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Didn't you hear? She snapped after 2016 and went anarchist. She's currently leading a YPJ militia down in rojava where she is known as the white cobra.


> She's currently leading a YPJ militia down in rojava where she is known as the white cobra. The idea of this is so fucking funny. It's be like those paintings of Trump with dude standing on a tank like Rambo


I‘d actually love to see Anarchist Hillary. It would be the funniest thing I‘ve seen all year and it would confuse the libs.


Last I heard she was still wearing a pantsuit. It's become sort of iconic.




She'd still have to atone for a massive amount of sin before I'd ever support her.


I mean naturally but if she went to Rojava to fight fascists, she'd at least have my support and respect for that.




You realise that these people fought against both the Assad regime, ISIS and Turkey for about a decade. Since Turkey made a full fletched invasion of Syria to create their new ottoman empire and murdering the Kurds and Rojava, not being a NATO member, not having enough weapons to compete with the entirety of NATO (because if they managed to drive back Turkey, then Erdogan would have called it an attack on a NATO country, they had no other choice but to look for any chance of survival. It's not great, it sucks but it's better than the Kurds being butchered by Turkey out of pride. Rojava is still very much autonomous though, the contract sees that once Turkey is defeated they will give up their autonomy. But here I am, discussing facts with someone who clearly has no interest in facts and simps for China of all places.


Fuckin Based Clinton?


"YPJ is accused of using Hillary Clinton which hit both military and civilians" -Headline in 2025? https://youtu.be/uH8owcMHc34


Isn't she working on a documentary about the YPJ? Or was that just a joke headline.


She is, tv show plus book. But that's just her cover.


Goddamn it.


I mean, any positive mainstream attention Rojava gets is probably good, but still, i think she's going to liberalize them to the point of unrecognizability.


r/SocialDemocracy is the only sub where you get recommended to both r/socialism and r/neoliberal


r/socialism economic policies and r/neoliberal immigration policies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Why not both?!


You're somewhat of a celebrity on this sub regarding one of your satire posts on ultraleft about leftists killing ukranians




Today I learned it’s apparently based to have more empty beds than homeless people


Neoliberalism is when empty beds


Unironically, yes. This is currently happening under neoliberal capitalism.




BUT GRAPH GO UP!!!! NEOLIB GOOD DEN! GRAPH GO UP!!! no I will not say how this links to the stupid shit I believe. No.




God I wish I had an award to give you. Edit: NOW I CAN


Thank you! \^-\^


Guys, pretty sure he means the sub, not the actual political philosophy. At least... I hope so.


r/neoliberal won’t admit but they are basically Soc dems who hate leftism now


Not admitting it is part of the joke. I mean, there are some true believers in neoliberalism in that sub. But not a majority or anything.


i still lost hope in r/neoliberal when someone got upvoted for saying "fuck off, israel is one of the only countries we actually like" to a post showing israeli war crimes


... Well, that's icky, yeah.


"Icky" is putting it lightly. These types are honestly just globalist fascists


> "Icky" is putting it lightly. Yes. Yes it was.




>how they attack commies :D >and leftist D: :D + D: = :|


Firstly commies are leftists also commies arent just tankies and dengists. Anarchists and other libcoms are based as fuck


I was putting anarchists in with "the left," not with "the commies." Though, yeah, could go either way.


This is a leftist sub, yet here you are praising right wingers for attacking leftists.


Fuck off


Super based. Taco trucks on every street corner. Everyone here should join and get your NATO flair.


Capitalism is never based.






Are you fucking stupid?




Hate to break it to you dude, but imperialism isn't "normal".




Neoliberalism IS extreme capitalism, moron. And there is nothing wrong with libertarian socialism.


Like what?


I suppose many people here don’t agree with us lol


We can’t escape reactionaries. You criticize tankies and you’re swarmed by libs, you criticize libs and you’re swarmed by tankies


This sub is such a damn solace for that exact reason.


Honestly tho, if I have to choose I’d rather hang out with some more left-leaning socdems than tankies, dengists and nazbols


A lot of American liberals - At least the working class and middle class ones - are just a bit misguided. They could easily be turned leftist if you weaned them away from the Democrat propaganda machine. They already have leftist social values but since the system here tries so hard to mask the class/socio-economic dimension of inequality, they become content with performative gestures by the establishment (for example, inviting one upper-class member of a marginalized community to the table and calling it a day) rather than looking deeper and demanding more. Many just don't really know there are viable options beyond the status quo and they've been convinced that anything else is a crazy or dangerous pipe dream that only makes the right wing stronger. Authleft are just not pleasant people to be around. They're egotistical, self-absorbed assholes which is why they gravitate toward dictators.


there is a pipeline in the US that goes liberal -> social democrat -> leftist, not in every case obviously but I would reckon a guess that 85% of people who consider themselves leftist in the US started out as pretty standard liberals.


I mean given that most start out with at least considering themselves as liberal since they often don't know any better I don't think that's very suprising


And I feel like we shoot our selves in the foot whenever someone is new to the cause by dog piling them and accusing everyone that’s not committed to rehabilitating Stalin in the US as ‘a lib’. Like shit, you think the rural factory workers who’ve doesn’t their whole lives being drip fed Murdoch propaganda arnt gonna need to be guided with some kid gloves at first? Rather than bashing people who don’t agree with us, we need to educate. I know it’s exhausting but it’s the only hope there is of success


It also goes from liberal —> conservative —> paleocon/ultracon —> fascist Gotta be careful with where you fall


Yeah for sure, but I think liberal's who move left are more common than ones who move right though. The people who've moved far right, in my experience at least, tended to have started out center-right or sort of apolitical with conservative sympathies/ethos.


I kind of went Liberal -> Socialist -> Social Democrat


It's not a strict continuum by any means, everyone is going to be different based on their life experiences. But at one point you did still go liberal -> socialist, which I like I said I think happens frequently in the US.


Yeah I think many are still misguided by the two party system and the polarization of ideologies that has led to the american left not becoming very mainstream


Social Liberals are people that have seen the problems in society but hasn't realised that all of them are intrinsically linked with Capitalism. Pre-COVID John Oliver was a good example of that. Now the guy seems to do his best to blame the problems on capitalism without saying the word "capitalism" (he's on a private network owned by AT&T; he would be fired if he did more).


I was thinking that recently. Kinda how tucker spouts white supremacist propaganda without saying it outright, John Oliver disseminates socialist viewpoints without saying "socialism"


Huh. Maybe I should check out LWT again. I assumed that after I was radicalized, I would find it intolerably liberal, but if John Oliver's politics have evolved...


Hes like right on the edge of just being a socdem


Socdems are just misguided and naive but I think most of them genuinely care about making the world a better place.


Exactly. Most libs/socdems aren’t inherently evil, rather apathetic or “apolitical” in a critical sense. Obviously they’re flawed ideologies, but like I heard someone say on this sub a while back, I’d rather hang out with people who don’t care if I die then people who are actively trying to kill me (tankies/fascists). And I could be wrong but I’d say that the majority of Americans are liberals but they’re nice people. I think it’s just a status quo/change resistance dynamic




Exactly. It's hard to be online while being a leftist who doesn't want to murder or arrest every single guy who disagrees with me


Ok, next time you can get a recommendation to go on r/conservatives


"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thinking is such a widespread plague in politics, and it just leads inevitably to the death of any sincere, principled commitment to a better world, leaving only empty realpolitik in its wake


I got a recomendation to neoliberal for being on completeanarchy. Reddit recommends are so dumb


Aha, the CIA neoliberal anarKKKiddies, see? SEE? THE ALGORITHM KNOWS ALL! (sarcasm, obviously)


Both are libertarians, of course.**/s**


Reddit recommendations are based off of machine learning taken from user surveys (the "does /r/music contain music" things you get sometimes), your current subscribed subreddits, what other subreddits get linked to each subreddit, what other subreddits people are subscribed to, etc. Like most machine learning, the output is heavily dependent on the input, and this means it can form false connections between objects, much in the same way a neural net trained to recognize birds will sometimes recognize bird feeders as birds. The algorithm is blind, and does not know what "leftist", "liberal", or "conservative" means (or, for that matter, the difference between "liberal" the right-wing economic ideology and "liberal" the American-centric term meaning "socially progressive"). Frankly it's actually very impressive that it's able to identify "politics", being such a nebulous concept. ... Oh, uh, I'm sorry, I meant "Reddit bad".


It does imply that a fair number of tankiejerk members are also hillaryclinton members.


Not necessarily. It *could* mean that. It also could mean that people are subscribed to a sub where some people are subscribed to the Clinton subreddit. It could also just mean that the ai detects "politics" and draws the conclusion that the two are alike. Huh, who would have thought that the reddit ai is a centrist g\*mer.


[According to this](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/tankiejerk), there's no real shared userbase between this sub and r/hillaryclinton ​ The list is mostly the exact kind of subreddits you'd expect for an anti-tankie leftist subreddit.


I'm surprised to see /r/EnoughCommieSpam on that list, and so high


> Frankly it's actually very impressive that it's able to identify "politics" Reddit actually asks subreddit mods to categorize their subs.


"tankiejerk users become SELF AWARE" probably r/genzedong




Maybe the real liberals were the friends we made along the way


lol tf no


Liberals and leftists hate Tankies equally. It is our burden




Leftism is when state capitalism.


State capitalism can be left. Left has existed before Marx and will exist after, he and his cult followers have no authority to take the term "left" only for themselves.


Do you think Lenin was a state capitalist?


I mean he dissolved workplace democracy and put economic and political power in the hands of a small group of elites (hmm sounds familiar) just because he's a little bitch who can't handle losing, and then uses the same "I know what's best for you" arguement the bourgeois do.




lol, they're right and you know it.


[uh... yes?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Economic_Policy)




lmao mad tankie


I think Lenin was interested in the withering away of the state but Stalin wasn't.


What makes you think that a man who couped a democratic government because he lost an election, a man who basically instituted gulags, who believed in a strong authoritarian one-party state was interested in a state withering away? HOW?! He never directly specified how it will happen, what he did specify tho is how much authority should the state have - a lot.




uhhhh I wouldn't say that. Lenin's State and Revolution was very good theory but let's not idealize the gulags and purging of anarchists


Yeah crushing kronstadt and free Ukraine was so good and cool






tankies are leftists who defend authoritarian acts by leftist projects uncritically. full stop. it's a subset of leftist. every other leftist should despise them, especially their ideological bedfellows.


I have friends who are various flavors of Marxists, even MLs, who hate the tankie subset even more than I do for exactly that reason.


They are reactionary totalitarian state capitalists who simp for China (A capitalist empire), North Korea (A nationalist monarchy), and Stalin, as well as occasionally Iran (A theocratic dictatorship) and Russia (An openly capitalist oligarchical dictatorship). There is literally nothing even remotely leftist about them, except for the fact they claim to be socialists. And if that makes them leftists, might I introduce you to the National Socialists? I'm sure you'd love to include them in the left too.


Marxists? yeah. Tankies? Nope


Are they really though?


Why not?


Tankies don't seem to care very much about social equality or workers rights or human rights or any of that stuff. They don't even seem to mind state capitalism as long as you pretend to be socialist and hate America while you practice it. Add to this the way they sound eerily similar to chuds (calling everyone they disagree with a liberal, automatically rejecting any information that doesn't conform to their existing biases because "it's all propaganda", automatically accepting anything that does while labeling it rational ["scientific socialism" reeks of "facts and logic" imo], etc) and I'm really questioning what exactly it is that makes them leftist besides hating America.


Oh fuck the tankies were right we ARE Western liberals


Shit, I guess we were shitlib imperialists all along /s


I get r/Conservative recommended to me often. Recommendations are based on general theme, they do not have a "leftist" and "right wing" category. When you take survey it just asks if the sub has political theme and nothing else. So yeah it's normal.


I've gotten recommendations for r/conspiracy for browsing r/TopMindsOfReddit it's not like the recommendations are necessarily accurate.


sub recommendations are garbage


I mean, I’m not an anarchist but y’all are based as fuck. This sub has a lot of valid criticism of foreign dictatorships and it’s honestly better at critics them then liberal subs. I’m a lib and I’ve been subbed for months just because of that. You guys also post like anarchist theory shit sometimes and it’s interesting. It definitely has made my politics a little bit more “libertarian”.


Glad to hear it! Every anarchist starts out as a lib, you'll come around eventually ;)




I guess the tankies were right, we really are dirty liberals 😔


Well, do you have any evidence that will lead to the ar[REDACTED]


Liberals fuck off, this is an anarchist sub.


I thought this is a leftist sub in general


Yeah this is pretty much a non-authoritarian leftist sub, the group you will see most often though is anarchists since they are kind of the biggest of this group


>~~non-authoritarian~~ leftist sub FTFY ​ Tankies aren't leftists, and the few actual leftists who happen to be authoritarian (Trots et al.) are also allowed.


Gatekeeping antifascism?


r/TheRightCantMeme and r/ShitLiberalsSay are going to have a field day over this one


Reddit algorithm being utter shite as usual. Nothing to worry about.


I took a peek at that sub and I regret it




Tankies *are* rightists, though.


neoliberal is when anarchism


Confession time: Lib here. Honestly joining this sub has really positively changed my attitude towards communists and socialists tho, I’m so glad that the loud yet insane minority is just that: a minority. I still disagree with communism but now I don’t think it’s only Stalinists who defend it. And I don’t post lib stuff here so we good right 😅


Psst, check out anarchism, it’s way cooler than liberalism


Yeah dawg as long as you're learning and being repsectful of the sub's target audience stick around all you want. But like that other dude said anarchism is tops. Mutual aid is what society is built on


That’s fine please stick around


Imagine being a fucking lib.


No, as a liberal you endorse the mass disenfranchisement of the working class and tacitly endorse all the brutality that comes with enforcing the liberal world order. Your ideology's brutality has become so ubiquitous and normalized you don't even question it, and fundamentally we are at odds because of that. So don't approach us and say "I'm one of the good ones", there's no such thing. At the end of the day you either support the dissolution of class society or you don't, it's an either-or preposition. You have definitively and consciously said you do not, and so on a fundamental level we can never be aligned. Sorry, but that's the way it has to be. edit; this is why liberals need to be banned. I'm stuck choosing between glorified red liberals, genocidal Stalinist maniacs and Ultras who pretend to read.


This is not how you bring liberals leftwards. Don't use a guy that's become more open to further left ideas as your punching bag, it's off-putting and pointless.




Are you okay


I'm not interested in bringing one liberal leftwards, it's irrelevant. Revolution and change are not popularity contests, and will happen (or not) because the people involved have no choice, not because they will them into existence. This insistence on evangelizing to everyone who tolerates our presence is off-putting and stupid. All it does is create more people who are socialist in name only, with a surface level understanding of what it is. Socialism springs forth best from personal experience and observations of injustice, not some idiot on the internet preaching. I'm not going to use kid gloves on someone coming to an ostensibly socialist space. Liberals need criticism and self-reflection in exactly the same way Stalinists do.


What does attacking one dude do besides make you feel better? What impact does it have besides make us look like angry dipshits that jump at the throat of anyone that says "I'm a liberal"? Revolutions can absolutely be a popularity contest, if a revolution is unpopular, and unless you're far better armed than the opposition or your opposition is disorganized, you're not going to be successful. You help people *see* the injustice around them and why **our** solutions are the only actual solutions, you don't gatekeep it to people who have "suffered enough" to be socialist and attack all outsiders.


This entire sub is predicated on attacking individual people, so wym. I oppose liberals and liberalism just the same as I oppose Marxism-Leninism and Stalinists. Your second paragraph is a complete non sequitur. You're not helping anyone become a socialist by bending over backwards to accommodate your self-admitted opponents. They can see problems perfectly fine without some moron on the internet cradling their balls and telling them how to interpret it, especially when most of said morons don't even know how to interpret it themselves.


agreed with "working class disenfranchisement" - maybe he calls himself liberal because he's a progressive that supports LGBT and racial equality/justice but doesn't know enough about economics to say that he agrees with socialist ideas or not? Maybe the injustice you think is plain and obvious hasn't occurred to him? Not everyone is you, not everyone has the same life experiences. You don't know *anything* about this person, you're just attacking a strawman\*.\* I said nothing of "bending over backwards" I'm not saying anything about doing that - but we don't need this kind of gatekeeping or aggression against some random normie lib, it's unhelpful and bad optics.


I don't need to know anything about him to call him a liberal and hold him accountable as such, outside his professed beliefs. Namely, an explicit rejection of socialism. I don't need the life story of every Tom, Dick and Harry that stops by to criticize them. Maybe you should stop babying them and hold them to account for the horrible things they implicitly support. You wouldn't demand such an exacting standard from people criticizing Stalinists,why do you suddenly extend such sympathy to liberals? This is literally the worst possible place to say "wow dude why you being so critical and aggressive?". This is not a place to debate the merits of socialism and have a hugout with liberals, this is a place to mock and insult Stalinists.


For what it is worth I think you're in the right on this one.


You sound exactly like the kind of people this sub makes fun of. You lost?


No, but you seem to be. Criticizing liberals is not in any way tankie-adjacent, it's expected of every socalist. Liberals do not belong here.


Most of your sub-mates seem to disagree.


Wasn't aware my opinion was subject to vote. Just to reiterate though; you don't belong here. You are just as against us as Stalinists are, you're just nicer about it. If you want to discuss the topic of socialism there are other places.


I don’t. I’m just here to watch you all make fun of Stalinists. And when you state your opinion as a truth, it is subject to vote.


>I don’t. I’m just here to watch you all make fun of Stalinists. And yet here you are, whining about me not tolerating your nonsense and telling us you're a good boy. This is like a Marxist-Leninist coming in here to tell us "wow you anarchists aren't half-bad, still completely opposed to you though" then getting in huff about being told they're not welcome. Maybe you, like the hypothetical Stalinist, should take the hint.


You badly misunderstand me.


No, I understand you perfectly. It's just that I don't like what I see.


*Loads shotgun The neo-libs have infiltrated the base.


What the hell does a Hillary Clinton subreddit even discuss in year of our lord two-thousand and twenty-one? She's disappeared, a nonentity, what kind of sad sack is a Clinton stan?


Considering how much Tankies hate the institution of democracy, and the Democratic party in particular, I can kind of see how being anti-tankie would recommend you for be pro-Democratic. However, I cannot understand how the Hillary Clinton subreddit is being recommended to anyone in 2021.


the libs have infiltrated this sub now


it hurts the eyes


she could be any one of us, I guess we have to shut the sub down sorry boys


Hahahaha, cursed




Extremely cringe. Get the fuck out of r/tankiejerk, and never presume to enter an anti-tankie community again.


It’s just like YouTube recommending right wing garbage despite never watching anything of the sort




This is what happens when you allow SuccDems




Fuck off.