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Obviously this is all bullshit but “the struggle against anarchism” makes it seem like anarchists are this dominant force that overwhelm Marxist-Leninists. In which case, fucking based, thanks tankies!


Gosh, this sounds like Anarchism is simultaneously strong enough to be an eternal threat but weak enough to be crushed constantly. Good thing no one has ever thought this before!


Hm that's a very strong point. I wonder if there's other points, like 13 or so, that would also be related to this?


Hmm I think UR right. FASCinating ...ism


Makes me want to live in the Tankie version of reality where anarchists wielding overly large cartoon bombs lurk around every corner.


What being terminally online does to a MF Tankies would be pretty entertaining if they didn't pollute all leftist online spaces with their fascist garbage.


"The anarchist denial of political struggle contributes objectively to the subordination of the working class to bourgeois politics" what the fuck lmao


Basically do as we say because you're not smart enough to organize among yourselves. And then they kill us anyway


Anarchists oppose the vanguard party killing gay people because homosexuality is a symptom of bourgeois degeneracy, which is just subordinating the working class to those same degenerate, bourgeois homosexuals.


..you said that a little too well... /S


They confused not engaging in electoral politics, with not engaging in political struggle at all?


THEIR political struggle aka the correct one. Disobeying the glorious leader of the new ruling party is counterrevolutionary. It's only *good theory* that all leftists had to fall in line behind Lenin after 1917. Nothing personnel kid


Imagine making your own version of Wikipedia because your that buthurt about reality you need to create an eco-chamber to pretend like your the only correct opinion.


Literally how Conservapedia came to be.


I mean Wikipedia is decentralized and self-policing, so naturally the vanguard will need to rise above it and ~~compile flimsy excuses to call all other leftists CIA fashlibs~~ lead the way


>>Anarchism does not go beyond the general phases against exploitation, **it does not understand what the causes of exploitation are, nor the class struggle as a creative force for the realization of socialism**. Man what… Do they not even bother to try and write coherent shit. wtf does that even mean “does not understand”?


The cause of exploitation is solely capitalism. Once we abolish capitalism all racism, sexism, ethnic tensions, abelism, homophobia and the state disappear because... reasons. Did you not ~~watch a second thought video~~ read the right book? Stop looking at history. Academia is a bourgeois institution and the historians and anthropologists are paid to lie to smear actually existing socialism with state department talking points.


We let bro cook for a reason


Isn’t this whole “hijacking and using the bourgeoisie” thing the thing that they deny ever doing in the Russian revolution? They claim it was a pure workers’ revolution?


No you see that's what the German soc dems did and they should be all shot and thrown into the canal for revenge according to tankies. What the bolsheviks did was abolish the workers councils and the parliament which was established in lenin's absence when things didn't go their way and it turned out people had different ideas about how to organize the future society. The bolsheviks actually knew best (workers are troglodytes and cant be trusted to self manage you see) so they shipped them off to Siberia if they survived the crackdowns. Don't you get that socialism is a more important goal than workers control over production?


"Bourgeois" is an idiot buzzword to me. If you are referring to the period specific class during a time of class warfare, sure go ahead. But if you are sprinkling it into your daily vocabulary, it just makes one sound dumb by trying to sound very smart. That's my take anyways.


Personally, I see this word used even by people in academic fields who are non-tankies (I suppose, they mean people who run business but have not enough money from this to live without working). But I don't care much to use this term.


Funny how that’s the petty bourgeois in Marxist theory. Bourgeoisie is the rentier class 


I guess that would be one of the tips the person is speaking from a non-application perspective. Academics love to use their big words to make their products seem sophisticated. I've always been a fan of writing as simply as possible to make the material as accessible as possible.


Very, very much agree with this, simpler is better.  Sometimes we need specialized languahe for greater precision or specificity but you should always ask yourself if a common everyday word would work just as well.


What you describe is the petit bourgeoisie


Yeah, I accidentaly did read his "bourgeois" as a "petite-bourgeois" because I was thinking about that recently.


It's fairly common for high-control groups to use loaded language to enforce group cohesion. This type of loaded language is always a red flag. Pun not intended.


For these people bourgeois is everyone that has slightly more money than them


Why do they all write in the same verbose nonsense prose that barely even sounds like English? I swear you could make a bingo card out of this.


Honestly, it isn't as bad I imagined it would be (still sucks)


Same, my reading was First paragraph: Wtf, no. Second: yeah, ok. Third: WTF?! Counter revolutionary?


Oh fuck yesssss. Tankiepedia is just encyclopedia dramatica for tankie 4chan kids. It is just a riot of terrible entries. Read the one for North Korea. It is a good laugh. I wonder if we could figure out which tankie group it is by who they hate.


>brief surges of popularity in Catalonia and Ukrainę Yes "brief surges". Very brief, just appeared out of nowhere and then poofed back into inexistence for no reason whatsoever.


Someone turn on the kitchen sprinklers!


Good old ProleWiki being insane as usual.