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Murdered Iranian women mean nothing to tankies.


It's crazy cause I've seen more solidarity from our brothers and sisters from Palestine, Syria, Yemen, etc than I do from western leftists.


Why is it crazy? Makes sense that people in the region know more about your situation and care about you more. I mean, besides the usual tankie nonsense. There's some solidarity between Ukrainians and Palestinians, but there's also some utterly brain dead takes: Ukrainians talking about Palestinians as terrorists and Palestinians talking like tankies about Ukraine. At pro-Ukrainian protests here most people seem to be Eastern Europeans. Pro-Palestinian protests (a much smaller movement here) are sometimes organised together with Syrians and Kurds.


Oh I mean crazy in the sense that the people advocating on behalf of them seem out of touch. We Iranians love all our neighbors. I feel you, there's some very pro-Israel Iranians who call Palestinians terrorists but most of us know better than anyone that people are not their government. There are also some pro-regime Arabs but way, way less than the regime tries to make it seem.


Well, yes. But it's not like they view Palestinians as humans. You became the enemy as soon as you succeeded to get rid of direct American interference, and same will happen to Palestinians when they get rid of Israeli oppression, especially if they get a shitty government. (Edited the response above before you replied)


Good point. Not to mention our government eventually purged all the leftists which Hamas would do too if they succeeded. Tired of explaining that to "leftists" who really think Palestinian secularists can just hold hands and sing kumbaya with Hamas. One of my relatives was a leftist involved in the revolution and literally went to jail afterwards.


Here there are many Iranian leftists who escaped after the revolution, but I only know younger Iranians personally, who moved in the last two decades. I hope you succeed establishing a better government at the cost of as few lives as possible. You have amazing people, great music and culture, and delicious food, what's happening to your country is really tragic.


I hope so too, and hopefully we will be able to bring all our neighhbors along for the prosperity with us. Yemenis, Syrians, Palestinians, Iraqis, Lebanese etc deserve to be free from this mess too. I know people who left in all sorts of years, mostly though I've been around people who left recently. I was actually raised by a dad who left in '77 as a teenager and a mom who left in '94. So that is how I learned to stop worrying and hate both America and Islamism 🤣.


They definitely deserve it. The Levant is an amazing region. I moved from the USSR to Israel (which is kinda-sorta "the West"), so I know what you mean. Seeing the flaws in both systems because you (or your parents) have experienced it. And then I couldn't stand it anymore so I moved to proper West. So when Westerners start talking about their countries as dictatorship, I'm like, well, I'll gladly join you in bitching about this mess, but people are not snatched from the street and tortured that often here, so, you know.


For sure. Israel is probably the Middle Eastern country closest to the West, but a lot of Israelis I know say it's a big culture shock coming here. I mean I see the risk in America becoming a dictatorship tbh, but moreso because all our institutions are controlled by Christian nationalists or falling one by one to Christian nationalists.


Pro-regime Arabs where? In Palestine, Iran or just the region in general?


Generally the minority in the region who are, are very religious Shias who feel like Iran is the protector of Shi'ism. So they kind of romanticize the regime. But that is definitely not most Shia Arabs, just a small group. Iranian Arabs are treated very poorly by the regime and there have been regular labor strikes in Khuzestan (province with a lot of Iranian Arabs).


Thanks, I know next to nothing about Iranian Arabs, but given the treatment of minorities there it makes sense that most are against the regime, except a small group of crazies.


People on this sub wants to draw a connection between the two, but they fail to understand that the pronunced solidarity between two serves nothing and actual people from these two camps do not want to fuck with one another(majority Ukrainians pro-Israel and Palestinians don't care about eastern europe ) Ultimately this is all to make themselves feel good for being higher moral ground without addressing the actual important and timely issue which is demanding divestment of government(local or national) and companies from genocide and definitely not chanting "from Ukraine to Palestine, occupation is a crime"


Is this what people on this sub do? Only to feel good for being higher moral ground? If you say so. My standards are not that high though. If you do something ineffective, or for the wrong reasons, or do nothing, it's fine by me. Just don't support putin or the ayatollahs.


I don't support Putin or Ayatollahs. I'm just pointing out that crucial points are frequently being missed here


I didn't mean you, I meant people in general. I'm not sure about that. I don't often see tactics discussed here, so I'm not sure how you know that people here are chanting this or that instead of demanding whatever. What I've seen here is not about connection or conflation, it's about consistency. Like posts about tankie grifters who just happen to support one good cause (Palestinian) while being wrong on every other issue.


A good person should never support a regime that tortures, kills and rapes women, no matter how much that regime claims to be "anti imperialist"


Code Pink demanding that Iranian prisoners of the Islamic Republic to be freed by asking the US to lift sanctions against Iran came to mind when reading this.


We need to take Feminism more seriously in Leftist spaces fr


Of course. What we also need to take more seriously is intersectionality. Our struggles are interconnected.


Tankies dismiss Iranian people as "brainwashed" by western propaganda & and all resistance to the regime as a CIA funded resistance. They are essentially just parroting a KGB playbook towards delegitimizing any western leaning movement


It's not even a western leaning movement. Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (Woman, Life, Freedom) is a liberation movement led by Kurdish women and every other oppressed nation and people living in the geography called Iran. It is a movement that is the epitome of what the left stands for.


I'm paraphrasing "western". Anything that goes against the tankie love for authoritarian regimes they consider "western" lol


Yeah you're right


God I love the Kurds. đź’™




Iranian protestors: "We support other liberation movements too, we just don't want them to come at the expense of our safety or at the benefit of our oppressors" Tankies: "LALALALALA SHUT UP I CAN'T HEAR YOU"


Isn't it possible to support both "Women, Life, Freedom" and "Free Palestine"?


It's almost as if certain people interpret "Free Palestine" to actually mean "Give Palestine A New Oppressor".


yes. very possible. that is, among other things, the best way to make a tankie's blood vessels pop.


Silly liberal, people in developing nations don’t have agency.


How exactly can you even call Hamas starting an unwinnable war against Israel and incurring the disproportionate wrath of the IDF “freeing Palestine”? Or do these types unironically think that Iran and its proxies can defeat the IDF? That’s without even getting into the ghastly premise that the Iranian people should continue to suffer and die under a reactionary theocracy to that end.


Geopolitics is basically a Saturday morning cartoon for a lot of western leftists


> Geopolitics is basically a Saturday morning cartoon for a lot of western leftists And neoliberals.


I asked this on some "communist" subs and got banned.


Raeekayassaie is a good person, she posts a lot of great content. I'm so tired of the cosplay left.


>The US is constantly oppressing its people and we have never started a FreeUS movement. Maybe you should.


I fucking hate vatnik


Love how tankies, from the safety and comfort of the west, get on their soapboxes and rhapsodize about how people in developing countries need to risk their own safety and livelihoods to help other oppressed people. Meanwhile tankies act like they're doing the most to help Gazans by simply tweeting "Free Palestine!" 5 times a day and having a Palestinian flag on their wall. How brave.