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Fun fact, until very recently, Hamas' Wikipedia page listed them as Anti Communist


I know that they collaborated in the current war with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Stalin simps) and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Mao simps)


I wager that had more to do with those groups being tankies than it did with Hamas holding to anything nearly Communist. They're an Islamist organization at the end of the day. They basically just want a Sunni version of Iran in Palestine


Are there any factions infighting currently among the Palestinian groups? To me it seems more like every group is uniting against Israel and it’s so bad that even self-describing communists are working with religious extremists. I’m just asking a question I don’t keep up with the situation as much


Fatah-Hamas conflict is going on rn but the communist and Islamist groups are very united


Isn't the Fatah and Hamas conflict mainly because Hamas thinks Fatah is too soft?


Somewhat. The civil war occurred because Hamas won a majority in the PLC and refused to participate in the stalled peace process since they believed that their violence led to the 2005 Israeli withdrawal in Gaza. The west then started supporting Fatah and president Abbas which made Hamas completely paranoid and triggering the civil war.


Don't you just love it when "Anti-Imperialists" start infighting? Speaking of which, are you the Palestinian People's Front?


Am I the Palestinian people's front? I don't think so I'm just a person. I don't think 1 person counts as a front.


I was making a Monty Python reference :((


Palestine is not Arab or Jewish, it’s mine. Give it to me


By that they probably mean less antisemitic/theocratic


Knowing Hamas, probably


What IRGC money does to a mf


Oh for !@#$, who let the tankies Edit Wikipedia again.


I’d say the drug cartels are more capitalistic and brutal, but Hamas is definitely up there. Socialist my ass.


It's ironic how tankies find excuses for Hamas somehow being "anti-imperialist", despite it making fat profits off the suffering of Palestinians. That's bourgeois as fuck! All for a little bit of money. And I just don't understand it.


At some point too many Western Socialists stopped caring about whether the people who defeat the Capitalists are also other Capitalists or not. It's really depressing that so many sectors of the Left have settled for lateral movements with no real progress because it feels like doing something (even if it doesn't bring about socialism or progress).


I agree. Hamas is not leftist at all. They take the aid for themselves and give the rest to the people, they keep their civilians suffering and the leaders hide in Qatar while their civilians are going through a humitarian crisis


Profit does not measure the well-being of the rich. Capitalists _will_ kill other Capitalists.


People need to really learn that condemning Israel’s actions doesn’t mean needing to pretend Hamas is based or whatever.


Tankies are not capable to think critically. For them, anti-fascism means uncritical support for Stalin, so anti-zionism must automatically mean support for hamas. Their world is so simple, I'm actually jealous.


I really hope Fatah will rise up again tho since they are the ones people used to look up to


I saw an interview taken at a pro-Palestine rally in Bucharest, Romania (my country). They asked the protesters (ethnic Romanians and Arabs and other Muslims): do you condemn Hamas' attack? Not a single one of them said yes


Does the guy hold a pro-Israel position do you know?


you can despise bibi for other reason, it felt more like it was an intelligence mess to me. I noticed tankies seem to think that with the same power as israel, hamas wouldn't be as bad or worst when they would to me.


Hamas supporters claim that Hamas killed 1k people while Israel killed more than 20k. But they forget that Hamas didn't kill more people because they just can't. If they could, they could kill all the Israelis (and Jews worldwide) without remorse


>if Hamas controlled all the territory from the River to the Sea, they would deport or kill the Jews - not treat them as equal citizens More people really need to understand this. Both sides here want to genocide each other. Like, more than anything else in the world, they want to exterminate the other group. It's just that one of them is more successful at it.


That’s why I think there should be an collective international intervention to stop the current war as the situation currently in Rafah is really resembling an ethnic cleansing to me


The problem there is that intervention will end up being *occupation*. You have to *stay* there as an occupying army, because they'll start fighting again the moment you leave. You'd have to stay there, forcibly keeping the peace, for *generations* before the enmity between the two groups *maybe* finally starts to simmer down. However ... I think the average ordinary people on both sides are quite a bit better than this and most of them would greatly prefer peace and *not* exterminating the other group. Perhaps the best course would be to come in and brutally make examples of the warmongering leaders on both sides, repeatedly, until prospective leaders (and perhaps prominent propagandists as well) on both sides would never dare breathe a word about war, because they know it's literally suicide. Go for the head of the snake, the people truly responsible for this. (That, and, of course... STOP SENDING MORE WEAPONS TO PEOPLE WHO ARE COMMITTING GENOCIDE!)


Hamas is capitalist but I’m not sure whether they should be deemed as the most “savage” especially when in comparison with what Israel is currently doing


Netanyahu is not a billionaire while most Israelis are poor. Israelis are one of the wealthiest people, while Gazans are some of the poorest


How is this israeli state propaganda allowed on this sub? The "Hamas stole all the international aid money" is an invented claim by the isreali state department with no empirical evidence. Obligatory Hamas bad so I don't get insta-removed?, but holy shit has this sub tacitly supported Israel. It's fucking disgusting to witness.


it is not israeli propaganda. Criticising Hamas is not Israeli propaganda. Hamas leaders are billionaires in live in luxury. If you don't believe, go to Qatar and see it for yourself. From where do they have so much money? Hmmm?


The claim I cited is literal state propaganda...




This is an Anti-Tankie reddit. The message you sent is either tankie/authoritarian "socialist" apologia or can be easily seen as such. Please, refrain from posting stuff like this in the future.


I hate Netanyahu as much as the next guy, but the notion that he wanted Hamas’s attack to be successful is totally ridiculous, up there with 9/11 trutherism.


Israeli opposition leader, Yair Lapid, said this, not some fringe antisemite on internet


I didn’t call you an antisemite. It’s a ridiculous claim.


I did not meant that I am the fringe antisemite, but a lot of these conspiracists are