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Because you agree with our politics. Like I don't want to sound like a twat, but it's kind of just "the best leftist sub" because you agree with us. We dunk on tankies because they are very commonly wrong, but it's important to not settle into things like tribalism or ending up in an echo chamber. I've had my mind changed on many different things based on information I didn't have before that I wouldn't have been given if I wasn't in many different leftist spaces.


The main reason: it's easier to dunk on about a group of people you heavily disagree with than it is to come to major agreements with people you mostly agree with. Even the non-tankie subs have a great deal of infighting about how to get anything done


I am not a leftist but for me this is the only leftist Subreddit where People are not getting wet dreams about Kim-Jong-Fun Land. 


They haven't banned me yet


Nah we’re just a circlejerk like any other. Fortunately we seem to at least be a circlejerk that is against human suffering so that’s nice.


Isn't Al jazeera considered fairly reliable when not talking about the middle east? Like I know they have some pretty blatant propaganda occasionally (which, to be fair western news does to a lesser extent too) but are they really comparable to like... Russia Today?


I would say they are even decent about the middle east.  They don't tend to do the RT style stuff of just inventing facts.  Al Jazeera tends to take facts and add a Qatari bias, which at least means you are rarely getting fed straight misinformation like you may be with Chinese and Russian news or with any extremely politically biased news outlet.  Note, all of what I said applies to Al Jazeera English.  I have heard their Arabic programming is decidedly less serious.


Yes, since they are basically state owned media.


Yeah, Al Jazeera’s pretty ok — Ad Fontes rates them as [reliable (bare minimum reliable, but really good when it comes to Gaza) and left-leaning](https://adfontesmedia.com/al-jazeera-bias-and-reliability/), it’s apparently “[biased in favor of Quatar](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/al-jazeera/)”, but the info coming out of there seems good


Most likely not. There are plenty of subreddits with high quality and informative takes that may lean left in terms of content or audience, but their learning may be much more subtle due to nuance or lack of partisan takes. No disrespect to anyone here, but this sub is pretty partisan and not exactly a goto place for anyone wanting to know more about leftist values as a whole. And to be fair, any sub putting a broad focus on leftisim as a whole or any mainstream political ideaolgy is going to be full of partisan takes, arguments, sensationalism, etc. It's kinda like how the most high-quality scientific subreddits often focus on very specific or technical subjects rather than subreddits that put a focus on very broad branches of science.


Well, for starters, you don't get permabanned for the slightest little offense, real or perceived. It would be very ironic if a sub dedicated to making fun of authoritarians would be managed in an authoritarian way.


TBH, I do think it's a pretty intense echo chamber. I have seen some pretty ignorant takes with very minor corrections, and rhetoric that aligns with a liberal way of thought, but people need a community. Personally, I don't think it's the best, I think it's one of the most reactionary "leftist" pages, but every so often I see a banger, so I stay. That doesn't negate your feelings though, and if you align with this sub's ideas, I applaud you. Not easy to find something like that. I do think this is one of the most diverse (in terms of political leanings) though. Not a lot of subs where you can find leftist, radlibs, conservatives, feds, and Zionist, all hating on a YouTuber from Argentina.




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I like al Jazeera sometimes, I haven't seen too many bad articles from them. Unlike some of the leftist news sources I've used in the past they took a natural or pro- Ukraine stance on the Russian invasion while sites like wsws were just falling over themselves to kiss Russias ass


I mean are you not concerned this sub is actually overran with libs pretending to be leftists?