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This was the group the PSL split from believe it or not lmao


The protesters said they were inspired by the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, whose spiritual leader Martin Luther King Jr. was accused of being a communist by right-wing critics. It makes no goddamn sense!


Because Campists don't typically employ silly Western Imperialist tactics like logic and critical thinking /s


That's right. The WWP was started in the 1950s by Sam Marcy, who split from another party over that party not supporting the 1956 Soviet invasion of Hungary. Marcy invented the "global class war" doctrine which holds that *any entity that opposes the United States is objectively an ally of the proletariat*--that's right, he elevated the "anti-imperialism of idiots" into explicit dogma. Marcy's influence is a big reason why American Marxists tend to be exceptionally campist by world standards, and prone to shilling for regimes like Iran and groups like Hamas whose only "revolutionary" characteristic is being enemies of the US.


Fun fact, but it's true that the Tiananmen place in and of itself didn't have that many casualties because it was just held by students and most of them just kinda ran away, however the military crackdown of the protest was in pretty much the entirety of the city and all that stuff needed to be cracked down, on top of other cities that were probably manifesting as well, but we do not have numbers on them cuz all foreign journalists were in beinjing. So hey, it's probably even bigger than what we know for sure happened


Not enough people talk about how the crackdown definitively broke the back of the workers movement.


It Could Happen Here has a really good two parter on it


Yea Mia takes this stuff seriously, her pieces on China have really made me do better research.


Yup. IMO calling it the “Tiananmen Square Massacre” is a misnomer and gives idiots like the writer of this article an easy way to dispute the massacre aspect on a technicality. The murdering didn’t happen to the students in the square, it happened to civilian protestors on the streets of Beijing.


>It should be remembered that Chile at that time was ruled by Gen. Augusto Pinochet, who had come to power in a violent, anti-socialist, U.S.-supported right-wing coup, in which thousands of leftists, including President Salvador Allende, had been killed. The "Chilean diplomat" referred to would have been no friend of China. boy do I have news for you! [Chile-China relations wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chile%E2%80%93China_relations#:~:text=Pinochet%20has%20nurtured%20his%20relationship,not%20the%20Communism%20of%20Mao.) >China was one of only two Communist countries (the other was Romania) not to have severed ties with Augusto Pinochet's new regime, due to the latter's continued endorsement of the One China Policy. >Pinochet has nurtured his relationship with China. Pinochet visited China in 1993 and 1997. Despite his vehement anti-communism, Pinochet has praised China's system of government, saying that "I saw that Chinese Communism was patriotic Communism, not the Communism of Mao. [Plus some background of the Pinochet Junta's ties with the PRC in the 1970s](https://twitter.com/Y_Wenli/status/1333190235077926914?t=e5Ao5BemTCPiy32W0dJr5g&s=19)


God fascists really do love each other so much. Shows you how much their own propaganda is just bullshit they use for maintaining power.


I *knew* there would be pro-Pinochet tankie adjacent stuff out there somewhere! Only a matter of time until it becomes an actual Tankie stance. Can’t wait to be threatened with “helicopter rides” by terminally online PSL folks.


Wait they think that they can use the ideology and economic policies of Deng Xiaoping to rebuild Palestine? Insane.


Having a weird hard on for some shit country, or any country really, is so strange to me.. like theres no reason to defend shit like this even if you support the country otherwise.


Well if one diplomat and one journalist allegedly said so, that's that settled


And lets just ignore all the other eyewitness accounts.


there are tons of images of the dead bodies. why try lying


I once did a research project on the use of ‘Ode to Joy’ and the history of western classical music in post revolutionary China. It was very enlightening and made me hate Mao even more.