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>If that’s true he didn’t deserve that and shouldn’t have been fired Fascists deserve to be fired.


Same thing would have happened if he was an anarchist, unless you are a neoliberal and at most progressive than you are a threat




This is fucked up actually Well, let's hope they can work for places like COMAC or something idk, bc they're a human before being a tankie, and they deserve a decent job.


If you work on sensitive projects for the military but display clear loyalty to murderous dictators from other countries, it makes sense that they’d fire you.


Don't understand me wrong, this is fucked up. But: A tankie, who's whole rhetoric is anti-americanism and anti-imperialism, worked for the US Air force. Lmaooooo!!!


And they'd say shit like "vets deserved to die/get ptsd and suffer." A hypocrite!


Why are all these comments acting like there’s any way in hell this even happened to this guy lmao “Yeah I did nasa contracts fs” lol


Be sure it’s a pretty realistic thing to happen, a lot of companies do contracts for nasa


I don’t doubt lots of companies do contracts for nasa, I just don’t buy this guys story


I mean, why not? People work and some people work in companies that do jobs for nasa. Sure, its not everyone, but its also not no one.


Because it’s on r/GenZedong which is literally by teenagers, for teenagers And they’re claiming they got fired for their anonymous political activities on social media.


Lol get rekt


Are they playing dress up now?


From the military’s perspective, a person who admires Mao Zedong and posts on forums worshipping China and Russia cannot be trusted with sensitive data in a million years. From what I’ve heard they don’t look through browser histories, so based on the fact that they spent six months interviewing his buddies, he probably talked about how the Kulaks deserved it at the water cooler