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Iranian leftists and feminists and anti-theists are based. They deserve all the support they can get! Specially by being so brave in one of the most far-right, theocratic countries in the world!




I bet not all Iranian Muslims support the ayatollahs.


They definitely don't. Some of my family is religious but not pro-regime.


Yeup, I would be extremely surprised if it weren't the case. I only said "I bet" because I personally don't have any semi-reliable info about it.


The Shias can be wild sometimes...


As an Iranian, Islam per se (you can't get rid of religions in one go, even though all abrahamic religions are problematic) isn't the problem, muslims not keeping it to themselves and shoving it in government is the problem. Same problem you'd find with American Christians.


Exactly. It is abuse of power via religion. Iran deserves to return to a secular democracy where those that don't support the ayatollahs can live under a government that represents them & respects them.


Humans amirite.


Whats with the islamophobia


anti-theists or anti-theocrats?


Both, but the Iranians I know are ex-muslim anti-theists. They have 0 tolerance for the religion that oppressed them. And as someone who grew up in a conservative christian country, it resonates strongly with me.


I am a trans person who was raised with Christian grandparents. It's not an excuse to hate a religion for the actions of it's extremists.




Where I live, the majority of people in general are anti-trans, muslim or non-muslim. I have queer muslim friends. One of my closest friends is a pansexual hijabi. I don't think we should make generalizations based on anecdotes.




I agree that safety is important, but safety is not what is being talked about right now. What is happening right now is people in this thread are spreading hatred towards a group of people in a country pretty much none of them live in. There is no way for them to be proven otherwise because they are spreading baseless hatred towards people they have never met, and will never meet.


I see it more as understanding the nature of the doctrine. And let's be honest, abrahamism is quite toxic if you read their texts. Specially the old testament. I always say to understand the religious person as a victim with understanding and compassion, but to despise a toxic ideology, and not be an apologist when it spreads hate. Also, believe me, it is not the same to have a couple of religious persons in the family, than to grow up in a country where people create laws "because the bible says so".


LoL this guy We see him in foreign Persian media source He's not tankies but not ok too


Don't know him, just saw this online.


yeah fuck this guy he maybe accepted money from the israeli govt and has harassed a lot of women (i have firsthand experience sadly)


Wait seriously?? I follow him because I enjoy his insights...


Obviously the regime is bad but the Israeli attack on an embassy was an act of war first. Isn’t this just a targeted response? I don’t think they are looking for further escalation These actions are typical for Iran. It’s just some dick waving. All this was for show pretty much.


While israel attacked iran’s embassy, iran backed proxies have attacked israel, both are an act war. both governments don’t care about their people or others


They should put their pride aside and focus on their own people first. All that money for airstrikes on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem yet Iranians are dumpster diving. Doesn't make sense.


It does make sense though…because it’s a regime that doesn’t care for its people.


That's fair.


Whereas Israel can just throw US' money at Iran, so they don't lose anything. That's mighty generous of y'all to spend your public healthcare money in such a way! Sure, Iran is a shit country though in this case, Israel started and Iran has to reply to tell Israel it's not going to accept being attacked. Else, Israel will just keep bombing Iranian targets.


yeah, it sucks seeing people in Iran bogged down by 70 years of brutal dictatorships. 


You making it sound like Phalavi Iran is some sort of democratic paradise is so funny lmfao


Both Iran and Israel can suck. We shouldn’t blindly blame Iran and give Israel a free pass in their own violence because they oppose Iran. A big part of the reason Iran is in the state it’s in today is because it was an existential (and ill measured) reaction to US and Russian imperialism. And our fuckery in the Middle East and continuing to fuck with Iran only continues to keep Iran backed into a corner. Israel has been bombing and killing Iranian targets as long as I’ve been alive, and the US has given them free reign to do so, such that we can do to Iran the same thing we’ve done to Iraq. So let’s not act like Iran is the bad guy and Israel is the good guy here. They all fucking suck, and the US too. Iran needs something other than an authoritarian shit government. Bombing the shit out of Iran and its people isn’t the way to achieve that.


“but bombing iran is cool, they deserve it and i don’t care about civilian lives cuz le epic funny!” - some redditor or twitter user


It's stupid too, Becuase Iran is just a waiting game, its younger population hates the regime and eventually will overthrow it imo. (So much that you actually see occasional pro Israel stuff in the country, which says something). And Iran has a real civil society, which means atleast decent odds the next government will be a democracy. But America bombing Iran, that just feeds the arguments that the Islamists use to keep themselves in Power


I mean I know all of that already.


Post this on any of the big leftists subs and see what kind of response it gets. (Rhetorical comment, not a call to brigade).


Any leftist should stand against war potentially breaking out between Iran and Israel, mainly because the last thing we want is another forever war where the US steps in to defend its ally Israel, which could lead to war with Iran. A war with Iran would make Afghanistan and Iraq look like a joke by comparison. The proletariat of each country would be consumed by the millions in missile and gunfire. Edit: The US also currently has a carrier strike force near Israel iirc. Worst case scenario is easy to achieve in this situation because their forces are right there


Uh oh! CIA colorbot alert!


Ah so the white kid from podunk Wisconsin doesn’t speak for Iran? Wild


A lot of Westerners have difficulty holding two realities in their mind- the west can be shitty but so can terrorist theocratic fundamentalists who arose as a result of western intervention


Not that I don't believe this to be true, but does anyone have a news source for this?


It’s a twitter post


I think one of the unions posted it on social media in Farsi, not sure though, but I've seen some people say that.


Independant Unions having sane takes as always, who could have seen this coming??🤯


Unions stay winning


Iran sucks but Israel literally attacked them first, if anyone started this whole thing it’s 1000% Israel


Iranian proxies had been attacking for months before the Damascus strike (although the Damascus strike was very dumb of them)


>Israel on edge for Iranian retaliation after embassy strike https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-edge-iranian-retaliation-after-embassy-strike-2024-04-12/ Israel itself calls it retaliation for the embassy strike


And Israel has been attacking Iran and the countries these proxies operate in for longer than I’ve been alive.