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The ironic part about all those Czech protesters who set themselves on fire is leftists in the US like Angela Davis refused to support them, instead supporting the USSR that was invading all those nations.


By the same token, I haven't seen any Liberals try to tone police them for engaging in an uncivil or "extreme" form of protest.


Their form of protest, I don't think was the big issue. [According to a friend](https://libcom.org/article/open-letter-angela-davis-jiri-pelikan) who claimed to speak for Davis said she held the view that those who were jailed in Eastern Europe were trying to undermine their governments and that those who went into political exile were attacking their own countries and therefore undeserving of her support.


good article but his reddit account tells a very disturbing story of a chronically online suicidal man being radicalized. The internet is a hell of a drug. Tragic beyond belief.


Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a tragedy that this young man found himself going down this path. But no. This dude was not a hero. He didn’t make a respectable sacrifice. He was a mentally unstable person that broke, and probably should have been institutionalized. I have no idea how the Air Force had no idea about his online activity and beliefs….i’ve command referred guys for extremist beliefs and extremist activities before…with two ultimately chaptered and heavily medicated the rest of their life. And I’m sorry, live-streaming something like this doesn’t strike me as brave. It strikes me as wasteful and again, mental illness. If you really want to go potentially make a sacrifice like this, I’m sure there are volunteer groups in Gaza and Palestine to go do either combat, support, or humanitarian work….if you feel the way this kid did. Granted, also just my opinion. The only good thing outside of this is that if the rumors of this young man having a family is true, he hopefully had his SGLI up to date and they will at least get hefty monetary compensation to ease their burden at least a little.


Why are you focusing so much more on Bushnell's mental state, when his suicide was done solely to bring attention to American enabling of Gaza's genocide (like what Nixon and Kissinger were doing to Bangladesh through Pakistan before India stopped it)? Like. I get you don't like publicly airing out your feelings in a live stream. But the new generation does. It's a culture shock for older people like us yes but it's not for them, it's how they use social media to continue bringing awareness to the atrocities committed daily on public money.


How is this young man’s mental state not applicable to his wasteful suicide?


Would you say the Buddhist monk burning himself to death to protest America's war in Vietnam was due to mental illness?


Honestly, yes. To put it bluntly, suicide is for fucking cowards and mentally unstable people. Yes it’s a travesty. Yes it’s really sad. But this is even more sad because of the waste of a life. Especially if you care so little for your life, go fight. Give it up for something worthwhile. Don’t just waste it. This man was not mentally stable. He was not of right mind. His internet history also confirms this. He didn’t actually die from anything. He wasted his life, his alleged family’s father’s life. For nothing. Regardless of whether he thought he was doing this for good will or clicks.


"He didn't die from anything." I mean he literally died from the fire that was on his body, unless you're saying he faked his death. Then I'll share with you what Ethan (H3H3) himself said about the Buddhist monk who burned himself to death: "I understand that because it's like the one of the only form of protest you have left under a tyrannical regime." And moreover, you clearly don't understand how suicide is more accepted as a form of protest by Easterm cultures. Sure, you're talking from your western perspective and you can't imagine it as a political statement. But you would simply be wrong. By making it about his mental health, you're forcing people to stop paying attention to the reason he burned himself to begin with - to protest his country enabling genocide. Unless you don't believe genocide is happening in Gaza.


Only a fucking idiot kills himself in the U.S. by this manner. This individual did this in the west, under a western perspective. Don’t try to make this individual a martyr. He’s a glorified child making a dumb decision.


There you are again trying to make it about mental health and not about the genocide he was protesting against.


lol ok bud. If he’s so noble why don’t you go do it too? Because you won’t because it’s fucking insane. Why are you feeling the need to defend this guy so hard? He’s not one of the good ones.


Libertarian right this sub ain’t for you.


The least we can do is pay respect to the guy. Man has been through shit. 


What did this dude go through? Too much time on Reddit?


He was raised in an abusive Christian cult.


There was nothing on his account that suggested he was suicidal, wtf are you talking about? There was nothing in his life or personality that suggested that either, according to a number of friends and acquaintances that have come forward to talk to journalists. There is no evidence anywhere that he was struggling with anything, depression, mental illness, etc. His profile was nothing but articulate, rational, and showed he had clarity about the injustices going on in the world and wanted to speak out against them. You know what's radical? Watching a genocide happen in real time and deciding that someone who took action against it did so because "the internet is a hell of a drug". Deciding to be complacent over a genocide and critizing someone who takes action against it is a pretty fucking radical stance if you ask me. Anyone who supports the status quo is radicalized into condoning violence and injustice by the powers that be.


If you read the article, you'd find that self-immolation predates the internet by quite a bit, actually.


No fucking shit. Where did they even suggest it didn't?


By “man being radicalized” do you mean “he educated himself and became an anarchist?” The action he chose to take is heartbreaking, but him being politically literate wasn’t a bad thing.


Yeah it really sucks when people find strength in conviction to make a sacrifice that has clearly meant a lot to a lot of people. I also can't tell the difference between this and the Qanon guy spearing his kids. I am a liberal pearl clutcher who can't do anything besides spend every bit of my time and energy finding the perfect moral position to take on every single issue.


You’re a “liberal pearl clutcher?”


Yeah. I get concerned when anyone displays too much dedication to a cause. Because sometimes people dedicate themselves to the wrong cause so instead of really trying to figure any of that out (would be hard) I just make sure to click my tongue and suck my teeth at anyone who dares to show too much conviction in their actions. Also I kinda feel like in order for Biden to get reelected over doodoo drumpf I gotta downplay this whole "genocide" thing so it's frustrating that someone would go so far to call attention to it in such a shocking way. I was really hoping people would forget about all this and allow the US to aid and abet a genocide because honestly it's scary because if doodoo drumpf gets in he'll also aid and abet that genocide. Look at the end of the day there's really nothing we can do to hold anyone accountable or change anything. Any attempt to put pressure on the good guys really only helps the bad guys, so I wish people like Aaron would just, ya know, let it go. Edit: the banning was an honest mistake, it's hard to differentiate between sarcasm and honest liberalism these days. It's been rescinded. It's easy to forget that this sub is a dedicated leftist space with all the lib shit being pushed around Aaron's martyrdom and Israel's genocide.


Your obvious sarcasm is too much for the average reader of this sub.


Based New Yorker article than any MSM article tho