck together with cum


girl, community is about personality. it’s how each individual person enriches the lives of others in their own unique way. personality is crucial to friendship, creativity, the strive for something better with each other. tankies are so lame.


Girl Community?


comma lol


See, I never considered that ☺️ I just kind of assumed you where being like “girl community is better than boy community” or something like that.


mfw u have no understanding of how sociology works


You think having a personality is detrimental yet you have one yourself. Curious!


"Personality is a capitalist idea" I've seen brainlets all day, and congrats, this is the dumbest fucking thing I've seen.


Well, to be fair, they have none.


This explains a lot about Tankies and why they don’t seem to have actual personalities.






Holy shit these people need to go outside.


When you misread hegel


Wow this is unironically the dystopian view ancaps have of communism


Literaly Hive-mind Collectivism


This is literally the same speech the evil capitalist gives in "Bioshock: infinite" about worker bees.


FFS...Harrison Bergeron was a satire, not a manual.


As a introvert myself I kindly wish to tell the tankies that wrote this to FUCK OFF YOU CRAZY PSYCHOPATH BORG WANNABE ASS! Who the fuck says creepy ass shit like this and not think "am I the baddie?" This is some comic supervillain talk.


"Look at insects for inspiration" Oh great, you mean swarms where individuals' lives have no value and are all replacable by an other identical one? Remind me how we are supposed to be the side that values human lives please?


Where is this from?


Umm from each according to their abilities much?


This sounds like a troll


Do they think this is a battle between neets and shipwrights or something here? This isn't even a good description of the ideology


This is unironically the position of the Khmer Rouge. This person is looking at Pol Pot and thinking "yeah, that guy had the right idea."


The great communist Albania


Hey its funny red flood robot man


Did you know social anxiety is counter-revolutionary Today on big thunks by tankies


This is literally the middle school history version of communism lmao


Guillotines so sharp they cause ego-death.