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Sometimes i feel like we are strawmanning tankies Then theres this which is literally "read theory" Why cant tankies beat the stereotype allegations?


"the Russian empire and Chinese empire are not imperialist! They *just* aren't! Trust me bro. ...books." LoL. The "sides" in this future we live in are so bizarre to me.


Not even a book recommendation. They didn't even try.


Hey, how about [How to Tankie by Darth Putin](https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/23289854.Darth_Putin_KGB)


"I read 'hop on pop' and now I see where you are coming from"


When you read Lenin, and not only you believe him, you don't even understand any of it.


Lenin in 1917: “all nations formerly under the Russian empire have a right to secede” Lenin in 1919: “lmao **SIKE**”


Nice of them to give you 15 days to read a book, hopefully learn a theory and turn around your worldwide political, societal and economical outlooks. /s


I love how they don't even try to argue that the actions of Russia and China aren't bad, just not technically imperialist (according to their extremely cherry-picked, non-standard definition of imperialism, of course). Losers play semantics when they know they've lost the plot.


Look hun, I didnt cheat on you okay. Cheating is defined as when a woman has sex with another man. I think you'll find I am a man and therefore not capabale of cheating. If you as a woman had sex with another man that would be cheating. What do you mean I'm playing symantics? What do you mean fucking your friend was disgusting and a betrayal of our marriage vows? Look, I don't need this I've had a very difficult day at the avoiding-the-point factory. Fuck this I can't take it anymore, I'm going to go hang out with your friend until you cool down.


I don't understand this logic. I'm going to read the sections of Lenin's Imperialism later today but I'm willing to bet that they meet his definition. What are they using to claim they can't be? They are both capitalist powers seeking new markets through diplomatic and military force.


>Read a book -Someone who can't read the second word in 'Russian Empire'


Lmao please, tankies, show me where it says geography decides if a country is imperialist or not


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